Love On Fire (BTS and BLACKPI...

By test_write07

63.9K 2K 941

When a group of gorgeous girls arrived at Namjoon's party, they sparked fire between 7 boys and their fans... More

EP 1
EP 2
EP 3
EP 5
EP 6
EP 7
EP 8
EP 9
EP 10
EP 11
EP 12
EP 13
EP 14
EP 15
EP 16
EP 17
EP 18
EP 19
EP 20
EP 21
EP 22
EP 23 (pt 1)
EP 23 (pt 2)
EP 24 (pt 1)
EP 24 (pt 2)
Special Update
EP 25 (pt 1)
NG 1
EP 25 (pt 2)
EP 26 (pt 1)
EP 26 (pt 2)

EP 4

2.8K 79 50
By test_write07


Lisa and Jennie, with their new found friend Tzuyu, were walking by the halls talking about fashion that afternoon when they saw Jisoo and Hobi rushed outside the campus together.

Jennie and Lisa both looked at each other. Seeing their friend run away with Hobi was a bit strange. However, their telepathy was interrupted by Tzuyu.

“Trends nowadays are so hip. My parents actually invited Jeremy Scott to mentor me for the upcoming University Fashion week. I hope you guys could come. Our business department team would need models. Oh my gosh! Lisa you’re perfect to be our Harley.”

“Harley as in Harley Quinn?”

“YES! Dear Lord, why haven’t I thought of that? October is the month for business students to shine. We’re thinking of launching our very first fashion week and to top it all off, Circus Halloween is the theme. I was the one who thought about that.” Tzuyu bragged while looking at her immaculate nails.

Jennie raised her eyebrows and looked at Lisa. The latter just shrugged and smiled at Tzuyu.

“So, I would really appreciate it if you’ll do it Lisa. I can’t think of anyone portraying Harley…but of course there’s me, but I’m the head coordinator…” Tzuyu said trying to look good in front of a threat who was Jennie.

“Oh Lisa would totes be there, wouldn’t you Lisa?” Jennie persisted and wrapped her arm around Lisa’s shoulder.

“I would?”

“Yes of course you will! You’re perfect. Now aren’t you getting a little late for your next class?” Jennie said batting her eyelashes at her which translates as: Go now, I’ll handle this one, shoo.

“Oh, yeah right. I think I have social studies today. See you later unnie! Bye, Tzuyu, nice meeting you.”

“Oh, bye!”

Jennie smiled diabolically at Tzuyu while the innocent girl wasn’t looking and shifted her smile to an angelic one when she turned to her.

“You guys are angels.” Tzuyu commented.

“I’m glad you think so.” Jennie giggled and circled her arm on Tzuyu’s. “So, Tzuyu, you’ve been here for a year now right?”

“1 year and 1 month to be exact.”

“Yeah, so you probably know the juicy stuff right? Like gossips and rumors, perhaps?”

“Oh my, why, do you love gossip? Because I live for that!!!”


Both of them giggled together. One is acting and one is naturally cheerful.

“So, what’s the 411 today?” – Jennie.

“Well, you know Jungkook Jeon, my ungrateful supposedly fiancé is a member of the famous BTS…you know the boys you and your friends…”

“Yeah, yeah what about him…”

“Well, he’s failing his classes and I felt really bad for him but it’s not like I could help him. Because truthfully, he hates politics but sometimes I do wish he fails so that my parents could realize how incompatible we are together…because I am a genius and he…is obviously not.”

“Who would you rather date then?”

“Well…I’ve only told a few people this but I completely trust you…If it were me to decide, then it’ll be their leader, Namjoon Kim or Rap Monster as what people call him nowadays.” Tzuyu giggles.

“Oh, I heard his type is close to you.” Jennie said feeding Tzuyu compliments to get more information from her.

“What? Really? I-I mean, of course I’m his type. I’m perfect for him.”

“Yeah, I agree. You’d make a lovely couple.” Jennie praised her and smiled genuinely planting ideas on her head.

“Enough about me though, there’s also a rumor going around that Jisoo and Hobi are together. Well, I for one don’t believe that since I know he rejected her in high school. Your friend was brave you know, but what can I say, she’s Jin’s sister. She has the right to like a BTS member. Unlike some people here…”

Tzuyu eyed a girl who was delivering chicken boxes and Jennie recognized her as Jungyeon – her boss’ daughter.

“What’s the deal with her?”

“A lot of people here think she’s a lesbian…but she secretly likes Jungkook. My friend Nayeon caught her slipping notes on oppa’s locker. Pshh, as if she has a chance. She doesn’t even go here. How cheap.” Tzuyu sneered and smiled when she faced Jennie.

I think I had enough for one day. Jennie thought and pulled out her phone. 1…2…3…action.

“Oh crabs, I gotta go. It’s my dad, he needed me to attend a meeting today on his behalf. Sorry Tzuyu, but I really gotta go. It was nice talking to you. Bye! Mwah!”

She walks away from the witch and dialed a number. “Hello, I need a ride right now. I’m at school. And make it fast.” Then she hangs up. After a minute, a black Mercedes arrived. She gets in and scrunches her face at the sight of the driver.

“You could’ve sent one of your drivers, I didn’t specifically tell you to come here!” She yelled at her fiancé.

“I was around the corner when you called. And where are we going anyway?” Wonwoo scratched his head as he drove his car at 10kmph around campus. Sometimes he still finds it hard to believe that he and Jennie are finally getting along. After the talk they had with her parents last year in Joohyuk’s wedding, it knocked some sense into both of them. Jennie’s parents lifted the engagement…but only if they find someone they can truly fall in love with. In his case, there’s no one…and in Jennie’s? Well he would be surprised if there is one. So for now, they are clearly “engaged.”

Jennie was tracking Jisoo’s phone and told Wonwoo where they’re going.

“You look like you’re raiding illegal drugs today. What the hell is going on?” He commented at the way Jennie was looking persistent.

“If I tell you, then I would have to kill you.”

“It doesn’t matter if you kill me. I’ll be gone tomorrow soon.”

“Oh thank God for small mercies.”

“I’ll have to close a deal in Germany.” Wonwoo sighed thinking about going overseas for a business trip tomorrow. He hates things that are spontaneous. Except maybe for Jennie Kim.

Jennie glanced his way for a moment and sighed. “Oooh, that’s a big client. I can tell by the look on your face.”

Jennie and Wonwoo knew each other since they were both in their mother’s wombs. They’re moms – being best friends – promised each other that they’d marry their kids to uphold their friendship. As crazy as it sounds, that’s their situation. Unlike Tzuyu and Kookie’s relationship, she actually likes Wonwoo…but not in a crazy love-sick way. She looks at him like an ally instead, mostly because he always appears to be there when she needed someone. And knowing that he’ll be gone on another business trip tomorrow makes her a little bit down.

“You’ll do fine. You always do.” She found herself comforting him.

“Don’t give me that.” He scoffed. Wonwoo knows that even if Jennie won’t admit it to herself, she’s thankful that he’s around. “You owe me big time for this. You made me miss my 3’o clock.”

“Okay shoot. What do I owe you this time?”

“Hmm…Paris sounds nice. What do you say?”

“Are you kidding me? Paris is boring!”

“But we haven’t been there together, we went to Australia last time and I think this one calls for Paris.”


“Yey Paris!”

“Tch. I’ll think about it. Now step on the gas before I lose my target.” She commanded. Wonwoo going out of the country would also have a good side, Jennie thought. Because then, keeping this secret of hers wouldn’t be so difficult after all.

Jimin was pacing back and forth outside the arts building waiting for Rose and Hongbin. He couldn’t believe that the school’s number one girl magnet is making a move on Rose. Of all the girls in this school, he had to choose her!

He was about to get inside the building when Taehyung grabbed his arm and stopped him.

“Where are you going bro?”

“I’m…I decided to shift my course.” Jimin did not know where those words come from. Frustration, probably.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah…” Jimin actually thought about shifting to architecture before but his budget was too small for the course. Though it’ll be easy to do since he hasn’t taken any major courses yet, he doesn’t know if he can afford the lifestyle of being an archi student. “I decided to pursue my passion for the arts and sign up for architecture.”

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” Taehyung said entering the building first.

“What?” This wasn’t the plan. He was here to spy on Rose not shift course…but then…it’s not that bad to go for architecture either. Besides…it’s the first day of the second semester, he can still change his mind.

“Eh, don’t be shy now. Come on, let’s go…maybe we can find Suga hyung inside. He said he wants to meet here earlier. He’ll also be happy to support you.”

Jimin brushed his hair back with his hands in frustration. He really can’t escape V. It’s like he knows when he’s having problems even when he’s not telling a word. They were walking towards the Architecture department’s window when he noticed that Taehyung was lagging behind. He looked back and found that his friend was busy with his phone texting and then sometimes smiling like an idiot.

“Yah, Taehyung!” He called.


“Are you coming or what?”

“Don’t mind me, just go ahead. I’ll follow you.” Taehyung said not swaying his attention to his phone.

Jimin was curious at this and went to his friend’s side.

“Who are you texting anyway?” Jimin said looking at V’s phone.



“We’re texting through emojis. I told you it’s possible.” Taehyung muttered showing Jimin their thread of messages which are all full of smiley faces and emojis.

Jimin snagged V’s phone and scrolled the messages he himself couldn’t understand.


“Yeah, my Lisa Manoban.” V said rolling his eyes and snatching his phone back.

Jimin was staring dumbfounded at Taehyung. The two just met 2 days ago and here they are already texting each other. How…what…why….when…

He was doing the math when Taehyung got his attention.

“You liar. You did not come here to sign up for architecture. You’re here because of her.” Taehyung said nodding his head to where Rose and Hongbin are. Jimin looked at their direction and gritted his teeth.

“No. I came here to shift to architecture.” Jimin said and hastily grabbed the pen and signed the form for transferring major courses.

Taehyung was watching Rose and Hongbin walk towards them. He noticed that Rose looks uninterested at whatever Hongbin was talking about. It seems like she’s just polite enough to smile and laugh at what he’s saying.

“You should’ve gotten her phone number in the first place…you know bro, thanks to your mistakes I was able to realize that when you like a girl…especially when you think she’s a diamond in the rough…it’s important to always get a hold of her. You wouldn’t want that to just slip through your pretty small hands, would you?”

“SHUT-UP!” Jimin pointed his pen to V’s nose. His forehead knotted when V was making a face like he was telling him to turn around.

“Oh, hello Rose-shi! Hongbin hyung. Great day isn’t it?” Taehyung greeted them.

“Are you crazy, what about the rules?” Jimin whispered to V.

“What rules?” V said shaking his phone in front of Jimin’s face. “You know Lisa gave me Rose’s number last night.”He said teasing Jimin more. “If you want it, then be good to me. If you’re really brave…then ask her yourself.”

“Oh, hey Taehyung-shi, Jimin-shi.” Rose said waving only at Taehyung.

“Cool, you guys know each other?” Hongbin said looking at the three of them.

“Yeah, these two met last year apparently. I was just introduced yesterday. Because you know…we’re sort of doing a collab for the festival.” – Taehyung

“Oh…hey you didn’t tell me you’re into music?” – Hongbin.

Why is this guy acting like he’s her boyfriend? – Jimin’s thoughts.

“Oh…um, it never came up. I just thought we just met, and you know...we’re just starting to get to know each other.”

Jimin smirked at Rose’s reply.

Know your place screw boy. – Jimin’s thoughts.

“Hey, Rose…what’s Lisa’s class today?” – V.

Jimin squinted his eyes at V like he was asking himself: Can you believe this guy?

“U-um…I think she’s in Humanities10 today.”

“That’s in the third floor right? Okay. I’ll see you guys later. Bye bro.” He bolted and took the stairs to the third floor.

“And there goes my friend…aish can you believe that guy…aigoo” Jimin said laughing at the situation.

“He’s a fun guy your friend. We’ll go ahead Jimin.” Hongbin said placing his hand on Rose’s back.

Jimin felt like he was a raging bull ready to throw Hongbin with his horns at that very moment. Then he received a text message saying:

Suga Hyung: I’m in my truck in front of the arts building with the others. We have to talk. Emergency.

He folded the form and put it inside his pockets. Then without any second thoughts, he grabbed Rose’s hand and pulled her away from Hongbin.

“We have to go, it’s an emergency. Later hyung.” He said surprising Rose leaving Hongbin with a confused expression. “Come on Chaeyoungie.”

This was V’s fault.

“Where are we going?”

They got out of the building and Jimin got them inside Suga’s truck.

“Congratulations hyung, you’ve kidnapped Rose Park! 40 gold coins to you.” Jungkook said fist-bumping Jimin when they settled in their seats; Rose sat in the middle of Kookie and Jimin.

“Hey Rose, glad you can join our party!” Namjoon said looking at her from the passenger seat in front.

“Sup!” Suga said giving her a high-five which she returned awkwardly. Then he turned to the wheel and started the engine.

“What’s going on?” Rose asked Jimin.

“I’m sorry I have to drag you in here.”


“Look, Hongbin is nice, but he has this rep with the girls…”

“Kinda like yours?”

Jungkook, Suga and Rapmon made an “o” shape with their mouth at Rose’s rebuttal.

“You don’t wanna be friends with that guy!”

“And who do you want me to be friends with?”

Suga and Rapmon were glancing at each other not knowing what to do with the bickering couple at the back.



Jimin was shocked when he realized that he acted like a jerk once again.

Jungkook was sticking himself to the window afraid he might spark a war.

“You’re such a jerk sometimes.” She mumbled and turned to Jungkook’s side. She leaned on Kookie’s shoulder and covered her face.

“Can I borrow your shoulder for a while?” She muttered to Kookie and he just nodded almost not breathing.

Namjoon turned to Jimin and threw him a pillow harshly mouthing the words: YOU PUNK! HOW DARE YOU MAKE HER CRY IN FRONT OF YOUR HYUNGS!

Suga was gesturing his hand to his neck on the rearview mirror which translates to: FIX THIS NOW OR ELSE...

Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at Rose. He rested his arm on their seat.

“H-hey, I’m sorry.” Jimin said trying to talk to her. Rose ignored him and scooted closer to Jungkook.

“Come on, Rose. I said I’m sorry. And can you please stop hording Jungkook, you’re scaring the boy.” Jimin almost laughed at Jungkook’s expression.

Rose wiped her unshed tears and straightened her seat. “Suga-oppa, where are we going?”

“Oh…um…I actually can’t decide. But is there a place you know where we can all talk in private?”

Rose tilted her head and nodded. “We can go to our studio.”

“Is that all of it?”

“Yeah. It’s done. Kapoosh, dead, terminated.”

Jisoo and Hobi successfully exterminated the website page of the anti-BTS site.

“You think Jin-oppa got the chance to see that?”

“Hmmm, I don’t think Jin’s the type to search for himself in the internet...given that he’s ultra vain.”

“You’re right. Thank you so much…and I’m sorry for barging into your room like that. I was really worried.” Jisoo said a bit embarrassed about her actions earlier.

“It’s okay and you’re welcome. Just come to me whenever things like this happen again. I’ll be of help.” Hobi said nodding at her. “I guess I have to tell the guys that we successfully defeated the league of antis.”

“Haha, tell them I helped.”

“and you helped…” He said typing to his phone a message while Jisoo was beside him watching him text.

This was the scene where Jennie came in.

“You two? Why are there rumors that you’re dating each other?”

“WHAT???” Jisoo’s hands flew on both sides of her head.

Jin was having lunch with his classmates Bo Gum and Jackson when he felt that he was being watched. He turned to the other table and found some girls eyeing him in a scrutinizing way.

“Is there something wrong with my face?” Jin said turning to Bo Gum and turned his face both ways.

“Nothing, why?”

“It’s weird. People kept giving me the look…like I’ve committed a crime or something.”

“Maybe it’s that blog.” Jackson said while munching on his dukboki.

They finished their meal together and when they got out, some girl spit in front of Jin. “You’re a fraud. Don’t act as though you’re innocent, you dirty gold-digger!”

He watched the girl walk away in shock.

“Did she just do that?!?”

“Bro…tell me honestly…are we in on a variety show now?” Jackson said looking for cameras.

Jin scoffs and looks for one as well. “I hope they’re getting my angles right!”

“How can she call you a gold-digger when your net worth is already 6 digits?” Bo Gum said to Jin as he was drinking his milk-tea.

“Hmm…well if they want to put me down, then they’re losing.” Jin shrugged and put his arms around his friends. “Let’s get back to class, shall we my handsome fellas.” He looked back again to where the girl went and couldn’t help but be bothered by the way she acted.

Jisoo was explaining to Jennie her relationship with Hobi while the latter was playing games on the computer.

“He’s just my ex-crush promise.”

“Maybe I still am?” Hobi said teasingly.

“Nope, not anymore.”

“Too bad then” He said hinting sadness in his voice. Jennie turned to him and said, “Do you still like her?”

“Of course who wouldn’t like Jisoo?”

“Oppa! Jen stop with the interrogations.” – Jisoo.

“Listen pal, if you’re bluffing or not please don’t play with my friend’s heart. Because it’s gonna be me who’s gonna rip yours if you do.”

Hobi just laughed.

“You’re more annoying than Jimin.” Jennie said eyeing his back.

“I won’t…and I’ll wait.” Hobi said in a serious tone.

Jisoo wasn’t getting any of this and was about to go out the studio when it opened from outside.


Jisoo opened the door wider and saw the boys are with her.

“Hey unnie. I saw them at school and they needed a place to chill so, brought them here.”

The guys all greeted Jisoo and went inside. Rose made a beeline to the couch and got herself a blanket.

“Oh, hey boys.” Hobi said reaching his friends’ hands for handshakes.

“I just got your text.” Namjoon said. “Nice place you got here girls.”

“Yo…Jendeuk…mind if I check this out?” Suga called to Jennie while admiring the studio equipments.

“Be my guest.”

“Oh great! You’re not a bitch today.”

“It’s only 5pm.” Jennie answered Suga who was busy with the production keys.

“So what’s the emergency?” Jimin asked Suga, his eyes never leaving Rose who was now lying on the couch with her back on them.

“Some lunatic made a false article about Jin being a gold-digger.” Namjoon answered. “Jisoo and Hobi hacked the site and crashed it. Fortunately, it only lasted for 5 hours. But still, that’s too long. Few people may have read it already.”

“Who’s hating on you so much, they have to do this?” Jennie said pouring a glass of water on her glass.

“We may have caused trouble with some people before…but none of them seems likely. It could just be anyone who’s trippin…” Namjoon said rubbing his chin.

“Aish, we shouldn’t have gone into his party that night.” Jennie said to Jisoo. She didn’t expect it would really be this chaotic getting involve with BTS.

“I told you.”

“Too late. What’s done is done. You guys are probably gonna get the hate soon. For either hanging out with us… or just being you…it’s inevitable.” Suga blabbered almost done with the equipment set-up.

“You’re probably celebrating now because your haters will be divided and that half of them will worship us with passion.”

“Oh and even by then you wouldn’t care at all because you don’t give a sh*T.”- Suga.

“Right.” Jennie said returning Suga’s fist bump. “We’re almost like twins.”

“Okay, before hell unleashes itself…” Rapmon got himself in between Jennie and Suga. “Can we now focus on the upcoming festival, now that we’ve gathered?”

“You mean the collab?” – Jungkook.

“Yes, the collab. Now we’re on you, I’m not sure if I want you to join this time.” – Rapmon.


“Dude, you gotta focus on your majors right now.”

“But this was my idea!”

Then someone’s stomach complained in hunger.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Jisoo.

“Uh…can we eat first? I haven’t had a decent lunch since this morning.” She looks at Hobi.

“Aigoo…you’re so cute!” Hobi said standing up, while Jennie slapped his hand.

“You haven’t changed noona.” – Jungkook.

“Alright, Namjoon’s treating us!” – Suga.

“But Jisoo’s the only one who’s hungry!”


Everyone was set to leave when Rose said:

“You guys go ahead, I’m not hungry.”

Jimin was still on his seat looking at her back.

Jennie and Jisoo were about to ask about her condition when Rapmon, Suga, Hobi and Jungkook grabbed their arms and took them downstairs.

“You guys were hungry right?” Suga said blocking Jennie while Rap Monster’s arm was around her preventing her from going to Rose.

“BUT~” Jisoo said while Jungkook and Hobi was towering over her to prevent her to see Rose and Jimin.

“Hey noona…I wanna get my conch pierced too! Where did you get yours?” Kookie said trying to divert Jisoo’s attention.

“Oh, I got it at Myungdong!”

Looks like it worked.

Jimin heard the door closed and sat on the floor just inches away from Rose’s couch. He brushed his hair away from his forehead and waited for Rose to turn around. His hand was on his mouth while he was thinking of how to apologize to her. He was watching her pull the cover over her head when his patience ran out.

“Chaeyoungie” He sighed.

“OMO!” Rose sprang from the couch and turned to Jimin. “Why are you still here!?”

Jimin shrugged and just stared at her, his hands cupping both his face hoping that she’ll forgive him now that he’s being cute.

“Stop it. That’s not gonna work.” Rose said throwing him a pillow to cut off his aegyo. She then went back to ignoring him and covers herself with the blanket again.

“I’m really sorry okay!” Jimin started to explain. “I know we haven’t been able to talk properly since yesterday. Then I made it worse this morning. Of course you wouldn’t forgive me after what I did to you in Busan…but…now I want you to listen…”

Rose waited patiently for what he has to say. She was pursing her lips while thinking of ways to resist him.

“I didn’t show up that day because I got scared. Jennie may be one of the reasons….but I shouldn’t have let her words get into me. I should’ve had known she was only doing that because she was testing me…” Jimin remembered that day when he was on his way to their date and he saw Jennie at the hotel’s lobby watching the news. It was when he saw Rose’s parents on TV getting included at Forbes top 10 richest billionaires in Asia.

“When I saw your parents on TV, it made me look at myself. That time, I thought…how could a simple guy like me be with someone like you?  An heiress – a girl who’s got everything… Who am I to deserve you? You should be with someone who’s as amazing as you are…” He confessed reaching for her but stopped. “So I backed out… Then that night I realized…that I may not meet you again and to me, you’re a star that’s difficult to reach…but I had you and that star was reaching out to me. Finally, there was that! I knew I had a chance… then morning came and you were gone, I was an idiot to let you go. I promised myself that if I get the chance to see you again, I’d do anything to spend a day or two with you…”Then Jimin gave a laugh remembering the first time she saw her again that night in Rapmon’s party.

“And now I’m here facing some circumstances that won’t let me make a move on you. To tell you the truth…” Jimin sighed and then continued. “I was jealous. You and Hongbin looked so good with each other I wanted to throw petals on the floor for you guys.”

Jimin waited for her reaction but she was just the same as ever. He finally stood up, putting his hands on his pockets as he gives her one last look.

“I’m deeply sorry Chaeyoungie. I would also like for you to know that even though Hongbin and you looked good together, I still think he’s an asshole. And you could do better than that…”

He turned his way to the door when Rose shifted and looked at him.

“You should eat something…you’re getting thinner.” He was reaching for the doorknob when he felt something hit his head. He looked to the ground and saw that it was a plushie.

“Yes?” He turned around to face her, getting annoyed by the things being thrown to him since this morning.

“What’s your problem?” She asks her arms crossed.

“Excuse me?”

“After saying all those things, aren’t you gonna ask me if you’ll land a chance?”

He shrugged his lips in a pout. “Do I…” He said…walking closer to her. “land…” Walking closer. “a…chance…this time?” He pouted, pinching her cheek because she was too cute looking mad at him.

Rose looked at his chest and punched it. “Jerk.”

She was going to punch him for the third time when he caught her hands and pulled her into a tight embrace.

“I missed you, don’t you miss me?” He said while swaying their bodies together.

“YAAAAAA! We’re not dating yet!!!” She said pushing him away after seconds of being pulled in a hug. She can feel her cheeks heating up.

“B-but…I’m a very affectionate guy. These things come out naturally for me.” Jimin explained and then went up to cup her face.

“Cutie.” He said memorizing her face.

Rose looked away and blushed. “We should go downstairs. I’m sorta hungry now.”

“Arasseo.” He agreed and pulled her towards outside when she pulled back.



“You shouldn’t down yourself like that. No matter what our status is, you should be proud of who you are regardless of that. My wealth and my money…that’s just a part of me…but that doesn’t define me. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I liked you in the first place. It’s because you treated me equally without having any second thoughts. And I still like you now even if you’re a jerk.”

Rose noticed that Jimin was giving her a look…one that looks like he wanted to kiss her. So she stopped him from getting any closer.

“Nope. We’re still not dating!” She exclaimed, her hands on his chest.

“WAH, BWOYA!!!” He complained and stomped his feet.

“We’re in a situation, remember?” She said talking about the recent blog articles and Jin’s scandal.

“Just…one…” He said looking at her lips.

She gritted her teeth and pinched his inner arm muscle which made him twitch in pain.

“You were more tolerable in Busan than you are now in Seoul. Tsk. Let’s go!” She said dragging him out of the studio.

Jimin scratches his head and pouted. Then he smiled as he followed her downstairs.

Meanwhile, at the university, Taehyung and Lisa were on their way to the bus stop to get to their friends.

“Thank the heavens your eye’s okay.”

Taehyung smiled and widened his eyes at her.

“They’re better than perfect.” He said ruffling her hair.

“You know it’s a good thing you guys transferred on the second semester. It’s usually boring on the first. They don’t organize a lot of things and it’s usually just food stands…though I’m not complaining at that…” He told Lisa with a huge grin on his face while letting his hands touch the leaves of the trees they’re passing by.

“So what should I expect on the following months then?” She asks curiously.

“Well, apart from the festival this weekend…there’s also Halloween night on October. I heard the business department is cooking something fun for it.”

“Oh right! Tzuyu actually talked to me about that. She said she wanted me to do a fashion show as Harley Quin – O are you okay?” Lisa patted his shoulder when he suddenly choked on something.

“Harley Quin? You’ve met Tzuyu?”

Lisa nodded.

Taehyung finally composed himself and nodded when she asked if he was okay. “Gee…that’s new. They’re launching a fashion show huh…”

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook annually crashed every party the business development ever had. But now that Lisa and her friends are here, looks like it’ll be difficult for them to think creatively.

“Hi V!” A girl greeted Taehyung while they were walking and he smiled back at her.

“Hey…” - V

“Hello oppa…” – Shy girl.

“Omo…it’s Kim Taehyung oppa…”

“He’s so perfect!”

“How can he be so handsome even till 6pm?”

“Who’s that girl he’s walking with?”

“She’s one of the BlackPink members”

“They kinda look good together…”

“He’s too perfect for her!”

“Hi Hyung!”

“Look, it’s V!” – Some girl giggled.

A lot of students are around because a lot of professors usually dismiss them at 6pm.

“Wow, you are popular.” Lisa acknowledged looking at the people around them. She looked at him quizzically.

“No…I’m just really friendly.” Taehyung remarked trying to shake off the awkwardness. Normally, Taehyung doesn’t mind the attention. He even likes the feeling of being popular but today wasn’t a good time to be. Right now, he wanted to spend his time with Lisa in private – kinda like last night.

“HYUNG! V HYUNG!!!” – some freshman called…

“We should probably hurry…our friends are waiting…” Taehyung said grabbing her wrist.


“Come my elephant girl…”

“Elephant girl!?”

“You didn’t want me to call you baby right?” He said rolling his eyes. Lisa couldn’t help but frown at him.

Inside the bus, Lisa and Taehyung found a seat and settled at the back.

“So…you told me in your messages that you’ve been missing Thailand, what made you miss it more than the obvious reasons?”

“Hmm…I just missed it a lot last night because I was alone. And this kid just reminded me of one of my cousins…”

“A kid?” Taehyung said pretending that he didn’t see her last night with a kid.

“Yeah, see she thought I was a Barbie doll. Pff, kids right? I mean I’m not that even pretty.”

Taehyung furrowed his brows at what she just said. Lisa then realized that their faces are getting closer together while talking and Taehyung kept looking at her lips and her eyes back and forth.

“Ehem…anyway…” She said leaning away from him. “She was kind of lost and I had to return her to her parents…”

“That’s why you ended up not buying that anklet…you sure have a thing for those…” He said bluntly.

Lisa gasps and pointed at him. “Were you following me last night?”

“I told you, I was at Itaewon last night…okay I might have had followed you.”

Lisa glared at him waiting for more reasons.

“I was just being concerned. I knew you’re new here.” Taehyung explained his shoulders raising.

“Thank you, but I can handle myself well. See what happened to you?”

Taehyung nodded. “I gotta admit, that was really embarrassing. Anyway you’ve been doing that to me since Rapmon hyung’s party.”


“Look, I’m not a shy guy. But you…you always manage to throw me off my game.” He commented shaking his head.

“Hmm…I’m not sure what to say about that.” She said a little confused especially when he laughed at her.

He looked away and thought: She’s really something.

They were silent for a while waiting for the bus to drop them off when Taehyung noticed that some guys were looking passed him and then at Lisa. He looked back at her and saw that she was watching the streets outside the window.

“What?” She said when she saw him looking at her with a frown.

Then Taehyung took off his cap and put it on her head. “Wow, red looks good on your blonde hair.”

“Really?” She was about to raise the cap when Taehyung pushed it down on its tip.

“Yeah! Awesome!!!”

“I like caps like these.”

“Well you can have it. But you have to keep it down like that until we get off the bus, alright?”

“Okay deal!”

Taehyung and Lisa arrived at Raven Knights just in time for the Bulgogi. Their friends reserved them a seat and welcomed them at the place. Lisa saw Hobi and Suga whispering to each other at the sight of her and Taehyung.

“Jisoo and I work at night shift and these two on the day during Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. There are gonna be nights where we’ll play for the band.” – Jennie.

“That’s so cool!” – Rapmon.

“And you said that you got the studio for free right?” – Suga.

“Yeah, but we’ll be paying bills and stuff. It’s all fair.”

“Where’s Jin oppa?” – Lisa.

“He just got out from class. He’ll be here soon.” – Jisoo.


They were all eating heartily when they were being watched by Jeongyeon and her mom from the kitchen.

“Why don’t you try and talk to them dear? They seem like good kids…” Miss Jihyun said persuading Jeongyeon.               

“I don’t think I’d fit in mom…”


“Um, I’m going out and wait for Yugyeom. Do you need anything mom?” Jeongyeon asked and her mom shook her head. “Okay, just call me when you need me.”

“Okay dear.”

Jin decided to take a walk going to Itaewon because he felt like he’s been sitting for hours and could really use a walk as of the moment. As he was walking by himself, he felt like he was being followed. So he decided to hide at a dark alley and waited. When he got a good look at his target he caught him by the neck and snagged the culprit’s camera.

He was taking a great hold on the guy’s neck as he was browsing his camera. Because the guy was thin and short, he couldn’t escape from his clutches.

“Are you the one who posted that article? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?” Jin said getting the memory card and smashing the guy’s camera to pieces.

To Jin’s surprise the crazy idiot laughed at him.

“He’ll get you this time. You and your friends finally have someone to lose other than your impeccable image.” He said sarcastically.

“What are you talking about?” Jin said clutching the guy’s lapel.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Then it hit him. The moment he realized this, the culprit managed to escape his grip and ran away.

Back at the restaurant, Jungkook couldn’t resist the urge and excused himself from the table. He got out and found a place where no one can see him.

He opened his phone and saw text messages from his uncle asking him to do something for something. His uncle was his least favorite person in the world. He was the one who made his parents arranged an engagement with him and Tzuyu.

He pulled a pack of cigarette from his pocket and lit one to smoke. He was oblivious to the fact that he was being watched by Jeongyeon.

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