Who am I? Hermione Granger..O...

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

420K 8.5K 6.6K

Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron are destined to defeat the Dark lord and the death eaters one and for... More

Questions and back to Hogwarts
Meeting The Malfoys
A Plan
Ron becomes suspicious of Hermione
Mother-Daughter reunion
Family Moments
Emergency Death Eater meeting
Blood traitors?
Going back?
Back to The Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
Change of Plans
The Order meeting
A talk with Draco and This could change everything
Ugh Great, They have to ruin everything
Traitor in our midst
Punishing the Traitor
Planning his demise
Attack on the Burrow
Family Moments Part 2
Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion
Sirius' Funeral - Part 2
Torn apart
Moving day
Back to Hogwarts (again)
Hermione's 16th birthday
Malfoy Manor
What does it take!?
Death Eater meeting
Authors note
Birth (Time Skip)
The Beginning of the end.
Preparing for Battle
The Final Battle

A battle and A Huge Loss

9.7K 204 366
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

Please don't hate me for this chapter :(

This was it.Dumbledore and McGonagall are putting there plan into action,with the help of the order.They had reluctantly agreed on luring Bella away from Voldemort by using Hermione as bait.Tonight at midnight,Dumbledore was going to kill Bellatrix, the Dark Lady, and Harry was going to try and get the Dark Lord.They think they will emerge Victorious.

On the Death eater side, they were thinking quite the opposite of what the Light side is thinking.The Death eaters are going to attack and Break into Hogwarts to kill the thorn in there side, Albus Dumbledore.Voldemort was then planning on naming Snape Headmaster Of Hogwarts. After Dumbledore was vanquished, Voldemort was going to chase Harry down and finally kill him with the Elder wand. They too think they were going to emerge from this Battle victorious.

However, nothing is as easy as it seems.


The next night around 10pm, Hermione and Draco didn't bother to retire to bed, they were waiting anxiously for the clock to strike 11 while sitting in the common room.The plan was to let the death eaters in at 11 so the plan could start and Dumbledore wasn't breathing any later than 12. Draco swallowed thickly as he looked towards his fidgeting cousin, he could not believe she killed someone and that they were about to end Dumbledore, once and for all.

"Are we really going to do this?"He whispered,Hermione glanced at him and saw that he was on the brink of tears.

"Yes, we are"She sighed as she went to sit next to him and put her arms around him in what was supposed to be a comforting hug, but it was just awkward.

"I can't believe this"Draco shook his head "I have a uneasy feeling that something is gonna go wrong 'Mione"

"Don't call me that"She snapped, out of habit, Before her eyes turned soft again "And i do to"She whispered, unaware of how right she was. The two cousins sat in silence once again, both to anxious to speak.Hermione stood and walked over to the window and she just watched the waves crash into the cliff.It calmed her and let , her think.

"Draco, Did you kn-" She begun but she couldn't finish her sentence as there was a loud BANG and a CRASH and then suddenly silence.Then more shouting.A few moments later Dumbledore, McGonagall ,Harry, Ron and the rest of the order stormed into the common room.

"What the Hell?" Draco yelled,standing up.

"Shut it Malfoy" Ron growled, He and Harry stormed over to Hermione and grabbed her arms forcefully.She couldn't help but cry out in pain."Come on, You're coming with us"

"What are you talking about? Let go of me Guys" Hermione yelled, struggling to pull her arm lose from his grasp. "I am not going anywhere!" Hermione gasped as she suddenly felt a stinging pain in her left cheek and her head whipped to the side.Ron slapped her. Oh he was definitely dying first in the final battle.

"Oh yes you are"Dumbledore said "You are going to help us kill Bellatrix tonight" Hermione's eyes widened and she struggled against the boys even harder.She glanced at both of them and noticed they were both Glaring at her.She then glanced at Sirius, who was also glaring, but not at her but rather at Dumbledore, with hatred swirling in his brown eyes.

"Ki-Kill Bellatrix? No NO!" She screamed as she struggled, the boys were now dragging her out of the room as they did she noticed all of the Slytherins had came out of their rooms and looked at Dumbledore angrily, clearly they had heard that he was basically kidnapping her. Before the order left the Syltherin dorms, Hermione reached into her Robe pocket and pulled out the necklace.She looked at Draco, pressed a kiss to the necklace and threw it .Then the portrait shut.

Hermione gasped, blinking tears away as she realised that she had just threw the one item that she cherished and had not let it get away from her person for literal months, away from her, possibly for good, knowing some Slytherins.. She only hoped that Draco had been the one to catch it and that he was already contacting her parents.

Luckily for her, Draco had been the one to catch it and rushed to his room, blinking back tears of his own.He refused to give any answers to the Slytherin students only saying that "Hermione is on our side" to Crabb and Goyle, the sons of other death eaters. He quickly drew his wand and tapped it like Hermione had done last last week. Immediately Bellatrix's worried face appeared.

"Draco!?"She screamed, knowing that Hermione would never let him use the necklace. Immediately Narcissa and Voldemort were at her side. "What are you doing?Wheres Hermione?"
"They took her" He replied.

"WHAT, WHO?" Voldemort yelled, scaring the crap out of him.

"T-the Order."He stuttered out.Voldemort cursed loudly and turned towards his sister in law.
"Narcissa, Gather my inner circle of death eaters, we have a battle on our hands" He said.

"Yes, My Lord"She nodded and then was gone. Voldemort hugged is now crying wife from behind and turned back to Draco.

"Let us in, in about 10 minutes" Voldemort demanded and then the image faded. Draco looked at the necklace, deciding to hide it incase anyone gets there hands on it, he stuffed it under the floorboard, and then left the Slytherin dorms, still not stopping to give the Slytherins any answer.

He walked swiftly towards Hagrids Hut or more specifically towards the forbidden forest, passing Filch and Mrs Norris.

"Student out of be-Ow"Filch said, Draco tripped him up.

"Shut up"He told him and carried on walking.He got to the entrance fairly quickly and unlocked it using, alohamora the spell Hermione taught him.

When the door opened he was met with All of the order standing in a circle and Hermione was sitting in a cage in the middle of them, trying not to cry. Draco gulped and then snuck off into the Forest. He must have walked for about 5 minutes, looking for the meeting space, which was a clearing, when he heard quite a few sharp cracks behind him. He turned and saw all of the inner circle of death eaters, excluding Bellatrix, as she was not allowed to fight due to her pregnancy. Voldemort didn't even glance at the Death Eaters or give a speech like he was known to do, he just marched of into the direction of Hogwarts, He was going to save his daughter, even if it would kill him.

The Death Eaters followed him quickly, walking in silence. Narcissa put her arms around a trembling Draco and shared a worried glance with Lucius. However no words were exchanged for fear of Voldemort's wrath.They continued to walk in silence when another sharp crack sounded from behind them. Voldemort turned, fury in his eyes and wand drawn to find that it was his wife standing there with her arms crossed and wand drawn, glaring at him.

"What are you doing here?" Voldemort growled, stomping over to her.

"Same reason you are, saving our daughter" She shot back.Voldemort snarled at her before turning and punching a tree in anger.

"Godamn it Bella"He exclaimed, The Death Eaters watched on in silence "I just want to make sure you and the twins are safe"

"And we are"Bella said softly, reaching out to touch his arm "We're fine, i want to make sure our daughter is safe"

Voldemort sighed but nodded.

"Stay out of sight then, until i give you a signal" He told her, before taking her hand and walking off. The Death eaters followed.

The group arrived at Hogwarts and was shocked at what they found. The light side had placed a terrified and crying  Hermione  in a cage that was now floating above them. Ron and Harry were playing with her wand. The only person that was showing a little bit of mercy towards her was Sirius, who was firing silent spells at the cage, trying to get her out. Bella and Voldemort both saw the handprint on Hermione's cheek at the same time and gaped.

"Light side my ass"Voldemort scoffed and shook his head. He gestured to a bush and made a stubborn Bellatrix hide behind it. "Everything will be alright"He told her kissing her forehead. He shot her a sad smile and stepped out into the grounds, along with the other Death Eaters.

"Tom"Dumbledore greeted warmly causing Voldemort to glare "How nice of you to join us"

"Cut the shit Albus"Voldemort growled "I believe you have something of mine"

"Why yes, we do"He said gesturing to Hermione "Your daughter"

"Oh please, do you think i'm stupid?"Voldemort laughed dryly "I know my daughter is dead, no what i'm talking about is the elder wand" Dumbledore faltered.

"What are you talking about?"He narrowed his eyes.

"You know exactly what i'm talking about"Voldemort smirked "AVADA KEDARVRA " He yelled but somehow Dumbledore avoided the curse and the two engaged in a battle.The death Eaters all cried out and began there own battles. Draco vs Neville .Lucius vs Molly,  Narcissa vs Sirius (Although they were actually trying to break Hermione out) Ron vs Rodolphus, Ginny vs Rabastian . Luna vs Greyback and Harry was trying to help Dumbledore. It was clear that the Dark Lord was struggling to defend of the both of them, he was going to lose. However a spell knocked Harry in the back.The battle stopped for a moment, everyone turning to find Snape walking out from Hagrids Hut.
Hey where the hell is Hagrid? Hermione thought, well she had nothing better to do.

"Severus"Both Dumbledore and Voldemort greeted, they glared at each other.

"Albus, My Lord" Snape bowed.Dumbledore chuckled 

"Well Tom, its not everyday that one of your most loyal betray you, is it?" Dumbledore smirked at the Dark Lord.

"No it isn't" He smirked back , causing the Headmaster to frown.The Dark Lord turned to Snape and inclined his head.Snape nodded and lifted his wand but he was knocked of his feet by non other than McGonagall. She came out from the shadows and shot spell after spell and the Potions Professor, effectively knocking him out. The battle restarted and Voldemort was once again struggling to defeat Harry and Dumbledore, when yet another spell hit Harry and sent him flying across the Grounds. Voldemort turned to find his wife engaged in a battle with Potter, which she was easily winning, while continuously shooting spells at Hermione's cage. He breathed a sigh of relief and annoyance, continuing his battle with the old headmaster.

After a few more minutes, it was clear that Dumbledore was finished, he had almost given up fighting and was shooting off weak spells.Voldemort smirked as he raised his wand high above his head. 

"AVADA KEDARVRA" He screamed.It was finished. Dumbledore hit the ground, dead, and everything went still and silent. Slowly the Death Eaters began cheering and celebrating, while Voldemort never took his gaze off of his old headmaster.  He slowly took a step forward and picked up the fallen mans wand. He gasped as he felt the power running through his veins.He was the true master of the Elder Wand.

A war cry suddenly took his attention away. It was Harry Potter, his arch nemesis who yelled. He pointed his wand at Bellatrix, who was distracted by trying to get Hermione out.

"AVADA KEDARVRA" Harry screamed out, aiming his wand at Bellatrix's back. She turned, eyes wide. She didn't move, she was frozen as the green spell cam flying towards her

"BELLA" Voldemort and Narcissa shouted
"MUM" Hermione screamed at the same time, tears running freely down her cheeks.

"NOOOO" Sirius yelled as he ran towards Bellatrix.

"SIRIUS!" Narcissa , Regulas and Remus shouted. Sirius ignored them and focused on saving his cousin and her unborn children, like he promised he would. He got there just in time to push Bella away. She fell to the ground and rolled away, safe. Voldemort immediately pulled her up and wrapped her in his arms. He looked towards Sirius and went to thank him but .......

Unfortunately Sirius didn't move out of the way in time. The spell hit him in the chest. Sirius inhaled a breath and looked at Bella. He smiled at her before dropping to the ground.Dead. Everything was silent once again, no one knew how to process this.

"Sirius" Harry whispered as he dropped his wand. He ran towards his godfather and dropped to his knees and cried. Remus followed him. Bella cried out and tried to break free of her husbands embrace.When she couldn't, she just turned and cried into his shoulder. Narcissa ran towards Lucius and mimicked her sister actions. No one moved for a few minutes. Apart from McGonagall who walked over to Dumbledore's body and shed a few tears.

Voldemort raised his new wand towards Hermione's cage silently.The cage opened and Hermione gently floated down.Molly ignored the fact that Voldemort was the one to open the cage and opened her arms to Hermione, ready to apologise profusely. However once Hermione's feet was on the ground, she ignored Molly's hug and ran towards Voldemort and Bella, much to the shock of everybody in the order

"Daddy! Mum" She cried, running straight into their arms. Everybody's eyes widened.The Death Eaters because they knew that she was supposed to be a secret and The Orders because she knew that she was their daughter.

"You knew?"Ron yelled.

"Yes i did" Hermione snarled, stomping over to him "Now give me back my wand"

"No" Ron said crossing his arms

"No?" Hermione raised her eyebrows

"Thats what i said" Ron replied.Hermione scoffed, looking at her pissed off parents and then back at Ron. She raised her hand and slapped him as hard as she could. The force of the slap was so hard that it echoed around the grounds and Ron fell the the ground, dropping the wands and holding his cheek. She picked it up and scoffed at him again before walking over back to her parents.

"Lets go home" She mumbled to them, hugging a still sobbing Bella.

"Snape, I trust that you know what do to" Voldemort said quietly.

"Of course, My Lord" Snape nodded.

"Very well I should leave you to it"Voldemort said "Just know that you shall be rewarded greatly for you efforts, All of You" He shouted and the turned to Harry Potter. "Potter! Just know that this isn't over"

"Bring it on" Harry growled. Voldemort chuckled darkly but didn't reply as black smoke had surrounded Him and his Wife and Daughter. Narcissa, Lucius and Draco all followed just seconds after. The rest of the Death Eaters glanced at each other before shrugging and dissapparating too.Regulas Black was still sitting next to Sirius' body when Rabastian sighed and walked towards him, grabbing his shoulder and dissapparating him too.

A/N I'm sorry...

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