Black Sheep

By goldenscares666

427K 20.7K 10.4K

Y/N gets more than she bargained for when getting to know the mystery creature that's been living in her shop... More

Pins and Needles
Panic Attack
Prom Dresses
I Hate Bubblegum
Familiar Faces
Bad Dreams
Prom Night
Bed Rest
One Hell of a Castle
Stubborn Silence
The Worst Luck
Hellish Creature
Unfinished Business
Caring Companion
New Beginnings
Silent Familiar
Power Restraints
The Fallen Angel
Dinner Plans
Marquas and Eric
Accidents Happen
Servant for a Day
Seduction of the Inferno
Sibling Rivalry
Lambs of the King
A Loving Demon
Underworld Beasts
Coffee Date
Common Misconception
Threads of the Heart
Wonderful Affection
The Fortune Teller
Medicine Man
The King's Quiet Tongue
Unexpected Visitor
Passer of Judgement
Mephistopheles II
Unstable Recovery
Attention, Attention
Painful Thoughts
Reverse of Curses
Snake Coils are Surprisingly Warm
Head Stuffed With Wool
Cain II
Fateful Decisions
When the White Fleece Greys
Lord Lucifer
A Story's Other Half
Human's Choice
You Have Such Dazzling Eyes, Darling
Slow Moving Feet Quicken
Long Forgotten Roots of a Dying Tree
The Things We're Afraid to Hear
Gluttonous Song
Don't Poke the Scorpion

Devilish Deal

12.3K 641 300
By goldenscares666

•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/L: Hair Length

Your POV:


Soft hums escape me as my pencil glides against the paper in my notebook to form the shape of a dress, which I design to have bone and flower patterns. It's black and white and only reaches above the knee, but I think it's lovely.

On the previous pages, I sketched out two other items: a headband and a stuffed deer. Both involve skeletons in their designs due to that horrible nightmares I had last night. Like always, I gained inspiration from my dreams.

I think I have a fear of deer now, though. Just staring at these drawings is giving me flashbacks to when that damn thing charged at me. I have a feeling these items will be hot during Halloween, which is my busiest time of the year, since I always come out with the amazing costumes. My E/C orbs glance over to the male sitting on my counter, whose legs kick back and forth like an impatient child waiting for their parents to finish talking to an old friend they ran into. Seems he's a little bored, but I can't blame him. I opened three hours ago, and, yet, there's still no customers. I give a depressed sigh as I set down my pencil and hold up my head with my hands. My eyes pin to the door in hopes that, eventually, someone will enter, while Phil peers over his shoulder to look at me.

"Are you feeling okay? That dream's not still bothering you, is it?" He asks with clear worry in his tone, which I found sweet. I smile softly and shake my head.

"No, it's not that. It's just a little slow today, that's all. Usually someone comes in by now." Phil nods his head before returning to his thoughts. I always wondered what he thinks of to keep himself entertained as he sits here with me. Most often, he'd remain in one place, eyes shut and mouth closed like he was sleeping right side up. It's a little weird, yeah, but it's something I've grown used to over the years. Bored out of my mind, I stand up from my chair and head to the backroom to grab supplies.

'I think I'll get a head start on the headband. That should keep me busy for awhile.' Looking over what I have in stock, I also note what I'll need to complete my latest project. I'd need antlers as well as a few small trinkets that I wish to attach to the headwear, but I do have birdlike skulls left over from last year's Halloween supply, dark grey yarn, clear, plastic gems and, of course, a black headband. Managing to hold everything in one arm, I reach for the strongest glue I own before heading back to my desk to get started. Blue eyes open to watch me work my magic as I glue on three of the plastic skulls I pulled out of a small, net bag, but I stop suddenly upon hearing the entry bell ring. My head shoots up and I form a smile on my lips to greet the customer.

"Good morning! Welcome to Pins and Needles! Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask in a cheerful voice, happy to finally have a customer. My joyful expression falters a tad when I meet the stern, crystal blue eyes of a blonde-haired man who looks to be somewhere in his forties. He's sharply dressed in a grey, business suit that's of high quality with a bright red tie around his neck and two, pricey watches on his left wrist. The older gentleman stands tall at around 6'2 (187.96cm), which only adds to his intimidating build. I'm intrigued to say the least, I don't usually get customers who own such expensive attire. Slowly, I set down the headband as he approaches the counter with daunting steps. I have a feeling he's not happy, though his face is as blank as a fresh canvas. Still, I keep my smile, while my companion glares sharply at the individual as though he were giving a silent warning. It'd do no good in the end, for the man can't even see the cold look.

"Are you the owner of this establishment?" He asks in a rough, deep voice that I imagine a strict father would have while scolding a disobedient child. Instinctively, I gulp.

"Yes, I am." Cautiously, I stand, feeling as though I was about to be pounced on by the unknown male. Phil starts to tap his gloved fingers against the counter softly in front of me as if to remind me of his presence. It does comfort me knowing I'm not alone right now, so I take a deep breath to settle down.

"Last night, I came to hear of some very unpleasant news from my daughter, who claims that you have grabbed her inappropriately and dragged her forcibly out of your store. Is this true?" He asks, his voice, cold as ice. I bite the inside of my cheek as my eyes widen slightly in surprise at the accusations. Obviously, this is bubblegum girl's father, and, by the looks of it, I'm in major trouble. I certainly didn't see this coming, but no matter. I just have to stay calm. I didn't do anything wrong.

"Of course not. I would never touch a customer inappropriately," I deny with a soft voice, not wanting the situation to escalate. His eyes narrow in suspicion while, likely, trying to find fault in my words.

'Maybe he's some kind of lawyer? He certainly carries himself like one.'

"Is that so? You aren't denying that you forced her out of this store, then?" I hesitate and send a pleading glance towards Phil in hopes that he'll help. However, I only receive a clueless shrug. Seems like he doesn't know what'd ease the man's anger either.

"Might as well tell him." Taking another deep breath, I meet the man's eyes again and explain truthfully.

"Yes, I d- did take her out of my shop but I had a good reason for it." It took everything in me not to turn my gaze to the floor as he arched an eyebrow. I feel as though the walls are closing in on me due to his intense stare as he waits for me to continue, causing my anxiety to skyrocket.

'Stay calm, Y/N. Don't let him see you panicked. You didn't do anything wrong,' I assure myself while breathing slowly and deeply to keep from choking on the tense atmosphere.

"And, what reason is that?" He asks impatiently while starting to tap his foot harshly in annoyance, pressuring me to answer sooner.

"You see, I was about to lock up for the night and asked her to leave, but, since she refused, I allowed her to stay a bit longer as I packed up my things. W- When I went to the backroom, my... my..." I send a glance towards Phil, trying to figure out how to word this without sounding like a complete lunatic. The dark-haired man watches intently as I look back to the blonde. "employee was about to assault her, s- so I grabbed her hand and brought her outside before any harm could be done."

"She never mentioned another employee."

"He kind of blends in with the background. It's the only way I can really explain it," I state, somewhat truthfully, and it seems like he bought it. Still, his eyes remain pinned on me with an unreadable expression.

"And, where is this employee that tried to assault my daughter?" He looks around the otherwise "empty" shop, not able to see the man sitting in front of him.

"I fired him. I don't tolerate violence," was the first thing to come to mind as an excuse. Once more, I'm looked at with suspicion, while Phil's eyes narrow further at the man as he releases a very faint growl. Soon after, he slides off the counter and moves to stand behind me. Strong arms wrap around my shoulders in a protective manner as I'm pulled back into a lean chest. A sense of cold shoots through my body from the sudden hug as I stumble back into him, which catches the other male off guard. He's back to his blank expression in less than a second. Actually, scratch that, he looks furious.

"I will not stand for this!" He shouts, making me jump in surprise. "I'll make sure that employee gets what's coming to him. As for you, you're lucky if I don't shut this place down for hiring such heathens in the first place," he threatens in a dead serious voice that makes my heart sink. I gulp fearfully, feeling sickened by the thought of being shut down.

"Close this place down!?" My heart starts to race, and not in a good way.

'Please, oh, please, not another episode! Stay calm, Y/N. Stay calm. Breathe. Breathe.' I inhale deeply through my nose before releasing breath through my mouth.

"You know what? Perhaps I will. My daughter hasn't stopped complaining about this place since she came home last night, and I'm tired of her yapping." His words only worsens my condition. My knees start to wobble as I press up against Phil's body for support. My shaking doesn't go unnoticed by the lanky figure as his hold on me tightens considerably, though, not enough to hurt me. I do my best to contain my panic attack, which probably isn't a good idea, but I mustn't break down now. I look pathetic enough already.

"P- Please, I'm begging you, d- don't shut this place down! It's all I have!" I beg with tears in my E/C eyes, but I don't let them fall. I can't let this happen. I won't let my store be taken from me. I've worked so hard. The man looks indifferent to my pleas and merely scoffs.

"From the looks of it, I'd be doing you a favor. You don't have a single customer in here. How do you even expect to stay running?" A feral growl erupts from Phil's throat, and I could feel the vibrations through his chest. I gaze up at the dark-haired male worriedly and nearly gulp upon seeing to desire to kill in his eyes. It was such an unusual look on him. All I had ever seen in his eyes was kindness until this point. It terrified me.

'I need to think quickly.' I close my eyes and make probably the stupidest offer I could ever make, but it was the only thing that came to mind.

"Please, I- I won't charge for the dress your daughter wants! She won't even have to pay for anything else she might want in the future, just please, don't shut me down." I instantly regret every word I said, but it was too late. All I can do is hope he'll accept and move on. With luck, his daughter will never come back after her dress is done. Seeming surprised by my offer, the man hums in thought.

"Very well, but I don't want to hear about anymore harassment towards my daughter. If I do, you'll be shut down like that." The blonde snaps his fingers, creating a loud, sharp sound that echoes in the room. It makes me gulp and shakily nod my head to show I understand.

"I- I'll make sure n-nothing like that will happen again. Thank you, sir."

"Be sure that you do." With a near silent huff, he turns around and leaves, slamming the door shut behind him. The loud bang made me jump, and, once he was out of sight, my body turns to jello in my companion's arms. Phil acts quickly in holding me up as I release rapid breaths, while he guides me over to my chair. He moves to stand in front of me and lifts my chin so that I'd look away from the floor. The presence of tears in my eyes seems to worry him.

"Are you all right?" I can only manage a nod as I concentrate on breathing. The attack wasn't so bad. I should be able to manage it on my own. I melt against his gloved hand as I close my eyes and try to relax.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" I hear him grumble under his breath, so I look up at him and find his piercing gaze on the door. His teeth are clearly clenched, and he's emanating a faint growl that I can hardly hear. He must still be angry, so I lift my hand to take his off my cheek, and, instead, squeeze it comfortingly. Phil looks back at me upon feeling my hold as I shakily attempt to stand and smile to show I'm okay.

"Phil, it's okay. I'm fine." His eyes narrow, seeing right through my lies. My smile drops after realizing I can't fool him. I feel a gentle push on my shoulder leading me to sit back down before the dark-haired man picks up my bag from the floor. He sets it on the counter before rummaging through it to grab my water bottle.

"Drink," he orders while handing it to me. I don't argue because I am thirsty and feeling a little woozy after the stress put under me by that man. I take a sip of the cold water that soothes my throat, which I clear after setting the bottle onto the counter. I then lean back in my seat with a small sigh, finally getting over the aftereffects of my mini episode. My fingers rake through my hair in attempts to calm my splitting headache as Phil leans against the counter with his hands gripping the edge of it.

"What a dreadful man," he mutters, gripping the desk tightly. "Disgusting."

"At least he's gone for now. Hopefully, he won't be coming back anytime soon." I rest my E/C orbs as he continues to speak.

"You shouldn't have offered a lifetime of free service. I can assure you, that girl will come back just to torment you."

"Don't remind me," I groan and look at him, showing my regret clearly through my eyes. "I know it was stupid. It just kinda came out. I shouldn't have done that." I cover my face with my hand, my elbow propped up on the armrest to form a secure perch. My shoulders shake as I resist the urge to cry. Phil is right. Bubblegum will most definitely ruin my life just because she can. I need to figure something out before something bad happens. A hand moves away my own before it cups my cheek. I find Phil kneeling on the floor staring at me with soft eyes that bring a smile to my lips.

"You did what you thought you had to. That's all right," he assures before a small smirk twitches into place on his lips. The expression catches me off guard. "But, if you'd like, I can fix this for you."

"How?" I ask, confused by the unusual look in his blue orbs, while pulling back from his hand. There was something strange in his voice, a dark undertone that didn't sit right with me. Slowly, he stands up from the ground with his hands gripping the armrests. His face hovers over mine,causing my cheeks to heat up as I sink down in my seat.

"All you'd have to do is tell me what you'd like to happen, and it just might." The wicked smirk on his face fled when I sent him a harsh glare that took him by surprise. His head tilts as though he didn't understand. "Well, surely you'd never want to hear from them again." In an instant, I shoved at his chest, forcing him to back up as I stand from my chair with a hardened gaze.

"You better not be offering to kill them!" The man is unfazed by my outburst as he straightens his unbuttoned coat.

"Kill them? How tempting." He smiles innocently, making my stomach churn, but the look disappears when he sees how bothered I am. "It's up to you. I won't do anything unless you ask me to. I just hate seeing you so upset." I sit back down, avoiding his gaze and breathe heavily.

'Did he seriously just...' my hands shake just thinking of the possibility. He had to be joking, right?

'He wouldn't really do that to someone, would he?' My breath skips as a tear strays from my right eye. I didn't like hearing that from him. I didn't like it one bit. The man's expression softens, sensing that I'm not okay imagining him... Imagining my friend killing someone. I might not like that girl or her father. I might hate their guts, but I'd never ever ask anyone to kill them, especially not Phil!


"How can you say that?" I say almost silently, but I know he heard.

"I just thought-"

"I don't ever want you to say anything like that to me again!" I snap, causing him to flinch back in surprise. My anger is expressed clearly on my face. "Promise me you won't!" A look of regret appears in his eyes as he steps back and lowers his head.

"I... I'm sorry. I promise I won't speak like that again. I should've known you'd never ask for such a thing." A gentle smile appears on his lips, causing me to relax and push back my H/L hair.

"Thank you."

Phil's POV:

I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. I was so tempted to kill that man who dared to torment my sheep as well as that annoying, pink-haired brat, but I'd never go against Y/N's wishes. They don't deserve her mercy, though, I should've guessed she wouldn't have agreed to the offer. She's the forgiving type, a soul pure enough for the gates of Heaven. Even so, there is a touch of sin inside her.

If she had agreed, that purity would chip away bit by bit. The power of having me by her side would get to her head, and I'd be her willing, killing machine. I find it rather amusing how easily humans can be swayed in that way. Sure, she'd probably deny it at first, but would eventually fall into the abyss like many others. In a way, I'm relieved she denied me, though, I don't think I'd be opposed to that second nature either.

The butterfly effect: the idea that something small can have huge impacts on the future. It's something I'm a strong believer of. Every decision in one's life is important, for it impacts not only you, but other's as well. This time, I think Y/N took a good route, one where others don't get hurt, but I worry for her. Her decision might act negatively on her.

I don't want her to be in pain, but I'll keep my rage to myself. Perhaps I'm so inclined to hurt those people because I haven't tasted violence in so long, well at least towards a living human. Maybe it's for the best. Killing the living can be complicated if not given direct orders or permission from my lord, Lucifer, or a demand from the human a demon sticks around. The rule is not enforced, but judgement is not properly carried out in the afterlife, which just creates a big mess of things. I need to be more patient. I almost attacked that man, and, if Y/N saw that, she'd definitely have a bad episode. I can't let her know what I truly am just yet. I don't want her to hate me.

"I didn't mean to make you mad," I admit while coming to her side. "Do you hate me?" I ask worriedly, causing her to look up at me. She stares at me silently for a moment before giving a forgiving smile.

"No. I don't think I can ever stay mad at you. Just don't go back on your promise, okay?" I smile sincerely at the woman and nod my head before she returns to working on the headband she was making earlier. I've never felt so happy around someone before. It's incredible what one person can do to someone as cruel as me.

I never would've guessed that a human of all things could do this to me. I hate humans. Every last one of them could die for all I care, and, yet, here I stand at Y/N's side. She is my only exception. I stand behind the female to watch her work while loosely wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She never seems to mind my affectionate touch, which makes me glad. I rest my chin atop her head and shut my eyes, just listening to her soft breaths with a smile on my lips.

'I can't wait to take you home with me, Y/N. Hell won't seem so bad when you're with me, and you won't ever have to worry about those filthy mosquitoes. In the meantime, I'll shield them from your fragile body, so they won't ever break you.' I give a light smirk as I open my eyes to stare down at her.

'Because you're my little sheep, and I will always protect you.'

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