falling in love with your bes...

By TTRose16

37.4K 763 161

what if your perfect match lived just across the hall from you.. Tyler and Jody are best friends but what ha... More

feelings in the dumping ground
mother knows/ jealousy shows
Jodys hero
Three muskerteers pt 1
your muskerteer
final time
just the two of us now
Tylers dilemma
First kiss
mai lees backfired plan
Ryan's revenge
carmen vs ryans advice
a first secret 'date'
8 suspicious 'dates'
jodys breakdown
jody in manchester
untold tales
catching out a killer
cant forget
Hawaiian dream
without her
Owl + mullet/shark=dolphin
A new happy beginning
Grown up
A return for Tyler
A discovery/arrangement
Jodys 21 Q&A
blackmail or truth
Ryans game
prank gone wrong
time to tell all pt 1
love is not easy pt 2
power of control
I brought the beach to you
Elektra's back
Tyler's final prank
against all odds
Fix Us
Tale of the whistle-blower
Time to forget
Across the hall
explosive circus
warning one
I am telling you
Tales of persevirence
bartlebees back
bartelbee threats/ fantacys
the charm you became
set free
legally binding pt 1
binding together pt 2
Noli Timere
A princess fantasy
You beat gone girl
back to where we started
Tease For The Sequel
sequel renewed its happening

The gift of a friend

453 12 5
By TTRose16

A couple of days of summer began and still Tyler was hoping mike was planning on doing something big with the kids but, for now he had other things on his mind or gift on his mind.

Jodys 15th was 4 days away and he still had not thought or come up with the perfect gift time was running out in his book.

Sasha and ryan walked into a messy kitchen after bickering about Ryan being to close with dexter and noticed Tyler with chloe sammi the twins and floss

"What a mess!"

Ryan tried to shake all the glitter out of tylers hair

"What are you doing?" Ryan snickered at tylers broken craft gift

"Tell me what you got jody for her birthday" tyler pleaded to Ryan

"Tyler i told you not giving my gift to you!" Ryan finalised

"I just want to know what it is?" Tyler pouted

"You couldnt even make a frame your hopeless" floss insulted

"The glue doesnt stick" tyler reacts

The twins hold up their frames

"They look amazing girls" sasha applauded

"Thanks" the girls beamed happily

jody will love them!" Chloe agreed

"HEY!" The three girls legged it

"Why are you franticing over jodys gift Tyler?" Sasha quizzed "you always get jody the best gifts" sasha reminded

"Exactly but last year i wasnt her boyfriend and we'd not been to hawaii? Plus Candi says the first gift has to be perfect" tyler recited

"Tyler its not an anniversary your all good!" Ryan informed

"Funny ryan" tyer muttered

"Ryans sort of right tyler you know jody doesnt ever expect anything from you" sasha exclaimed

"Which is why it has to be the perfect one" tyler expressed this is the 4th idea

What were the others? Chloe wondered

"Clothes but after shopping with candi rose i almost"

"Yeah thats a nightmare in itself" ryan sympetified

"Then i thought a trip somewhere and after the last two i decided not the wisest" tyler issued "then i thought jewellery but she already got me that for mine"

"Oh yeah, the tylers girl braclet on her wrist" ryan noted

"Thats super sweet!" Sasha awwed

"Which brought me to trying to be creative... and i just proved that im terrible" tyler yawned

"Come on tyler you help me clear this mess and we can work on number 5" chloe suggested

"Thanks chloe!"

Jody walked in with mai lee having brought food for dinner

"Woow!" Jody giggled

"What a mess!" Mai lee cried

"We are cleaning it dont worry" tyler assured

"Okay...come on jody lets get these lasagnes in the oven" mai lee listed

During dinner mike walked in the kitchen and announced
"There will be a new girl coming early tommorrow morning shes having it hard right now so everyone be nice everyone remember there first days" mike ordered

Yes mike

"Another girl!" The guys cried out "another girl!"

"Girl power" floss cheered

"Well hey after this we can all get ready for film night"

"Yes film night!" Floss and finn cheered

Two hours later

Everyone gathered in the living room

"Whoes turn is it tonight anyway?" Tyler asked

"Well it goes youngest to oldests girl girl boy girl girl" candi listed

"Okay... i get it so whoes turn was it last week" ryan quizzed

"Billies and tonis this week i get to choose" floss blurts out holding out the chosen DVD

"Wait floss its chloes birthday before yours" toni remembered

"You know its o.." chloe was cut of by Ryan

"Let chloe pick!" Ryan insisted

"Fine..." floss gave in everyone took their seat

"So what do you wanna watch chloe?" Candi asked there was loud screams exploding from the outside

"I dont want to go with you i want my daddy!!!" As they saw Mike and mai lee ran out all agreed

"New girl!..." everyone voted

"I think i found something to watch" ryan smirked all gathered round the window

"Guys we should be more respectful give her space. Obviously shes finding it hard right now." jody commands

"We all found it hard" floss dominated "noone gave us an easy first day"

"Jodys right; lets just give them space. it would make things easier for her and us without an audience. just let her adapt to the new surroundings" Tyler empathise

All agree to do film night the next night and head to their  rooms Tyler turns to jody

"You okay jodes?"

"Yeah it would just be nice to be respected the way you are around here" jody shrugged tyler turns her round to face him

"You are respected your the voice of everyone inside the house while i am the voice outside it" tyler assured with a cheeky wink

"Im gonna head to bed" jody smiled assuring him she was all good kissing his cheek goodnight "we all need to get as much as we can" she whispered in his ear before heading up to her room

Over an hour and a half and the new girl was still giving mike mai lee and the social worker an earful

"Thats it if i dont get my beauty sleep im gonna be very cranky!" Candi reacted quickly rushing down the stairs surprised to see floss the twins Ryan and finn all by the top of the steps

"This girl dont know when to quit!" Ryan growled

Ill shut her up floss said she grabs the tape and runs down the stairs to see mike and mai lee were in the office discussing what to do with the kid

Ill help you out... she walks over to the girl who had chained her self to the front door

Well thanks for making things easier for me the kids watched as floss taped the girls mouth shut

Your obviously not very clever then now your shutted up we can get some sleep

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Jodys voice errupted causing everyone to jump jody runs down to face floss "How could you think this is anyway to treat one of us?" Jody persicuted

"I... i was doing everyone a favour she was just screaming and screaming" floss stuttered  "plus shes not one of us! Just look at her face its so dirty " Floss folded

Yeah!" The twins poked Tyler heard jodys voice from his room and stopped at the top of the stairs with Alex

Jody glanced at The little girls expression for the first time. It was a look of exaustion, she was  frail heartbroken And gave her a soft reasurring smile then turns back to the care kids

"Any care kid who walks through this door is one of us!" Jody announced

"The second they walk through this door we look out for them, through the Good days here and the Bad. We should know better than anyone what she possibly went through today; to go from having your family one minute to then be dumped with a bunch of strangers. It doesnt matter what we look like it should be about the person" jody Indicated.
Everyone looked to the floor ashamed and guilty knowing jody was right

"We are sorry!" Everyone apologised and headed to bed

This may hurt alittle jody winced before pealing the ducktape from the poor girls mouth Tyler grabs the pin out of the girls bun and picks the chain lock

"I could have taken that girl if i didnt baracade myself to the door and not have a whole in my pocket" the girl claimed confidently

"Oh yeah i believe you could of" jody accepted

"But i guess theyre the ones to thank you for protecting them from getting in trouble" the girl spat

"Hmm she definantly reminds me of a firey 9 year old" Tyler hinted playfully before jody could react mike mai lee and stan all came out the room

"So weve come to a conclusion we are....Jody??, Tyler?? Sorry"

"No your alright mike" Tyler assured walking over to the adults "i think jodys got this one" he whispered

"Really?" mike smiled

"Yeah seems this new girl reminds her of someone" tyler hints

"Shall we grab a coffee" mai lee suggested

"Judging by your speech about care kids you have been here awhile?"

"Yeah... 6 years" jody openly admits

"I dont wanna be here that long!" the girl cried slipping on the 2nd step jody joins her

"I get it, being taken away from the only place you've ever known you dont know if you can trust them you want to find and make as many escapes and escape roots as you can but trust me by the time it is your time to leave you'll be chaining yourself to the door protesting to stay" Jody influenced

"Not after what those kids did!"

"Some of us need to get used to others first thats all" jody defended you wanna know something you wont believe

"Whats that!" The girl exclaimed excitidly

"Follow me!..." jody guided her out to the kitchen can you open the back door please mike

"Ah i don... okay but 10 minutes"

Jody then takes the girl to the end of the garden

"Woow! This is the coolest treehouse ive ever seen!" The girl gasped

"Yeah my.. friend Tyler built it with the help of a few others he called it a place to escape from the world you wanna check it out?" Jody invited

"YES!!!" The girl beamed as she lead the way climbing the treehouse

Wow! A swing and a bed! Whats that meant to be a restraunt area


"The lights are very pretty!" The girl comments

"Yeah... Ty is pretty incredible" jody mesmerised by the inside "still cant get over how amazing it is' jody sighed

"Tyler built it for you?" Taz followed

"For both of us... now its for everyone.." jody announced

"Taz likey" the girl expressed

Its funny when i came into care i was alot like you were i caused chaos in my first few hours because i was scarred i wanted my mom to come take me away i was confused i felt alone but it was a different type of alone than what i felt when living with my family my first day wasnt a great one

"Why?" Tyler and mai lee eyes dropping outside the treehouse

Well i was looked at as being
Dirty carmens favourite a bad smell. I just wasnt seen as being one of them because i took someone elses room from my roommate i was locked in a cuboard, accused of ripping up a girls clothes, really feeling like an outcast and continuing the having no friends route.
My family abandoned me and i always felt like someone was going to sufficate me... but things are different now better now for you "

"How come?"

"Simply because you already have a friend... me!" Jody assured taz hugged jody tightly

"Thanks..." the girl paused

"Jody!" Jody Returns

"Thanks jody" Taz yawned have you got happy storys here?"

"Oh you bet!" Jody affirmed "how about the first trip to the beach with the house this was over a month after tracy left and i was alittle nervous last time i went to the seaside i was 7 and my big brother brought his friends lets put it this way i never went outside after that" jody shared anyway i spent most of the time in the van noone could get me out of it so a clever yet mischievious boy i knew thought hed bring the beach to me"

Tyler snickered mai lee looks to him and mouthed "you" he nods

"He loaded the van with sand, stones and pretty shells before he  sat beside me and said 'to dip my toes in the sand' which i did. I never thought it would give me so much confidence" jody reminiced

"He held my hand the whole time as we built the biggest castle there with Rick, johnny And Tee. It was so fun, one id never forget because when we got back to the van mike went crazy at Tyler" jody laughed she turns round to the sound of light snores and smiled at the sleeping Taz on the bed.

Mike Tyler and mai lee walked in
"Nice work jody" mike applaused

"She is staying right mike?" Jody chased

"Im gonna give her a trial say a month if shes proper settled calm, and happy she can stay" mike settled .

"Hey kiddo come on lets get you to bed" tyler whispered

"Hmm... jody... more storys" taz sleepily proposed

"I promise tommorrow any story you want" jody yawns

"...okay" taz heads down with mike

"Well done Jody really amazing job with Taz and everyone else" mai lee praised

"Thanks mai lee" jody appreciated mai lee left the treehouse

Tyler sat beside jody and wrapped her into his chest "i also remember my punishment was to clean the entire van out and a pretty little firebird came over and insisted she helped"

"Yeah she would not have liked it if the boy got the blame just for cheering her up" jody mentions tyler smiled down at her and now look at them

"There still completely the same.. but would you really bring the beach to me now"

Tylers eyes widened with a clever idea

"Oh you better believe i would" tyler winked before kissing her lips softly "well its late"

"Time for bed" jody sniffed the pair walked hand in hand to jodys room

"Goodnight Ty"

Tyler kisses her goodnight and heads to his room he takes out a notepad and wrote everyone and everything for Jodys

Backyard beach party!...

End chapter

Long chapter

I know series 6 will be new characters so i brought someone new i choose joseph to not be in the story as i have sammi back in the story and prefer sammi over both joseph and archie.

Keep reading more chapters coming!

Which past character do you miss most?

I have to say bailey and Electra for me...

Continue Reading

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