BTS Memes

By that1chic56

117K 3.7K 1K

Honestly, this is just BTS memes and some fake snaps, but mostly memes. More

Jin (Snapchat)
Random #1
Jungkook (Snapchat)
Suga (Snapchat)
J-Hope (Snapchat)
Random #2
Random #3
Rapmonster (Snapchat)
Jimin (Snapchat)
Random #4
Suga (Snapchat)
SeaMonster Alert
Jin (Snapchat)
Random #4
Jimin (Snapchat)
Imagine Rapmonster
Random #5
Jungkook (Snapchat)
Random #6
Stop and Look
Random #7
Random #8
Imagine Suga
Random #9
Rapmonster (Snapchat)
Bangtan Why
Random #10
Suga (Snapchat)
Random #11
Rapmonster (Snapchat)
Jimin (Snapchat)
Random #12
J-Hope (Snapchat)
V (Snapchat)
Imagine Jimin
Jin (Snapchat)
Random #13
Rapmonster (Snapchat)
Random #14
Jin (Snapchat)
Suga (Snapchat)
Random #15
Imagine Jungkook
J-Hope (Snapchat)
Imagine V
Giving a little bit of Hope
Random #16
Jimin (Snapchat)
J-Hope (Snapchat)
Im dead
V (Snapchat)
Jimin (Snapchat)
Jungkook (Snapchat)
Rapmonster Why?
J-Hope (Snapchat)
V (Snapchat)
Jimin (Snapchat)
J-Hope (Snapchat)
Random #17
Jimin (Snapchat)
V (Snapchat)
Jungkook (Snapchat)
Imagine J-hope
V (Snapchat)
Random #18
J-Hope (Snapchat)
Random #19
Jimin (Snapchat)
Jungkook (Snapchat)
V (Snapchat)
Random #20
Jimin (Snapchat)
Imagine Jin
Jungkook (Snapchat)
Random #21
Random #22
Random #23
How BTS Members Laugh
Random #24
Random #25
Different Types Of Army's
Zodiac Signs as BTS Phrases
BTS On Opposite Day
Random #26
Random #27
Zodiac Signs As BTS Parts
Random #28
How To Make Your Bias List
Random #29
The Signs Bias Wrecker
What BTS Searches on Google
BTS As Youtubers
Random #30
Random #31
How Many Kids BTS Wants
BTS And Their Sand Castles
BTS As Firefighters
BTS Reaction
BTS Last Words
Suga's Next Mixtape
Jungkook & Suga
At Your Funeral
When Your Dead
Fall Everything
BTS Phone Passwords
BTS Using The Bathroom
If V Had A Mixtape
BTS Driving
Suga's Mixtape
Authors Note
Rapmonster Imagine
I Can Die Peacefully Now
Random #32
Random #33
Random #34
Random #35
Random #36
Random #37
Friendship Goals
The Real Struggle
Random #38
Random #39
BTS At School
BTS Most Of The Time
Who's The Maknae
Jungkook and Jimin
Flirting 101
Clap Clap
When They Wake Yoongi Up
V (Snapchat)
J-Hope (Snapchat)
Jungkook (Snapchat)
Rapmonster (Snapchat)
Jimin (Snapchat)
Suga (Snapchat)
Jin (Snapchat)
Random #40
Jimin (Snapchat)
V (Snapchat)
Cinnamon Rolls
J-Hope (Snapchat)
V (Snapchat)
BTS in The Jungle
Jimin Singing
BTS Finding A Baby On The Doorstep
Jimin and Jungkook
BTS Putting Kids To Sleep
The Last Piece
Random #41
Random #42
Random #43
Random #44
Random #45
Sometimes You Gotta Laugh
Sometimes You Gotta Laugh 2
Thanksgiving With BTS Pt.1
Thanksgiving With BTS Pt.2
Thanksgiving With BTS Pt.3
If BTS Was In Suicide Squad
Random #46
Random #47
Random #48
Random #49
Random #50
If BTS was an Anime
Random #51
BTS Ideal Height
The Members Height
Random #52
J-hope Appreciation
Jimin Appreciation
Jungkook Appreciation
Suga Appreciation
V Appreciation
Jin Appreciation
Rapmonster Appreciation
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BTS Announcement
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Jimin Post

Spring Day - Lyrics Broken Down

213 6 0
By that1chic56

I found this on Tumblr a couple of days ago and it helped so much so I wanted to share it. The owner of this is: kimmy-trans


BTS - Spring Day

보고 싶다 이렇게 말하니까 더 보고 싶다
I miss you, when I say that, I miss you more

보고 싶다: I miss you
-니까: since, because
이렇게 말하니까: since I saying (like) this
더: more

너희 사진을 보고 있어도 보고 싶다
Although I'm looking at your photo, I still miss you

너희: your
사진: photo, picture
을: object particle
보고 있어 (보고 있다): looking at
도: although, even though

너무 야속한 시간
Time is so cruel

너무: so (negative)
야속한's dictionary form is 야속하다: cruel, harsh
시간: time

나는 우리가 밉다
I hate us

나: I
는: topic particle
우리: we
가: subject particle
밉다: hate

이제 얼굴 한 번 보는 것 조차 힘들어진 우리가
Now it's difficult to even see each other('s face)

이제: now
얼굴: face
한 번: once
보는 것: to see
조차: even
힘들어진's dictionary form is 힘들어지다: getting tough, hard, difficult
얼굴 한 번 보는 것 조차 힘들어진 우리가: it's difficult even to see each other's face once

여긴 온통 겨울 뿐이야
Here is all winter

여긴 is shortened for 여기는: here
온통: all, wholly
겨울: winter
뿐이야's dictionary form is 뿐이다: only

8월에도 겨울이 와
Even in August, winter is here

8월: August
에 is time/location particle: in, at
도: even
와's dictionary form is 오다: come
이: subject particle
겨울이 와 (겨울이 오다): winter is here

마음은 시간을 달려가네
My heart is rushing the time

마음: heart
시간: time
을: object particle
달려가네's dictionary form is 달려가다: run, dash, rush

홀로 남은 설국열차
Snowpiercer, that's left alone

설국열차: Snowpiercer
홀로: by oneself, alone
남은's dictionary form is 남다: remain, left

니 손 잡고 지구 반대편까지 가
I wanna hold your hand and go to the other side of the earth

니 -> 네 -> 너의: your
손: hand
잡고: hold and
지구: earth
반대편: the opposite side, other side
까지: to
가's dictionary form is 가다: go

이 겨울을 끝내 고파
Want to end this winter

이: this
겨울: winter
을: object particle
끝내's dictionary form is 끝내다: finish (off), end
고파: want to

그리움들이 얼마나 눈처럼 내려야
How much longing has to fall like snow

그리움들: 들 is the plural marker, 그리움 means longing, yearning
이: subject particle
얼마나: how much
눈: snow
처럼: like, as (if)
내려's dictionary form is 내리다: fall, come down
야: must, have to

그 봄날이 올까
For that spring day to come?

그: that
봄날: spring day
이: subject particle
올까: -까 is used to make a sentence into a question.


허공을 떠도는 작은 먼지처럼
Like a small piece of dust that floats in the air

허공: air
떠도는's dictionary form is 떠돌다: float, drift
작은's dictionary form is 작다: small
먼지: dust
처럼: like

작은 먼지처럼 날리는 눈이 나라면
If the flying snow was me

날리는's dictionary form is 날리다: fly
나: me, I
라면: if

조금 더 빨리 네게 닿을 수 있을 텐데
I could reach you a bit faster

조금 더: a bit more
빨리: fast
네: you
게: to
닿을 수 있을 텐데: 닿다 is to reach. -수 있을 텐데 means could do sth

눈꽃이 떨어져요
Snowflakes are falling

눈꽃: snowflake
이: subject particle
떨어져's dictionary form is 떨어지다: fall, drop

또 조금씩 멀어져요
Getting further away

또: again
조금씩: a bit
멀어져's dictionary form is 멀어지다: grow away

보고 싶다
I miss you

보고 싶다
I miss you

얼마나 기다려야
How long do I have to wait?

얼마나: how long (the verb following is 'to wait', so you wouldn't say 'how much do I have to wait')
기다려's dictionary form is 기다리다: wait
야: must, have to

또 몇 밤을 더 새워야
How many more nights do I have to stay up?

또: again
몇: how many
밤: night
을 is the object particle
더: more
새워's dictionary form is 새우다: stay up all night
야: must, have to

널 보게 될까
Until I can see you?

널 is shortened for 너를: you
보게 될까: can see

만나게 될까
Until I can meet you?

만나's dictionary form is 만나다: meet
-게 되다 means 'to end up...', when you attach after a verb, it means events that occurs happens out of one's control, almost by chance or fate.

추운 겨울 끝을 지나
Past the end of this cold winter

추운's dictionary form is 춥다: cold
겨울: winter
끝: end
지나's dictionary form is 지나다: go past

다시 봄날이 올 때까지
Until the spring comes again

다시: again
까지: until
올 때까지: until it comes

꽃 피울 때까지
Until the flowers blooms again

꽃: flower
피울's dictionary form is 피우다: bloom

그곳에 좀 더 머물러줘
Stay there a little longer

그곳: that place, there
에: location-marking particle
좀 더: a little longer
머물러줘 : (please) stay (for me)

Stay there

니가 변한 건지
Did you change?

니 is 네: you
가: subject particle
변한's dictionary form is 변하다: change
건지 is shortened from것인지: it makes the sentence an indirect question – linking with the following line, it's saying "is it you that changed or did I change?"

아니면 내가 변한 건지
Or did I change?

이니면: or
내: I
가: subject particle

이 순간 흐르는 시간조차 미워
I even hate this moment that is elapsing

이: this
순간: moment
흐르는's dictionary form is 흐르다: passing, elapsing
조차: even
미워's dictionary form is 밉다: hate

우리가 변한 거지 뭐
I guess we changed

우리: we
가: subject particle
뭐: well, then - used when the situation can't be changed (what else?, you know, that's all)

모두가 그런 거지 뭐
I guess that's how everything is

모두: everything
가: subject particle
그런: that
거지 is shortened from 것이지: -지 is a sentence ending for stating something softly.

그래 밉다 니가
Yeah I hate you

그래: Yeah
밉다: hate
니 is 네: you

넌 떠났지만
Although you left

넌 is shortened from 너는: you
떠났's dictionary form is 떠나다: leave
-지만: but, although

단 하루도 너를 잊은 적이 없었지 난
There hasn't been a day that I have forgotten (about) you

하루: day
단 하루도: even a day
너: you
를: object particle
잊은's dictionary form is 잊다: forget
적이 없다: have never
난 is shortened from 나는: I

솔직히 보고 싶은데
Honestly, I miss you

솔직히: honestly
보고 싶은데: I miss you (but)

이만 너를 지울게
But now I'll erase you

이만: now
너: you
를: object particle
지울게: will erase (dictionary form is 지우다: erase)

그게 널 원망하기보단 덜 아프니까
Because that will hurt less than resenting you

그게: that
널 is shortened from 너를: you
원망하기's dictionary form is 원망하다: blame, resent
보단 is shortened from 보다는: than
덜: less
아프's dictionary from is 아프다: hurt
-니까: because

시린 널 불어내 본다
I'm trying to blow out the cold you

시린's dictionary form is 시리다: cold
널 is shortened from 너를: you
불어내's dictionary form is 불어내다: blow out
-본다: trying to

연기처럼 하얀 연기처럼
Like smoke, like white smoke

연기: smoke
처럼: like
하얀: white

말로는 지운다 해도
Even I say that I'm gonna erase you

말로: in word
는: topic particle
도: even

사실 난 아직 널 보내지 못하는데
But actually, I still can't let you go

사실: actually
난 is shortened from 나는: I
아직: still
널 is shortened from 너를: you
보내's dictionary form is 보내다: let you go, send away
지 못하다: can't

눈꽃이 떨어져요
Snowflakes are falling

또 조금씩 멀어져요
Getting further away

보고 싶다
I miss you

보고 싶다
I miss you

얼마나 기다려야
How long do I have to wait?

또 몇 밤을 더 새워야
How many more nights do I have to stay up?

널 보게 될까
Until I can see you?

만나게 될까
Until I can meet you?

You know it all
You're my best friend

아침은 다시 올 거야
The morning will come again

아침: morning
은: topic particle
다시: again
올 거야: will come - dictionary form is 오다

어떤 어둠도 어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
Because no darkness, no season can last forever

어둠: darkness
계절: season
영원할's dictionary form is 영원하다: forever
-니까: because

벚꽃이 피나봐요
Cherry blossoms are blooming

벚꽃: cheery blossoms
이: object particle
피나봐요: it seems that it's blooming

이 겨울도 끝이 나요
This winter is also coming to an end

이: this
겨울: winter
도: even, also
끝이 나요: end

보고 싶다
I miss you

보고 싶다
I miss you

조금만 기다리면
If I wait a little longer

조금만: just a little
기다리다: wait
면: if

며칠 밤만 더 새우면
If I stay up a few more nights

며칠: several days
밤: night
만: only
더: more
새우다: stay up (all night)
면: if

만나러 갈게
I'll go see you

만나's dictionary form is 만나다: see, meet
-러: to (do something)
갈게: will go – dictionary form is 가다

데리러 갈게
I'll go pick you up

데리's dictionary form is 데리다: pick up

추운 겨울 끝을 지나
Past the end of this cold winter

다시 봄날이 올 때까지
Until the spring comes again

꽃 피울 때까지
Until the flowers bloom again

그곳에 좀 더 머물러줘
Stay there a little longer

Stay there

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