Never Again.

Por CoffeeAndABook6

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At fourteen my life was flipped upside down. And not for good. I was held captive for many years. I didn't k... Más

Never Again.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Sixteen

184 4 2
Por CoffeeAndABook6

I collapsed.

"Charlie? Charlie who?" Kane asked confused.

"None of your business. In fact, you should probably leave." His voice was everything I remember it being, full of anger and hatred.

"No." 'Oh my God,' that thought went in loops around my head, as Charlie slowly walked forward.

"Fine. Don't leave, two is better than one anyway."

"I think you should leave." Kane's voice was strong and confident as he nodded toward the door.

"Not without her. That bitch got away, and now that I found her I'm taking her back." Tears started streaming down my face, I didn't notice until my hands were wet with tears. I was inching backwards on the floor, but Kane was just standing there, refusing to move. 'Leave, Charlie, leave!' I screamed in my head, but couldn't form words.

"Thought you'd get away, huh, bitch! You didn't the first two times and you won't this time!"

"Get out!" Kane's voice had a layer of authority in it, but mainly just anger. I had no idea where this side of him was coming from, but in a strange way it comforted me. 'Thank God he was here.'

Charlie kept walking forward, "I said, I was taking her with me, right Ella?"

"Leave! Now!" Kane's voice went up a notch as he moved towards Charlie, who flinched and stepped back.

Charlie looked around him and stared right at me, "You know I'll be back. You can't hide from me!" He screamed before backing out the door.

I was crying uncontrollably by now, and Kane went to the window, making sure he was gone, when his truck drove off, Kane rushed over to me and put me on his lap after he sank to the floor. I put my head on his chest as I cried.

He was talking right in my ear, it was low and soothing as he rocked back and forth, "It's okay, it's okay, he's gone now, its okay."

"Oh my God!! Dani?? What happened? I heard yelling and rushed down! Dani?"

"Lily, it's fine. Call the cops."

"Okay, okay," she was hysterical as I just sat on his lap, soaking his shirt in tears. He continued talking and I tried to stop crying. I heard Lily on the phone with the police, telling them to get here as quick as possible, when she hung up she came over.

"Kane what happened? What's wrong with Dani?"

"She collapsed. She was wiping down tables when a man barged in saying that she wasn't getting away this time. Whatever that meant. She just dropped, her face was white as a ghost and was covered in terror, worse than ever before. There were so many emotions on it. It was anger and fear and then fear took over, I don't even know. It happened so fast." He rambled on, then he went back to talking in my ear.

"Oh my God! Dani was it... was it him?"

All I could do was nod before I started sobbing all over again. Kane put his arms around me tighter and started rocking again, whispering low in my ear.

"Oh no." Lily was in shock, she ran upstairs and came down a second later with Kat. They sat on the floor beside us. Their faces were so worried I couldn't look. 'I should've kept moving,' was all I could think.

Five minutes later, the cops showed up. Lily got up and started explaining what she knew about tonight, but it wasn't much. They wanted to speak to Kane but he wouldn't let me out of his arms. Eventually, the cop decided he would question us together.

"Dani? Is it okay? We can do it tomorrow, they can't make you," Kane's voice was laced with concern as he stared into my eyes.

"No. It's fine. I just want it over with."

"You're sure?" I just nodded. I had finally stopped crying, but my hip was sore from sitting awkwardly on Kane's lap and my knee didn't feel much better.

The cop started with his questions, "When did this happen?"

"About twenty minutes ago." Kane answered. 'Thank God, I'm so happy he was here. But now he's going to have questions.' I thought and my heart did a flip. 'He'll know you're not pure, he'll probably leave.'


"What? Sorry."

"No it's okay," the cop reassured me, "Do you know the man who came in?"

"Yeah." The flashbacks started coming back and a tear rolled down my face before I wiped it away.

"Is he related to you?"

"God no."

"How do you know him? Can we get in touch with him?"

Ignoring the first question I answered the second, "I don't know. He has a phone, but I don't know the number. He lives down the road a ways, I think."

"Where exactly?"

"I don't know. It took me three days to walk here from his house. I'm pretty sure I didn't turn, I don't know."

"We'll send a uniform out that way. Do you know the address?"

"No. It's down a dirt road."

"Anything else you remember about that house?"

"It's run down, and small. It's old too. Umm, I only saw it once. I think it was brick, it has a shed in the back, old too."

"Anything else? What about his vehicle?"

I was relieved when Kane spoke up, "It's a baby blue truck. Old model- Ford, I think, only one plate on the front. It had local plates, starting with 'KY' and had an 8 in it. He headed right out of the driveway."

"That's a lot of help. Thanks. Ma'am anything else?"



"Yeah, umm, his name is," I didn't want to say it out loud, I hated it more than anything, "his name is, Charlie Dunham." Another tear rolled down my face and I just let it fall.

"Thanks ma'am you've been a huge help, both of you. I doubt we'll have any more questions."

"Thanks, detective. If there's anything else, can you come back tomorrow? Dani needs sleep."

"Absolutely, I understand. There will be a detective parked outside, until further notice." He turned and walked to the other detectives questioning Lily.

"Lets get you upstairs," said Kane and I started walking toward the stairs. I flinched in pain but tried to hide it, obviously not well. "No way," he said before lifting me in his arms and carrying me upstairs.

"I can walk, Kane."

"Not tonight," when I went to argue he added, "you collapsed with an already sore leg, just relax."

"Hip. Sore hip."

"And knee." I rolled my eyes and he carried me up the stairs. He placed me on the couch laying down, then lifted up my head and sat down, putting a pillow on his lap, before placing my head back down, on top of the pillow.

"Get away from me!" I shoved at the arm around my waist screaming. I couldn't get far enough away, "Stay away from me!"

"Dani? Dani, it's okay. It's me, Kane." I was standing on the other side of the living room by now, and he was just standing up off the couch. I was pushing back into the wall. I shrunk down the wall putting my face in my hands. Tears were streaming down my face, and I couldn't hold back the sobs that were wracking my whole body. "Just go away." I didn't have any more energy to yell, I was exhausted.

"Dani? Dani it's me. It's okay, it's fine, ssshhhh. It's okay, it's just me."

I felt a hand go around my back and I flinched, as he pulled it back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spook you."

I just kept crying, "Dani, it's okay, you're safe now."

He kept repeating the same words, in a low voice. I put my head on his shoulder and he slowly, very slowly put his head on mine, and his hand on my arm, almost in a hug, still talking to me.

"Is she okay?" I heard Lily ask.

"Yeah, just a nightmare. You can go to sleep, I'll sit with her."

"It's okay, you need to sleep too," she started but Kane cut her off.

"I'm not leaving her Lily, and especially not like this."

"Okay," she paused before putting her hand on my knee, "Are you alright Hun?"


"Is it okay if I go back to bed, I won't, it's fine."

"No, go. You need some rest."

"Kane said he'll stay with you, though I didn't doubt it."

"It's fine. Thank you Lily, goodnight."

"Goodnight you two." And she turned back to the door.


"Yes Dani?"

"Will you see if Kat's alright? Tell her I'm sorry?"

"Of course. Goodnight Dani."


I heard muffled voices and Kane took up his talking again as he carried me to the couch. I was sitting on his lap, with my head on his chest as I drifted off to sleep again.

I woke up screaming again. I jumped off Kane's lap and sunk to the floor. The tears weren't far behind. I gasped as i hit something, hitting my ribs. I was moving back toward the wall, when Kane got up and started heading toward me. On instinct I yelled at him, "Get away from me! Leave me alone! I hate you!" I screamed it so loud.

"Dani, it's me, it's Kane. It was just a nightmare, you're safe. It's just me. Okay?"

In between sobs I choked out, "I'm sorry," about ten times.

"No, don't apologize, don't worry. You're safe. Just breath."

It took less time for me to calm down this time, " I'm so sorry, Kane. I shouldn't have yelled."

"No, Dani, it's fine. Just breathe. It will be okay, ssshhhh just breathe. You're safe now."

He picked me up again, laying me on the couch, like the first time, with my head on a pillow in his lap. He stroked my hair as I laid there, "I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"It's okay, try to get some rest, beautiful." And he kept stroking my hair as I fell asleep.

"Not again. Get off of me. Leave me alone," I mumbled as someone shook my arm. I swatted my hand at them and when it connected a pain shot up my wrist and I pulled back.

"Dani, it's just a dream, wake up." My shoulder shook and I opened my eyes. I was on the floor and Kane was leaning over me, "It was just a dream, it's okay, you're safe now." I tried to stand, unsuccessfully. Kane helped me, leading me to the couch.

"I'm so sorry," I tried to apologized but he cut me off.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault."

"I've kept you up all night."

"I got a couple hours. I'm fine."

We sat there in silence, with his arm around my shoulder with my head on his shoulder. A couple minutes later, I had an idea. "Come on," I tried to stand up.

"Dani, you should rest," but he helped me up and steadied me as I swayed back and forth.

I grabbed the blanket off the couch and walked to the balcony.

"I won't sleep anyways, I do this every morning."

"You have nightmares every night?"

"No, just some."

"I'm sorry."

I opened the door, feeling the rush of cold air hit me, I breathed in deep. "I love watching the sun come up, its my favourite part of the day." I walked toward the chair and sat down, but Kane picked me up, sat down, placed me beside him, putting his arm around my shoulder and put the blanket over both of us.

"That's better," he said as he got comfortable, "I love the sunrise too."

"It's incredible. It takes my breath away."

"I agree. It's beautiful."

We sat in silence for a while, just watching the sun rise, the light glistening off the snow.

{Kane's POV}

'Like you' I thought but didn't say. She reminded me of the sunrise. That's why I got her the necklace, I couldn't help it. Like she said, she took my breath away.

"Thank you," she interrupted my thoughts.

"Dani, you don't have to thank me."

"I want to. You've done so much for me, just by being here, so, thank you."

"You're welcome." I didn't know what to say, I would do this over again, without a second thought, just to be sitting here with her so close to me. Her hair had fallen out last night after the first nightmare, and I couldn't help myself. I ran my hand through it last night as she had fallen asleep.

I hated that she had nightmares. I didn't know for sure, but I'm guessing they had to do with that Charlie guy. Whatever he did to her, I would make sure he payed for it. I wanted to know, but didn't want to pry. 'She'll tell me when she's ready.' I was happy she was letting me hold her though. Every time I was close to her before, she would jump or shy away. But she just had her head on my chest as she stared at the sun. She looked peaceful, but I couldn't see her eyes.

This must have been the sadness she always carried around, and I wanted to kill Charlie for whatever he did to make her like this. I understood why she was spooked so easily now.

The terror on her face last night was worse than yesterday in town. I've never seen such raw fear before. It took everything I had not to just hold her then, I forced myself to stay calm and handle the situation first, but afterwards I couldn't help but hold her. She looked so fragile and broken.

'What did he do to you, Dani?'

{Dani's POV}

I wanted to tell him, but didn't want him to leave. 'What if I tell him and he leaves? He was the only one I've let get this close to me. If he leaves, will I trust again? Or will they all leave?' I've only known him for a couple weeks, maximum two weeks, but couldn't bear the thought of losing him. I grabbed hold of the necklace I was wearing, 'Here goes, all or nothing, Dani.'

"He kidnapped me," I said before I could back out.

Kane sat up a bit, and I shifted sitting up cross legged, keeping the blanket on both of us.

I was happy he remained quiet as I gathered my thoughts before continuing, "I was only fourteen at the time."

Kane sat up more, moving to sit beside me, holding my hands in his. "It didn't take long before he beat me. At first it was only when I did something he didn't like, but eventually it got to the point where he did it anyway, it didn't matter what I did. If he got home, just ate, or just felt like it, he would hit me. It always changed based on his mood. Sometimes it was kicking, sometimes punching, when he was really mad he would just throw me. Into pretty much anything close. A wall, a door, the table, anything."

He squeezed my hands gently, concerned eyes scanning my face as I stared at our hands.

"In the first six months I had escaped twice, that's when he switched from just locking me up, to tying, and gagging me. On bad days he would handcuff me or one of the ropes, to the furnace. My timing was way out of whack, even night and day was hard to decipher, but I think it was a couple months after that, that he started bringing a girl around. Before she would come over, he would tie me up really tightly, and gagged me so I couldn't talk. Other days he would just knock me unconscious so I wouldn't try anything. She spent days over sometimes, I'm assuming, usually those were the times I was unconscious." A tear slid down my cheek, and Kane wiped it away.

"One day though, she stopped in unexpectedly. He was in the middle of beating me and told me to shut up before running out to greet her. I screamed. I heard footsteps and had hope that she would find me, help me in some way. I heard him trying to tell her to trust him. That it was 'nothing', but I screamed again, not stopping until the door opened. I saw her, but she didn't help. She just ran out of the house, saying they were done. He ran after her but she had already driven away. The following days were the worst." A couple more tears rolled down my cheek, and Kane, again, wiped them away.

"It's okay, Dani, stop if you have to. No one's pushing you. It's fine, take your time."

"After he stormed back in the house, slamming the door, he stomped to my room. He threw open the door, and it stuck, the door handle had went into the wall. He threw me quite a few times until I passed out. I woke up and he started beating me, yelling that it was my fault." Another tear. "I passed out again. This happened a couple times, I lost count after four. I think the last time I was out for a couple days. When I woke up there was a mattress in the room. I felt like every bone was broken, it hurt to do anything, even breathe. I tried to move away but he threw me on the mattress. That's when he told me.. he said that..."

"It's okay, take your time, I'm here Dani, I always will be."

"He said that since he 'only used her for fucking' and that I was a 'bitch with the same parts' that I could replace her." I put fingers up showing the quotes and afterwards he grabbed them into his hands, rubbing them to warm them up.

"I screamed in pain as he turned me over, I couldn't do anything though, I was too weak. I tried to kick but it was pointless, finally he cursed at me, and tied me down. I thought I had broken ribs, it hurt to breathe so bad." I stopped to catch my breath. Kane was staring into his lap, his face blank. 'I knew this was a bad idea,' but I couldn't stop now.

"He ripped my clothes off before raping me. He said my body was his now and that he could do what he wanted with it, and he did. I hurt so much... He finally quit, putting a piece of tape over my mouth. I hadn't stopped screaming. Tears soaked my face and I couldn't stop crying. He hit me and said we would finish later when I 'calmed the hell down.' Getting up off the bed he grabbed his phone and left. I just laid there, tied and crying until I passed out. He did this for the next couple weeks, repeatedly." More tears, I didn't even try to stop them, just took a deep breath and kept going.

"That's when he started bringing... stuff home. He said he wanted to 'change it up'. I wasn't in as much pain by then but I was barely ever loose, always tied up. My wrists and ankles hurt. The tape would come off my mouth, he would give me bread with butter, or something else small and plain. He'd leave the tape off until I screamed again, the next time he would start."

"I wouldn't stop screaming! yelling at him until he beat me, because then he would stop. But the bearings continued until i passed out."

"It's okay Dani, take your time."

"He started getting phone calls, and he would argue on the phone with them, he was pretty angry too, which only made him madder at me. One night he took a call and afterwards came and tied me up in the closet outside my room. He was really distracted and kind of looked frightened. My ropes were loose, and he didn't lock the closet like usual when he had a meeting thing. I had overheard on the phone that he was supposed to be gone all night. I waited until he left and untied myself, taking the tape off. I slowly opened the door after waiting a while. I couldn't stop thinking he would come back. I slowly opened the closest window wide enough for me to sneak out. As soon as I was out of the house I ran to the bush. I made my way to the road. I was almost running, but couldn't do it. My feet and ankles still hurt from being tied up. It hurt to run. I 'ran' for three days. It took me a day to get to the main road, I avoided every car on the road, afraid it might be him, and that I wouldn't be out after all. Then after walking for two days down this road, I walked into the diner. That's when I met Lily."

"It's a good thing you stopped in."

"Yeah, she gave me pie and coffee and told me she didn't want money when I refused to eat anything, saying I couldn't pay her. We talked a bit, that's when she asked how old I was. I had to ask her the year. I thought she would say 2011 or 2012 at most, but she just replied with a confused '2016, why?' and I froze. I didn't even respond, I didn't know how or what to say. She brought me a big plate of dinner and afterwards I said I had to leave. I wanted to get as far as possible away from him, but she wouldn't let me go. I was only wearing flooded jeans, and a shirt, both faded and torn. She said there was a storm coming in and convinced me to stay. I woke her and Kat up with nightmares that night and she still let me stay afterwards. She gave me breakfast and I helped Kat clean the tables off, as she took orders. I hadn't even realized it, but I had worked for nine hours, before Lily came over and told me to eat, and she offered me a job."

His face had less anger on it when I looked up. He was studying my face again.

"I'm so sorry."

I just looked down. He turned me around, forcing me to lay down, with my head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry," he repeated and I drifted off.

I woke up frozen. I was shaking and my jaw was chattering.

"Come on, Dani. Lets go inside."

"O-o-okay." I stuttered. He picked me up, carrying me inside. He put me down on the coach and I grabbed the other blanket, which was much warmer.

"I should've brought you in sooner, I'm sorry."

"N-no, I f-fell asleep." I tried to stop shaking but it wasn't working.

"Here," he sat down beside me and I could feel his warmth as he tucked me into the blanket.

"You're s-so warm," I mumbled. I felt warmer soon and leaned into him, "Thank you."

He didn't respond, instead he just put his arm around me pulling me in closer. 'I hope he doesn't leave, this is nice. Not that I'd blame him.'

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him, praying he wouldn't say 'leaving'.


"What about me?" His face looked like he was replaying everything over again.

"Why did he call you Ella? Last night?"

"Oh. My full name is Daniella, but he said Ella suited me better."

"He's wrong. You're definitely a Dani."

"I hope so."

"You are. It says that you're strong willed and strong minded. You're kind and independent."

I blushed again, "Thanks."

I heard Lily walk by, "Oh you guys are up. I thought I heard you."

"I'm sorry if I woke you, again."

"Dani, it's fine honest. Did you get a couple hours at least?"

"Yeah, on the balcony again."

"That's good, "and she turned to leave before turning back, "And don't even think about coming to work today." She winked before walking away.

"She won't."

"How do you know?"

"Because I won't let you."

I tried to sit up but froze. 'Don't think about it and the pain will go away,' I told myself.

"What's wrong? And don't even think about saying nothing."

"Just a little sore."

"Better than 'nothing' I guess. Less vague?"

"Just my hip, knee, ankle, and I think a couple other places."



"What other places, Dani?"

"I don't know," I said before getting up to walk around.

"Hey, take it easy, beautiful. You're supposed to rest when you're in pain."

"I was trying to figure out what else hurt."


"Everything. It feels like I was hit by a bus." 'And that's saying something, considering I have a lot to compare it to.'

"Come on," he said before helping me walk to the hallway, "Where's your bedroom?"

"I'm not tired."

"Stubborn. Where's your bedroom, Dani?"

"That one," I said pointing then regretted it as my shoulder exploded in pain.

"Take it easy. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Liar. Where are your clothes?"

"In the closet, why?"

"Because you're taking a shower and putting new clothes on."

"Oh." And he rummaged through my closet, after placing me on my bed gently.

"This okay?" I laughed lightly, but it hurt, "What?"

"Nothing. I should've known, you're a guy. Most people choose sweatpants and a loose shirt."

"Oh." He went into the drawer again, switching the jeans for sweatpants and the hoodie for a pyjama top, "Better?"

"Yes." Then he walked me to the bathroom.

"Dani?" He lifted my chin so I had to look him in the eye, "If anything happens, and I mean anything, yell. Okay?"

"Okay." His voice was so serious, I instantly felt safe.

"Promise me, Dani." It was a command and he was still completely serious.

"I promise." I looked down and walked in the bathroom.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Anything, just ask Lily and she'll give you something."

"Okay, I'll be right back upstairs. Seriously Dani, even a fall, yell."

"I will," he was still staring at me so I added, "I promise, Kane, I will."

"Okay. If I don't hear from you in twenty minutes, I'm coming in."


"Fine. Starting now."

"Okay." I closed the door as a tear slid down my cheek. I don't remember the last time someone had cared that much about me. 'I can't lose him.'

I had bruises all over, 'Must have been from when I collapsed last night, or pressed myself into the wall, or when I was punching and kicking the floor last night.'

My body had all different colour bruises, from regular blue/green ones to yellow, purple, black, and mixed ones. My hands had scrapes on them and I briefly remembered hitting the coffee table during the last nightmare. 'I really did a number on myself. No one he was so worried.'

I shut the water off, and slowly, ever so slightly dried off and put the sweatpants on, pulling the t-shirt over my head as I heard a quiet knock at the door.


"Yup, one second." I rearranged my clothes, 'Block out the pain,' I thought and opened the door. Kane's face was all concern before it switched to relief.

"Breakfast is ready."

"Okay." I bent over to pick up my clothes.

"I'll get them." And he grabbed them as I stood up. He walked me to the table in the kitchen.

We started eating in silence, I noticed a minute later he had stopped eating and looked up. He was staring at me.

"How bad are they?" He asked.


"The bruises."

"Not too-" I cut myself off, knowing he would know I'm lying, "Some are worse than others."


"My hip's the worst, I think I landed on it again last night. I have a couple down my legs, they aren't too bad. And a long one down my spine from the wall, I think. And my one shoulder is tender. And my hands." I looked down, 'I must look terrible.'

"I didn't know how to stop you last night. I woke up and you rolled off the couch, I think you hit your shoulder on the corner of the coffee table. And you rammed yourself into the wall last night trying to get away. And you kept punching and kicking. I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do."

"No, you did everything you could. Thank you."

"It wasn't enough."

"No, it was more than I could've asked for. Seriously Kane, I really appreciate it."

"Your welcome, beautiful." I blushed and looked down again, picking at my food. I wasn't very hungry though. Everything tasted the same to me today.

"Hot chocolate?" Kane asked, "I forgot until now, Lily made them."

"Sounds delicious."

He handed me one and I took a sip. It was delicious.


"No problem. I thought you'd like it better than coffee today."

"You were right, this is perfect."

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