Faded // A Stiles Stilinski S...

By thelittlestkitsune

20.6K 208 57

You were running out of time. You had to find him and you had to do it fast. You willed your legs to go faste... More

chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.

Shattered Glass.

910 15 6
By thelittlestkitsune

If you've ever lost someone everyone will tell you that it gets better. That it will pass. You wanted to find anyone who had ever said that to anyone. You wanted to scream in their face that the hurt doesn't fade, it doesn't just disappear like it never happened. It's like a wound that you can't treat, the darkness gets inside it and it festers and you can feel it throb everyday. Now imagine that you had lost a lot, lost your friends, your family, your life. You lost yourself, now try and get the strength to go through that everyday whilst you can watch everybody around not even notice.

If a girl screams behind glass can anybody hear her?

The answer would always be no. You had been screaming until your throat was hoarse, your throat dry and ripped to shreds. You had hurtled yourself at the glass that separated you from your life. You had been bloodied and bruised, your body barely hanging on but you hadn't given up. Every fucking day it was the same. This wasn't living. This was hell, but at least hell had books. You had read every single one on how to deal with loss. You'd ripped the pages out from the binding, shredding it between your fingers that constantly trembled. You'd stained the pages with teardrops, the ink pooling underneath. You'd hurtled the books as far as you could muster, crumbling to the floor when they hit the glass. Five stages of loss was a fucking joke.


Denial is like when you have a hole in your heart but you carry on regardless of the fact that you're bleeding out on the floor. It's like putting a band aid on and hoping that it heals and that it wouldn't hurt anymore. It was a trap and you had found yourself ensnared within it, desperately clutching onto any hope that it was all a dream. You'd spent the first few weeks determined that nothing had happened, that every night when you went to sleep cold that you would wake up and be in his arms again. That you would feel his warmth, his energy; his light. It got you through the times you wished would never come. Nights when Stiles was wracked by panic attacks that had him waking up, screams ripping through his body with such a ferocity you swore he would be torn in half. It got you through the times where you wanted to run your fingers through his hair and pull him to your chest. It was the only solace in your own personal version of hell. Your brain was protecting you from the pain that was surely going to come crashing down on you. Help was just pretending that everything was okay and that you were going to get through this, that you would break void and get out and be his again. It let you sleep enough that your body could cope and it helped in the hours when you woke and Stiles was still in his bed, his hair mussed and mouth hung open.

It wasn't forever though, you could feel it fray within you, bouts of anger rushing to the surface in the moments that you couldn't gloss over it. It was a hole after all and you couldn't rely on a mantra to get you through it. You could block anything, nothing could hurt you like this. Not even Void, who showed up only to watch you. You smiled maliciously at him, your heart ripping open more with every week that passed, the band aid barely hanging onto the edges. You were cracking, the mantra fading and changing to a scream that never seemed to stop.


You wished you had never met him. You wished you had never fallen for his smile, that you had never felt his skin on yours; that you had never been his. It wasn't his fault but your blood boiled as you watched him live his life, smiles on his face as he lay on his bed, phone in his hands as a laugh erupted through him. He didn't know the pain that you felt, he had no idea of anything, all trace of you was gone so how could he miss a girl that never existed? Your mouth was always set in a hard line, your eyes sunken in your skin as you spent each night tossing and turning. You would tremble, your blood surging, a raging hot fire bubbling under your skin as you seethed. The hole no longer seemed to throb instead it pierced, a pain that you couldn't control or ignore. You knew you shouldn't be angry at Stiles, but it didn't stop you as you watched him fall in love. You knew the signs, avoiding sleeping to talk to her, a daft smile plastered on his face as he came home from being with her, spread out on his bed staring at the ceiling. Void had only fuelled the fire, snide comments as you white knuckled, curled into a ball trying to douse the flame that only threatened to climb higher with every passing day.

You'd watched for months as Stiles eventually forgot about the board on the wall, something else now covering the picture of you with a smile on your face. Your heart panged as you watched him cover a poster over it, his brows knitted together as he stared at a girl he couldn't remember. You'd screamed as he walked away, words like knives meant to cut and hurt him. You'd punched the glass until you had crumbled to the floor, tears streaming down your face as you were wracked with sobs you had pushed down. They had been stuck under the surface for so long that your chest heaved with release as you cried. Void had turned up in your darkest hours, fuelling your hatred; your wrath. He had taunted you, his words angering you beyond belief, his stance staggering backwards as you screamed at him, your fists balled by your side. He stood still as a rock as you hammered on his chest, furious that he had taken Stiles' face. That he was slowly torturing Stiles like he had with you. You were so angry you could no longer see straight, everything tinged and tainted. You hit him till your hands bloodied and your arms burned and ached. You spent hours, nipping at the skin on your arms, legs anything within reach that this wasn't real.

You screamed, your lungs retching for air that wouldn't come as you watched Stiles in his life. His terror subsidized nightly as you still lived on in constant fear. You heaved as tears tracked down your sallow skin and you trembled grasping out for anything to crush. Your nails were constantly sticking into the palm of your hands, leaving scars that surely wouldn't heal. You bubbled, the anger searing through you as you endured for months. That was until the night terrors returned.


You'd never believed in a higher power, someone who determined the everyday workings of humans. It had always been laughable to you, as laughable as the idea of supernatural goings on in a small American town. But as the past years had shown, maybe there was a higher power at play, and if so, then he or she was a cunt. They didn't care for you, they let your life disintegrate, your friends were toys to them. Something to toss aside unloved. God had turned a blind eye on you and you were determined to make him see you, if he even existed. Your lids would close as you lay on the ground, praying that he look after Stiles even if you were gone. Even if you were to sacrifice your life or what was left of it so that he wouldn't be in pain.

You wanted the bags beneath Stiles' eyes to fade, his smile to be genuine and not forced. You wanted to drown out his screams, the constant whisper of prayer with covered ears as he was tormented. You saw what he saw, his nightmares plaguing you nightly. The same as yours when you were his. A faceless girl with broken hands, closed lids and a sewn mouth. You knew he wouldn't remember you. He'd obsess until he dropped unconscious from the lack of sleep. Prayer to someone with seemingly no power was useless, it had been weeks and Stiles was looking worse with every passing hour. His usually bright eyes had dulled, his lips cracking as he bit at the skin, blood pooling on the surface. He no longer smiled as he looked at his phone, barely leaving his room for days at a time, too scared to leave as his heart raced in his chest. He awoke most nights, drenched in sweat; his arms and legs thrashing away from the whisper of a girl he no longer knew.

You had grown impatient of thinking 'if only'. If only it had been him that had been taken. If only you had seen it earlier, if you had won the game, known the rules, all these if onlys echoing in your mind. Void had been silent, sulking in a corner as he watched you cling to the hope of a divine intervention, of some way of breaking the glass. He watched as you cried, your hands clasped together, eyes screwed shut. He quipped with you, you flinching with every snide comment. "I could make it better." He cooed, the lies sliding off his tongue with ease, the talk of a fox to it's hunt. You were defeated, your prayers few and far between as your hope was broken and shattered beyond belief. You had crawled to his feet, tears blurring your vision as you had begged for him to spare Stiles. To hurt you instead. You had stood in front of him, staring into the darkness of his eyes as you had surrendered yourself to him, to his will. It had been like staring into an abyss and willingly jumping into it without a parachute. "I won't hurt him, I'm just hungry and you're so delicious." He had said to you as his hands coasted up your arms, his cool skin goose pimpling yours. You bit back a whimper that threatened to escape your lips as he drew closer to you. You shut your eyes, blocking out what was happening, wishing it all to be over and done with, to go back to Stiles. To go back to him, his arms wrapping around you. To feel his lips press against yours, his lips coasting down your neck. You wanted him, but you couldn't have him.

You had begged for Stiles' life, for it to be you that had to suffer. You were stronger than Stiles was. Void was not best pleased, his face contorting to something of pure malice as he strode towards you. He backed you into a corner, your arms dead weight beside your body. Tears didn't fall as you begged, pleading that you would do anything for Stiles. That you would lay down your life in exchange for his. "Why would I do that? The game is only just beginning?" His words had struck fear into your heart as he lunged for you, his eyes darkened as he took the face of the boy you loved. "You would do anything?" He had whispered in your ear, his nose coasting through your hair just as Stiles' had. You swallowed back bile as you nodded, tears refusing to fall. "I don't believe you." He had taunted and you balled your fists by your sides. You reached for all the conviction you could, dredging it out of the depths of your mind as you moved closer to him. Your fingers coasted over his jaw, a familiar feeling beneath your fingertips. You swallowed closing the gap between your lips, his coasting over yours. He felt wrong, his face was Stiles' but his lips were something else entirely.

When you had been with Stiles he was warm to the touch. His body exuding heat but none of that came from void. You pushed past it, kissing him more forcefully, his body melding to yours, his hands gripping onto your hips. He kissed back with a hunger that couldn't be satiated, his teeth grazing your lips as he coasted his lips across your cheek. "Careful, you don't want to be playing games that you can't win." He had whispered in your ear and you nodded, blocking out what was happening, praying that it would be over soon and you'd have Stiles in your arms once again. His mouth felt alien on your skin but you still shivered into him, your body lonely after the months of being trapped. You wished it didn't but a fire started somewhere within you, his actions eliciting long forgotten feelings. You sighed as his teeth bit into the soft skin at the crook of your neck, a moan cracking in your throat. He walked you back, your back hitting the cool surface of the wall behind you as his arms caged you in. He pulled from you, staring into your eyes. "I don't want to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you." His voice was barely a whisper, whispering lies in Stiles' voice. A trick to bend you to his will.

"Don't." You choked out, barely able to look in his eyes, the same eyes you had fallen in love with all those years ago. He smirked, his eyes darkening as he looked over your body. "You'd really do anything wouldn't you?" You bit back a reply, merely nodding your head. "Just keep him out of this. Do we have a deal?"

He didn't say a word as his hands moved from the wall, holding onto your arms instead. He picked them up, pinning them against the wall as his lips attacked your skin, peppering kisses across your chest, You sighed; your eyes fluttering shut as he continued his journey south of your body, his tongue flickering over your skin. You bit back a moan again, your body surging forward in search of his, the need for friction of your body. He tore at your clothes, his fingers pulling the material clean off your skin, his hand replacing it as he traced patterns over your cool skin. He groaned as you surged forward again, your hips moving of their own volition. You ran on pure instinct, your arms fighting against his grip for dominance, your mind long forgotten of the reason for the fight. He loosened his grip from your wrists, letting you run your hands along his shoulders. Your fingers laced into the hair on the back of his neck, pulling him to look at you.

"No rules okay?" You smiled at him, your lips curling upwards.

"Deal." His fingers were rough as they moved over your hips, reaching for the line of your panties. You shuddered as his thumbs rolled over the freckle on your hip that always sent shivers down your spine.

He smirked as he dropped to his knees, pulling your shorts and the lace of your panties down your legs. You sighed as the cool air hit your aching core, voids breath mingling with it sending more sensations through your nerves. You bit your lip as he raked his nails over your thigh, his pace seemingly leisurely as you writhed beneath him.

He used his hands to spread your legs wider, a dark smile on his face as he looked over you. "It seems like you're enjoying yourself?" He posed the question not waiting for a reply before his finger ran through your slit, over your sensitive clit. You cried out, the feeling of pleasure washing over you for the first time in what felt like years. Your chest heaved as he ran over it more, his pressure light enough to not give you what you need. You bucked against him, earning a slap on the ass with every movement. "Behave or you won't get what you need" You nodded meekly once more, doing your best to stay still as he ran his finger in figures of eight over your clit. You blinked hard, stars swimming in your vision as his mouth pressed kisses on your thigh, the inner of your thigh and then finally on your clit. You suppressed a cry, your knees shaking as his tongue flickered out, quickly lapping at your core. You faltered, your knees giving out as he pressed his tongue flat against you. "Behave." He warned, his words vibrated through you, your nerves set alight.

He worked his tongue over you at a punishing pace, your legs barely keeping you upright as his hand pressed you to the wall, holding your hips in a lock that you couldn't break through. Your eyes cast down at him in your haze, the mop of hair on his head making your brain falter for a moment before the reality hit you again. You screwed your eyes shut, focusing on the feeling rather than the person. People had one night stands right? His hand moved across your stomach, knots furling with every inch he touched. Long fingernails ripped into skin, a yelp streaking through the air as you shivered. He was relentless, his tongue never giving in not even for a moment as you struggled to catch your breath. It hitched in your throat, burning as your body shook, waves of pleasure crashing over you with such a velocity you were sure you were drowning. His teeth grazed against you, a harsh difference as he slowed down, his eyes looking up as he searched for yours. You surged towards him, the edge you were clinging onto crumbling away as he pushed on. Fingernails dug into skin, stinging your skin as your chest heaved. You held onto words he didn't deserve, mewls of pleasure as your orgasm crashed over you, your back arching from the wall as your eyes rolled back. He didn't stop, giving you a moment to breath before he brought his fingers to his mouth, his tongue rolling over them quickly before his hand darted between your thighs.

You cried out, your body exhausted after the sudden onslaught of pleasure after months of nothing. His fingers rolled over you, your breath still caught in your throat a fire raging through your body. His hands snaked up your body, the coolness of his fingers brought a chill to your heated skin. His hands coasted between your thighs, stroking with his long fingers, your eyes swimming with stars. His other hand nipped at flesh, biting pain searing through you as they made their way up to your chest. He rolled your nipples between his fingers, your neck craning back against the wall, your breath finally coming out in pants. His lips curled into a dark smile as his eyes flickered over the fading red marks on your neck, his fingers tracing over the scars. "I did this to you, I can do it again. Behave." You bit your lips as he pressed harder again, his nail ripping open the skin. You winced, trying to ignore it, focusing on the hand he still worked between your thighs.

You were nearing your peak once more as his hand wrapped around your neck, the fresh cut on old scars throbbing as the skin was pushed taut. His other hand quickened, rubbing circles over you, your body ready to crash against the wall as you surged towards him. His hand pushed harder on your neck, the air in your windpipe struggling to get out. Your vision blurred and everything went white as you hit the wall again, your body drenched in sweat. Voids hand left your throat, your hands flying to rub the irritated skin as he pulled from you his fingers reaching for his mouth again. He smiled as he looked over your face, your lips pulled back in horror as you felt your neck. The skin was puckered, blood pooling in your collarbones. "What did you do to me" you whispered, every word pained. "ME? I told you to behave." He had walked away from you as you clung to the wall searching for a purchase. He whipped round, his eyes darker than night as he stalked towards you. "You see when you don't behave, you're not helping yourself. Your pain and misery is what I thrive off. You work so hard to keep everything at bay and it stresses you out. I feed. You let it out. I feed. NOTHING YOU DO WILL MAKE YOU WIN." His fingers traced over your waist. "You're just making me stronger. When will you understand that?" His voice was deep, gravelly as it rumbled through the space between you. "I'm not done with you yet." He licked over his lips, the dry skin cracking underneath his tongue. You shivered as you cast your eyes down his body. You couldn't help the feelings that you harbored for Stiles. They wouldn't fade and Void had his face.

Every touch he lay on your skin sent shivers down your spine. The coolness of his fingers the only offset that this wasn't Stiles. You could block it though. Choking back tears you stood from the wall, pushing voids chest until he was the one walking backwards, his lip caught in his teeth. You kissed his lips, the taste of copper and something else on your tongue. His hands caught in your hair as he pulled you with him, his foot catching on something as you fell to the floor. He smiled at you pulling you to his lap, his eyes hungry as you pressed your lips to his neck. You kissed along the constellation of freckles and moles down his neck, biting on the soft patch below his ear. The guttural sound that he made trembled through you, your nerves set alight at the vibration. You ground against him, your body working of it's own volition. His hands were everywhere as you undid the buttons on his shirt, haphazardly pulling till they pinged across the room. You didn't dare look at the sight around you. You didn't want to see Stiles sit on his bed as you ravaged a monster with his face.

You buried yourself in his neck as he pulled his trousers down his legs, your skin now melding together. His cock pressed hard against your core, the pressure within you starting to mount as he ground your hips against his. His movements were needy, words falling from his mouth as he entered you. You lay your head in his neck, your lips ghosting his skin as he pumped into you slowly, force gaining with every thrust. His hands raked down your skin, trails of ice following where his skin touched. He gripped onto you as he thrust, rolling you over till he hovered over you, his face contorted into something unrecognizable. You refused to look at him, the pain too much. Your eyes started to fog up, tears welling as he positioned your leg higher on his hip. "You love him." Void said, his hips stilling. He looked at you with a look of intrigue, his brow cocked the same as Stiles' did. You nodded. "I would do anything for him. Even make you stronger. We have a deal." You stammered out. Void pulled from you, your body cold as he grabbed your wrist. He pulled you to your feet, pulling you to the bed. Stiles lay there, half asleep unaware of what was happening around him. "You would be with me to protect him?! He's defenseless. You were his only hope and now you're gone." Voids words cut through you, the tears falling from your eyes. "The deals off. You can't give me anything that I couldn't get from somewhere else." He pushed you down, your body shaking as you landed on the bed. You sobbed, the reality of your delusion hitting you like a ton of bricks. You shivered as Void chucked your clothes at you. He dressed again, his eyes black before he vanished, leaving you alone again. You should have known better than to trust a fox.

You wished there was a god, so badly that your body ached. You wished he was real so that he could just let all this end.


Everybody has regrets. Everybody has done something that in their eyes is irredeemable. You had many regrets, your latest one hitting you as soon as it happened. You stayed on Stiles bed for days. Barely moving from his side even though you couldn't touch him. Stiles continued on his life, his eyes darkening from every sleepless night. You went to cry, to scream, to do anything but you couldn't. Your eyes had run dry, your screams barely even a whisper. You didn't bother leaving Stiles' room. You could've checked that your family was okay, but the idea that they could carry on without you was too much. You had barely slept, your eyes in a constant state of half open, blearily looking on at Stiles in pain. You had thought of everything. Killing void wasn't an option, for all you knew it could trap you here forever. Killing yourself would be useless, no one would miss you due to the fact to them, you never even existed. You pitied yourself, playing the blame game against an unfair opponent. You were beginning to crack, your corners coming undone as you folded. You stared blankly at Stiles as he thrashed, the nightmares coming even in the day.

You wouldn't sleep but still you saw what he saw. Day after day until they all blended together, a canvas of the shitstorm of your life. You read books, passing the time between Void visits, in the time where Stiles was quiet. You couldn't concentrate, all the words jumbling on the page, like some foreign language that your brain couldn't quite comprehend. You just wanted it all to end, you didn't want to see his pain, or be plagued by his screams. You yearned for silence and sleep. If you did sleep, it wasn't worth it. You'd wake in cold sweats, your breath running ragged to Void standing over you. It was always the same. You were past it.

Then suddenly it was quiet.


Suddenly there was no more screams. You had been begging for help and help came in the form of a needle. You watched as the sheriff had to pin his son down and inject his arm with a sedative. You watched as they drove to the hospital, a new wing erected after all a mysterious benefactor had boosted the hospital's revenue. Eichen wing. You shivered at the name, the horrors associated with just a word. You sat watching, your lips ripped to shreds as your leg jittered. He slept, his face peaceful as his room bustled with nurses. They tested him endlessly, his arm more of a pin cushion than an arm. He'd had moments of clarity, his face clear of bags asking for the girl with the kind smile, the one he'd dreamt about. He had moments though, moments where he wouldn't even recognize his dad's face. They worried about his health, how he'd been getting on in school. His teachers confirmed he hadn't been going. Scott was awash with worry, his face contorted in pain as he sat by Stiles' bedside. He gripped his best friends hand, repeating that he would find a way to make him better.

Months passed and Stiles' moments became far and few between. You'd bitten your nails to the bone, your nail beds ripped back as you sat in wait for another moment you weren't sure was coming. It killed you to see him like this, you spent all your time near him, listening to his heartbeat waiting for it to falter and for it to be over. You cried, real tears, tears of grief as you hadn't lost yourself you'd lost him. You'd wring your hands, the skin cracked and dry as you waited for his eyes to flicker open. For him not to be in pain. "We have to keep him sedated. We're afraid that if we take him off he may slip into a paranoid delusion again. It could be a symptom of a larger problem." You'd hear different diagnoses every once in a while, the world continuing to spin as you watched on. The sheriff came by every night, eating his dinner by Stiles' bedside. He asked questions, medical cases brought in coffee stained envelopes. "Just tell me, is it the dementia? Does he have what his mother had?" He was always met with shrugs. "It may be too soon to tell, we're gonna continue to monitor him. We're so sorry." Scott never gave in, visiting every week, taking Stiles' pain as often as he could. But you could see the wear it was taking on him, his eyes dull as he gripped Stiles' hand in his. You watched him cry, beg for his best friend to wake up, to be Stiles again.

You hadn't heard from Void in months, probably loitering somewhere, soaking up all the free food he could get in a hospital. Melissa came by, always by her sons side, praying for her second son to get better, for a good moment to last a lifetime. Christmas came and went, Stiles' room never emptying as friends and family crowded around the small bed. They woke him up, his delirium making him quiet and calculating. You screamed for Void, for answers, for anything but nothing ever came. You pounded on the glass that separated you from him, your brain imagining cracks that didn't exist. New year rolled around, Stiles' room more empty than on Christmas. People were giving up, but you weren't so easy to dismiss. You sat in the chair by his bed that you called home for a while, listening to the tv as it counted down. 5...4...3...2...1. "Happy New Year Stiles." You spoke quietly, unafraid of waking him as he slept. You waited with baited breath for a reply that wouldn't come. "Hungry." Your eyes snapped to Stiles, his head writhing on the pillow as he attempted to sit up. "Stiles?" He turned to look at you, his eyes clouded over as he propped himself up.

"Yes, I think so, it's been a while hasn't it?" He smiled. "I missed you." Your heart leapt in your chest as he looked at you, a smile spreading on your face for the first time in a year. It had been so long, that the muscles in your face ached after a mere second. "I missed you too." You breathed, your voice a whisper in a quiet room. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. I couldn't find you." his voice was broken as he avoided your eyes. "I've always been right here Stiles, I never left you. I'll always be right here." His eyes lifted as he looked at you, tears in his eyes. "Don't lie to me. You left me. I needed you and you left me." He sounded hurt, more hurt than he ever had been. You reached out for him, expecting the cool clink of the glass on your fingertips. But it never came, instead you grasped his hand, his thumb circling over your hand.

"I didn't. I was taken. It's complicated. Do you know who I am?" He nodded, his eyes lowered again. "Of course I do, how could I forget you?" You smiled. "Stiles? I'm going to call the doctor okay?" He nodded. You stood, brushing down your hair, suddenly so self conscious about how you looked. You turned to leave but his hand never left yours. He looked at you properly, noting the new scars on your body, your skin, the bitten nail beds. "What did he do to you?" You furrowed your brow, confused as Stiles spoke to you. "What do you mean Stiles?" You turned to him again. "What did Void do to you?" He said more clearly, his tone more demanding. "I never said anything about Void, how did you know?" You went to take your hand from his, his grip tightening on yours. "I heard you. Every day. I heard you speaking to me, going insane." You sank to the chair next to you, avoiding his penetrating stare.

"Everything?" You barely spoke afraid to speak a question you didn't want an answer to. "Everything." You sank your head into your hands. Apologies started to fall from your mouth, babbling as you began to sob. The weight of your missing year starting to weigh on your shoulders crushing you to the ground. The room swam as Stiles swung his legs over the side of the bed. "It's okay. I forgive you. But i'm hungry. I haven't eaten in so long." You smiled, holding onto his hand. "Let's go get you something to eat then." You smiled, his smile small in return. "But I don't want anything from here. I want you." His voice changed, more gravelly as he looked up. "Stiles you haven't eaten a full meal in months. Aren't you just dying for some curly fries? They're your favorite?" You beamed, watching his eyes dart over your skin. "Why would I want curly fries, they don't taste quite as sweet as you do?" You giggled. "There will be plenty of time for that later. Come on!" You winked before tugging on his hand to follow you.

He stayed rooted to the bed, his eyes dark as he stared at you. "I want it now." He roared, his face suddenly furious. It was a face you'd seen before. A face that had you petrified to the spot you stood in. "You're not Stiles." You said coldly. "No. Of course I'm not. Stiles is currently, how do you say it? Unavailable. Do you really think he'd forgive you after what you did?" You shivered, his words slicing through you. "Leave me alone. You got what you wanted." You spat, pulling your hand from his. "Not quite little one. See strife is good, but chaos is better." He yanked you towards him, pulling your lips to his. He was still warm, Void not fully taken over. "Stiles. I know you're in there. You can fight this, if you can't, no matter what happens know that I love you. Always have and always will." Void pushed you from him, sending you flying through the room. Your back hit the wall with a thud, your head smashing against the wall. You raised your hand to your head, marveling at the blood already running down your hand.

"Stiles, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough." Void crossed the room in two bounds his hands wrapping around your neck, hoisting you to the wall. Your feet left the ground that felt so stable as everything started to spin. It blurred together as you gasped for air. You looked on at his face, anger but a solitary tear rolling down his cheek. Everything went black and it became harder to be scared, your heartbeat slowed and you reached out to touch him. You still loved him, even with his hands around your neck making every breath feel like daggers. You choked out a last goodbye, your eyes finally closing as you faded away.


Stiles was running. Leaving everything behind was his only hope of feeling anything again. He had stayed hidden, watching as nurses filed into the room, screams piercing the air as they found the girl with no name on the floor, shattered glass at her feet. He would run until his lungs gave out, until his feet bled. He couldn't stay in Beacon Hills, watching as his family, his friends regained their memory of her. He wanted to keep her safe. He'd always promised he'd keep her safe and he couldn't even do that. All that kept him going day to day, town to town was her words in his head.


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