Lion's Mouth: Part 2 (Yu-Gi-O...

By PedePaulie

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While trying to figure out her friendship with Bakura and her strange connection to Yami, the empath Samia de... More

Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 15

1.4K 38 4
By PedePaulie

Chapter 15

Darkness engulfed me everywhere I turned. I was a child again, alone in the tunnels and caverns I did not understand. I hated the darkness. I hated it and yet did not run in fear like other children. What I hated most was the attraction to the dark. It reminded me that a small part of me feared the light. Perhaps that was what drew us to each other.

Suddenly I was not alone. I sat cross-legged in a room with a boy my age who had darker skin than me. We played jacks and marbles, our games illuminated by a single candle. The boy paused our game and passed his hand over the flame of the candle – not close enough to singe but close enough to send my heart racing.

"D-don't do that!" I stuttered. "Fire is dangerous. Fire destroys."

The boy smiled, his eyes still fixed on the flame. "Fire gives life. It gives warmth and light. Where there is light, the darkness cannot hide."

"And I can't hide."

Before he could respond, the scene changed. The walls faded away, and the candle extinguished. I looked back and forth for my friend, but he was gone. Fear pricked my heart when I realized my aloneness once more.

A light flashed before my eyes. It grew closer and gradually formed a shape. I gasped when I realized it was fire – fire shaped like a mighty phoenix! I cringed and shielded my face as it swooped towards me.

Someone leapt in front of me to protect me. The phoenix struck the person and then disintegrated in the air. My eyes fell to a lifeless body before me, and I instantly felt sick.


I jolted up in bed when I felt something move against my cheek. Heart pounding wildly, I struggled to see in the dark. My vision focused on my cat, lying on my stomach and staring at me with innocent eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief. Just a dream.

"Thanks for waking me, Sophia." I stroked my hand across her back, earning a purr of approval from the feline. Sometimes I felt she shared some of my powers and could sense when I was in distress. "This is getting old fast."

I leaned back onto my pillow and sighed. The dreams – no, nightmares – had grown frequent over the past two weeks. They usually involved a combination of Egypt, my parents, my grandmother, and the boy I once knew. I did not understand the source. It had been six weeks since Duelist Kingdom and any sort of magic. It would at least make sense if Yugi or Bakura starred in my dreams, but that was not the case.

My mother had nightmares leading up to her untimely death. I shivered at the thought that my subconscious mind was trying to tell me something important. If there was a message in there, I could not decipher it. Most of the time I caught glimpses of my past anyway.

I closed my eyes and focused on sleep. I did not want to go back to the past. It was time to move on. I had a new life with new friends and nothing was going to ruin it.

"It sounds like your dreams are getting worse," Bakura said on our walk to school together. "Do you have any idea what's causing them?"

I shook my head, my eyes fixed on the sidewalk. My best friend was the only person I had confided in, for I knew anyone else would ask too many questions. "I'm not sure. Nothing unusual has happened recently."

"Well, what if it means something is going to happen in the future?"

My heart thumped. Of course he knew what I had been thinking. "But I've never had prophetic dreams before. And I mostly dream of memories."

"You didn't see a phoenix made of fire in Egypt, did you?"

I frowned. No, that was certainly not a memory. And I had not witnessed my mother's death. "Things like that can't really happen, can they?" I looked at him earnestly, searching for an answer.

Bakura shrugged. "There's a lot we've seen that I never thought could have existed." He paused. "Even if you're not predicting the future, I still think your subconscious is trying to tell you something. The Domino City Museum just got that ancient Egyptian exhibit. Perhaps you should delve into your Egyptian history."

I stopped in my tracks. "No."

Bakura turned and looked back at me in surprise. "Why are you so against it? It might help you understand your destiny."

"Destiny? Now you're sounding like Yugi." And Yami. "I don't have a destiny, Bakura. I just want to be a normal girl."

My friend gave me a lopsided smile. "No offense, Samia, but you're not normal, and I don't think that's a bad thing. You should accept it and use it to your advantage."

He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, but I bit my lip and looked away. Why was I so hesitant? What was I afraid of? "I – I'm just not ready for that."

Bakura withdrew his hand, sadden. "Alright. If you ever change your mind, I'm here to support you."

I lifted my head and gave him a small smile. "Thanks." Even though the two of us had not spent as much time together recently as we had in the past, it was good to know that he was still a true friend. Maybe an evolving friendship was not so bad after all. Nothing could destroy our memories and the bond that existed between us.

A familiar wave of fear washed over me, making me jump into alertness. I stood still and scanned the crowd for the source of emotions. "Tea!" I called. "What's going on?"

Tea skidded to a halt and then spun around on her heels. I felt her panic before I saw it on her face. "Hey, I can't talk. Someone stole Yugi's Millennium Puzzle!"

This time the dread that pierced my heart was my own. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Where is Yugi?" Bakura said.

"In the alley!" Tea said, pointing behind us. "We split up to catch the guy."

"Well then, don't let us detain you. Keep looking and we'll get some help."

Tea nodded. "Right. Thanks, guys." Then she was off.

I barely had time to process this new information when I noticed something off about my remaining companion. I looked over at Bakura and noticed a familiar object hanging around his neck: The Millennium Ring. Taking in his dark expression, I suddenly understood. "You're not Bakura!"

"Clever one, aren't you?" said the Spirit of the Millennium Ring. "Now let's go." He roughly grabbed my wrist and started pulling me forward with him. In his free hand he held the Millennium Ring, which was pointing presumably in the direction of the Millennium Puzzle.

I stumbled forward but then caught my balance and fell in step beside him. "How did you get the Ring back? Tristan said he got rid of it."

He smirked. "You do not comprehend the power of the Millennium Items and the strength of the bond they have with their wielders. Such a cheap trick could not get rid of me." He chuckled darkly.

Oh, great. And why had I not sensed anything until now? Had my refusal to face reality once again blinded me to the truth? The pressure on my wrist reminded me that I had bigger problems at the moment. "Where are you taking me?" I tried to sound as commanding as possible, but I could tell the Spirit found me amusing.

"We're going to make sure the Millennium Puzzle is returned to its rightful owner, of course."

I blinked. That was unexpected. "You mean you're going to steal it for myself?"

"The Millennium Items do not change allegiance so easily; they must be won. It is currently in my best interest to let Yugi protect like Puzzle. I have the other Items to locate and gather, after all."

My mind spun with conflicting thoughts and emotions. Of everything I thought could happen, I had not expected this. "B-but you tried to hurt my friends and me."

"You are allowing your emotions to alter your memory. Think back. Did I ever try to hurt you personally?"

His cold eyes bore into mine, causing me to shiver. I willed my heart to slow in order to calm myself and perform the required task. I dug through my memories of Duelist Kingdom, searching for any clue I could find. He was right.

He had frightened me when he first showed himself but only to get me to do what he wanted. And then when he dueled Yami, he had wanted me as a prize. "You couldn't banish me to a card during that duel like you could with everyone else," I Said slowly. "I'm immune to the Millennium Items."

"That's not the only way to deal with someone. I've watched you for a long time. I could have taken you out at any time. You pose no danger to me at present, and that is why I have no reason to hurt you."

His words made logical sense to me, but there was something that still did not feel right. Surprisingly, I had managed to calm my own emotions, so I focused on feeling something from the Spirit. I could sense no deception or manipulation. In fact, I could not sense much of anything at all. He was remarkably cool and absent of any strong emotion. Was that why I always had a hard time sensing his presence within my friend?

"Your feeling games won't work on me," the Spirit said, an amused smirk returning to his lips. "You see, I have little need for the motions that weigh other men down. I do not get distracted by anger and make rash decisions. I act based on reason and self-interest. You can trust me because you know I have no reason to hurt you or your friends at this point. Right now, our interests converge. Therefore, I am helping you."

No need for emotions? From experience, emotions were what bound people together. It was emotions that created trust, not the absence of them. Yet, if this guy operated in the realm of reason and he truly had no reason to do her harm at the moment, perhaps she had nothing to fear from him.

He had terrified me when we met, but that had been intentional. And after that, my own emotions must have clouded my senses. Right now, I could sense something dark from him but also something human and familiar. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I could do this. I had to distinguish between my emotions and others so that my powers could serve me.

My attention shifted to my wrist. "Okay, I'll go with you. Let me go now!" I yanked my wrist back, surprised when the Spirit let me pull it away.

"Good girl," he said, his smirk widening.

Despite his words, I thought there must be a reason he wanted to keep me close to him. Pegasus had wanted to use me for my powers, so why not this guy as well? And he was from ancient Egypt himself. He had to know a lot about who I was and what I could do.

"We're close," he said.

I shivered when I realized we were in the depths of a dark, deserted alley. In an ironic twist, I did feel safe knowing I was with someone who could thwart off anyone with ill intentions – including whoever stole the Millennium Puzzle. Gazing at my surroundings, I noticed something strange. "What's with all these arrows?"

"The thief obviously wanted Yugi to follow him," said the Spirit. "Like I said, Millennium Items must be won."

I frowned as I observed him moving the signs around in confusing directions. "What are you doing?"

"We don't want Tea following us – unless you would have her in danger as well?"

I suspected concern for my friend was not his real reason for his actions, but he did have a point. I sighed, letting the tension drain from my body. "Fine."

"You're much easier to deal with when you're reasonable – although a lot less fun."

I grit my teeth as I followed him, making sure to keep some distance between us. He may have been a temporary ally, but that did not mean he still did not creep me out. "I just want to make sure Yugi is alright."

"And the Spirit of the Puzzle, correct?" Dark Bakura looked over his shoulder to glance at me.

I stiffened at the implication. "N-not at all. I mean, only as far as Yugi needs the Puzzle back. He probably cares a lot more than me. It's not personal or anything." I realized I was babbling, but the Spirit's knowing look forced me to defend myself.

My companion chuckled darkly before returning his gaze straight ahead. "You're still denying the truth. You won't be able to pull that off for long."

I frowned. "What would you know about it?" My curiosity threatened to overcome my fear, making me even more nervous.

"I know you're drawn to the Puzzle and the Spirit who resides inside it. The more you try to resist the attraction, the stronger it will become."

"But I don't want anything to do with all of this!" I jogged to catch up to him and gave him an earnest look.

He chuckled again and shook his head. "You're already involved in this whether you like it or not, girl. All you can do is choose which side you'll be on."

I blinked. "But if something is pulling me towards Yami – and Yugi – shouldn't I be on their side?"

Dark Bakura glanced at me, seeming to consider my words. "Not necessarily. Resisting the pull is what would prove futile. However, if you understand and accept it, you may find a way around it."

I still had little emotions form him to go off of, but suspicion still filled. "And what other side would I have to choose from?"

He smirked and looked away. "You will find out when the time is right. You should be focusing now on strengthening and refining your powers."

I sighed, exasperated. "And how am I supposed to do that? I have no one to teach me."

"No one taught me my craft either." A gleam in his eyes sent a chill down my spine. "You'll figure it out with the proper motivation."

I forced my mouth shut and my eyes on the ground ahead. I already had way more information than I could process. The Dark Spirit had been surprisingly open. I wondered if he was still trying to gain my trust so I would work with him instead of Yami. Is that what he meant by choosing sides? My head hurt just thinking about it. I decided to focus on the mission on hand and reflect on our conversation later.

I nearly bumped into Bakura when he stopped walking. Startled, I peered around at our surroundings. We had exited the alley and now stood in front of what appeared to be an old abandoned warehouse. The Millennium Ring no longer moved. I swallowed to wet my suddenly dry throat. There was something ominous about this place. "Th-they're in there?"

"That's right," Bakura said. "Is there anything else you can sense?" He looked at me with steady, unreadable eyes.

Huh? Was this a test? Calming myself, I turned my attention to the barn. I certainly did sense something dangerous and sinister inside that went beyond normal human evil. "I sense darkness. Maybe... if this person is after the Millennium Puzzle, they have a Millennium Item as well?" I glanced at my companion for confirmation.

He nodded. "Very good. I sense dark forces from the Shadow Realm inside. We must act very carefully. Stay quiet while I think of a plan."

I bit my lip and turned my gaze to the ground. The Shadow Realm again? How had I gotten myself into this mess? I realized it was foolish to think I could continue to be Yugi's friend and avoid magic. I could feel him – and Yami – in there now, calling out to me. Almost unconsciously, I moved forward.

Someone yanked my arm and pulled me back. Startled, I looked up into the Dark Spirit's glowering eyes. Was he going to tell me to stay behind so I wouldn't get in the way?

"You must not take rash action," he said. "We're going to go inside and investigate. Stay beside me and keep quiet."

I nodded, too afraid to say anything else.

Instead of going through the front door, Dark Bakura led the way to the side. We entered and ascended a flight of stairs. Finally, we found ourselves on the upper level balcony of the warehouse. I covered my mouth to cover my gasp upon taking in the scene below.

Yugi appeared to be dueling, the Millennium Puzzle nailed to the side of the platform. And his opponent was... Bandit Keith? I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Something did not feel right. I knew Bandit Keith hated Yugi but what would he want with the Puzzle? Then I remembered what Bakura had said. I took a deep breath and focused on my powers.

"He's being controlled," I whispered. I nervously flicked my eyes to Bakura. My instincts told me to leap out and help Yugi, but I feared I would have more trouble on my hands if I made the Spirit upset.

"He's a puppet controlled by shadow energies," Bakura confirmed in a low voice, "but this puppet show is over. I'll use the Millennium Ring to break the control."

I looked at him questioningly. You can do that? I could not process the idea that the Ring could be used for anything other than evil.

He merely smirked as the Ring began to glow. "Ring, sever the strings that bind this man. Free his mind from the Shadow Realm."

I felt a jolt of pain that made me flinch, but then the dark pressure around me subsided. I had not realized how much it had been affecting me until it had been lifted. I gave Bakura a grateful smile.

Keith leaned over the dueling platform, breathing heavily. "Where am I?" he said. "What on earth am I wearing?" Instead of his usual attire, he was adorned in a heavy black cloak.

I suddenly felt a jab of darkness. I clutched my head in pain and instinctively moved closer to Bakura. As he shouted about voices in his head, I could tell that dark forces were trying to take over Keith again. "Make it stop," I whimpered. I felt the struggle nearly as my own.

"I won't let him win," Bakura growled.

The pain waned, but the darkness remained. I froze in fear as I realized this meant the enemy had won – at least temporarily. Now controlled, Keith leapt right onto the dueling arena. "I'm back," he said in a mechanical voice that was not his own. "Before I lose control, I've got to destroy it." He jumped down from the platform and grabbed hold of the Millennium Puzzle. "If I can't have this puzzle, no one can!"

"No!" Yugi cried. "Keith, wait! Don't!"

But it was no use. The controlled Keith smashed the Puzzle against the side of the arena, smashing it into pieces.

A scream tried to escape my lips, but a hand clamped around my mouth, causing it to become caught in my throat. Bakura moved his free arm around my waist to hold me in place. I barely registered his closeness or the Millennium Ring pressed to my side as my fear and pounding heart drowned out everything else.

"Hold onto me; we're taking direct action," the Dark Spirit whispered in my ear. "I'll need to impersonate your friend."

My fuzzy mind prevented reflection on his words, so I simply obeyed. I clutched onto him as he released me. I saw him grab onto a rope form up above, and then suddenly we were swinging through the air. I shut my eyes and held on even tighter.

"That's quite enough of that!" the Spirit said in a voice that sounded an awful lot like the real Bakura's. He moved his body so that he slammed into Keith while keeping me safe. I let go once I felt the ground beneath me feet. Keith cried out as he stumbled backward and proceeded to fall off the dueling ring, presumably knocked out.

I let out a breath of relief and turned to Yugi, who stared at us in shock. It was over. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Yugi said as he hopped down from the dueling platform. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Tea told us what happened," Bakura said.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I followed my companion's lead and assisted in picking up the pieces of the Millennium Puzzle for Yugi, who gratefully accepted them.

Yugi gazed at the broken Puzzle in dismay. "It took me forever to put it together the first time, but at least I have a chance to try," he said. "Who knows? Since I did it once already, maybe this time it will be easier."

"It will be," I said. "I can feel it."

Yugi gave me a slight smile. "Thanks, Samia."

I felt something uncomfortable coming from Bakura, but when I glanced at him, I merely saw him hold out a piece of the Puzzle to Yugi.

"Yugi, you missed this one piece," he said.

"Thanks a lot, Bakura," Yugi said. "The last thing I need is to lose a piece of the Millennium Puzzle."

Bakura smiled. "Yes, I know. You can't complete it without them all." He turned and started towards the exit of the warehouse. "You coming, Samia?"

I hesitated and then shook my head. "No, I'll stay with Yugi and make sure he gets out of here with all of the pieces."

"Suit yourself. See you later."

"Thanks for your help again," Yugi said. "You were a lifesaver."

As Bakura climbed down the dueling ring, he fell with a thud. It bit my lip. Normally I would have found this humorous, but I did not like the Spirit impersonating my friend, especially when he did such a good job of it.

"Are you okay?" said Yugi.

"I'm fine," said Bakura. "I've got to get back to school. Make sure you don't stay here for too long."

"We'll be right behind you as soon as I unhook my chain."

I looked up at the frame of the Millennium Puzzle still nailed to the dueling platform. I noted that Yugi had switched out his rope for a chain. How were we supposed to get it off? Yugi stood beside me and appeared deep in thought.

"Suddenly a voice echoed throughout the warehouse: "Stop! Stop talking to me!"

I turned around and blinked. "Bandit Keith?"

I heard a swishing sound and soon saw Keith swinging around a metal pole in a panic. The mind controller must have still been trying to give him orders.

"Keith, stop!" Yugi calmed.

"Calm down!" I cried even as my own fear rose in response.

Keith continued to swing wildly at what he probably thought was an invisible opponent. He struck everything in sight, including a control panel that started to spark. As he fell backwards, wire split open and sparks fell on cans of gasoline, causing a huge explosion that made me jump. Now there was fire spreading throughout the warehouse!

My heart pounded so hard I could hardly hear my own thoughts. "Yugi, we've got to get out of here!"

"Not without the Puzzle!" Yugi exclaimed. He grabbed hold of the frame and pulled, but he was not strong enough to break it form its chain.

I stood frozen in fear for one more moment before I snapped to action. I grabbed hold of the chain and helped him pull to no avail. "It's not working!" I said in dismay. "Try to put it together again while I look for a way to release it. Maybe Yami can help us." It was a long shot, but it was the only idea I had.

"You should get out of here while you can," Yugi said as he heeded my advice and concentrated on the puzzle pieces.

By this point, the fire had spread all around the building, making it hard to breath, yet oddly enough, in place of fear I felt resolve. I shook my head. "I can't do that. I need to make sure both of you are safe."

Yugi looked surprised but did not argue with me. While he worked on the Puzzle, I looked around for something to pry the Puzzle from the platform. The heat from the fire made it hard to think, and everything was starting to become fuzzy. I leaned against the platform to catch my breath.

The fire drained my energy, and I had to focus to keep my ears open. The sound of people shouting Yugi's and my names snapped me to alertness. I could just make out Joey and Tristan through the fire, telling us to get out of there with them.

"I can't leave yet, guys!" Yugi shouted at them. "I've got to finish putting together the Millennium Puzzle!" He returned his focus to the Puzzle. I felt a flash of relief in him when he put the last piece in place. "This should do it."

I immediately put my hand to the Puzzle. "Yami, can you hear me?"

"Samia, you and Yugi must get out of here quickly."

I shook my head wearily. "Not without the Puzzle."

"Forget about me!"

"I can't!" In that moment I knew Bakura – and the Spirit of the Millennium Ring – were right. It did not matter if I understood it; when it came down to it, I could not deny the truth. Something inside me, something stronger even than my fear, would not let me leave.

"We've got to get out of here, guys!" Tristan shouted from beside me. He tried to pull me away while Joey grabbed Yugi, but both of us clung to the Millennium Puzzle with all our might.

"My Puzzle," Yugi said with a labored breath. "Can't leave without my Puzzle."

The effort from solving the Puzzle must have caused the heat to drain his energy quicker than it had me, and I wondered if there was anything I could do to help him. I kept my left hand on the Puzzle and reached over to grasp Yugi's shoulder with right. That instant, I felt a surge of strength pass from the Puzzle, through me, and to Yugi. Both of us, now alert, exchanged a look of shock.

"Did you do that?" I asked Yami.

"No," he said, his voice sounding just as surprised. "Samia, I think that was you."

"But that makes no sense."

"Never mind that. Just leave now!"

I shook my head sadly. "Not without you."

His frustration gave way to resignation. "Then tell Joey to pull out the bolt with the pipe."

I blinked. "Huh?"

"Just do it!"

I turned my attention to my friends. Tristan had fetched Yugi's deck from the dueling arena, and now both he and Joey were trying to detach the Puzzle from its chain. "The pipe, Joey," I said with a cracked voice. I could really use some water. "Get the pipe."

"The pipe?" said Joey. I saw him look around, and then his eyes seemed to land on something. "Got it!" He ran over to the edge of the dueling platform and grabbed a long pole. He soon returned and struck the bolt with his new tool.

"That's not what I meant..."

But I understood. "Use it as a lever to pull the bolt out of the wall."

"Oh, good idea," Joey said. He slipped the pole through the hold in the bolt. He and Tristan each took a side of the pipe and pulled hard.

Slowly but surely, the bolt loosened and eventually fell from the wall. Unfortunately, Yugi and I had both still been hanging onto the Puzzle, and its sudden freedom meant we crashed to the floor. Knowing the Puzzle was safe, I finally released my grip.

"I've got you," Joey said as he scooped me into his arms while Tristan picked up Yugi, who held the Puzzle.

"Th-thank you," I said, giving him a weak smile.

Joey did not look amused. "You're both mad!"

We finally exited the building, and I welcomed the oxygen into my lungs. Firefighters and an ambulance were already there. My eyes fell to Yugi and the Puzzle. I regretted nothing. They were safe.

Exhaustion overcame my body and mind, and everything went black.

A/N: Hey, everyone! I hope y'all made it here okay. Season 2 has finally begun! I'm excited about what's going to happen really soon. Hopefully you'll get to see a lot more character development. Thanks for reading!

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