Aphmau All Series Oneshots! B...

By WalkingFreak3

10.2K 176 149

(Book 2 is better but u can still read dis) More

Request Please!!
Request 1:Aarmau
Request 2:AaronxSenovia
Request 3:LiochantxLeona
Request 3:TravisxSenovia
Request 4:Garmau
Request 5:Dancole
Request 6:Laurmau
Request 7:Travlyn(pt1)
Travlyn (pt2)
Part title
Part title
Very important.Please Read.
Request 8:LaurencexReader
Request 9:GarrothxReader(Tear Jerker)
Going on a Trip(A/N)
Request 10:Zanmau
OC Contest!!
Request 11:Mystreet sing off!
Request 12:TravisxReader
What should i do for 1k?
OC Contest Winner!
Request 13:GenexAli(OC)
Request 14:Zanexreader
On Hold+New Book
Request 16:GarrothxPregnant!Reader
Request 17:AlissaxLaurence (Part one!)
Request 18:TravisxRo'Meave!Reader
OMG 3K!!!!
Request 19:Prince!TravisxHard to get!Reader
The End
Geuss whos back?
Book 2!

Please help me.(pls read)

119 4 5
By WalkingFreak3

I walked in on my dad doing weed.
I'm on a trip and ur ruined everything.The worst pet about it is that he told me not to tell anyone.
I can't.I have to tell someone and I'm hoping this helps.
I've been sitting in the bathroom crying for 20 minutes and I can't stop thinking about it.I don't want to look at him or be in the same room as him.
This has effected me a lot.
I won't be updating for a while,I'm so sorry,but things are just really bad right now.

How can I get over it?


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