Worlds Apart

By AnnelieLeddy

317K 10.6K 1.4K

(Struhst Island book #2) After the summer that changed her life, Allison has made a big decision to leave her... More

1. A Whole New World
2. All in My Head
3. Fighting Under The Sheets
4. The Last Words
5. Pain
6. Awakened
7. Rest
8. Home
9. Complete
10. Broken Glass
12. Blissful Freedom
13. Breath
14. Family
15. The Break
16. Breaking Ties
17. History
18. Sick
19. Fever
20. Apologize
21. I'll Be Here
22. Carnations
23. Envied
What If... (Authors Note)
24. Lies
25. PDA
26. Solitude
27. Apart Again
28. Unwelcomed
29. His Hands
30. Something New
31. Played
32. A Drink
33. The Deal
34. The Kill
35. We Can Recover
36. New Memories
37. A New Life
A/N: What Do You Want First?
Restricted Chapters

11. Scared

8.8K 309 32
By AnnelieLeddy


Heres your double update! Again, sorry for not updating Friday, if something comes up I'll let you guys know in advance. Just be warned that finals are coming up and that means projects and essays and a lot of studying. Luckily I will be spending time at the gym and will be able to write. I'll do my best.



After Kristi left crying, Mads gave me my medicine, and then examined me. No more bruises or harm done to my stitches, yet my chest was swarming in pain.
After Mads's hand was bandaged, we retreated to the living room where Mads's hand was being iced.
I laid on the couch, my head on Mads's lap. My eyes closed as I went in and out of consciousness due to the pain medicine. We were all gathered in the living room, all except for Kristi.

Mads's unbandage hand caressed my head, brushing my hair with his fingers. I kept hearing the odds and ends of sentences yet never got the important details.

"Kristi has always been like this, we're just now realizing it," Christopher explains as I finally hear a full sentence.

"She's been like this ever since the accident," Reed explains.

I shift my body, turn to my other side, my face against Mads's abdomen. His hand rests on my cheek, his thunb moving on my cheek bone as if whiping away a tear.

"Robert, hand me that blanket," Mads says.

After a moment I feel a thick crochet blanket being draped over me. The blanket begins to warm me up as I curve into Mads groggily grasping the end of his shirt.

"Her parents died in front of her, of course she has issues," Troy explains.

I begin to fall asleep, breathing quickly yet shallow. My chest was filled with sharp pain but luckily it began to subside as my body relaxed.


It was in the afternoon when I finally woke up. I was moved from the couch to the bed. The curtains closed and the room dark. I began to sit up, my chest still stinging with pain.

I groan as I begin to get off the bed, trying my best to steady myself on the hardwood floor. My body shaking still from the cruel pain that I experienced earlier.

I found my way out the bedroom and into the living room. Mads wasn't in sight. My throat was dry and thus I decided to look in the kitchen.
With no Mads in sight, I decided to grab a waterbotttle from the fridge.
I twisted the cap, then took a few gulps. My back stung, sharp pain as I began to take in deeper breathes.

"I'm sorry," a voice echoed.

I turned around, searching for Mads but couldn't see him.

"Mads?" I call out.

There was no reply, silence encompassed me. It was odd, the sense of Mads watching me was no longer present.

"Mads?" I called out.

"I'm so, so sorry," the voice continued to call out.

I felt pressure in my chest. Pain surged through me until it became unbearable.

"Mads," I cried out with fear.

I suddenly couldn't see anything, darkness comsumed me. No sound, no words spoken. Goosebumps rushed through me. I felt fear rush through my body.

Suddenly the entrance to the living room caught my eye. A figure moving in the darkness, something moved, coming closer towards me.

"Mads?" I call out again.

The figure lunged at me. A hand was only seen as it grasped my throat, tightly. My entire body became limp as I fell onto the dark cold floor.

"I'm sorry," the voice continued.

I couldn't breath. My body felt paralyzed. I was losing consciousness as the air left my body until I was emptied of oxygen.

"Mads," I tried to call out but barely was able to come out with the name.


"Allison! Elsker, wake up! Come on, baby,"

I woke up, my nightmare still haunting me. I sat up quickly, my body shaking, sweat dripping from my forehead. I felt tears burn my eyes.

I grasp my throat, feeling no one else touching it. My vision blurry but over a fee moments becomes clearer.

I was in my bed. Mads was sitting on the edge, his hands on my arms, holding me up. His eyes searching mine.

I began coughing due to the excessive breathing, the pain continued to worsen. Mads's shushing turned to kissing my forehead. Reassuring me that I was okay.

"She's alright, just a night terror, she'll be okay," Mads says looking over his shoulder. I hear the door close.

I continue to shake, my body burning with heat. I push the blanket off of me and begin to pull at my shirt.

"Lay down, I'll get it," Mads says.

Like always, submissive to anything he says, I lay down on the bed. Mads stands and wonders to the edge of the bed where he reaches over towards my waist. His fingers dig into my waistband, pulling my leggings down my legs until he swiftly pulls them off.

He goes to my side of the bed, just by my head. Leaning down beside me, he plants a kiss on my forehead before placing his hands delicately on my hips. I feel his rough hands run up my waist, under my shirt, pushing the fabric up until it is lifted over my head. I move to assist him, pulling my arms from the sleeves.

Almost naked, finally feeling the cool air from the AC rush over my body. I attempt to take a deep breath but only end up coughing. Mads, helping me sit up, sooths me with shushes.

"Quick, shallow breaths. You're going to hurt yourself if you continue to take in those deep breaths so suddenly," he explains.

I do as he says, again, and relax into the bed with quick and shallow breaths. Laying on my side, my arm curled to my chest.
He moves to his side of the bed and lays behind me. I feel the warmth of his body engulf mine. The way he nuzzles against the back of my neck. His arm wrapped around my waist.

"Just fall asleep, elsker," he whispers.
"Nothing will happen, I promise."


Towards the late afternoon, Mads had awoken me with a small kiss. His soothing voice echoed in my ears.

"Baby, time to wake up. You need food and water or you'll get sick...come on," he whispers.

As I open my eyes, I see him holding up one of his dark blue button up shirts and a pair of his boxers.

"The family still out there, so you'll have to get dressed," he says almost dissapointedly.

I sit up, turning my body to him as my legs dangle off of the bed almost like a child. He puts his shirt over me, rolling the sleeves to my elbows then buttoning it. Mads then leans down and gestures me to stand up. I do as I am told and stand in front of him. I use him for support as I step into the shorts. Carefully he pulls the boxers up my legs. Mads uses a hair band to tighten the boxers around my waistline.

I begin to walk towards the door but nearly fall over. Mads decides to keep his hands on my hips, making sure that I don't sleep or fall.

"I hate these...pain meds," I explain.

"I know. I'll have Troy prescribe you something else, maybe Codene with Tylenol. I think the Morphine is a bit much even with the smallest dose," Mads explains.

He walks me to the living room, where the men gather around, some with beers in hand. The sound of a whistle and groans of annoyance tells me that they are watching some sport on TV.

"Oh good, she's up...Ma! Allison's awake!" Reed yells.

The loud noises cause me to wince in pain and tilt my body from side to side. Mads latches on my waste, holding me steady.

"Keep it down. Her pain meds are wearing off and her head will start to hurt soon," Mads explains.

"It already does," I say closing my eyes tightly as the throbbing in my temples begin.

"Do you want me to get her some more?" Troy asks.

"No, I think I'm going to try and give her some Codene in two hours instead. The morphine is too much for her," Mads explains.

"Its on the lowest dose though. We give teenagers more than what I gave her."

"I think its her body weight."

"Hey!" I but in.

"Sorry, elsker, but you're really skinny. I mean, you look better than you did during the winter, but your ribs are still visible," Mads says.

"She needs meat on her bones," Robert says.

"Ma! When will dinner be ready?" Reed calls out.

"In an hour," Melisa calls back from the kitchen.

"Allison needs food, now!" Reed yells.

"Ssshhh!" Mads shushes Reed while closing his eyes tightly.

Mads moves me to the kitchen, his hands on my hips. Rushing through archway and into the kitchen. Mads helps me to the kitchen island. He helps me onto a bar stool, his hands never leaving me.

Penelope stirs a large pot, probably full of soup. Melisa chops carrots across from us. Her blonde hair falling around her shoulders.

"Oh! Sweetie!" Melisa gasps at the sight of me.

My hair must be a disaster. My skin pale, my eyes with dark circles under them, and my my lips chapped.
Melisa goes to the fridge and grabs a water bottle, instantly twisting the cap off and handing it to me.

I drink the water like my life depends on it, gulping it down until I need to breath.
Mads's grip on my hips grows tighter.

"Careful, elsker," he warns.

I nod and take in a few quick breaths before gulping down the rest of the water.

"Um..Mads, why don't you go and join the guys in the living room. We'll take care of Allison for you," Melisa says.

"I rather stay with her," Mads says wary of leaving me.

"It'll be okay, you're in the next room. You can literally see her sitting here from the couch. Now go," Melisa orders.

Mads leans down quickly, giving me a kiss, then retreating to the living room hesitantly. After he left, I watched Melisa gather ingrediants from the pantry and the fridge.

"Mabe we shoukd make her something small since she hasn't been eating," Penelope suggests.

"I'm gonna make her a sandwich, cut it in half, she can eat what she can," Melisa says.

"Thank you, Melisa but you don't have-" I begin.

"Sweetie, you're sick, I'm guessing your sleep is probably not good sleep, and you only have water in your system, right?"

I nod, biting my lip with embarassment. Melisa gives me a pat on the back, soft and gentle as to not hurt me. Being seen as a fragile human made me want to hide. I hated the idea of not being strong or independent yet when it came to Mads I adored his possessiveness.

Melisa and Penelope were surprised that I finished the sandwich. My stomach full as I finished another water bottle. Whilst I ate, Melisa and Penelope talked about several things, includinf Kristi, but the end topic had me curious.

As I drank my water, leaning over the Island as Melisa finished cutting the potatoes and Penelope made noodles.

"What happened to Kristi'e parents? I know that they died but what happened?"

The two of them shared a glance then stuttered at the beginning of the story. Melisa was the one to start the story, however her memory began to fail her.

"Um...well...Vicinity and Felix were driving up the mountain to go hiking on the far Eastern side of the island...I think it's farther than Hopkins..." Melisa begins trailing off.

"Yes, its the other mountain, Minnow is what it's one goes there anymore because the rockslides make it way too dangerous," Penelope explains.

"Well...before the rockslides were too common, Vicinity and Felix as well as Kristi took a trip up Minnow. They stopped by an look out to see the view. Her parents had gotten in the car, Kristi says it was because they wanted to back into the parking space to sit in the back of the truck...but Felix - who was driving - was going too fast and got too distracted and well...he floored it while backing up. They went through the railing of the lookout, down the mountian with Vicinity in the passenger seat. They weren't wearing seatbelts, Felix was completely thrown back and forth not even in the driver seat when they found them," Melisa explains.

My mouth agape as I heat the sad story. Kristi watched her parents die, right before her very own eyes.

"Thats horrible," I say in shock.

"Whats worse is that Felix and Vicinity were...under the influence of drugs at the time," Penelope says shaking her head.

Drugs? From what Mads told me, Vicinity was like an angel. From what I've heard, she didn't sound like the type to drink let alone do drugs. Then again, Mads had never shown my a picture of her let alone talked about her choice of poision.

"What kind of drugs?" I ask hesitantly.

"Methamphetamines," A deep voice echos behind me, answering my question. I bite my lip, knowing exactly whose voice it was. I turn to see Mads, his hands in his slack pockets.

"They found the same drug in Vicinity's office at the Inn and in Felix's office at home. They had only began their addiction. Not even Kristi knew about it. Nevertheless, Vicinity will always be remembered as the sweet baby of the family," Mads explains.

"She was a wonderful girl, I remember when she first came to the island. So sweet and social, that girl could never be shy. Felix was shy however, Vicinity got him out of his shell," Penelope reminisces.

"Although shy, Felix was trouble," Melisa says shaking her head.

"Mainlander, Russian immigrant who enjoyed a life of crime. He vowed he was done once Kristi was born and even though he proved has to consider his background with the drugs they had," Penelope continues.

"We all thought that Vicinity was too good to fall into his trap if he ever went back to crime we are," Mads adds in.

I close my eyes, shocked at the horror Kristi must face. The idea that she must be alone, and terrorfied of losing those around her.

"I feel terrible. Kristi must feel so alone," I mutter in guilt.

"She's not, she has us. She just needs time to adjust and realize that we are her family not her enemy," Melisa explains.

"What she said still isn't okay," Mads says sternly.

"Of course it wasn't okay! But what you said was uncalled for as well. Bringing her mother into the situation didn't help at all," Penelope scolds.

"I was angry, not that that justifies what I did but in the moment she had just physically harmed Allison-" Mads begins to explain.

"Yes, and we all know what happens when something happens to Allison. We are very much aware of your love for this girl," Melisa says chuckling.

"Good," Mads says walking towards me. His hand instantly wraps around my waist, his head dipping down towards mine.
"Did you eat something?" He asks.

"Yes, I don't think, I can eat anything else," I says before taking a big gulp of water.

"Do you need any pain medicine?" He asks cautiously.

"No, I hate that stuff," I say shaking my head vigorously.

"Alright, well, we can try something like ibuprofen. Once the meds wear off, you'll be in a lot of pain," he says worriedly.

"I don't want to sleep anymore, plus it makes me sick. I really don't want to take it," I say as my hands wrap around my stomach over Mads's hands.

His head dips lower towards my neck, giving me a soft peck at the nape. I feel his warm breath fan my neck, his soft lips grazing my skin. His hands hug my tighter against his chest nearly pulling me off of the bar stool.

"Get a room, you two," Penelope says laughing.

I was content, no matter my hate for public displays of affection, I was completely lost when Mads held me in his arms. I was a girl whose love controlled her. I was so captivated by the love that he had, showing it as much as he could with no shame.

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