Overwatch | Soldier 76 x Fem...

By dxstyshclf

5K 102 142

"No one knows you like yourself." They proved you wrong... [This book has been discontinued and revamped. Che... More

Discontinued & Revamped
Hide |1|
Memory //Part One// |2|
Memory //Part Two// |3|
Unfortunate |4|
Preview: Forgiveness |5|
Forgiveness |5|
Hold up.

Forgiveness //Part 2//|6|

539 10 32
By dxstyshclf

Sike! Here's part two! The chapter just got so long that I had to cut it. Please don't hate me! I just needed a little fun before I cry my night away. ANYWAYS... Please enjoy this chapter! (I got scolded for doing this in class. -w-)

(Here are the girls)


(Y/N)'s POV
As much as I want to spend time with my team and explore everything new about Overwatch, my body won't move an inch. The bed's so soft, an extremely big change from the usual wooden bed I stayed in. The room's so peaceful, and my position is perfect. It's bliss. How could anyone want to get out of bed?! Unfortunately...

"(Y/N)! Are you awake?!" That... That was all it took for my happiness to end. Ana came bursting into my room having heard my groans of absolute grief. "Come on! Since when were you so lazy?!" She pulled the covers off me and swung the window open, cruelly leaving me to freeze.

"You're the definition of evil, Ana!" I scream, sprawling all over the bed. "Why so early anyway?!" I struggle to get up, my body wobbling from waking up so suddenly.

Ana throws her hands up in the air, "It's 10 am, (Y/N)!" My eyes shot open, "Oh." (Literally me)


Ana drags me out to a mall, telling me that I should be wearing more professional clothes if I'm going to be a superior. This situation seems really familiar actually. Extremely familiar.

We hop around several shops, Ana forcing me to try out about 10 clothes from every one of them. She buys me a heap of clothes, and I'm pretty sure I don't have room for all of them in my closet. Before I can complain, Ana pulls me into a store full of expensive elegant dresses. I gulp.

After an hour or so, after trying out a million clothes, Ana finally picks the "perfect" attire for me. She ended up purchasing the long black jumpsuit she said "fits me and only me." Oddly, the sleeveless backless clothing was comfortable, but that's the only thing that's keeping me from running back to the base before she could buy it. If it wasn't, I'd flip. I don't care if I'm a grown woman in a public space. I WILL THROW A TANTRUM.

"Why do I have to buy new clothes? We spent almost the whole day here!" I whined, slouching as I trudged behind Ana towards the parking lot.

"I already told you, (Y/N). Being a superior means you'll have to look like a superior. Especially since we'll be attending several conventions and formal parties among politicians," she aswered as she got into the car. I followed quickly, shock written all over my face.

"WE HAVE TO GO TO SOCIAL EVENTS?!" I screamed in disbelief, the statement reverberating through out the whole parking lot Ana grins and nods, making me slump onto the seat with a groan.

She laughed, knowing full well that I hate formal events. Those things bore me to death, speaking with commissioners and politicians, trying to look interested. It's a drag to even try. I can't fathom how they can bare to listen to anything they have to say.

The way back home was silent. It was the comfortable kind of silence, though. Halfway through the ride, Ana asked me to sing something. I was hesitant, but knowing Ana, she won't stop until I do, so...

Ana swayed along with the beat, a smile of satisfaction on her face. It was peaceful for the rest of the ride, occasional humming coming from humming from either Ana or me even after I finished singing.

When we arrived back at base, Ana locked her arm with mine, leading me straight to my room. Apparently, we wanted to "dress me up" or something. Ofcourse, I whined and complained, not wanting to participate in another torture session with Ana.

As we walked around the base, I couldn't help but feel that everyone was really tense. It was quite unnerving, but it could just be all in my head. We were moving really quick after all.


"Ana!" I whined, "Can we stop now? OW!" Ana's relentless. She's been tugging, twisting, brushing, and tying my hair like it's her next big masterpiece. She made me wear the black jumpsuit we bought a while ago and lent me her black sandals. This is getting ridiculous.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I yell, seriously annoyed. I just wanted to sleep my day away... How did I end up looking like some sort of duchess?!

Ana started braiding another section of my hair, trying to make every twist and turn perfect. "Oh come on, (Y/N). Humor me. You can't leave me all dressed up alone," she said, finishing off my hairdo with a black rose hair pin. I'll admit though. It looks really good.

I turned my head from side to side, trying to look at myself from different angles. "I'll admit, Ana. You're pretty good at this. Where did you learn how to do this?" I was about to pull a small section of my hair to the front when Ana slapped my hand away. I hissed a little and stuck my tongue out at her.

"I use to dress Fareeha a lot, and she would react the exact same way as you did," she told me, taking a dress she bought for herself out of the shopping bag. She cut the tag off with her teeth and headed to the bathroom to change. She went ahead and spoke to me while she was behind the closed door, "You are a very beautiful lady, (Y/N). I want you to know that and show it."

I sigh. I don't want to believe it, but I can't tell Ana she's wrong either. She'll have my head if I do. "Yeah, sure," I say loud enough for her to hear.

I read my book for about 15 minutes before Ana came out in a striking blue dress. I stand up and gawk. "You look amazing, Ana!" I clap my hands once. I find she also has her hair in a fancy braid. She chuckles at my compliment, then slowly walks toward me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she looks like a lion about to pounc-

"ANA!" she grabs my hand and before I knew it, we were out the door and heading to God knows where. My face glows red at whatever reactions the agents might have- Wait. Where is everyone? This day is getting weirder and weirder.

"Ana? Where are the agents? The hallways are empty..." I look around, and even out the windows. Nobody's on the courtyard either. This all seems very suspicious. Ana doesn't answer my question. Instead, she looks over her shoulder at me and gives me a reassuring smile. 'Oh. They're going to surprise me or something aren't they? They should've thought of a better way to surprise me. You disappoint me, author.' (... FOURTH WALL BROKEN. I REPEAT. FOURTH WALL BROKEN.)

Ana stops in front of two large doors. If my memory doesn't fail me, this is the really big conference room. I do remember those two golden door handles. Ugh. So bright.

Ana smiles at me and pushes the door open, revealing the most beautiful sight ever. The high ceiling was covered in floating balloons, the windows and walls were decorated with (F/C) streamers and flags, and everyone was wearing a formal attire. My mouth gapes at the surprise, the agents looking at me like I'm a goddess. They smile and cheer, sending compliments and whistles at my direction. I, on the other hand... I'm too shocked to move an inch.

I snap out of my trance once I feel Ana give me a little nudge to move forward. I felt hot tears stream down my face as my lips curl up into a gentle beam. "You guys..." I manage to say right before they shout "Welcome Home!" all at the same time. I chuckle and move to hug everyone of them. Even the ones I just met.

This is quite the sight... I never thought that my return would be such a big deal. Parties always were my thing, but maybe a little peace and quiet would be nice especially after being dragged around the mall to buy clothes and keep me away from the base. It's making sense now... But it still doesn't explain Ana's devilish actions.

The cool wind brushed off my skin as I looked up at the star adorned sky. As I admired the night view from the balcony, I thought of how different things would be if I never left. Sighing, I turn back to the ballroom, listening to a very beautiful song.

Put in a trance by the song, I make my way back into the room. I sway to the music in the corner, humming along until I felt a pat on my shoulder.

I turn around and find a patch of blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "Jack?" I tilt my head at him. He's wearing a dashing black coat over a white polo, complimented by a blue bow. He actually looks like a world renowned actor or something. "Care to dance?" he offers his hand. I grin at him and accept his hand. His eyes sparkled at the gesture and a smile tugged at his lips. He led me to the dance floor, and soon enough, almost all eyes were on us.

The music was kinda quick and upbeat, so it wasn't the typical slow dance I always get bored of. I twirled as Jack swayed, making sure our steps were in sinc. Our bodies moved in the beat, hearts beating at the same time. We were laughing a little, Jack's eyes twinkling and his pearly whites getting showed off. I can see a bright red color accenting his face. He must be tired. (You dense idiot. I'm kidding. I'm denser than dense too.)

We were just about to finish the song when a young man hesitantly approached us. We slowed our dancing a little, and I can hear boos in the crowd. I feel sorry for the guy...

"Sir, the coordinator would like to speak with you," the agent told Jack. He groaned in annoyance. His ocean blue eyes stared into mine. He warmly smiled, saying, "Please excuse me, (Y/N). I have matters to attend to. Catch you later?" I nod in response, then watched him cut through the crowd and disappear. I sigh. I try to get out of the dance floor, but just as I was about to go back to my corner, a felt a hand turn me around.

Soon, I was face to to face with Gabe, who wore a classy black coat and black polo, and sported a dark red bow. He bowed, lifting his head to wink. I giggle and take the hand he reached out to me. The song ended as soon as we got to the middle of the room. Once again, all eyes were on us.

Gabe pulled me close then dipped me, showing off that smug smirk of his. "Still remember how to dance salsa? Bet you can't even move in the beat anymore," he pulled me up into a salsa position. We circled a little like two panthers. "Are you challenging me to a dance of, Gabriel?" I bite back, staring into those warm chocolate eyes of his. He shrugged and held that smirk he had, "Maybe." Gabe then nodded to the man behind the turntable. He nodded back and changed the song.

(You don't have to listen to the whole song. Just the first part. I understand it's long, and to be honest, I don't like the verses. ^_^)

Gabe pulled away, swaying his hips viciously. Fortunately, I still remember how to dance this, so I was able to keep up with his vigorous dancing. We shuffled our feet as we exchanged places from time to time, eyes locked on each other. We got closer and held hands, letting him twirl me and pulled me in and out of the radius. It was quicker than my dance with Jack. Speaking of Jack...

Gabe twirled me around again, making me move farther from him. I got a little dizzy from twirling around so much that I tripped on my foot. I was just about to get acquainted to the floor, a pair of arms caught be and brought me to my feet in a salsa position, one arm up. "Care if I join in?" Jack asks, letting me go and dancing along with Gabe and I. In a second, I was in the middle of the two boys. I glance at both of them, competitive tension rising, and once again, we were back to dancing the salsa. I was being pulled into one pair of arms to the other. Hearts were racing and sweat was dripping.

Once the song finished, Jack was behind me, holding my chin to face him and taking my hand in his. Gabe, on the other hand, was facing my body, a little to the side and holding my waist. We were there for a second before everyone started cheering and clapping. Both their faces were beet red, probably from all that dancing. They let go and laughed. "Looks like you still got the moves, (Y/N)," Gabe patted my shoulder. I punched his arm playfully, laughing along with him. I turned to look at Jack, who had a wide smile even while he was panting. "I didn't know you can dance salsa," I chuckled, "You're pretty good." He laughed and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and I swear I heard Gabe grumble something in the lines of, "Nice move butting in, boyscout." Then again, that could be my imagination.

The night was lively. After our dance, the rest of the agents flooded into the dance floor, dancing in either pairs or groups. I watched from the sidelines, drinking punch and eating (favorite finger food). I ended up finishing the whole plate, to my dismay. In search for more, Reinhardt caught me in a hug. With the wind knocked out of me, I limped back. I could hear Ana's chuckle among the several voices and the booming music.

"Your hair is all messed up now, (Y/N)," she chuckled, looking up while Reinhardt held me high in his hug. As soon as Reinhardt put me down, I tried to take the air I lost, only to be taken away from me again when he patted my back.

"You are a very good dancer, (Y/N)," he said. I would've said thank you if he hadn't stolen the air in my lungs.

Torbjorn came cutting through the crowd, a little grumpy. "It was better when you were dancing. Now the room is chaotic," he crossed his arms and huffed, earning a giggle from me.

"Why don't you dance with them, Torb?" I walked closer to him, trying not to make him feel... smaller.

He frowned. "And risk being surrounded by rears? I'll pass," we burst out laughing. I offered to dance with him, and he gladly accepted. It was full of laughter and tripping over feet. We decided to end our crazy dancing when the song ended. All the old strike team members went to sit on a table far from the heated dance floor, deciding that we all had enough dancing for one night.

"Thank you guys so much. I really didn't expect this," I lied through my teeth. They were really obvious. I looked around the crowded room, trying to count how many new members we had. "The team grew really big since the last time I was here. Where did you find a gorilla, an angel, a brooding cyborg, a time traveler, the long lost Mei, and a cowboy all together? I feel like I'm in Wonderland," I leaned back on my seat, scanning the room and the diverse crowd.

"It just... grew. I barely know how it ended up like this," Jack answered, taking a sip of his punch. He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. "It's nice to have you back, (Y/N)."

"Yeah..." I looked at the group once more, then it hit me. "Gerard! Where's the French baguette?" I stand up in realization. The team looked at each other, and it's obvious that something's wrong. "Guys?" I sit back down, getting a bad feeling in my gut. "Is he on a mission or something?"

"He's..." Ana looked down, as if he's...

"He's here right? A prank. This is definitely a prank. Gerard should be bursting through the windows in any second now-"

"He's dead." Gabe cut me off, a pained tone in his voice. The news shattered my heart. Ana slapped his arm in irritation. "Gabriel!" she scolded, but I can tell by the way she's acting that it's probably-

"No! He can't be gone!" I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes. He can't be dead. He's alive! He's alive. Please... He's... gone.

"Who killed him?" I ask, fists clenching in fury. They shrink back in fear. I repeat my question, knowing that Gerard couldn't get killed by anything else. He was a skilled man. No omnic or sickness and bring the man down.

They hesitated, and it just added fuel to the fire. "Who. killed. him?!" I choke out, gritting my teeth. "Amelie," Ana finally answered, though I can't believe her at all. My fists relaxed, one hand moving up to catch my head from dizziness. Why would Amelie kill Gerard? They were so close... "Why?" I burst into tears, wondering what happened over the years I was gone.

Ana stood up and headed over to rub my back. "She was taken by Talon... We speculated they must have done something to make her do this," she hugged me tight, trying to comfort me, but in a fit, I pulled away and exited the room. I could hear the music abruptly come to a stop, but oddly, no one followed me.


I walked the halls, wiping the tears from my eyes. I run out of the building in a hurry after taking my bag from my room. I take a taxi to the nearest cemetery, guessing he was buried there, and I was right.

I drop my bag in grief as I stare at the tombstone in front of me. I fall to my knees, screaming while drops of tears fall onto the grave. "Gerard... I'm sorry..." I trace the script writing on the grey stone, saying sorry over and over again.

"I feel terrible... Why did I even come back? I should've never left you guys alone. She wouldn't have hurt you if I stayed back and protected you. I could've... I should've been.. " I sobbed in front of my friend. I'm making so many regrets. He always told me not to... Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself down. Okay, this for his sake.

I try to stop crying and force out a smile. "No more regrets, right, baguette?" I fix my disheveled hair and stand. "Repose en paix, Gerard," I choke out, picking my bag up and dropping the black rose hairpin onto his grave. I walk back, pain still lingering in my heart as I leave the cemetery.


"What do you need help with, (Y/N)?" the sweet looking... Chinese?... asked, giving me a gentle smile. They all did actually. It made the atmosphere more comfortable, allowing me to relax a little.

"Well, you all seem to know me, but I don't remember anything about myself. Is there any chance you could help bring my memory back?" I look at my hands as I fiddle with them, fearing rejection. I just need to know how I used to act like before, then maybe, just maybe, I can return to my old life... whatever that was.

"Ofcourse, Cap!" the cowboy put me in a light head lock and ruffled my hair, but he was pulled away by the doctor who helped me a while back. "We would be glad to help, (Y/N). What would you like to know first?" she rubbed my back with her hand and pinched the cowboy's ear with the other.

"Um... Just your names for now," I shyly tell them, tucking a strand of hair from my face. They all nodded and looked at each other. The doctor clapped and smiled. "Let's get started!"


Hey guys! This is honestly the quickest chapter I've made. Well, in terms on how long it took to make it. Here's the thing though. I can't believe we're at 450 reads and 33 votes! I love you guys!

I was searching for a song for Jack's dance and I remembered the song Waiting for Love. It reminded me so much of how many painful years, months, days, and seconds Jack and Gabe had to wait for (Y/N) to come back. I just love how it's so perfect for the scenario.

I also just realized a big mistake. In Unfortunate, I put a part when Gabe asked Athena to unlock (Y/N)'s door, but I just remembered that Athena wasn't there until Winston joined the team. I don't really feel like changing it, so... Yeah. It'll stay like that as a reminder that I'm stupid. Yeepee!

I hope you like this chapter! Like I said in Forgiveness Part 1, I'll need you guys to choose which boi I'm going to write about in the next chapter. Jackie or Gabi? Please vote, cuz I won't write the next chapter until I get answers! Thankees!

(I really have to cut this A/N short, don't I?)

You know the drill by now, right? Comment, vote, share, whatjivs, let me know you're alive, blah blah blah. I'd really like to read your comments, so please do! Kiao Pao!

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