Geric | An Inspector Calls fa...

By Escapingocean

42.6K 777 640

Gerald helps Eric with the possible loss of his child and Eva. Sheila knows about Gerald and Eric but is keep... More



1.6K 30 5
By Escapingocean

Cold summer air pinches at Sheila's cheeks turning them red as she waits outside the bakery. Her hands are wrapped in black lace gloves and they fiddle with a large pearl hanging from her neck. The streets are quiet as the sun hangs low in the sky. Men on their way home from work trudge past Sheila and scruffy cats weave their way through open bins.

Heavy footstep move behind the wooden door and soon enough George appears. "Hello Sheila." He says, looking fresh faced and smiley.

"Hello George." Sheila greets him and they set off down the street.

"Where are we going?" Sheila asks, dodging a murky puddle.

"It's a surprise." George gleams at Sheila. He leads her out of the back streets and through the empty market place.

The further they walk out of the town centre, the darker the sky becomes. Bright stars light their way down dark, silent streets. Eventually they've walked so far that there are less and less buildings, the woodland area coming into sight.

"Are we going to the park?" Sheila asks, realising that they're walking along the path the leads right through it.

"Maybe." George says with a cheeky flare in his eyes.

Sheila laughs. "What is there to do at the park?"

George leads her through the rusted iron gates of the park and further into the wooded area. More people come into sight and they all seem to be heading the same way. The gravel crunches under their feet and the faint sound of voices fills the air. Slowly the path becomes clearer as a cluster of lights in the distance becomes visible. As they get closer, an opening in the trees emerges.

"What is this?" Sheila asks. George leads her into the well lit opening. Crowds of people are sat on the grassy ground facing a blank screen. Some dawdle around the tree line, chatting or exchanging money for popcorn.

"It's the pictures...but outdoors." George gleams. He takes off his jacket and lays it on the grass. "Here, sit on this. Don't want to get that pretty dress ruin with grass stains."

Sheila blushes and they sit down just as the strung up lights fade away. There's a click and a white light shines on the blank screen. Everyone falls to a hush and the film begins.


A fire crackles in the fireplace of Gerald's office, a thick heat emits from it. Gerald sits behind his desk, his head resting on the back of the leather chair with his eyes closed. In front of him, disorganised papers and books clutter the desk. His hands sit clasped across his lap, his fingers drumming against one another to a silent beat.

Eric stands by the fireplace, his cheeks are red from the heat. His left arm rests on the fireplace ledge, holding an almost empty glass of scotch. The dancing flames are reflected in his eyes as he stares into the opening of the fireplace.

"Are you sure it was her?" Gerald says, opening his eyes.

"Yes." Eric sounds almost annoyed with him. He keeps his gazed on the fire and finishes his drink.

"What now?" Gerald asks.

"I don't know." Eric sets his glass down on the oak mantle piece and steps away from the fire. His body flushes cold at the sudden temperature change. "I want to support her but I don't have any money."

Eric rubs his hand over his face, wiping away his tiredness. Gerald watches him pace a couple of steps in front of the armchairs.

"Whatever you do, don't steal it again." Gerald says and Eric throws him a dirty look.

He snaps at Gerald. "Of course I'm not going to do that! I'm in enough trouble with my father as it is, I don't want to make things worse for myself."

Eric sits down on one of the red leather armchairs and sighs a deep sigh. Gerald stares at him with sorrowful eyes. He hates seeing Eric all worked up like this and it's even worse when he feels like he can't help.

Gerald stands up and joins Eric, sitting down in the armchair next to him. "If you get some money, how will you give it to her? You don't know where she lives, do you?" He asks.

"She said she goes to get food from the town hall everyday, so I'll just give it to her there." Eric mumbles. He stares at his feet, his head low and his elbows resting on his knees. His head is spinning, stress and alcohol do not mix well.

Gerald's eyes trace the bead of sweat travelling down Eric's forehead. He had doubted Eric would find Eva and now he has he's worried it'll mean for their future.

Eric looks in pain, both physically and mentally. Noticing this, Gerald lays a hand into of Eric's. "It's going to be alright." He tries to make his voice sound reassuring and calming.

"How is it?" Eric looks up at Gerald, his eyes are red and his eyebrows are furrowed. Silence passes over them as Gerald stares at his lover. Nothing in the world matters more to Gerald than Eric. He wants him to be safe and happy. His life would be so different if they hadn't met and the thought of not having Eric in his life terrifies Gerald. He's the only person who can make his heart flutter with a single look. When they touch, it's like nothing else matters in the world, it all just seems to blur around them. Sometimes he wishes he could tell the world how much he loves Eric, no one could ever replace him.

"I'll give you the money." Gerald says. Eric's jaw drops down slightly and his lips fumble as he tries to speak.

"Gerald...I can't let you do that, I won't be able to pay you back." Eric stares wide eyed at Gerald, completely dumbfounded.

"You don't need to pay me back. I can see how much Eva and this child means to you and I want you to be happy. I saw what state you went into when you first thought your child was dead...I don't want that to happen again, especially when it could be real this time." Gerald wraps his fingers around Eric's hand, tightening his grip on it and leans closer to him.

"...and if you decide you want to raise the child with her...that's okay with me." Something tugs at Eric's heart as he watches Gerald avert his eyes to the floor.

"I won't ever leave you." Grabbing Gerald's face, Eric presses his lips against his. Warmth radiates between them and all tension slips away.

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