Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbi...

By sarahk1514

29.4K 628 141

"I don't understand..." Wendy said, "I thought I was your prisoner." "Wendy, how could you not have known t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

1.4K 36 8
By sarahk1514

"Felix, you are the only one who knows this information. You cannot reveal it to any of the other boys." Pan sternly told his companion.

Felix looked at him dumbfounded, "It doesn't make sense. She is nothing but a common orphan. It can't be possible."

"The shadow did inform me she would be important to us. I intend to find out what magic she possesses and how we can get control of it."

"So, she still remembered everything from her past life, even though you made sure no one who came onto this island would remember?"

"It seems so.." Pan said as he rubbed his chin.

"So, could she be more powerful than you?"

"No one is more powerful than me." Pan sneered. 

"Of course not," Felix cowered back, "What I meant was that she was um...just that-"

"Just stop talking, Felix." Pan rolled his eyes.

Felix stopped talking, embarrassed that he'd made a fool of himself in front of Pan yet again. 

"We need to know what kind of power she possesses. Whatever magic this is, I didn't detect anything from her." Pan stated as he paced back and forth.

"Nothing to worry about, Pan. She's on your island. Even if she refuses to show you what she's capable of, you'll find it out sooner or later."

Pan looked from the floor to Felix, "I know that. If I want something, I always get it. Even if she tries to hide this power from me, I will have it."

A gust of wind blew around them and the shadow suddenly appeared before the boys. 

"It's about time you got here!" Pan said irritated.

"What can I do for you, Pan?"

"Explain how Wendy remembers her old life. How does she remember who Felix used to be?"

The shadow was silent for a moment.

"Speak!" Pan ordered impatiently.

"It's not possible that she could remember..." The shadow spoke, "I made sure she forgot. All the children here shouldn't be able to remember their homes."

"You made sure that she remembered you brought her here." Pan snickered, "How am I suppose to believe that you made sure she remembered everything?"

"Pan, on my word, I swear I just wanted her to remember me."

Pan paused for a moment, "If I find out you're lying, don't think I can find someone else to do your job."

"Yes, Pan."

"Now, where's the girl?"

"On the beach with the Lost Boys."

Pan inhaled, "I'll go get her. It's about time I learned more about Wendy's powers."

Pan disappeared into the woods toward the beach where Wendy and the boys made a fire. He was frustrated with the fact that this girl had something that may be stronger than his own magic. He needed to be the most powerful being on Neverland, and he'd destroy anyone who tried to tell him otherwise. Pan never trusted anyone, not even his own shadow. He realized a long time ago that trust doesn't go a long way. People will always deceive you, no matter how much they mean to you. So, Pan was stone cold. He was now the person who couldn't ever be trusted and should never be. As he approached the beach, he heard the boys talking with Wendy. He paused, listening to what she had to say.

"What are your questions?" She asked with a smile. "I want to help you all as much as I can."

Pan rolled his eyes, "I have helped them. I've helped them leave their miserable lives and brought them to a place where they can be young forever."

"Alfie, come here." Wendy said as she reached her hands out to Alfie. Pan noticed as the youngest of the lost boys ran into her open arms. Pan didn't even realize Alfie was crying. Wendy comforting the young boy almost tugged a string at Pan's heart. He had never seen someone show so much compassion to a boy she barely knew. This girl was pure goodness, which almost made Pan gag.

"I couldn't help you, Wendy. I'm sorry." Alfie cried into her shoulders.

"Oh, Alfie. That's not your job. I'm fine. Everything's going to be fine."

"That's what you think," Pan muttered to himself..

Wendy put Alfie on her lap and she turned her attention back to the boys with her.

"Let's hear those questions."

"Well...who is Grayson?" Timothy asked.

Pan inhaled deeply, "Don't be dumb, Wendy. Stop talking when you still can."

"Grayson is Felix's younger brother. They used to live in my town back in England."

Pan wanted to strangle her.

"Do you know where England is?"

"We only know Neverland. We don't know any other places." Evan said.

"Well, I'm from England."

"And you're saying Felix is also from...England?" another boy asked.


George chuckled insincerely, "That's a lie."

Wendy looked at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"If Felix did have a brother, we would have known him. We are all from Neverland. We never lived anywhere else."

This is what Pan wanted the Lost Boys to believe, and Wendy was ruining the image Pan had worked so hard to put in their heads. He wanted them to believe that they were all born here and that they were all brothers. He wanted them to forget their past lives and all the pain they had gone through.

"That's not possible." Wendy protested, "You had to have lived in other places. You all had to be born from somewhere. What about your mothers?"

Pan could feel his face growing red with anger. He had wiped the entire definition of mothers out of their heads.

Alfie looked up at Wendy, "What's a mother, Wendy?"

Pan knew he had to interfere now. She was ruining everything.

Pan stepped out of the trees and all the boys looked at him with terror. Wendy looked up from Alfie and saw what made all the boys so quiet. Her eyes widened at Pan's presence and her heart was racing since he was staring daggers at her. She gulped.

"Wendy, I think it's time you and I had a little chat."

Wendy looked to each of the boys and then slowly went to move Alfie off her lap to follow Pan. Alfie suddenly burst into tears and wrapped his arms around Wendy's neck, preventing her from getting up. 

"No, no, no. Wendy, don't go! He's going to kill you! He's going to kill you!"

Alfie continued to scream this as Wendy tried to calm him down. She never broke eye contact with Pan. 

Timothy cautiously walked over to Wendy and tried to get the screaming boy off her.

"C'mere, Alfie. She's gonna be fine." He said in a calm voice.

Alfie screamed and his grip around Wendy tightened.

"Alfie," Pan said. 

Alfie didn't respond and continued to cry.

Pan sighed and walked behind Wendy so he could make eye contact with Alfie.

Pan crouched down so he was at eye level with the screaming boy.

"Alfie, look at me." Pan ordered. 

Alfie's red eyes met Pan's, "Alfie, I will promise you that nothing will happen to Wendy. Alright?"

Alfie sat up, "Y-you p-p-promise?" he hiccuped.

"Yes, Alfie." Pan gave him a small smile and Alfie nodded and got up off Wendy. Wendy was shocked at how calm Pan acted when handling Alfie. Maybe he wasn't as evil and cruel as she thought this whole time. Little did she know how wrong she was.

He yanked Wendy's arm up, getting her to her feet as she winced. Alfie ran towards Wendy again, but George held him back. He started hysterically screaming again.

"Pan, you promised you wouldn't hurt her." Timothy sternly said.

"You of all people should know that I never keep promises that don't matter, Tim"

Timothy looked at Wendy then sighed and sat back down.

"Anyone else want to try my patience?" Pan boomed.

The boys were silent.

"Good. Also, you should know our new friend Wendy is a liar. Everything she has told you about Felix and where she is from is false. All there is is Neverland, and that's all you need to know. We are all brothers here. Don't let her ruin our family."

The boys gave each other confusing looks, not sure who to believe. Wendy felt tears forming in her eyes as Pan's grip tightened as he dragged her into the woods. They walked deeper and deeper until they stopped at an open meadow. He threw to the ground as she looked up at him with disgust.

"What do you want from me?" She screamed.

"Show me."

She looked at him, confused.

"Show me!" he shouted, "I order you!"

"Show you what?"

"Don't play dumb!"

"If you think I possess magic, you are mistaken."

"I don't take well to lies, Wendy."

"Do you think I would stay in that terrible town with the Becketts if I knew I had powers?" Tears started streaming down her face, "Don't you think I would try to find my brothers if I knew I had magic?"

Pan looked at her and stayed silent. She sobbed as she drew her knees to her chest.

"My brothers were taken and I never found them. If I had powers or magic, I would use it to find them. They're my only family."

"Do you expect me to believe this sob story?"

Wendy looked up at him with repulsion. 

"Why would I lie about something like this?"

"According to the shadow, you have great power. I intend to take control of it."

"I have no magic!"

"Fine," Pan said as he grabbed her hand once more and pulled her to her feet. 

"What are you doing?" Pan pulled her deeper into the woods until they were back to where the cages were located. 

"No, no! Please don't!" Wendy begged as she tried to release his grip. Pan threw Wendy into the cage and locked it.

"You can come out when you're ready to show me what you're capable of. Until then, suffer."

"You can't do this!" Wendy screamed. 

Pan turned his back to her and Felix appeared from the darkness, "She doesn't get food or water until she reveals her powers to me." Pan disappeared into the woods as Felix gave Wendy a sinister smile and raised her into the trees.

"Felix, I know this isn't you. I can help you escape him, please let me go! We can escape together!"

Felix chuckled, "I have no idea what you're talking about. Neverland has always been my home."


Hello hello everyone!!!!

Hope everyones doing well and you're enjoying the story! 

It's starting crazy like damn I'm excited for you guys to see where this story goes cause it's gonna get even more insane.

I'm so excited to continue writing this for you guys!

Please vote and comment!

Much love,

Sarah K

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