Imagines/One Shots

By Tabby72802

4.1K 61 42

(Discontinued ATM unless you have a suggestion) This is a book of imagines and one shots. It just depends on... More

Imagines/One Shots
Save Yourself (Louis Tomlinson)
Safe and Sound (Harry Styles)
A Thousand Years (Joey Stamper)
Kellin Quinn
Caraphernelia (Vic Fuentes)
Initiation | The Resistance (Andrew Velasquez)

Drown Out (Jordan Sweeto)

981 16 8
By Tabby72802

Sorry I haven't updated in quite awhile. Here's a new update. If you don't know who this is about, well, he's a youtuber and he sings. Feel free to replace his name with any other person of your choosing if you'd prefer it not be about him .xx

Sorry it's sort of crappy and about any errors like capitalization or spelling. x


"Come on!" My friend Stacy pulled me along as we maneuvered our way through the crowd of people at the entrance of fair.

Stacy had brought me to the fair to rid me of my self pity. I had recently separated from a relationship that was all too unhealthy for me. Stacy knew this and she wanted to cheer up my spirit. She had insisted that I go to the fair with her today and there was no use in arguing. 

As we entered I noticed the fair was complete with silly stands, photo-booths, music, and rides galore. As much as I had recently dreaded coming, maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing.

"Where should we go?" She looked at me intently still holding my hand. She was the touchy type when it came to showing who she cared for and loved. 

I pointed up to the ferris wheel and we were on our way. I wasn't much for talking alot, I guess you could say I was the shy type. Only every so often if something really spoke to me or got to me would I be verbal about it. Basically only the things worth putting my two cents in about otherwise I wouldn't bother with wasting my breath.

When we got in line there were two obnoxious boys in front of us. I stared at them intently trying to figure out what they were trying to do. One of the boys in particular was holding up a camera and filming himself with his friend. Was this for his own entertainment later or was he going to post it to the internet? To say the least his peculiar attitude and doings peeked my interest so I continued to watch him.

"Durr-gaburrrg" He spoke up to the camera and crossed his eyes, sticking out his tongue. "Oh, the memories!" He began to smile widely as his other friend cracked a laugh.

Was he insane? What was a durr-gaburrrg? He had a nice smile, but I still thought he had completely gone mad.

The line inched forward slowly filing everyone into the big buckets that could fit at least four people, two facing two. Stacy completely knocked me out of my thoughts when I saw that I had about five feet between me and the boys in front of us.

I blinked a few times and smiled shyly letting out a laugh, "Whoopsies."

She laughed at me and we finally got to the front of the line. Lucky for us we got stuck with the two weirdos ahead of us. Stacy smirked playfully at me and nudged my ribs with her elbow. 

"What?!" I whisper-yelled at her as we sat together on one side of the bucket facing the other two boys. she just gave me the look. Was I suppose to understand what she meant? Because I didn't.

I watched as the two boys snickered at each other and filmed themselves. One of the boys smiled over at us and pointed the camera at Stacy and I.

"What's your names?" He grinned enthusiastically. 

Stacy grinned back excitedly and waved, "I'm Stacy!"

My eyes widened a bit and I looked down as he directed the camera at me. I bit my lip and looked back up a him nervously mumbling my name.

He seemed to chuckle at my response and turned off his camera, "Camera shy?"

"She's shy all the time!" Stacy laughed.

I narrowed my eyes at her and whacked her up-side the head. "Stacy!" I groaned.

The ride began to carry us up. "So what are your names?" I asked in return.

The boy with the camera responded first, "My name is Jordan and this here," he pointed to his friend beside him, "is Ben." They both nodded.

"Hi Jordan. Hi Ben." Stacy and I both greeted them.

I guess they aren't such weirdos after all.

"So what brings you to the carnival?" Ben asked.

"(Y/N) is still getting over-" I cut Stacy off.

"We're just here to have some fun and get away." I smiled. "What about you both?"

"I've got a gig later with my band." Jordan smiled.

"You two should come check it out!" Ben added.

Stacy looked at me as if asking for approval. I nodded. 

"Yeah, we'd love to!" Stacy grinned happily. There was not a thing on earth that could bring her down off of her "happy high". She was always smiling and laughing at everything. 

"Great, it's actually right after this. I think we'll have just enough time to get there after this ride is over." Jordan smiled at me.

Something about his smile was intoxicating-ly alluring and I returned his smile with one of my own. Coming to this fair was definitely one of stacy's better choices. 

We reached the top of the wheel and Jordan got back out his camera and started filming.

"We're at the top of the ferris wheel now!" He smiled brightly and directed the camera to look out over all the carnival. "It's quite high!"

"Wouldn't want you to fall off." Ben laughed and pushed playfully at Jordan's shoulder.

"No, no we wouldn't!" Jordan laughed back at him and looked over the edge of the bucket. He filmed all the way till we got back at the bottom.

Stacy and I watched intently as they both kept adding stupid comments to their little video.

"So do you just make videos for fun?" I finally asked.

"I upload them to Youtube. I do vlogs, games, and covers most of the time but I've got a few singles out there also." Jordan said as we got off the ride.

"Jordan, we've got to be at your gig like now." Ben said looking at his phone.

And with that being said all four of us took off running. Stacy and I following close behind them. when we got to the place where the music was being held I stayed at the front, close to the stage and watched as Jordan and Ben headed backstage.

"Next up is DanSweeto!" The announcer said and a few people huddled around the stage with me in the midst of them. 

He went up with a guitar in hand and his band around him on the stage. I waved slightly up at him half hoping he would notice me and the other half hoping he wouldn't. He did in fact notice me and waved back before smiling and plugging up his guitar. When he did so a strange and unusual feeling rose up in me. Something that I couldn't quite explain and it was definitely something I had never felt before, but I think he was bringing out a more -how do I put this- excited me. Was this a good thing?

Before I knew it, I let out a loud, "Wooh!" and clapped my hands together for him. What was getting into me?

Jordan was.

I bit my lip but couldn't contain the happiness that was rising into me as he began to sing a song he wrote called "Drown Out".  I closed my eyes contently and swayed to the beat of the song. I could hear Stacy cheering and dancing along to the beat of the music beside me and for the first time since I had separated from my ex I felt genuine happiness and contentment. The words weren't fairly hard to catch onto so I began to sing to them too, raising my hands in the air and jumping along with Stacy. As I let my eyes drift open they were immediately met by his which resulted in huge grin from me. 

The gig carried along as he sang multiple singles of his and I danced along to every one of them, letting myself get loose and ravish in the feeling of being care-free. It was nice finally being able to have some fun for a change. 

By the time the gig was over we had met back up with Jordan and he introduced us to the rest of his band mates. They all seemed pretty goofy like he was. The rest of the day was spent sprinting around the carnival and riding multiple different rides including a spooky haunted boat ride which I screamed on and everybody laughed at me. 

It was getting close to closing time for the fair and Jordan and I had somehow managed to wander off from the rest of the group to some nearby mini game stands. The game was to toss a ring around seven bottles and you win a prize. The player gets ten rings to try and win. Each time the game cost about two dollars to play so you can imagine how much money we both wasted on the damn game. 

"These games are impossible!" I frowned missing my last shot.

"Here, let me give it a try." Jordan laughed lightly handing yet again another two dollars to the person at the counter.

"You won't win." I crossed my arms. "We've played this game over ten times. We're just losing money now." I sighed pathetically.

"Just watch and learn (Y/N)." He smirked tossing a ring and missing the first time.

"See!" I grinned playfully at him.

"Maybe if you cheered me on like when I was up on stage rather than giving me a hard time." He said jokingly and nudged my arm.

I had just met this boy and it felt like we were joking around like we'd been friends for years. 

"Fine, fine. Go Jordan go!" I laughed cheerfully.

He tossed two more rings and managed to ring them on the bottles.

"I can only miss two." And he resumed to throwing the rings.

Miss. Win. Win. Miss. Win. Win. 

"One more, Jordan. You got this!" I grinned and watched him as he stared at the bottles. Nothing could break his focus. It was almost as if he would receive a headache from concentrating so hard.

"Be free!" He exclaimed as the ring dashed forward in front of him and successfully spinning around a bottle.

"We won!- I mean, you won!" I laughed jumping up and down.

He reached up and grabbed a fairly large stuffed chocolate chip cookie pillow and handed it to me. "No, you won." He smiled at me.

"You're so sweet." I blushed lightly, taking the pillow from him.

"Well, they don't call me Jordan Sweeto for nothing." He chuckled.

I stood there and kept a smile plastered to my face. I think I may of looked a tad creepy the way I kept my eyes on him. It was just nice, admiring how thoughtful he was. His easy-going persona and child-like behavior had really helped me today. 

"Thank you." I stated blatantly.

"For what? The cookie?" He chuckled once again.

"No, well, that too. I had a really nice time today and I have to admit at first I thought you were a weirdo." I laughed lightly. "But it turns out you're a really sweet guy." I nodded.

He smiled at me. "Well, if it means anything, I had a great time too. This has definitely been a stress-reliever for me."

I was about to take a really big step of courage here.. "Would it be okay, if like, I was to um.. give you my number? I mean, we could hang out again sometime if that's cool? Or we don't have to. That's cool too.." I rambled in an act of nerves.

Jordan let out a scoff followed by a huge grin. "I'd love that."

"Cool." I smiled back up at him genuinely.


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