Call me Kit-Kat

By hehe_yeeyee

52.6K 2K 257

M I N G x K I T (original cast) (read if you dare this is my first ever story so it's cringy πŸ˜‚) After the co... More

The story ended, so not a update


4.1K 166 41
By hehe_yeeyee


Kit sighed in annoyance as Ming stares at him eating his noodles.

"Can you do anything else but stare at me? Your making me uncomfortable." Kit whines, mad at him for interrupting his eating time.

"Nope. The only this I CAN do is stare at you." Ming says emotionless

"That's hella creepy." Kit said.

Ming laughed. " You know you like it."

"Like it my ass!" Kit yells with a mouthful of noodles.

Ming laughed again. "Your so funny, 'p."

Kit loves this place. When Ming orders food here, he always enjoys it.

Kit slurped the last bit of noodles left.

Kit wiped his face with his sleeve, and sits back in his chair.

Kit sees Ming with a really surprised look.

"What?" Kit asks.

"I ordered that bowl of noodles about a minute ago and you seemed to have already ate it all."
Ming looked down at the empty bowl.

"And?" Kit asked with one of his eyebrows up.

"N-nothing." Ming worriedly denied his concern.

Kit rolled his eyes and looked around the place. It's packed! It was nearly empty before. Kit notices the long line waiting for there tables.

Kit looks back at Ming. He is eating his noodles.

Usually, he never eats his food, I always steel it or he gives it to me.
Kit thinks to himself.

Kit stares at Ming. Ming looks up.

"Your allowed to look at me, but I'm not allowed to look at you?" Ming asked.

Kit looked away, and sighed in disbelief. Kit thinks back to when Ming just randomly walked into Yo's room and smuthered his face onto his.

I should've punched him...
Kit thinks while evil glaring at Ming.


"Kit..." Ming said.

Kit breaks out of thoughts to realize that Ming finished his noodles.

"...What do you think of me now?" Ming asks.

Kit looks down at his bracelet.

He looks back up. "I don't know."

Ming sighed. "Let me tell you how I feel."


Kit was interrupted.

" I didn't want to fall in love, or need someone. I really didn't want anything. But then you appeared, and then I started wanting everything." Ming said, looking directly into Kit's eyes.

Ming wanted to cry. If Kit regected his feelings, he would be broken.

Kit grinned slightly.

They stared at each other till Kit got uncomfortable from the silence.

"Thanks Ming." He said very awkwardly.

Ming rolled his eyes.

"I like you. Do you?" Ming asked egear for a answer.

Kit gave up and sighed.

"A little bit....uh" Kit avoided eye contact, looking at the table next to them, with a family eating.

Ming closed his eyes and smiled.

"Yesssss!" Ming yelled with his fist in the air.

"Shut the hell up!!!" Kit yelled at Ming.

The family next to them stared in shock. The mother told her children to stop staring.

"Ming, one of these days your going to kill me!" Kit cried.

Ming celebrated in his chair. Kit looked away like he didn't know him. And the family next to them probably needs to get some therapy for the sight. (LOL)

"Come on Kit, let's head home." Ming said getting up and walking to the front counter to pay the check.

"I think you are mistaken. YOU are going to your dorm and I'm going to mine!" Kit yelled chasing Ming.

Ming has already payed and ran out the door onto the parking lot.

"Mingkwan!" Kit ran after him.

Ming got in the passenger seat of Kit's car and buckled his seat belt.

Kit threw his car door open and sat in the drivers seat.

Kit growled and started his car.

"Your sleeping on the floor." Kit said.

"Anything for you, Kit-Kat." Ming said.

Kit turned his head slowly to Ming.

"Sorry, Kit, I know that you don't like me calling you Kit-Kat."

Kit smiled and looked at Ming's handsome face.

"Call me Kit-Kat"

The universe-

True love don't have an ending because true love never ends.

The end

That is it y'all. I absolutely love Kit and Ming and hope they do good in the next season of 2 moons.

But if you want me to create another story, leave ideas in the comments! Thanks again for all the love!

Bye guys and luv u all!

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