Who am I? Hermione Granger..O...

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

427K 8.7K 6.6K

Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron are destined to defeat the Dark lord and the death eaters one and for... More

Questions and back to Hogwarts
Meeting The Malfoys
A Plan
Ron becomes suspicious of Hermione
Mother-Daughter reunion
Family Moments
Emergency Death Eater meeting
Blood traitors?
Going back?
Back to The Burrow
Back to Hogwarts
Change of Plans
The Order meeting
A talk with Draco and This could change everything
Ugh Great, They have to ruin everything
Traitor in our midst
Punishing the Traitor
A battle and A Huge Loss
Attack on the Burrow
Family Moments Part 2
Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion
Sirius' Funeral - Part 2
Torn apart
Moving day
Back to Hogwarts (again)
Hermione's 16th birthday
Malfoy Manor
What does it take!?
Death Eater meeting
Authors note
Birth (Time Skip)
The Beginning of the end.
Preparing for Battle
The Final Battle

Planning his demise

9.6K 215 205
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

An hour later, A now calm, Voldemort, Bella and Hermione strolled back into the still full meeting room.Hermione trailed behind them, unable to comprehend that she just killed someone.And she enjoyed it. It came to her so easy too and she kinda wanted to do it again.As she sat back in her seat next to her mum, she noticed Wormtail's body was now laying on the table. She grimaced and adverted her eyes, yes she may have killed the man but she still didn't want to see his dead body. Voldemort cleared his throat.

"Well then, we need to decide what we will do with the rats body"He said. The death eaters started to murmur to between them before shouting out answers.

"Burn it" Rodolphus shouted
"Bury it" "Rabastian yelled
"Leave it to rot" Snape sniffed
"Chop it up and put it in a pie"Lucius said, all eyes turned to him, confused and disgusted. "What? Thats Bellatrixs specialty" All eyes turned to Bella, who was grinning sheepishly

"That's disgusting Bella"Hermione gagged. "Anyway, i think that we should send him to the order, with a note attached that says 'We're done messing around' Or something like that"

"Should never have let him watch Sweeney Todd " Bella muttered under her breath. Everyone ignored her.

"What good will that do?"Rodolphus spoke up again, sneering at Hermione.

"It will show the order that we are done hiding and ready to fight" Hermione scowled at the lowly death eater.

"You know what?"Rodolphus snapped at her "I am sick and tired of you, You have just joined our ranks,yet you are ,what, 15 and you've already killed someone and thinking you are all great and ready to take control, WELL I'M SICK OF IT"

Voldemort stood and went to shout at him but Hermione got there first.

"Well Roddy"She mocked, putting on her own creepy baby voice, Bellatrix looked on proudly and her father looked a bit scared "I personally don't care for your opinion, yes I have just joined the ranks, yes i am 15 and yes i have just killed someone" She stood and started to circle the table, stopping behind his chair, and drew her wand. "However i do not think i am all great, and no i am not ready to take control of the Death Eaters, at least not just yet" She winked at Bella, who looked like she was about to either burst out laughing or crying, you never know with her.

"What are you talking about?"Rodolphus narrowed his eyes, turning to face her. Hermione pretended to think before looking at her father

"Perhaps you would like to enlighten him, My lord" She smirked.Voldemort raised an eyebrow before smiling.

"Well" He began coolly "I think you should take this one, Hermione"

The death eaters collectively gasped in shock (Apart from Snape and The Malfoys). They all thought the Dark Princess was dead. Rodolphus eyes widened and his mouth dropped open

"My lord, My lady I- I didn't kn-Know "He said fearfully as his eyes flickered between Bellatrix and Voldemort. Hermione grinned sarcastically.

"Well, I think that you need to be taught a lesson for speaking to me like that" She stared at him "CRUCIO" She shouted, Rodolphus fell to the floor and started to writhe in pain and scream. Hermione on,y kept this up for a minute before lifting the spell and returning to her seat without a word.

"Yes"Voldemort began "Andi is really mine and Bellatrix's daughter, Hermione, and she is your dark princess, She is the other spy in the order and i expect her to be treated with respect, otherwise my wife and I will probably do much worse to you than what she had just done to Rodolphus"

"My Lord, Forgive me for my interruption, but is Hermione posing as the MudBlood, Granger?" Rabastian asked

"Yes she is"Voldemort answered curtly "Now this is not why the meeting was called, we need to get back to the matter at hand, The Order Of The Phoenix, Or more specifically Harry Potter and Dumbledore." He spat their names "Snape can you give us an update on their plan"

"Of course my Lord"Snape nodded "They are planning to lay low for a while, and are planning to pick up the plan to find your possessions next year."

"Hermione,Can you confirm this?"Voldemort turned to his daughter.

"What he is saying is true, Father"She said, opting to use Father instead of Daddy, like usual "Dumbledore expects us to find all of your possessions and destroy them, next school year."

"That's Terrible, Don't they care about your education?" Narcissa spoke, shaking her head, Hermione shrugged.

"I know, thats why I always wait until the end of the school year to attack" Voldemort said. Bella stared at her sister and Husband before face palming.

"If you two care that much, Snape and I can tutor her whenever she is home" She rolled her eyes "I passed all my classes with flying colours and Snape is a Merlin-Damn teacher at her school."

"And Draco can catch her up with whats she missed"Snape said, Draco nodded.

"Ok, we are getting off track"Hermione interrupted. "As I was saying, Next year AFTER my exams they want us to go and find Fathers stuff"

"Right, well we cant let that happen"Narcissa said

"Doesn't matter, i've removed the items and destroyed them myself. "Voldemort said, waving his hand.Suddenly someone cleared there throat to gather everyone's attention.It was Draco.

"My Lord,I was up past curfew last night"He informed him "And I overheard Dumbledore saying that he is ill, and is expecting to die soon"

"Which he shall"Voldemort said. "You shall be the one to do it, my boy."

Narcissa's eyes widened and she bowed her head, knowing she could not say anything to Voldemort during a meeting, When the meeting is over and he is back to Tom, then she will say something..... Or get Bella to.

"Did you over hear anything else, Draco" Lucius asked his son, who nodded enthusiastically, a big grin on his face.

"Something about the Elder wand."He smirked.Hermione scoffed, drawing attention to her.Her father was staring at the table (which still had Wormtails body on) As if he was in deep thought.

"The fictional children's tale?" She asked "Whats that going to do? Make Dumbledore and Potter go nap-nap?"

"Actually 'Mione,The elder wand is real"Voldemort spoke up again. "And Dumbledore has it" He chuckled darkly. "Whoever kills Dumbledore, is the master of the wand,"

"Then don't let Draco do it" Narcissa spoke, Voldemort glared at her "If Draco kills Dumbledore, then he'll be the master of the wand, You're the one who should do it"

"My sister is right, love, You better be the one to Kill Dumbledore"Bella said.Voldemort said nothing but began to pace.after a few more moments Voldemort looked back at the Table of Death Eaters.

"Then its settled,Tomorrow at midnight, Greyback, Bellatrix,Snape,Draco,Lucius, and Hermione will accompany me to Hogwarts and destroy Dumbledore."He said,hesitating on the names.

"Hermione and I will already be at school, my lord, We shall be the ones to let you in from the Forbidden Forest entrance"Draco informed him.Voldemort nodded before standing and leaving without another word.

The people that were mentioned rejoiced and begun celebrating, as they would accompany their master,husband and father in a once in a lifetime mission, to destroy one of their mortal enemy's for good.

All Hermione wished is that they would not screw it up.

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