Near To You (One Direction Fa...

By alisonmurray

2.3K 31 16

It was a chance meeting and now he's become a permanent part of Michelle's life. She doesn't know how to sepa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Thirteen

88 2 1
By alisonmurray

Near to You



Take me to your best friend’s house. I loved you then, I love you now.

Tongue Tied - Grouplove


“You need to go see him.”

My eyes flickered in Zachary’s direction. We were sitting in Starbucks waiting for his boyfriend, Greg, to show up. It would be our first meeting and I was nowhere as excited as I should have been.

“That wasn’t in the agreement,” I explained for what felt like the millionth time. “I have to wait for his management to call me.”

“It’s been two weeks, Michelle. They’re not going to call you any time soon.”

“They never said it was going to be soon.” I shrugged. “And they shouldn’t. We should have known better than to go somewhere as public as a movie theatre.”

Zachary shook his head, the short blonde locks in the front falling into his eyes. He pushed them back before continuing. “You’ve been so quiet lately, depressed even.”

“It’s not about that, though.” He looked at me incredulously. “Really. Julia’s been on my case. She wants us to meet up, in public too. I’m just…I can’t do it.”

“You’re always so worried about what everyone else thinks!” Zachary exclaimed loudly and I had to shush him from across the table. “Listen to me. You need to stop thinking about what everyone else wants and focus on what you want for once.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“They never said it was supposed to be simple.” He parroted my words. I played with the mug I had bought, a splurge to make myself feel better, as I mulled over his words. “Do you want to see him?”

“Of course I do.” I sighed. “I’m not going to risk it, though.”

“You think too much.” Zachary frowned. “Love is supposed to be a free pass. You’re allowed to be a little bit insane, Michelle.”

“Who said anything about love?” I shrieked. “I barely can come to terms with the fact that I think of him non-platonically. Do you know how stupid of me it was to fall for him?”

“Love isn’t—”

“It’s not love,” I muttered under my breath. “Even if it was, it would be unrequited.”

“Blind and dumb,” He teased. “I don’t know what he sees in you.”

“Clearly I see that stellar charm you have,” a voice called out behind us. I glanced over my shoulder to spot a strikingly handsome boy grinning in our direction. I was bitter for a moment. They were always so attractive. He stuck his hand out toward me. “Hello, I’m Greg. You must be Michelle.”

“That’s me.” I shook his hand, smiling up at him. His hazel eyes reminded me of someone I was trying to forget. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” he informed me as he slid into the booth beside Zachary, offering him a kiss on the cheek. “He can’t shut up about your writing.”

For a second I thought that Zachary had told Greg, but the man’s subtle shake of the head assured me he had not.

“It’s nothing special.”

“Try telling him that.” Greg grinned.

“Do you want something to drink?” I asked, rising from my seat. I would give them a few moments of privacy. It had been almost a month since Greg and Zachary had seen each other because of Greg’s work location outside of London. Although they were spending the entire week together I knew I was intruding somewhat, no matter how much Zachary denied it.

“Tea, please,” Greg replied politely. “Two sugars.”

“I’ll be right back.”

I approached the counter once more, about to order my second cup of coffee when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I thought it was Zachary, stopping me to ask for something as well, but instead I found Zayn staring down at me from beneath a beanie that almost covered his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed, pulling him to the side where the condiments were located. “You’re going to get in trouble.”

“Actually, I’m not. I’ve been a good boy and gotten permission.” Zayn smirked before pulling me into a hug. “I can’t believe I haven’t seen you in so long.”

“It’s only been two weeks, Zayn. We’ve been apart longer than that.” I tried to chastise him, but inside I felt the same way. I rested my chin on his shoulder for a moment before he moved away.

“Still,” he shook his head. “It’s good to see you.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “But how did you find out…Zachary.”

It now all made sense, why Zachary would be out of his bed this early on a Saturday morning to ‘introduce me to his boyfriend’ so soon after finals had taken place.

“He’s a good friend.” Zayn smiled. “Now come with me.”


I looked back at the table where Greg and Zachary waved cheerfully. I would not be missed, clearly. With a sigh, I faced the troublesome man once more.

“Where are we going?”

“I thought it was about time you meet the lads.” My eyebrows shot up. “We have to pick up some drinks though, first.”

He grabbed my hand, pulling me back into the line and causing me to blush. I wanted to stay linked together but I knew better now. I pried my fingers from his gently. He looked questioningly at me.

“Too public,” I said and he nodded although I could tell he was slightly annoyed. The girl took our orders without much fuss, unlike the last time. Perhaps she wasn’t a fan. We made small talk as we exited the store and Zayn led me to a dark car where the man from the boardroom, Paul I believed, stood waiting, bored.

He nodded my way as we approached. “It is nice to meet you under better circumstances.”

“Same,” I said before wincing. It made me sound like a complete idiot.

“We should be on our way, then, now that we’ve gotten what we came for.”

We piled into the car and pulled out onto the busy streets. It did not take us more than ten minutes to reach our final location which surprised me. It usually took forever to get to one side of the city. I had no idea that Zayn had been staying so close to me the entire time. I felt slightly dumbfounded as a result of this new information.

“Are you ready?” His brown eyes met mine and my pulse spiked.

“Yes,” I said even though I was still uncertain. My stomach was clenched in anticipation. What if they did not like me? They were such an important part of his life; if they hated me then Zayn would be sure to rethink everything. I didn’t think I could handle losing one of the only friends I managed to obtain in this country.

We hopped out of the car and there were a few girls lingering outside of the building. It was some sort of residential area, very fancy looking. Zayn noticed my wandering gaze.

“Harry’s apartment,” he explained. “He used to live with Louis before he moved in with Eleanor.”

I knew exactly who he was speaking of, even though I had never met them, nor followed their lives as many other people my age and younger had done. He had spoken about them so much over the past couple of months that it felt as if I knew them personally, rather than them being complete strangers. I hoped that I would make a good impression on them.

Paul left us as we climbed into the elevator. The boys were finished with their promotion of the new single which would not be released for another two months, and were now in another waiting lull.

“Don’t be scared.” Zayn’s fingers squeezed my wrist comfortingly as the elevator doors slid open revealing a long, brightly lit hallway. Harry’s apartment was located near the end of the corridor and Zayn did not even bother knocking before entering.

“Zayn’s back.”

There were a few murmurs as we rounded the corner of the entrance way and in the living room sat four men who I could recognize instantly. Niall was the first to approach me as I stood hesitantly behind Zayn, unsure of what to say or do. With all their eyes on me the anxiety had just gotten worse.

“I’m Niall,” he grinned, putting out a hand. When I accepted it he pulled me into a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet the girl Zayn’s been going on about.”

“Niall.” Zayn’s tone was petulant. Niall just winked and returned to the game they had been playing before we arrived.

“I’m Liam.” The brunette gave me a bright smile although he did not move from his seat. “Louis’ gone to get some food because Niall’s just finished the last of Harry’s.”

Harry scrutinized me thoroughly and I pulled at the hem of my shirt feeling uncomfortable. He was the last to speak. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I said shyly. I jumped as Zayn’s hand rested on my back, pushing me a little further into the room.

“I’m going to go put down the drinks,” Zayn said, stepping away. Niall paused the game causing Liam to protest.

“I’ll go too!”

Niall trailed after Zayn and I smiled slightly. His love for food had not been overplayed the slightest. I tentatively took a seat near the remaining boys, but not on the same couch. I thought that would be overstepping the boundaries a little.

“Why are you with Zayn?”

“Harry!” Liam chastised almost immediately after the boy said it, but I understood what he was trying to do.

“He’s a good person,” I answered. “He’s fun to be around and a lovely friend.”

He could not hide his shocked expression and for a moment my cheeks flushed. He had reacted so oddly to me calling Zayn my friend. Had he been telling them otherwise? Zayn and Niall re-entered the room and he passed me my coffee which I accepted gratefully.

“I’ve got a brilliant idea,” Harry stated and I paused. Zayn sat on the arm of the chair beside me.

“What is it?” He asked curiously.

“Why don’t you and Michelle take the cottage for the week? You don’t have to be back for another interview until then.”

Harry smiled briefly at me and I narrowed my eyes. That boy was up to something.

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