HIS Only Weakness

By BettieBurton

147K 4.9K 202

HIS Book Series #3: Don't have to read series in order! :) James is a twenty-eight year old ex gang leader. H... More

CHAPTER 1: Do Me A Favor!...You Owe Me!!
CHAPTER 2: The 'Package'
CHAPTER 3: Who The F**k Are You?!
CHAPTER 4: About Last Night
CHAPTER 5: Memories....
CHAPTER 6: I Don't Need A Babysitter!
CHAPTER 7: So.....Does He Like Me?
CHAPTER 8: Moment Of Truth.....
CHAPTER 9: Bittersweet Revenge?!
CHAPTER 10: The Heart Wants What It Wants!
CHAPTER 11: Blast From The Past!!
CHAPTER 12: Old Habits Die Hard!
CHAPTER 13: Hello Again!!
CHAPTER 14: Today's THE Day!
CHAPTER 17: I Must Be Dreaming!
EPILOGUE: Five Years Later!

CHAPTER 15: He's Gone

5.7K 216 14
By BettieBurton


        It's been almost two months since I was taken, again from Adrian and the day I lost the love of my life.

        I feel numb. Like there is no life left inside of me. No reason for me to live.

        Fate has such a way at punishing you sometimes.

        I'm not not sure what happened to Luke but, I hope that he made it out alive. Though I'm assuming he didn't. At least that's what I have told myself so that there is no false hope of me being rescued. Cause I know, if he was alive, he would've already come and saved me.

        Every night in my dreams, I have seen James. We are happy and free from all the violence and fear. We are in pure bliss together.

         The other night, I dreamed that James and I were married, with two kids. One boy and one girl. It seemed all so real that for a moment, I believed it was. But then the cruel reality hit me when I woke up and I, like always, cried myself back to sleep.

        The first time I returned here, I had been woken up ice cold water being tossed onto me. I was in the same cell that I've been in ever since.

         Everywhere I looked reminded me of a scene from a scary movie. Almost, close to a scene from hostel. I knew I was in a basement of some sort. There were no windows, a light that flickered above me and the smell of death.

          Adrian had told me about the fortune my parents left Tucker and I. And that that was why he went after me in the first place and wanted to make me his old lady. I knew it was never about love but it made me think about James again.

          Anyways, he started to tell me that my parents had left me and Tucker with $2 billion dollars and that it was safe somewhere. He swears that I know, but I don't. I didn't even know about the fortune until he said something.

         So as punishment, I am forced to stay in this cell until the night of his big annual auction party. Which he made sure to tell me that I would be the most expensive item. Which, because I was going to be sold to somebody, which makes me wanna puke, I was not to be touched for the last few weeks leading up to the party. That way I looked presentable he would tell me. Though I must say that there were a few times where a few of his guys 'tried' something with me, but never succeeded. They especially stayed away more when they saw what I did to one of the guys' lip. Which yes, did cause me to get beaten almost, but I don't regret it though.

         It was a few days from the night of the auction and I have been trying to think up of ways that I could try and attack Adrian. But no use. He purposely made sure I was too physically weak to do much. With the little bit of food he had given me, my body hasn't had anything to help build up my strength but has also made me lose weight. Which I know, still isn't a good time for jokes.

         I was quickly taken out of my thoughts when I heard the cell door open up with a guy walking towards while the other one was standing by the door. I grinned in satisfaction when I saw it was the same guy I bit the lip of.

        He growled a little bit then raised his hand at me, though I didn't flinch and was prepared for him to hit me until the guy that is pulling me by my arm, quickly grabs his wrist and reminds him I can't be touched. Then we start heading upstairs.

         I get pushed into a room that looks almost like rich people would stay in here. The door was immediately locked behind me and I saw a big King Sized bed, along with maroon colored walls, golden drapes and a personal bathroom. Which looked really tempting for me to take a bath in.

         Though right as I started to get up from the bed to head into the bathroom, I hear a light knock on the door.

        Terrified it might be Adrian, I felt I had no choice.

        "Come in?" I said.

        Slowly the door begins to open and an elderly lady came walking in to the door. She looked to be in her late fifties, early sixties, with a little gray in her hair, brown eyes and wore glasses as well.

         "Evening Miss. Adrian told me to check in you, as well as bring you some food." She says.

         I wanted to resist and say no, but my stomach had other plans and wanted food.

        The lady chuckles after hearing my stomach had growled.

         "Enjoy Miss." She says to me.

         "Wait!" I say. "What am I doing in here?" I ask.

         "Adrian wanted you to stay in here til the night of the party. He wanted to make sure you were fed and well rested beforehand so that you can look your best. Now, if you need anything, just press number two on the phone and I will be up here as soon as possible." She replies.

        "Thank you." I tell her.

         She just bows her head a little bit and leaves while locking the door behind her.

        She left the trolley cart with so many dishes of delicious food, in front of me as I sat at the end of the bed.

         Everything looked and smelled delicious. I couldn't wait to dig in. Which I didn't hesitate to after she left.

         I felt like with the 'buffet' I had just eaten. I physically felt full to where, I think I gained all the weight back.

         Before eating, I had already thought about if the food was poisonous or not, as well as the fact that even if it was poisonous, it would kill me and I would be okay with that. At least I would be able to see Tucker, Luke and James.

         I cried myself to sleep tonight, knowing that he was gone. He was never coming back.

         Suddenly, I started to realize that I needed to find a way to kill Adrian myself. Do it for my brother, Tucker, as well as Luke and James.

Next chapter coming today! :)

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