Sweet Temptation (B×B) [Book...

By Squidtcyc

2.1M 70.4K 14.7K

"Sorry, Sir! I'm really sorry!" The small figure apologised repeatedly as he stood frozen in his spot. "It's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Part 1)
Chapter 20 (Part 2)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Book!!!

Chapter 7

66.4K 2.6K 794
By Squidtcyc

Dylan's POV:

"How was your shopping trip today? Did you had fun?" I chuckled lightly as he jumped into the seat with a little difficulty this time with the big box of biscuits in his hand.

"It was fun daddy! I bought 2 boxes of strawberry biscuits and I gave one to Matty."

"Matty? Who's that? Is he your new friend?"

"Yup! He brought me back to school!" Wait...he was with a stranger?!

"Matty is not your school friend?!"

"No, silly daddy. He is the pretty guy in the park!"

"Why are you doing with him yourself? Where are your friends and Mrs Day?"

"I told Jason that I went to the toilet but when I came out, they disappeared...then I saw a box of hot chocolate to buy for Matty but he say that he doesn't need it so I bought the biscuits instead."

"You cannot just hang out with a stranger Matt. What if he kidnaps you?"

"He wouldn't. He's my friend. I like him. He's kind..." His lips quivered as tears threatened to fall.

"Okay okay. But don't ever go with strangers ever again. What if I lost you?" He looked down in remorse as he held his box of biscuit tightly into his chest.

"Sorry daddy but Matty is good. I promise." Nodding silently, I drove us to Burger King before we go to my shop. Emily has taken up a full time job recently as a accountant so she isn't able to help me take care of Caydon after his school ended like usual.

"What would you want Matt?"

"Can I have chicken nuggets, cheesy fries and a milo?" I typed his order down quickly into my phone's memo in case I forget what he wants halfway while queuing.

"Sure Matt. Sit here okay?" He nodded obediently before taking out his worksheet and started working on it.


Mentally thanking their fast service, I carried the tray of food over just as Caydon kept his worksheet.

"You've finished?"

"Not really...I don't really know how to do them..."

"It's alright Matt. You can think over them later at the shop okay?" He nodded as he reached for a chicken nugget, which is his favourite.

I thought that he was going to wolf it down like usual from the way he opened his mouth but what surprised me is that he stared weirdly at the nugget before taking a nibble! He never nibbled on a chicken nugget. Like never never never at all.

"What's wrong Matt? Are you unwell? Do you need to see the doctor?"

"I'm okay daddy."

"Then what's the matter son?"

"Do you think Matty ate? He's so skinny like Xavier and he carried me all the way back to school...I feel bad daddy...very bad...He good to Cade but I bad to Matty...what if he hates me." He whimpered as tears fell down his cheeks.

"I believe that he ate already, Matt. You also gave him a box of biscuit right? You don't have to feel bad, love. You didn't demand him to carry you back to school and you gave him a box of biscuits so he will not hate you Matt. He'll love you for what you've done instead."

"Really daddy? He will not hate me?"

"Yes Matt. I promise." I place a kiss on his cheek making him giggle.

"Can I keep some nuggets and fries for him?"

"I don't think that that's a good idea love. The food will be spoilt by then. You don't want him to have a stomachache right?" His eyes widened in horror as he shook his head quickly.

"No daddy. I don't want him to fall sick. Can we go to the park soon? I want to play with him."

"Okay Matt. Eat your food first okay?" He nodded quickly before taking a huge bite off his nugget. That's more like it.


Caydon's POV: (surprise!)

"Daddyyy can you help me with this question?" I sat by the cash register as dad cooped in his workroom while the others did their job.

"Give me a minute Matt." He's been saying that since 30 minutes ago...

"Okay daddy..." Just then the door chimed, signalling a customer.

"Welcome! Can- Matty!!" In walked Matthew as he brushed off the snow which have landed on him.

"Cade?" He asked astonished as I jumped down from the chair and ran to hug him around his waist.

"Hi Cade. Why are you here?" He asked confused as he picked me up, placing me on the counter.

"My daddy works here. How about you, Matty?"

"I work here too Cade. Is your daddy Landon?" Matthew works here?! Then I can see him everyday!

"Nope. My daddy is Dylan!"

"Your daddy is the boss?" He asked in disbelief as he took out all the art materials and plastics.

"Yep. What are you doing Matty?"

"I'm wrapping up the chocolates and candies. You want to help?"

"Can I? But I have homework and I don't know how to do it...daddy's too busy to teach me..." I pouted. I want to help Matthew but I have homework...Mrs Day wants them by tomorrow...

"How about I teach you first then we can wrap together?" He offered as he lifted me back onto my chair.

"Yes please Matty!" He chuckled lightly like how daddy always does but daddy sounds deeper than Matthew. I wonder if Matthew can go deeper than daddy...


"Can you go deeper than daddy?" He suddenly started to choke on the air as he stared at me with slightly teared eyes.


Matthew's POV:

"Your voice. Can you go deeper?" He made the question sound so wrong when he said the last part, making me blush lightly before shaking my head. It feels awkward enough already.

"Do you want me to teach you now?"

"Yes please!" He pointed at the question which wrote 6+8=__. Walking towards the individual caramels, I grabbed two handful of them and laid them in front of him.

"Can you tell me what the question is asking?" He stared at the question hard before speaking up uncertainly.

"They asking what is six plus eight?"

"Correct! So can you take out six caramels for me?" He nodded enthusiastically before taking out the caramels one by one until he took 6 out.

"Very good Cade! Now can you take eight caramels out?" He nodded once again before swiftly taking 8 caramels out.


"Can you count for me how many have you taken out in total?"

"One, two, three...ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen! Is the answer fourteen?"

"Yes Cade! You're good at this! I'm so proud of you. "

"Thank you Matty! I think I know how to do it already."

"That's great. Then I'll start wrapping first then if you have any questions, I'll stop to help you and once you're done, you can start wrapping with me. Kay?"

"Okay!" He chirped excitedly before doing the next question.

He's so cute.

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