Pentatonix sickfics

By PTX-Awsome-Sauce

4.6K 62 34

There are not enough sickfics so I decided to make that better. I take requests!!! More

Avi- Stomach Flu
Kirstie- Fever Dream
Everyone- Chicken Pox
Kevin- Birthday Illness (Avin)
Avi- Birthday Illness Pt. 2 (Avin)

Scott- Asthma (Scomiche)

810 10 2
By PTX-Awsome-Sauce

First: S/O to @LoveThoseGreenEyes for every vote and comment. I really appriciate it

Second: I'm probably going to update less in the coming weeks because I'm about to go back to school. Sorry 

" Scott are you ok?" Mitch asked. They had been running together but Scott was falling behind and seemed sick.

" I'm fine. I've gotta just catch my breath." He said, before going into a rough coughing fit. Mitch lead him to the nearest bench and sat down with him.

" You don't have a fever. Maybe you've just developed allergies?" He suggested. Scott kept coughing only punctuated by wheezing breaths. " Holy shit can you breath? We need to get you to the hospital." He stood up and got a cab's attention. All of Scott's attention was going to getting air in and out of his lungs. He barely noticed the car ride or Mitch's panic.

" Can someone help? My boyfriend can't breath." Mitch yelled. A nurse hurried over and took Scott into a room. Doctors rushed around Scott, telling him when to breath and pumping him with medicine. He felt his lungs relax and was able to take a full breath. He heard the doctors talking to Mitch and sat up.

" Lay down sir. I was just filling in your boyfriend on the situation and your diagnoses." He said. " With the suddenness of the attack as well as the respiratory symptoms, we believe you have asthma. I'm going to prescribe you an emergency inhaler for attacks. If you feel any shortness of breath or wheezing, use it. You'll be released in the next few hours."

Scott didn't know what to say after that. He couldn't have asthma. He was Scott Hoying, the picture of health. Sure he didn't really eat his vegetables but he was always good about exercising. His thoughts were interrupted by Mitch grabbing his hand.

" I'm glad you're ok. You really scared me. I thought something was really wrong." He said. Scott noticed the tear tracks down his face and the glassy eyes of more tears to come.

" Sweetheart don't cry. It's just asthma. I'm fine." Scott said, reaching up to wipe tears from Mitch's face. Mitch took the opportunity to kiss Scott.

Once they got home, with 2 inhalers, plenty of asthma pamphlets, and Scott pumped up with medicine, they were impossibly tired. Scott jumped into bed and fell asleep, with Mitch promising to join him shortly. When Scott woke up, Mitch wasn't there and judging by the covers, never was. Scott got up and went to the living room to find Mitch dusting. Scott couldn't recall anytime either of them ever dusting.

" Mitch, what are you doing?" He asked. Mitch jumped and turned around.

" Scott, I was going to join you but I noticed how dusty this place was. I couldn't sleep knowing how dusty our house was." Mitch said. Scott glanced down to an open asthma pamphlet to see a section about dust allergies.

" Mitch, you don't have to asthma proof the house. I'm going to be fine. The doctor didn't even say I was allergic to dust."

" I know but how can we know? Even if you're not, what if the choreography is too intense? What if you have an attack and don't have your inhaler?" He said, beginning to work himself into a panic. Scott grabbed Mitch's shoulder and pulled him into a hug.

" I know it's scary. Hell I'm scared but I know that I have the best boyfriend in the world who will always be there and will remind me about my inhaler when I have a blonde moment. Now please come to bed. I know you're tired." Scott said. Mitch smiled and followed Scott to the bedroom.

His next major attack was at rehearsal. He had mentioned to the band and crew about his asthma and no one had really made a big deal about it. They were outside on a dry summer day. Scott had been running around and had been ignoring the growing tightness in his chest. During one of the breaks, he finally became aware of the pain and tightness. He searched his jacket pocket and didn't find his inhaler. He checked every pocket one his outfit and couldn't find it. He coughed and Mitch looked over.

" Are you ok? Are you having an attack?" He asked. Scott nodded.

" Can't find inhaler." He choked. Mitch jumped up and grabbed the inhaler he always carried in case Scott forgot. He pressed into Scott's hand and Scott used it. He took a deep breath and tried again. He felt his lungs relax and took a few breaths. He was aware of the attention paid to him. He blushed and tried to force his embarrassment down.

" Are you good?" Esther asked. Scott nodded. " Good. If you need to take a break then do it." Everyone else began to go back to whatever they were doing before. Scott sighed in relief.

The group got back in the bus to rest before the meet and greet. Scott lept at the chance to take a nap. He was stopped by Mitch.

" Find your inhaler before you go to sleep." Mitch said. Scott grunted and got up. He began to search his bed with no results. He searched his bag only to find it buried underneath some clothes he had chucked in.

" I found it. I'm such a blonde sometimes. Sorry I got you all worried Mitch." He said.

" I know but you're such a cute blonde I can forgive you." Mitch said. Scott laughed and began his nap. 

A/N- Lol this is lowkey bad but Whatever

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