Will I Be Free?

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I thought no one could be heartless because everyone has a heart

It beats on and keeps beating, to a new life it is the start


I thought everyone has a mind, feelings and emotion

A sense of individuality, a new angle to a nation


But I didn't know one thing: those thoughts weren't quite right

Everyone has a heart and mind, but some just choose not to fight


The world is full of injustice that so many decide to ignore

It is either that they forget or their hearts are just so poor


There are those with beating hearts, but to me they are long dead

The atrocities they commit, prove death without being said


How could someone be so blind and not see a human before their eyes

But it's true, some do blind their minds, they just decide not to realise


They threaten some, they torture another

They intimidate so many, it's all a show of power


They imprison the innocent and kill many without reason

Fearing those might seek revenge or commit an act of treason


The truth is, most of what they say, it's all a pile of lies

They terrorise, but use terrorism to demonise


Their actions are all masked, the media is to entertain

To make you think what they want, to them it's all a game


But a game planned out nonetheless, with a show of security and peace

Yet bloodshed is still prevalent and drones strike in the East.


Let's have a useless peace talk, to show the world we care

Let's give every human rights and freedom so that they don't despair


Why is it then, I ask you, that so many suffer today?

That wars and poverty continue and with laws they still play?


It is time you realise, people can be heartless

The world is not a pretty garden, no rose is ever thornless


The Muslim Ummah is a body, we must feel the pain of each other

Open our eyes a little wider and help our Muslim brother!


Remember the victims in your prayer, most of whom are innocent souls

Do something to prove you care, bring a small change to the world!

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