Hybrid // k.t.h + j.j.k

By Kookscream

229K 9.8K 7.2K

Hybrid bunny Jungkook Hybrid fox Taehyung Hybrid wolf Yoongi Hybrid kitten Jimin Hybrid squirrel Hoseok Hybri... More

Author's Note


10.2K 489 182
By Kookscream

Taehyung POV

"Dare," Namjoon answered, "and make it good," he added.

Jungkook looked to the sky, "I dare you..." He started.

I could see he was trying to translate the words in his head.

"To see how long it take you to get out of Seokjin's antlers, with him throwing you," Jungkook said, looking at me, asking to translate.

"He dares you to see how long it will take for you to get out of Seokjin's antlers, with him throwing you," I repeat in English.

Namjoon's eyes widen, "your kidding me right?" He asks.

"Come on Baby, get up," Seokjin said, tapping his shoulder.

Namjoon sighs, Seokjin picks Namjoon up and starts throwing him.

Every time Namjoon started struggling, Seokjin would throw him up again.

We laughed at Namjoon, he flailed his arms around wildly. Eventually Namjoon just luckily got his foot in a good position and jumped off.

Jungkook and Hoseok were falling back on each other laughing.

I felt a pang of jealously, and I had no idea why.

Namjoon looked severely pissed off, "you told him to make it good," I chuckled.

After a few more rounds, we stopped playing.

"Let's watch Judgement Day!" Yoongi suggested.

"That's an old movie though," Jimin said.

"It's the best one," Yoongi defended.

"He's got a point there," Namjoon adds on.

"So Judgement Day?" I ask, everyone nod.

I put on the movie and go back to Jungkook, he moved forward so I could sit behind him.

When I sit down he moves back and rests his head on my shoulder.

His beautiful scent fills my nose, it was something so foreign, yet so comforting. Jungkook's ear brushed against my head, it was so soft, I wrapped my arms around his waist and brought him closer to me.

I expected him to push me away but he just snuggled closer to me.

It wasn't like anyone from around here, I still wondered where Jungkook was from.

"Do you have any food?" Seokjin asked.

I jumped, T-1000 was just starting to emerge.

"Yeah" I said, "Jungkook, do you want to come with me to get something to eat?" I offer. Jungkook nods, I let go of his waist and we walk downstairs.

I started making some nuggets and things that I knew everyone liked.

"Do you like carrots or something?" I joked.

Jungkook shook his head "carrots are high in sugar and I can only eat them in small doses, on special occasions. Along with any vegetable," Jungkook explained.

"Oh," I mumble.

He giggles, I get him some lettuce.

We walk back upstairs.

"YES!" Seokjin cheers, he runs over and grabs a handful of food. I sat down, Jungkook sat behind me, I was going to grab some food when I smelled nuggets behind me.

I looked to the side, Jungkook had a nugget in his hand. I opened my mouth and took it from him.

We went back to him sitting in my lap, my arms locked around his waist.

Jungkook flinched as Sarah Conner had a broken arm and tried to defend her son John from the T-1000.

I giggled, Jungkook looked up at me, I hugged him tighter, bringing him closer. When the movie ended Jungkook sighed a sigh of relief.

"Don't judge me!" He squeaked.

I just giggled at his cuteness, I looked up, Hoseok was taking a picture.

"You guys are so cute!" He gushed, Jungkook hid face in my chest. I laughed, while my cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink.

"So who has to share a bed?" Seokjin asked, glaring at Namjoon.

The last time they had to share a bed, Namjoon hogged the entire thing.

"I seriously don't know how you guys are together," I sighed, "Jungkook and I are sharing, since I have a king size," I explain.

Hoseok had an evil smile on his face.

"Someone's got feelings for the new kid," he slid over to me, nudging my arm slightly.

I shrugged him off.

Everyone started getting their beds ready, Jungkook and I sat on my bed.

"So where are you from?" I ask Jungkook.

Jungkook shakes his head, "here now," he says in English.

"But I wanna know where you came from."

Jungkook frowned, "it's a secret, I can't tell" he said, "please~," I pout.

"No I mean I really can't tell you," he said seriously. I sighed.

I got up to help Namjoon with his bed, "can you do anything without breaking or messing it up?" I asked, looking at the sheets.

Namjoon smiled awkwardly, I rolled my eyes and did it for him.

I got up, Jungkook was talking to Jimin, well Jimin was trying to.

I walked over, Jungkook looked up at me, his brown eyes were so soft.

"What you talking about?" I ask.

"Basic introduction," Jimin sighed, "so far so good," he smiled hopefully.

Jimin walked back to his bed, everyone sat down.

"I would usually ask why you attacked Jisoo so quickly today, but I got my answer," Hoseok smirked.

I rolled my eyes, looking at the cute bunny sitting next to me.

"Jungkookie, truth or dare?" Jimin asked.


"I dare you to hug Taehyung, and let me take a picture!" He insisted.

Jungkook just looked at him, then at me, obviously very confused.

"Human translator please!" Jimin clicked his fingers.

"Jimin wants you to hug me and let him take a picture," I translated. Jungkook's cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

"Do it!" Jimin smiled, getting his phone ready.

"Fine," I sighed, I opened my arms. Jungkook looked around, but he hugged me anyway.

Jimin took the picture.

"I'll put this in the group chat!" He declared. "Jungkookie, your phone number?" He asked. 

Jungkook gave his phone number, soon after everyone's phone buzzed.

"Can we go to sleep now?" Seokjin whined from the back.

"Ok Mum," Yoongi said sarcastically.

Everyone got into their beds, Jungkook stood up, letting me get in, but he didn't get in afterwards.

"Hop in," I told him, he looked confused. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the bed. I looked at him.

He looked back at me, confused, "sleep," I ordered. Jungkook got underneath the covers.

His soft breaths hit my neck.


Welcome back to my life falling to pieces.


Twitter: Kooks_cream

Snapchat: Kookscream




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