The Wright Family (Party Game)

By Starlestiale

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This is simply a book of short stories surrounding the Wright family in which you can use to play a game with... More

Mr. and Mrs. Wright and the Donut Shop
Lewis and Luis Wright and the Great Jungle of Arundel
Lucy Wright and the Missing Ballet Slippers

The Planning

19 0 0
By Starlestiale

(This will be published on all of my currently published books whether they are ongoing or on hold) 

Deep within the mind of Author-Chan, there sits an office building. There, within the office building, all of the characters from Author-Chan's books, along with borrowed characters, work on creating new chapters for their stories. Today is business as usual. Mayuki Kitsune sits at her desk going over the ever-changing plot of her trilogy, Eloise is staring at a picture of her beloved Lèòn, Akachi is baking bread for Itachi, Yuki Kimyona is freeing the spirits and the rest of the workers are going about their daily business as they await the updating of their books. However, little did they know that their business as usual was going to be interrupted.

Anne: (Runs into the office space, clearly out of breath) Guys, Author-Chan's birthday is on Monday.

Evangeline: (Rolls her chair back from her desk) Oh no, we forgot!

Eloise: (Snaps her picture of Lèòn down and gasps) How could I forget my own birthday!

Mayuki: Hey! It's my birthday too!

The whole office space erupts into a cacophony of chatter of realization and horror.

Akachi: Quiet guys! We can sort this out if we put our heads together.

Minerva: Well who died and made you queen?

Akachi: I died and made my own self queen. At least my story is being continued.

Minerva: What, after a year of inactivity?

Akachi: Well at least another character didn't get my book. Right, Eloise?

Eloise: Technically, I am the daughter of Minerva, just saying. (Covers mouth) Oops, spoiler alert.

Minerva: Eloise!

Akachi: Soooooo what are we gonna do about Author-chan's birthday?

Lèòn: (Comes in eating a bagel with nothing on it)

Eloise: Senpai! (Rushes over to hug him)

Lèòn: What's the commotion about Elli?

Eloise: Monday is Author-Chan's birthday and we forgot.

Lèòn: Yabai!

Eloise: Language.

Akachi: Anyway, Lèòn... (Gets cut off by Eloise's glare) Eloise, I don't want your man. He's not an Uchiha.

Eloise: (Backs off) Proceed.

Akachi: As I was saying, we need to do something spectacular for the woman that gave us life. I doubt that HE is going to do anything anyway.

Lèòn: (With a mouth full of bagel) Who is this ominous HE? Do you mean Evan?

Everyone (Except Lèòn): (Gasps Collectively)

Yuki: He mentioned the one whose name shall not be mentioned.

Minerva: Omg, shut up. Evan doesn't even exist cause Author-Chan scrapped the book. Remember?

Anne: Oh yeah, I forgot that he doesn't exist anymore.

Eloise: Yeah, that does serve as a grim reminder of what will happen to us if Author-Chan deletes our books.

Mayuki: Well I know that I'll never get deleted! (Cough) 12.7k and 1.06k (Cough)

Evangeline: Shut up, Kitsune. At least our books aren't running off of incest and misguided love between us, our best friend and our cousin.

Sasuke: (Sneezes while pouring a cup of coffee... wastes coffee) Awww man!

Mayuki: Oh, shut up you...

Evangeline: You what? (Hold up hand in the air and a spell circle appears)

Mayuki: (Goes into Kitsune form)

Everyone Else: (Duck for Cover)

Sasuke: (Runs into the room) Hey has anyone seen the... (freezes in place, seeing that the whole Original Character Office is in chaos) Ummmm, am I missing something.

Akachi: Hey, Sasuke.

Sasuke: Hn, hey Akachi-nii

Akachi: Monday is Author-chan's birthday and we're deciding what to do for her.

Sasuke: Hn okay then... has anyone seen the mop?

Max: (walks in the room with a disgusted look) Who wasted the coffee on the floor in the break room?

Sasuke: I did. I was looking for the mop, but they were just enlightening me on the fact that on Monday is Author-chan's birthday.

Max: Oh yeah, on Monday is her birthday. How old is she turning? 20?

Mayuki: Man, she's old.

Max: I guess, Author-chan has something in store for you during our next update. Hopefully I don't die.

Grey: Shut up, Max. You know that you're immortal.

Mayuki: You're immortal?

Max: Nooooooo (walks off)

(In walks three people. Two girls and one boy. One of the girls had long, slick, black hair with piercing, black eyes, pale skin and a tall stature. The other girl had long, blonde hair that went black at the tips. She had bright blue eyes and she was average height. The boy had bright, red hair and electric blue eyes. He was taller than both girls.)

Mayuki: What is Human Resources doing here?

Yuki: (Whispers) I only see them when someone's book is going on hold.

Black Haired Girl: Good Day, Department of Original Characters. My name is Chi Michaelis, this is Raina Tategami and this is Calico, and we are from the Human Resources Section.

Max: (comes out of hiding behind Yuki) Chi, are you my sister?

Chi: You can say that.

Akachi: I didn't know that we had an HR department.

Minerva: Every Corporate office has one. Who do you think buys the coffee and sends those loooooong emails that could have been summed up in one line.

Chi: (Pretends not to hear)

Eloise: Hey, Chi.

Chi: Hey, Elli. What's up?

Eloise: Nothing much. I'm just waiting on Senpai's friends to screw up again.

Lèòn: What's that supposed to mean?

Eloise: Ohhhh, nothing.

Anne: What brings HR up here, and which books did you come from?

Chi: Well, we came here to collect ideas from you guys as to what to do for Author-chan's birthday which is on Monday. Oh, and Calico and I came from Her and Tea_ame's book 'The Scarlet Lily'. Raina came from her and Tea's book, Silent Revenge, which is no longer published, but serves as her very first writing experience on wattpad. I came in the place of Kunisku Yakatachi, who is the head of HR and Author-chan's Very FIRST character. She's married to Sasuke by the way. (Looks at Sasuke and Smiles) Isn't that right Uchiha?

Sasuke: I know you not, assassin.

Chi: (Grins and walks over to Sasuke) Of, shall I relay that message to your dearest wife?

Mayuki: Hold up. Sasuke is married? What happened to Sakura?

Chi: Oh, that's in Masashi's head, not in Author-chan's.

Sasuke: Stupid Assassin. Didn't you die? Where is the Piper?

Chi: Nope, I'm very much alive, and he's quite fine. We're allies now. He's working in Public Relations.

Sasuke: TCH

Raina: (taps Chi on her arm) Ummm, Chi, we are getting sidetracked. We need to get back to Kuni.

Chi: Oh, yeah. Are there any suggestions? We have three days until her birthday.

Eloise: (While filing her nails) I say we kill ALL of her boyfriend's friends.

Lèòn: Can you stop?

Eloise: (Giggles) I love you too, Senpai.

Mayuki: Sooooo, I am NOT Author-chan's favorite?

Chi: Nope. Kunisku, Raina and I am. Basically, what you are is a reflection of Author-chan's first book, which was a Sasuke love story. If you check Frozen in Time, chapter 30: The Realization was taken out of Author-chan's first book.

(The sound of someone's throat being cleared caused everyone in the office to turn around to see young girl, about the age of 12 or 13, in a white kimono that was adorned with blue jewels. She had a silver crown that rested on her golden, ankle length hair. Her blue and gold flecked eyes scanned the room. As she walked, the sound of her steps echoed throughout the office.)

Girl: My name is Kunisku Yakatachi, and I am the Head of HR. Where are my suggestions for Author-chan's birthday?

Sasuke: Hello, hunny.

Kunisku: Not now, Sasuke. (Clasps her hands together and sighed.) Everyone to the board room. Chi, make a PA and tell every original character that is active and inactive to find their butts in the galaxy room, please.

Anne: (Whispers) At least she has manners.

Kunisku: Miss Anne, make sure that everyone has stationary to take notes and I would like you to be the secretary. (Breaths in and out.)

(In the galaxy board room with over 60 Original Characters)

Kunisku: (Stands at the front of the room with a dry erase marker in hand) As you may have heard or remembered, Monday is Author-Chan's birthday and we are at a total loss as to what we are to do for her. Sasuke-kun (hands Sasuke the marker) start writing please.

Sasuke: Sure

Kunisku: Are there any suggestions as to what we do? State your name, which book you came from and if your book is published or not.

(A little girl with honey, blonde hair and bright green eyes stands.)

Synovia: My name is Synovia, I am four years old and I am from the book, My Neighbor's Little Sister which is not published. I want to have a giant, princess, ninja, assassin, pirate tea party!

Kunisku: (Nods) Sasuke, write that down.

Sasuke: But...

Kunisku: Write it!

Sasuke: Hn

Kunisku: Any other suggestions?

(Room breaks out in an uproar of talking)

Kunisku: QUIET! How are we supposed to plan for Author-chan with this mess of speech? Shut up and go one by one. We will start with you, Aliraven.

Aliraven: My name is Aliraven and I am from the book, NYC Down which is published. I suggest that we do a haunted house. (Sits)

Kunisku: Did you get that Sasuke?

Sasuke: Hn (Writes on board)

Kunisku: Next, Anne Glass.

Anne: My name is Anne Glass. I am from Frozen in Time, completed, Frozen in Time: Heaven's Snowflake which is published and Anne Knows Best which is unpublished. We should have a book reading.

Everyone: (Groans)

Anne: It was only a suggestion

Kunisku: Next. (Rolls Eyes) It's YOU. How did you get here?

Drake: I was summoned by you, Ku-ku-chan! My name is Drake Vargas and I came from the book, The Bad Boy's Melancholy which is not published. I say we do a strip show!

Kunisku: (Glares) You should get deleted. NEXT!

(An older version of Kunisku stands up and smiles)

Girl: My name is Princess Serenity Yakatachi and I am from no book actually, but I still exist cause Author-chan allows me to. I am but a strong concept. I was going to suggest that we have a gala for her. Like a ball or some sorts.

Kunisku: That seems nice. Sasuke-kun, be a dear and write it down please. Next!

Eloise: Eloise, Psychoise: The Tale of a Yandere, Published and ongoing. I say that we kill all of her boyfriend's friends and everyone who is in the way of her and her boyfriend's love and present their bodies in a glorious display!

Lèòn: (Stands and points at Eloise) Eloise, we need to talk!

Eloise: Love you too Lèòn.

Kunisku: This is going to be long.

(Everyone around the room went and gave their books and suggestions)

Kunisku: So we have, tea party, book reading, gala, block party, beach party, a collaborative book, book signing, Joe Binge Watch session, Kisa Binge Watch session, new book writing and a fair. Now we have to decide on what to do.

Everyone: (Bursts into an uproar of wants with everyone shouting out their suggestions)

Kunisku: SHUT UP! Now we are going to pass a box around and you are only to vote on the ones that are on the board and you only can write on the sheet of paper that is in front of you.

(The box is passed around and everyone casts their votes. Kunisku and Sasuke count the votes and a block party which was suggested by Mayuki Tategami came out victorious.)

Kunisku: So, we have decided that we would have a block party.

(Everyone nods their heads in approval of the choice.)

Anne: Well, we have a problem.

Kunisku: Which is, Miss Glass?

Anne: Author-chan hates parties, including block ones. Ask Elly.

Kunisku: Well that is true. (Sighs and thinks)

Akachi: Well how do you know that?

Anne: Cause, Anne knows best!

Kunisku: (Face lights up with a huge grin) That's it! We can do Author Knows best! Remember when it was Sasuke's birthday and we did a whole television show? We can do that! Anne, you're a genius! Anne, write this down and so do you, Sasuke. My team and I will be in charge of getting the guests and the paperwork. The characters of Frozen in Time and Anne knows best will all work on set designs. Closer and All Made Up will work on make-up and costume design. Serve me love will work on refreshments. Random Things and Life is a short story, if you aren't a part of another book, will work on commercial breaks. As for segments, I'll put you all in teams. The characters from Psychoise and Ash Must Die, will work together. The Bad Boy's Melancholy and My Neighbor's Little Sister. Naruto One Shots and Escaping S.H.E.L.L. will work together. I want the poetry books to write a song for her. Free me will work on lighting and set design along with special effects. Skinwalker will work with keeping the fans at bay. Let's start now and begin working on the best birthday for Author-chan! Meeting adjourned.

(Everyone begins to file out while talking)

Ash: Man, that was the shortest meeting HR has ever had and we were in there for four hours!

Aliraven: I still think that they should have sent an Email.

Mayuki: Let the stress begin.

Anne: Anne knows best.

Eloise: I swear Lèòn, I am innocent.

Lèòn: We'll see when your book ends.

Amaya: This is gonna be fun.

Kunisku: Let the games begin. Right, Sasuke-kun?

Sasuke: You amaze me with your stern talking. You have the office thinking that you abuse me.

Kunisku: What is done behind closed doors is nothing but our business.

Sasuke: Should we edit this?

Kunisku: Do we edit anything.

Sasuke: Nope.

Kunisku: (Smirks) Exactly.

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