Until I Met You (America x Ch...

By burgersnscones

9.3K 464 126

Alfred F. Jones has the looks, the smarts and the popularity to back up his title as Blackwell's perfect All... More

All American Boy
Found You
The Job
Someone Like Me
Guilty People
My Kind of Weird
Skeletons in the Closet
Can't Help It
You're Beautiful
First Love and Other Regrets
My Damage
Bitter Ghosts
Meant to be Mine
I Will Fight For You
This Ends With Us

Killing Me Softly

374 19 9
By burgersnscones

A feeling of protectiveness overwhelmed Alfred after finding out the kind of personal storms that [Name] braved through, and how the storms returned in full force. She was strong, he had no doubts about that, but all it takes is one very bad day to make a person collapse.

In the months they've known each other Alfred lost in her, in her wisecracks and quirks and heart-whipping giggles. And he found himself in her. He didn't have to always be Popular Alfred or Jock Alfred or Boy Next Door Alfred. She was okay with his fanboying over Superman and Sleepaway Camp, she didn't shoot him down when said something smart about a movie instead of pretending to drool over the naked girl in the shower, and when he quoted Shakespeare she'd knock him off his legs with a hilarious reply instead of rolling her eyes. (How often is it for one to find a likable person who can talk Shakespeare to them?) There was no hiding from her and she had unraveled him without the slightest effort.

But reality reared its ugly head towards her direction and snapped down on him with its powerful jaws finally opened his eyes.

Despite the smiles and laughter shared together, [Name] was no Claire Colburn and Alfred wasn't Drew Baylor. They were both humans. Both damaged.

But maybe he could be a little less damaged.

"You're sure you don't want me to go with you?" She shut the truck door for him.

Alfred shoved his key in the ignition "I need to do this alone." He wasn't prepared to face them, and had offered him the guest room, but it was only eight and his mom probably just got home from the diner.

Her fingers were on the window and he took them in his hand.

"I'll be fine. Will you be okay?"

She gave him a strained smile "I don't want to skip school anymore than I already have so Eloise assigned me a bodyguard. He'll be arriving first thing tomorrow."

"You don't sound too pleased"

"It feels like I'm back in therapy again, with a warden trying to make sure I don't find a bobby pin and slit my wrists again."

He licked his lip. [Name] cleared her throat, "But I know better than to underestimate Jason. I'll be needing a bodyguard."

"I'll see you tomorrow then?"

She nodded and he gently pulled back. He was about to close the window when she suddenly reached inside and cupped his cheeks. She pressed her lips on his forehead. "Good luck"

He kissed the corner of her mouth, "Thanks, baby"


The air shifted and you rubbed your palms together. Alfred could definitely handle himself in a fight, and Jason was after you, but even with that knowledge a sick feeling nested itself in your stomach as you watched the red truck slowly shrink away.

Geoffrey emerged from the front door and wrapped a flannel blanket over your shoulders "I prepared you a hot bath and hot chocolate. Shall we step inside now?"

You looked back at the empty road. You wished Alfred just stayed because you'd be up all night worrying.

You gripped on the blanket, "I'd like that. Thank you, Geoffrey"

As you sat in front of the living room fireplace, Arin and Allen watched your movements like hawks on their prey.

"Fuck." You sighed and threw them a glare, "I'm not going to burn myself so stop hovering"

"We're not hovering" Allen knelt down next to you.

"We're trying to be good friends by staying quiet and not asking questions" Arin snuggled to your side and you caught a whiff of her citrus perfume.

"Staying quiet and not asking questions about?"

"Everything" Allen snatched the mug from you and finished the rest of the hot chocolate.

You leaned on his shoulder and let sleep take over. Tonight your dreams were vivid, full of places that resembled both beaches and moors. Arms circled your waist from behind and when you spun around to face the stranger you saw Alfred. You wanted to hug him back but the skies turned black and when you blinked the side of his skull was dented.

You woke up with a gasp, finding yourself on the living room floor squeezed between Arin and Allen. No surprise, the servants had always left you three alone and never bothered to place you in your respective beds; not one of you enjoyed waking up where you didn't fell asleep.

Muriel appeared with three glasses lemon water "Good morning, Miss [Name]."

You untangled Allen's legs from yours and crawled up to the sofa. You gave Muriel a croaked "thanks" and gulped down the ice-cold water.

"What time is it?"

"It's only five a.m., Miss"

You eyed your phone on the coffee table. Hopefully, Alfred was all right.

"I can prepare breakfast early if you'd like." Muriel suggested.

"Yes, thank you, Muriel." You put down the glass and stretched your arms upward. You just had to wait for him at school.

The doorbell rang and you bounced off the couch "I'll get it!" You dashed to answer the door, "Al—oh." It was the bodyguard.

He stood well over six feet and wore a black trench coat. "Berwald" he introduced himself curtly.

He explained everything you needed to know, but the gist was that when you were in the house he needed to be updated of your location every hour and when you were outside he had to be there in case Jason decided to kidnap you. Which meant, of course, that he would be accompanying you to school.

The last thing you needed, the last thing you wanted was to have everybody's eyes trailing you. Arin and Allen were here but it was like walking the halls of Torrington again. Alan Johnson's voice echoed from the back of your head.




You hunched your shoulders and hid behind your bangs, as though your hair would protect you.

Heather Bing sashayed towards you, Berwald tried to move in between you two but you waved him off. Heather only paid attention to special people, two kinds of people: the in-crowd and those so down on their luck that it was hard not to attract attention. You knew that you were the latter. But you were curious for what she had to say because nobody knew about Jason here.


"Hey, [Name]." She gave you a malicious smile "You lost some weight. Granted, it's not obvious considering, well. . ." She gestured at your muffin top, swelling from your the waist of your skinny jeans. A few bystanders snickered.

You lowered your gaze.

"So what's your secret?" Her voice chilled the blood in your veins "You been jogging or just barfing more?"

Arin barked from beside you "Piss off, Heather"

Heather ignored her "I'm kind of curious. Will your boobs stay that big even when you finally grow a neck?"

"At least they're real." Arin hissed, grabbed your hand, and then shoved past Heather.

"I saw you throw yourself at him outside the movie theatre" She hissed loudly.

"Come on" Allen gently led you away.

"Stay away from Alfred, you slutty freak!" She shouted and you flinched, not at freak but the adjective used. "Slutty"?


The anvil on Alfred's chest dissolved and he felt like he was floating. His confession was messy, there was a lot of tears and hugs involved, but now the hardest part was over and he was free.

That morning his mom prepared him a light butter on toast breakfast and sent him off with a rain of kisses on his face. His father patted his back, and even Popcorn seemed to have sensed the atmosphere because he stood on the lawn and watched Alfred leave. He had stopped doing that since he turned six.

Alfred hummed "It's a Beautiful World" and when he entered the school gates his gait had an ebullient quality to it, like he was dancing.

Until Tori cut through his path wearing a look of disappointment. "Is it true?"

He blinked in surprise and straightened his spine "What?"

She sighed in relief, "I guess it's not."

Alfred cocked his head and Tori explained what happened.

The tide of protectiveness reeled back and Alfred scowled, "Oh hell no."

"I saw her enter Room 130. The bell still hasn't rung so you have time." She said.

Alfred nodded and then excused himself. Dammit, Heather. He stomped inside the main building, not giving a shit that everyone stared at him.

He was going to have to talk with Heather, but first he needed to fix this or [Name] would be forever remembered as a "desperate, lying attention whore" as Tori quoted.

Alfred strolled inside the classroom, earning instant silence from the students inside, and found a tall man standing near [Name]'s desk. The bodyguard, he assumed, and then approached her. She had noticed the sudden silence and she spun on her seat.

He caught her swollen eyes, but when he moved towards her the bodyguard told him to back off. [Name] said it was all right and like a robot, he obediently stepped aside.

"Good morning, baby." Alfred forced a big grin and then leaned over to kiss her on the same spot he did last night.

He heard a gasp somewhere in the room, and when he pulled back he was sure to grab [Name]'s wrist.

The bodyguard followed them outside, but he kept enough distance for Alfred to properly talk with [Name].

"Heather Bing—" She stuttered and he squeezed her affectionately.

"I know what she did, don't worry, I'll deal with her later. Ugh, I didn't think she'd tail me."

[Name] blinked "Tailed you?"

Alfred arched an eyebrow "Well, yeah. Remember when we were at the cinema? I left a party and basically dumped Heather. I'm guessing she followed me in her car and saw us together. She started this stupid rumor that you ambushed me and begged me to fuck you."

[Name]'s eyes widened with horror.

"I. . . I thought you already knew this."

"No, this morning Heather called me a slutty freak in the hall, but—"

"She did what?" Alfred growled, surprising both of them.

[Name] shook her head and rest her hand on his arm "I'm okay. It's okay."

"It's not okay. You've been crying." He touched her cheek.

"I have but I'm okay now, really. And Alfred?" Her sweet smile made its appearance and it warmed every inch of him "Thank you for worrying about me."

"You don't have to thank me for that" He said.

"What happened with your parents? Did you. . ."

"My dad called Dr. Beilschmidt. I'll be meeting with him this Saturday" He raised her chin "Will you go with me?"

Her face softened, "Of course."


Alfred wanted to escort [Name] back to the estate, but he promised his parents that he'd head home straight after school, so with a goodbye kiss and a tight hug in the parking lot (and with Heather watching from her shiny new convertible), he left the campus.

It wasn't until he sat in traffic did he notice a piece of paper stuffed in the passenger seat. Alfred unfolded the note and read:

"In every cloud, in every tree—filling the air at night, and caught by glimpses in every object by day—I am surrounded with her image!"

If memory served, this was a line from Chapter 33 of Wuthering Heights, spoken by a Heathcliff haunted by the memory of his Catherine.

Alfred flipped the paper.

"I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!"

Chapter 16. Again, spoken by Heathcliff about the dead Catherine. What the hell?

The light turned green and Alfred hit the accelerator. However, the truck didn't budge. "What—"


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