Sex Therapy

By JoyceWords_23

415K 4.8K 4.6K

In a steamy sexy world filled with drama and scandal sex should come easy especially if you're married. Right... More

Teenage Fever
Face Down
When In Paris
You Got Me Fucked Up
Paint Me In the Candlelight
I'm Pregnant
Pool Nights
I Know You Cheated On Me
Divorce Time
Say GoodBye
Damn Ben!
So you love Esme?
Someone is going to Die
Will You Marry Me Again?
Corey & Nana
Special Announcement

Mask Off

35.4K 447 281
By JoyceWords_23

Keith smiled last night went surprisingly well. His wife had been able to communicate with him whenever she had felt uncomfortable with the level of intimacy they shared.

Although, he had to admit it was the most interesting blowjob he had ever received. At one point or another Kaya had used her knuckles and her neck to stroke up and down his shaft.

"Oh God...fuck baby" he moaned, twisting and squirming under her pleasurable touch.

"I'm wearing goggles just in case you cum in my eyes, that's a terrible way to become blind" Kaya explained when Keith had tried to remove them.

After a wonderful blowjob, Keith was eager to return the favor. His love language consisted of physical touch and words of affirmation, but sadly his wife struggled with both. So he focused most of his energy on treating his wife the way he wished he could be loved.

Keith slowly cornered Kaya backing her into the cool white tile of the shower with his muscular body. It was the perfect amount of pressure on each of their naked perspiring body to make each other's knees buckle

Keith bit her bottom lip taking all of her in as if she were the juices of an oyster. Kaya's firm ass jiggled under Keith's huge calloused hands as he scooped her two soft cheeks and made them bounce.

The sensation of her body was a gift from God. Her slender curves dipped and arched into the dimples in her back. Her dark Belgian skin was as smooth as a seal and as delicate as a flower crafted by angels. Kaya's thighs were thick and heavenly, shaping to the letter "v" in the center of her soft kitten sex.

Her lips were swollen and bruised plum purple, tingling from the ravenous assault of her husband's passions. He devoured her with wholeness the way Adam did Eve. 

His soft grunts and moans echoed through the acoustic bathroom, vibrating and oscillating off the glass, pushing through the scorching shower steam.

Keith's sturdy legs twitched as Kaya's softly opened her lotus flower, blooming on the vines of euphoria for him. His hands frantically scrambled to feel every fleecy cloud on her body.

He slipped his fingers between her hot slit, feeling her convulse like the vibrations and ringings of a loud siren. She moaned into his breath, grabbing the back of Keith's neck and taking a fistful of curls as she pulled him to her lips, sharing their pleasure like a good hit.

His fingers were entangled between the strands of her thick hair below her flat abdomen. Then he invaded her honeydew slipping two fingers up into the slick wet tunnel of paradise.

Keith was beyond the edge, floating in a place of oozing hot pressure, losing himself in raging touch as his eyes rolled up and he panted heavily. His fingers stroked her caverns wall, moving in a bounding motion, flickering up and down until she opened legs wider and moaned loudly, "yeesss baby!" she cried out.

He gritted his teeth, as his tall stock like body towered over her, "fuck, fuck" he moaned, as he felt his hot penis twitching and spazzing under the flames of her triangle. He was begging to enter.

Kaya whimpered, pulling away as a soft warrior cry escaped from her pursed lips.

She felt his solid needs and hunger but she just couldn't do it...her heart was racing so fast it hurt.

Keith suddenly stopped. He pulled away for a moment because he noticed that his wife's eyes were firmly shut and she was shaking like a chiwawa and it wasn't from pleasure as tears slid down her eyes.

Keith gripped her firmly holding her in his firm grip, "Hey honey look at me" he cooed softly. His hazel eyes glowed with sweet dashes of concern as he focused solely on loving her.

Kaya looked up at him and he saw for the first time her half self. She was half of a person, broken, afraid, and suffering from some severe trauma. She had been pretending to be brave but her frightened quivers gave her away.

"You can talk to me" he promised gently removing her goggles so he could look into her fetching kind eyes.

Kaya snuggled deep into Keith's warm bare body as hot vapors of steam surrounded their tiny bathroom, filling up their lives with soft invisible smoke clouds, "I would like to stop now please" she whimpered letting the shower water pour over her head.

Keith put a towel around her trembling body, wishing he could carry her pain and sadness like it was their secret instead of her burden.

Kaya took long deep slow breaths steadying her heart rate, as the room spun in every direction. She felt like tugging and pulling emotions weighing her down. She saw distance standing between her and the man she loved, and when she looked back at the beautiful woman with the bright eyes in the mirror all she saw was imperfection.

"We have therapy in the morning" Keith reminded her gently closing the quiet awkward gaps of uncertainty with slow conversation.

"Are you mad?" Kaya asked as she gently caressed her husband stubbled cheek.

Keith smiled, which created a watery dark pastel within his eyes, like the moon reflecting on the shores of a murky bank.

He gulped because it was all he could do to keep from crying, "No, baby I'm just sad. I'm sad that I can't love how I want to, and show you how much you mean to me. I'm sad that something hurt you, this badly" he growled protectively, "if anyone ever touched you or hurt you I swear I'll kill them" he said raising his fist.

Kaya looked down wringing her towel dry avoiding eye contact, "I should go to sleep" she whispered slipping quietly past him.

Keith grabbed his wife's arm not willing to let her go, "thank you for trying tonight" he said settling a light kiss on her forehead.

Kaya yawned putting her curly hair up in a bun, "I love you" she said feeling warm and fuzzy.

"I love you too" he laughed.

The night kindled on past the red tints of romance until the last light on the street slowly flickered off and rose petals became dry.

Keith slept with her fears close to his chest, pulling his baby into his arms, protecting and loving her; always and forever. A new passion and conviction burned in him.

"I'm going to stick with her, I'm going to love her until every demon has gone away. I love her to the moon and back" he thought to himself, before drifting into a peaceful sleep.

"Bitch you was thought you were Bad & Bougie" Corey's screams of laughter rang through Kaya's phone as the first signs of dawn speckled into their room creating a horizon of light to welcome the morning.

"Instead you were looking cheap and goofy" he teased sticking out his tongue.

Kaya groaned she was already regretting telling him what had occurred last night. However, in middle school, they had made a blood promise to tell each other everything, no matter how embarrassing it was.

"So I decorated my crack with stick-on jewels, stickers, popcorn and anything shiny I could find to glue" she explained, "I had this vision of it being sexy" she blushed as she realized how stupid she sounded.

The other side of the phone line fell silent for what seemed like several minutes before Corey's voice cracked, "you mean to tell me you did some crack-jazzle on your ass? You done stuck shit up your ATM slide and decorated it like it was a Christmas?" he asked in disbelief.

Corey screamed again this time laughing till he fell over, Kaya could hear the loud thud on the other side, he gasped, then started to wheeze before he could speak, "oooo, ooo bitch there are levels to this shit! you must have looked like that monkey from the Lion King. I'ma call E.T back and tell him your freaky sideways ass is on some extraterrestrial shit."

Corey grabbed his chest barely able to hold the phone, "he must have thought it was the purge, you jumped out the darkness like it was Friday the 13th" he hooted and hollered stomping his feet.

Kaya sighed clearly her best friend was having a fit of amusement, "it's not funny" she hissed.

Corey giggled, "you're right because only diablo could possess you to put some food coloring on your face?! You could have asked me for a makeover before you went Bozo the Clown on his ass" he huffed.

Kaya held the phone excitedly to her ear, "My inspiration was you!" she confessed happily.

Somewhere on the other side of the line, a glass broke, and Corey gasp, "No she didn't" he screamed to himself.

"I know this discount SpongeBob, wanna be piñata, man terrorist didn't just come for me" he cursed deeply offended.

"Wait, Corey! I'm sorry I didn't mean it as an insult. You are a fabulous fashion Queen and I wish I looked half as good as you" Kaya apologized.

Corey took a deep breath and calmed down, "okay good, because I know you weren't throwing shade after every black tribe disowned your arts and crafts ass" he laughed.

"Where was ashes and death during all this?" he asked referring to Kaya's Nana.

Kaya gasped as she remembered "grandma!' she shrieked.

Corey made a noise, "welp...let me know what hell feels like" he said hanging up the phone.

In all the chaos of last night, she had forgotten her grandmother. Kaya sobbed almost stumbling over her feet as she ran to the guest room. The last thing she remembered was parking her nana in the wheelchair in the corner of the room leaving the lights off.

Both Kaya and her husband had knocked out immediately last night without a second thought, plus her grandmother had been unusually quiet.

"Please don't let her be dead" she prayed scrambling over to the wheelchair.

Her grandmother sat slumped over in her wheelchair snoring loudly, her stiff frail body was stuck in the same position as yesterday. Her wig had fallen off and she was leaned over to the side of the chair with her arms sprawled out like she was on a cross, but she was alive.

Kaya hugged her sobbing, "Nana I'm sorry" she bawled.

Her grandmother's eyes flickered open widely as if she was seeing a ghost, and a foul order wavered from her body, "Eat shit bitch" she announced in a monotone voice.

Her small tiny arms shook as she raised her hand to ask a question, "am I out of time out?" she asked looking at her granddaughter. She was quite shaken.

Kaya wiped away her tears, "I'm going to give you the best bath, the best food and spoil you today" she promised, feeling extremely guilty.

Her grandmother smiled, her tired bent back slumped into her shoulders, " I saw King Kong last night" she chirped.

Kaya quickly helped her grandmother become more comfortable. She allowed her to ramble on, most of the time she didn't make any sense but it was impolite to tell her that.

"I don't know why the gorilla had glitter and popcorn glued to it" Nana mentioned shaking her head sympathetically, "we need to call animal control the poor monkey is sick" she barked.

Kaya groaned.

Kaya felt better after spoiling her grandmother with lavish gifts, two baths, and an extra helping of sugar in her oatmeal. She also had her nurse come and check her over twice.

"She's a perfectly healthy woman," the nurse said after checking her vitals.

Kaya sniffled as she fidgeted with the thin material of her clothing, she was afraid that something could still occur because of her neglecting Nana.

The nurse saw the concerned look and tried to assure her, "Her mental health is questionable but she's okay, I promise"

"Your gender is questionable, you horseman" Nana mumbled under her breath, letting out a snicker.

"What's that Nana?" Kaya asked, putting her ear closer to her face.

Nana hummed sucking her thumb while smiling through a row of empty gums, "I'm ready..I'm ready" she repeated like a parrot.

Kaya sighed, smiling at the friendly nurse, "thank you" she said checking her watch, it was almost time for therapy.

Dr. Drew sat down greeting the Magono family with warm welcoming smiles. She handed Kaya a cup of tea because she looked especially on edge today.

"Well, tell me how are you?" she asked grabbing her notebook.

Kaya burst into tears, "I cracked-jazzled, left my grandmother in a corner for more than twelve hours, made my husband's penis an inferno, and insulted my gay best friend" she let out a huge breath, "and I have wax strips on my nipples" she added quickly.

Dr. Drew stopped her jaw dropped, "What?" was all she could say.

Keith looked at his wife helplessly, "And I made a friend at work, her name is Esme" he said trying to smooth everything out.

Dr. Drew raised a hand, "let's not ignore everything your wife just said" she said perplexed.

Kaya spent the next few moments explaining everything in detail putting the pieces together. When she finally finished Dr. Drew had a better understanding and fewer concerns.

"And I got some decent head before she freaked out," Keith said proudly.

Dr. Drew raised a surprised eyebrow, "congrats wow!" she said clapping.

Kaya blushed shrugging her shoulders, "I wanted to make him happy" she whispered.

Dr. Drew scribbled something down, "I'm surprised with your extreme phobias that you were able to do something that brave. Did you want to describe the symptoms of what you felt while facing your fear?" she asked.

Kaya shrugged looking at her nails, "I mostly felt fine" she said squirming uncomfortably.

Dr. Drew studied her exchanging a look with Keith before moving along, "let's talk about the freakout, that your husband mentioned. Have you ever been sexually molested, assaulted or inappropriately touched or talk to at any point in your life?" she asked head-on.

Keith grabbed his wife's hand tightly showing her support.

Kaya swung her legs playfully back and forth, "nope" she said blankly.

Dr. Drew tilted her glasses down peering intently at her patient, "you have to be honest" she said gently, "healing starts with truth" she reminded her.

Kaya rolled her eyes, "I said no!" she snapped defensively.

Dr. Drew remained professional, "okay well, your homework this week is to find an outlet, find a hobby or something that makes you feel, strong, powerful, beautiful and able to express yourself".

Dr. Drew turned to Keith, "Your assignment is to pay attention to your wife, not just her physical needs but emotional. I want you to observe her fears and behavioral patterns and point or and write things that you notice. It will help you see beyond the surface" her voice became vague.

Keith gathered his things, disappointed that their assignment had nothing to do with sex this week.

Kaya trembled, becoming more meager and shy, "honey...there is something..I need to share with the doctor, if...if you don't mind stepping out" she stuttered.

"Of course" he answered sweetly.

Dr. Drew folded her hands and crossed her legs looking patiently at Kaya, waiting for her to talk. She was hoping that she was willing to share and open up.

"I know what you're doing," Kaya said coldly as soon as she heard the door close.

Dr. Drew remained cool, calm and professional. She gave a slow and cunning smile, "funny because so do I" I mean...I wasn't sure but you just confirmed my suspicions" she said closing her folder.

Kaya's eyes flickered in fear but she remained unbothered, "back off" she said with a little edge and danger.

Dr. Drew was a middle age strong woman, and a little intimidation would not easily scare her, "my job is to help marriages unite, not come between them. My goal and objectives are to help fix emotional, mental and psychological issues that hinder a healthy marriage, but as I said it starts with honesty Mrs. Magono" she said gathering up her folders.

"I can't tell him" she trembled.

Dr. Drew smiled walking to the door to open it, "You're secret is safe with me, there is a code of confidentiality in my office but please hear my word of advice" she paused hoping that her message would be received woman to woman. Dr. Drew cleared her throat, "my advise is to confront the truth because if you let that fear control you, it will ironically end up taking the thing you so desperately want to protect " she hinted mysteriously.

"Stop pushing" Kaya mumbled under her breath as she walked out of her office.

Keith was waiting patiently in the hallway, he grinned as soon as he saw his wife, "are you okay?" he asked taking her hand and kissing it tenderly.

Kaya nodded, forcing a fake smile, "everything is perfect" she lied, her high soft honey falsetto voice, masked her new fears and pangs.

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