ToO uNsUrE tO mAtE

By CozyBXBLover

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Copyright © 2017 by CozyBXBLover. All rights reserved. ::.Sequel To 'Too Young To Mate'.:: Eddy life is co... More

Chapter 1: Eddy
Chapter 2: Kyle
Chapter 4: Kyle (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Kyle (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Kyle
Chapter 6: Peter
Chapter 7: Eddy
Chapter 9: Peter
Chapter 10: Eddy

Chapter 3: Peter

13.2K 508 97
By CozyBXBLover

Becoming A Creature Of The Deep

"Hey baby, are you okay?" Christina asked as she slowly made her way down the three stairs that lead into the living room. I leaned my head against the back of the sofa and sighed as I nodded my head softly.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I tried to reassure her. But, I wasn't sure myself. My body had been aching all day and it was only getting worse. I felt like I was being cooked from the inside. I wasn't sweating but I felt over heated. I frowned as I looked up at the ceiling. The fan was on full blast. Christina looked me over and I could tell she was over thinking things again. "Stop." I mumbled.

"Hmm? Stop what," she asked with a questionable look on her face. "I'm not doing anything." She quickly defended herself, putting on her innocent act. I scoffed.

"Yes you are,you think this has something to do with that whole mate thing." I said with a soft sigh.

"Well..." She chimed. "All the signs point to it," she pointed out. "I mean look at you! Your totally going into heat." She comment with a soft giggle. I wrinkled my nose as I cased my eyes over to the corner.
"How is that funny?! Is me being humped by another girl that's not you funny?" I joked. She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"She won't enjoy it. Trust me." She teased. I looked at her completely caught off guard by her comment.

"I beg your pardon, you seem to enjoy every moment of it!" I shot back.

"Trust me. A woman knows how to fake an orgasm." She said waving me off and going into the kitchen. I scoffed and threw a sofa pillow after her.

"Not you! You can't even lie to your parents." I noted. I heard her let out a loud laugh.

I was now hanging out at my girlfriend Christina's house. I spent most of my days here even though we've only been dating for a few months I feel she's the one. I want her to be the one, at least.

But, there was this nagging feeling telling me she wasn't that person, i'd be spending the rest of my life with. She already understood though. She had a mate out there also since she was a werewolf. I had met Christina when we first move here to our new pack ground. She was apart of Leo's old pack, but I had never met her tell only this year. She was a quiet girl and stayed to herself. Very pretty. She was definitely my type, so why had their goddess not given me the girl I was beginning to fall in love with. I snapped out of my thoughts by a soft knock at the front door.

"Peter please get that." She yelled. I wanted to tell her no. She knew I wasn't feeling so great so I had to get out of my comfort spot to answer her door when we both knew damn well it wasn't even for me. But, because I'm not a guy to really argue or speak my mind. I didn't say those things.

"Alright." I called back. I sighed heavily, then heaved myself up off the sofa. I tiredly strolled over to the door. But, I regretted that soon after. Pain took over me every time I took a step towards the door, the burning feeling grew stronger and stronger, it got to the point where I could barely stand. "Christina." I wheezed. As my breathing picked up. My mouth started to dry and it felt like all the moister from my body was being sucked out of me and dissipating into the air. I leaned my body up against the wall next to the door. Awe shit! Something was wrong. I let my body slide down against the wall tell my bottom hit the floor. The cool tile underneath me felt good against my warm skin. I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the wall. My body felt heavy and I was starting to feel drowsy. "Chris..." I started to scream again, but a loud scream suddenly filled the air. I tiredly moved my eyes to looked over towards where it was coming from.

Christina was standing in the kitchen opening looking over at me in horror. What was going on? Why was she looking at me like that. A painful surge shot up my legs to my back and I started to feel my mouth dry out. My vision blurred, but I'm pretty sure what I was seeing was real. My legs.. They were mending together! What the hell was going on?! Another very painful surge shot through my body and I screamed out at the top of my lungs. Oh god! What was going on? Loud banging noises suddenly surrounded me, then a loud crash followed ending the commotion with Christina gasping.

"Cole?" She cried out in uncertainty. Cole... Her brother that went missing five years ago.. That Cole?! My vision was starting to fading in and out. Even if I wanted to see what was going on around me I couldn't. My body wasn't cooperating with me. Especially my legs they felt weird, like they were stuck together and they were getting very heavy.

"Christina please go and get the alpha and bring him to the lake in the middle of the pack ground." He ordered his sister. The tone of his voice was fraught. It was filled with worry and panic.

I vaguely saw Christina as she ran passed us and out the door as quickly as she could, only because my eyes had landed on the stranger Christina called Cole, her brother. A face similar to his sister, also quite similar eyes. Not the color of them but, I noticed the way he looked at me was similar to the way Christina and I  looked at each other. The look like you've finally found that special person, your better half, that... "one true love". But, I was in serious pain right now and my vision wasn't all that great so maybe, just maybe I was seeing things! I was pulled out of my thought by his concerned voice.

"Are you in pain?" He asked. His voice was soft and soothing. It made the panic I was feeling slightly fade. I wanted to say yes but all I could give him was a timid nod. My mouth was completely dried out now and the pain in my lower back and legs were getting worse. I hissed at the aching pain as a serge of it went through my lower body, closing my eyes and looking away from him in the process.

I felt him place his hands on my cheeks and guide my face back towards him. I opened my eyes and they locked with his. What was this feeling I got when he looked at me like this, the feeling I felt when he placed his hands on me? It was like a blanket of calm comforting warmth. That I welcomed with open arms. It felt like it was trying to fight away the pain but, whatever was happening to me it was going to happen and it wasn't giving me any sympathy because soon I felt like I couldn't breathe. I pulled out of his hold and start to gasp in air, but it wasn't working. I was to weak to help myself, but it didn't take anytime for him to realize what was going on.

"You can't breathe." He panicked. One of his arms wrapped around my torso and the other under my legs and I was suddenly lifted into his arms and he didn't waste anytime running outside of the house into the pack ground. Usually this would be uncalled for and I'd probably had punched him out. But, I felt safe in his arms. Even though he was a stranger, he felt like a stranger I could trust. My gasping grew rapidly and my vision started to fade out. I was slipping away."Don't worry." I suddenly heard him whisper. I was scared that I wouldn't wake up again. I was scared of leaving Christina alone. But, I felt even more scared for this guy carrying me. I felt like if something happened to me it'd take a big toll on him. Don't ask me how I know. It just felt like it. So, how could I not bring myself to worry? "I wont let anything happen to you." He finished and as soon as those last words left his lips I felt like I was being thrown in freezing cold water. Then all of a sudden I could breathe again! I took in a big much needed breath.

My mouth wasn't dried out anymore. The pain that was about to consume me was fading and that warm feeling that I felt when he first touched me, took over. Meaning I was still in his arms. My eyes shot open and the first thing I saw as myvision cleared up was his smiling face with beads of water rolling down it as he looked down at me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, off of that smile. That 'I told you so' smile. I smiled back up at him. But then my surroundings caught my eye as a little fish swam passed us. I looked around calmly and realize we were floating in the lake, that was in the middle of the pack ground.

"Why are we..." I started to ask. But the Alpha's voice stopped me mid-sentence.

"I was hoping this wasn't going to happen tell your twentieth birthday." We both looked back and saw the Alpha was smiling down at us, a very familiar face was also looking down at us but more at Cole as he winkled his nose, and Christina had her hand over her mouth as she looked down at my legs.  "But, I guess you can't really guess when a fish grows into it's tail." He finished in a playful tone. My face fell into confusion.

"Fish? What.." I lowered my eyes down my body and saw something that seriously disturbed me. My legs wasn't there anymore.. Replacing them was a tail. A fucking mermaid's tail... I looked up at Cole in panic. Then tried to push out of his arms. "Wha..What..."

"Shh. Shh! Calm down." He urged me. "It's alright.."

"How the hell is this alright!" I yelled at him as I pointed at the thing.

"He's right Peter, calm down!" The Alpha ordered.

"No! Why should I trust him. This happened right when he got here!" I shouted in his face, then pushed at his chest really hard causing myself to fall back in the water. Yep! I got what I wanted, to be out of his arms. I heard everyone yell, but by that time I was already sinking. I didn't think what I just did through. Yeah, I was breathing under water and I could see everything so clearly, the school of fish swimming by, the sound of the water was vivid, I could hear the soft swooshing as the fish swam past me, but I didn't have time to take in any of this because this tail was really heavy and I was sinking fast. I looked around in panic as I started to try and swim back up using my arms. Sunlight shined down into the water, but I was slowly fading into deep dark depth of the lake. I never questioned what lived in this lake because I never swam in it. But, I was starting to hate myself for at least not asking what kinda fish they bothered to put in here.

I felt my hand being grabbed tightly and I was being pulled back up towards the surface. I looked up to see it was Cole pulling me back up. He got there first and I could hear muffled shouting, then he yanked me up out of the water. As soon as I hit the surface the shouting turned into yelling and at the edge of the shallow end of the was the Alpha and Christina begging Cole to hurry and bring me out. I was so relieved to feel safe again that I mindlessly wrapped my arms around Cole and buried my face into his neck as I started to cry. The day was overwhelming and confusing. What was happening to me? Why was this happening to me?! The yelling died down and Cole's body went stiff. I didn't know what came over me but every time he touches me I feel like I'm in safe hands.

Cole unstiffen and his arms slowly circled my waist and he hugged me against his chest. It didn't take a genius to figure out I wasn't human. I probably never was and I think that hit me hard. But, what brought me to tears was that my girlfriend's brother.. He was my mate. I closed my eyes as I felt that warmth take over me. How else would you explain this new found affection for a perfect stranger. After what happen to my sister, I never trusted anyone so easily. But, as soon as Cole touches me one time, I feel like he's the only person in the world that I can truly trust.

I lost my sister 5 years ago, something I will never get over. I start a new life and met a wonderful girl who I planned to spend the rest of my life with, but because of some goddess that I had just found out about mates me to her brother who I don't love but have mysterious feelings for, and to top that all off.. I'm a fucking merman. Yeah, thanks alot goddess. Thanks alot!

[Picture of Peter! :D ]

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