Angel Wings || Victor Bruntley

By Cutehorse

38.3K 795 96

'The story is told that at birth you receive your own angel to hold. You come into this world on a wing and a... More



1.3K 46 12
By Cutehorse


  '...shaking her head at her sister as she continued to fly around singing a love song.' 


Five Years Later...

Nellie and Victor walked along the cliff edge at Lantic Bay in Cornwall, hand in hand as the soft sea breeze blew through their hair. After many years of planning it, the couple had finally been allowed to get away from their new loop in Swansea, Wales after much discussion and begging. It had been Victor's idea to go to Cornwall, he had said it was a beautiful place; though he had only seen it in the many newspapers and books he had read. But he was right, it was majestic and absolutely gorgeous; Nellie loved it.

They had heard about Lantic Bay from many of the locals, saying it was a pretty sight and they weren't wrong. The sea was a magnificent bright blue as it washed up against the cliff face, the long green grass brushed against their legs as they walked; it was quiet, peaceful. Though the place was stunning, Nellie hadn't been enjoying it. In fact she was worried about Victor, he had been acting quite strange all day and had been very quiet.

But Victor had a very good reason to why he was so quiet, he was nervous. He had planned to surprise Nellie with something, and was worried to how she would react. He had planned this a few years ago, asking Miss Peregrine in advance if it was ok and she agreed; she was overjoyed actually.

As they walked, the boy grabbed his girlfriend's hand causing them both to pause on the cliff top; he looked down at her as he pulled her to face him. Nellie was confused as Victor looked at her with nervous eyes, she linked her other hand with his but as she went to speak he cut her off by placing a hand over her mouth. She furrowed her eyebrows as she watched him take a deep breath, before he began to talk; pulling a small box out of his pocket before getting down onto one knee.

'Nel, you are the love of my life and someone I want to be with for the rest of eternity. You make my heart race and make the butterflies come alive in my stomach. You're my angel, my everything. So... Nellie Madeline Ambros, will you marry me?' He looked up at her patiently when he had finished.

Nellie nodded immeadiately, 'Yes. Of course, I'll marry you, Victor!'

The winged girl couldn't get the grin off her face as she launched herself at her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around him; sending the pair of them flying into the grass. She smashed her lips against his, pulling back soon after before placing her forehead against his as he smiled up at her. The pair laughed as they sat up, Nellie straddling her fiance. Oh, how she loved that sound of that. 

Her eyes never left Victor's as he took her hand and slid the plain gold band onto her finger, before he placed a kiss to her forehead. The ring was simple, it was all he could afford but she loved it anyway. Nellie looked down at the band, admiring it with a wide grin. She looked up to the sky when she heard Rosie's laughter, the youngest Ambros flying around clapping her hands together with a mighty grin; laughing giddily. 

She moved to stand, Victor helping her up; pulling the strands of grass from her blonde hair. The couple hugged each other once more, Nellie's head resting on his chest as she looked out at the ocean; shaking her head at her sister as she continued to fly around singing a love song. As they separated, the boy watched his fiance with a knowing smile as he watched her eyes moved around; following something invisible. 

'Rosie?' He queried.

'Oh, yes,' She nodded; 'She is quite pleased with this.'

'I bet she is.'

'You better invite me to your wedding,' Rosie shook her finger at them sternly.

'Of course, we will, Rose,' Nellie replied; 'You'll be my maid of honour after all.'

The dead girl squealed at that, flying a circle in the sky before she paused suddenly; 'I must choose a dress. Oh, and find some new shoes.'

Nellie chuckled at her sister as she disappeared from sight muttering to herself, turning her attention back to the boy beside her. She grinned up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck once more before she planted a kiss on his lips. As she pulled back, her grin only seemed to grow more at a thought that came into her mind.

'What?' Victor queried.

'Wait till we tell the others,' She replied giddily; 'Oh, Victor, I can't wait!'

'Neither can I, Nel. Neither can I.'

this was a long time coming. sorry guys :)

Thankyou for reading!! xx

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