No, I'm Just Delusional (Phan...

By lemonslovinglife

134K 3.5K 667

NOTE: This story is currently being re-written, so I 'd advise you to go read the new one as this will soon b... More

Seeing Red
All This Time
Only Fooling Myself
Not Good Enough
Young and Innocent
Tears Streaming Down My Face
Those Eyes
Loosing Control
Broken, Bruised and Bloody
Wishing I Wasn't Alone
It's All My Fault
Wanting To Believe
That Night
Society Almost Killed The Beauty
Stolen Breath
I'll Never Let You Go
Wake Up
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Who the Hell Is That?
Good Guy, Bad Guy
Is This Even Reality?
Authors Note - Recommend Reading
Too Many Thoughts
Pitter Patter
Tick Tock Goes The Clock
Remembering Sunday

Guess who's back, back again... (well sort of)

1.1K 56 24
By lemonslovinglife


So if anyone is still reading this ridiculous attempt at a fan fiction, you deserve all the awards. I wholeheartedly mean that. What I have gathered from this experience is that I am a really shitty speller and you guys are way to nice. Also I suck at grammar. But nevertheless you people for some unknown cosmic reason, want me to finish this fic. And what the people want, I shall provide. (I'm joking by the way) BUT seeing as I am kind of really embarrassed about how bad this fic is I would like to offer you guys something else. I did mention on my message board a while ago that I was considering taking this down, however I was convinced otherwise. SO I have decided that I will continue on with this story, just with a few (kinda suckish) new things. 

First, and biggest of all, I have made the decision to re-write No I'm Just Delusional, for several reasons. First and foremost being that it kinda sucked; and reading back over it I am seriously wondering how anybody has managed to read more than one chapter. I will admit that yes this is my first chaptered fan fiction, it was gonna suck, but I just think I could do so much better with it. Also it kinda went a little supernatural? If you get me. Like with Phil's whole death thing and I don't even know, I confused myself and tried to make it work but hey that will be fixed. I really want to make the characters more like the actual Dan and Phil and let's be honest, they were no where near before; I feel like I could add so much depth to them and just make them more real. Now I of all people know how frustrating it is when authors of fan fiction decide they're going to do a rewrite. It drives me insane. Hypocritical I know, I know. But this is something that I've been wanting to do for a while now. 

Second, it will be on a new story and have a new name. I'm not a 100% sure on a name at the moment but as soon as I know and it's up I'll let you guys know. I just think it will be a cleaner start. 

And last but not least, I regret to inform you that this story, will eventually be deleted. The re-write will be very very similar, just a ton better (also I will actually use spell check I promise). I'm super sorry that you'll have to (you don't have to) read it again, but I just really see no other way.

If I have missed anything and I'm sure I have, drop a comment and I'll get back to you straight away. 



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