By -harryshallway

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You will drown in the sweet sorrow of the passion. More

The Prologue
The Epilogue.
New Book


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By -harryshallway

Freedom was something I drowned myself in these days. It carried me around and I loved the feeling of it.

My mind was finally finding some peace and I longed to live like this forever. I saw no black car with a man belonging to it, he was gone and I prayed this was it.

I absolutely adored Elijah. The presence alone of him made me want to scream out of happiness. He was such an amazing person and the way he carried himself and made me feel loved was so precious. He made me feel important.

Elijah made me forget him, he made my worries dissapear into thin air. My heart beatd faster when I see him and a feeling of bliss spreads through my body when he is around.

"So, that's how you two met?" I suddenly heard Lauren voice, pulling me out of my daydreams and thoughts.

"Yeah, kinda funny, isn't it? But he is so nice and always happy. You know, always positive and then his smile. It really brightens your day," I said, getting a bit carried away,
"He is really great. I am glad I ended up on his lap."

"Oh my god, yes yes yes,
you have a crush on him!" She started jumping around, waving with her arms like some crazy person,
"You can't fool me, June, just the way you speak about him.
You are quite fond of him, aren't you?"

"Well yeah, we spend a lot of time messaging eachother and talking."

Then Lauren asks a question, that makes me blush, "So, how does he look like?"

I start thinking about his beautiful body, eyes and just him. The way we can talk so relaxed and never endure a silence that makes us shy away.

"He is really handsome, he has like those really light grey eyes. Not normal grey, but really soft grey, with long lashes. He also has a few freckles, kinda cute though. And his hair is beautiful, long, brown hair,"
I clear my throat and take a sip of my drink "And then his body, it's really muscular and-"

Lauren cut me off,
"I have to meet him, June. I. Have. To. Meet. Him."


Work started in half an hour, so I got chanced and ran downstairs to get something to eat during my walk. Locking the frontdoor behind me, I started my journet.

And again,
I found myself looking at the sky,
the beautiful colors and stars. I let out a sigh and smiled happily.

I tried to avoid my thoughts, getting them out of the way and forget the green of his eyes, but he moved his way up and there was no escaping.

I turned around the corner and saw the lights shining bright, inside the shop. I opened the door and walked towards the back.

"Hello, everything alright?",
I asked my boss in a friendly way.

She turned around to see who was talking to her and soon realised it was me.

"Everything is perfect, dear! How are you? You haven't been here for some time."

She looked at some papers, then ripped them and threw them in the bin. Her older hands getting rid of the information she probably does not need anymore.

What should I tell her?
I can not tell her about my fear for someone stalking me, she must think I am crazy and she won't hesitate
firing me, I think.

I started, still finding an excuse,
"I was a bit sick these few days, so decided to stay home. But I am all good now."

"That's great to hear. Now, get to the front and start working. It is quite busy today."


I was making a coffee, before handing it to a customer, when I was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Hey June! Long time no see!"

I recognized the voice and when I looked up I saw I was right. There he was, my newest friend. His eyes looking down at me and carrying an blinding smile.

I immediately started smiling too and greeted him, "Hi Elijah, everything okay? You saw me yesterday, silly!"
I laughed a bit at the end.

He came towards me, his steps big.
"What do you say about joining me having fun, when your shift ends?"

I prevented myself from screaming out of excitement and I cleared my throat. My eyes glancing at him.

"Yes, I would love that. I still have an hour work, though."

I really was looking forward to it,
I needed his calming aura around me and the way he spoke to me so loving.

"That's not a problem, I'll just wait here. Looking at you."

I started blushing and before I had a chance to react he walked away.
He moved towards the corner and sat down at an empty table.

I followed him and when he was finally seated, he looked at me and smiled. He always smiles,
I thought to myself.

I shook my head, getting rid of my thoughts, and started working again.
I got an order that I had to prepare and saw it was from table 8, Elijah's table. I prepared his drink and wrote something on the cup.

'Having fun over there?'

I watched the waitress giving him his drink, and when he read my message, he looked back at me and winked.
And again, I started blushing.


When my shift was finally done and the shop was almost empty,
I quickly walked to the back, took my stuff and started my evening with Elijah.

"Ready for the most amazing evening of your life?"

I laughed and walked towards the door, I wanted to open the door when he stopped me; putting a hand on the door, pushing it wide open.
He looked down at me,
"Ladies first, especially beautiful ladies."

I burst into laughter, he was too cheesy. I walked through the dooropening, stopped when I was outside, to look at him.

He was already looking at me, his eyes scanning my face. I kept looking at him and when he finally came closer, I let out a breath.

He was so close, I could see everything of his beautiful face.
His hand lingered in the air, like he was hesitating. He made a decision and his hand met my face.

His hand touched my face carefully;
first my jaw and after that slowly my lips. His hand felt rough on my soft skin, but warm, very warm.
My face was on fire after he pulled away.

In the background,
I saw the lights of the shop still shining. I could not care less, to be honest.

After caressing my skin, he gently touched my hair. He let his hand go down, still on my hair and it landed on my back.

His other hand touched the side of my face again, that was when his face came closer. I closed my eyes and his lips met mine, very, very gently.
They were barely touching, lingering on each other.

I could almost hear him asking for permission, which I gave him,
when I slipped my arms
around his waist.

That was his sign -- he fully pressed his lips against mine. They were soft. They swallowed mine and our lips created a passion from deep within us.

It did not last long, because suddenly I heard a car coming near. Its tires making a noise. From the corner of my eyes, I indeed saw headlights.

A car passed us, we were still
standing in front of the shop.
The car stopped. Out of curiousity, I stopped our moment and looked at it.

That was when I saw it.
It was him.

He stopped for a bit
and I was focused on him. I knew it was him. It was the same car, that was standing in front of my window.
With its black windows, I did not once see his face that evening.

But that was not necessary, I knew enough. He is back and there is no denying it anymore.

Elijah suddenly pulled me out of my thoughts, "Everything alright? I know I shouldn't have done that, I am sorry. I know it's too soon."

I looked back at him and saw him frowning, being worried.

"No, no, I don't regret it," I said, "I really don't."

And to make my point clear,
I kissed him again. And again, and again. This was my life,

and I was not going to let the green-eyed man take control of it.

Little did I know, he already had control of me and my life.


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