Out Of My League (NOT COMPLET...

By chloehannah357

11K 172 40

Just an everyday girl starting at a normal university... All she wants to do is focus on her studies and grad... More

Chapter 1: first day at university
Chapter 2: my first lesson
Chapter 3: should I go?
Chapter 4: the beach
Chapter 5: "we all prefer you to Jasmine"
Chapter 6: I've got my shades on, like I'm rocking Barbados
Chapter 7: "I'm getting too close to you and I can't"
Chapter 8: "he so has a crush on you"
Chapter 9: talking to Rachel
Chapter 10: Beach, Brad, Brighton
Chapter 11: "you..."
Chapter 12: Doesn't get much better than this
Chapter 13: wake up
Chapter 14: band name ideas
Chapter 15: "you better treat him right"
Chapter 16: the text message
Chapter 17: 'first date'
Chapter 18: the party
Chapter 19: broken trust
Chapter 20: "help me look after my sister?"
Chapter 21: a different point of view
Chapter 22: vegas girl
Chapter 23: don't tell me you don't want me, cos i know it's a lie
Chapter 24: the last day of term
Chapter 25: taking Brad home
Chapter 26: teddy bears picnic
Chapter 27: "I like Brad..."
Chapter 28: "you're so perfect"
Chapter 29: a few seconds of silence
Chapter 30: running hands through hair
Chapter 31: I was going to say yes...
Chapter 32: I've been up all night, no sleep...
Chapter 33: date night
Chapter 35: wearing his clothes
Chapter 36: YouTube views
Chapter 37: "where's Hayley?"
Chapter 38: fear of rides
Chapter 39: texting
Chapter 40: hospitalized
Chapter 41: the new girl
Chapter 42: movie night?
Chapter 43: pouring water
Chapter 44: Harvester
Chapter 45: Sophie is back
Chapter 46: "I'm sorry for kissing her"
Chapter 47: a new cover
Chapter 48: never leave me
Chapter 49: naps
Chapter 50: behind my back
Chapter 51: the truth about James
Chapter 52: awkward situation
Chapter 53: some weird phase
Chapter 54: confessions
Chapter 55: cheeky
Chapter 56: don't tell me you don't want me...
Chapter 57: trust
Chapter 58: all the time in the world
Chapter 59: stay

Chapter 34: let's go back to my place

159 3 0
By chloehannah357

"I get to see dad today! I get to see dad today!" Jodie chanted as she ran around the living room holding the teddy she is taking to dads house. "Jodie please sit down so I can put your shoes on?" I asked her for the 100th time before she actually did what she was told and sat down on the bottom step of the stair case. "I know you're excited but it's going to take a while to get there." I explained to her. "How long?" She asked. "Well Brad's sister has kindly offered us a lift so we should be in the car for about two hours if the traffic is ok." I replied and she nodded before I slipped on the last shoe and she went running off again. "Mad as a box of frogs that girl." I heard Brad comment, I looked up to see him standing at the top of the stairs, I haven't seen him since last night as I woke up to see he had left my room. He walked down the stairs and stood in front of me before holding my hands. "Good morning baby..." Brad mumbled and winked. "Morning." I shyly replied as I remembered last night, I still can't believe he kissed me... "How are you feeling?" Brad asked and snaked his hands around my waist. "Good, you?" I asked. "Amazing..." Brad replied and winked before kissing the top of my head and walking over to his shoes.

"Are we ready to go then?" Nat called as she walked from the kitchen into the hallway where me and Brad were. "Yes!" Jodie exclaimed as she ran into the hallway from the living room. "Good!" Nat said and I opened the door before wheeling mine and Jodie's suitcases over to the car. "Let me help." Brad said as he lifted them both into the boot of the car and then placed his on top. "This is going to be a fun week." Brad commented as he closed the boot and pecked my cheek, I blushed a little as he walked around the car and opened the door for me. "Jodie needs her booster seat." I explained before I got in the car. "Already sorted it." Nat commented as I looked in the car to see it was already in there, I strapped Jodie in before I sat in the middle and Brad sat next to me. "Why didn't we just put Jodie in the front? There would have been more room then." Brad commented and I giggled. "It's fine." I said and held his hand and rested my head on his shoulder, I now have 2 hours sitting between my two favourite people, Brad and Jodie.

"Let's go!" Nat chanted as she pulled off of the drive and I looked back at my house. "See you at Christmas." I mumbled to the house before Brad smiled at me and kissed the top of my head. "Are you two going out yet?" I heard Jodie ask as she played with her teddy on her lap. "Erm..." I said. "Yes, we are." Brad butted in and the biggest smile I have ever seen crossed Jodie's face. "Yay!" Jodie cheered and Nat chuckled to herself. "I'm glad." Nat replied as she turned the radio on as a bit of entertainment. "So your boyfriend and girlfriend?" Jodie asked with difficulty pronouncing the words. "Yes." I giggled and rested my spare hand on her knee. "Are you ok with that?" I asked her. "Yes, as long as you don't leave me like mum and dad did." She replied. "I promise I'm not going to leave you, but you do know I have to go back to university next week?" I asked and she nodded before I kissed the top of her head and smiled.

The next two hours were full of singing to the radio and laughing about random things that just popped up in conversation, Jodie ate all of the snacks that I packed for her and Brad even ate some too because he is basically a child in a teenagers body, I love him for it though. "We are here!" Nat exclaimed as I looked out of the window to see my dads house, the nerves began to kick in and I could see Jodie wasn't too confident either. "It will be ok..." I whispered to her as I helped unbuckle her seatbelt, I waited for Brad to step out the car so I could get out and then got Jodie's suitcase from the boot, Brad picked up Jodie's car seat as dad will need that to drive her anywhere. I wheeled it over to the door while holding Jodie's hand and then rung the doorbell.

"Hello!" My dad called as he opened the door and turned around to see us standing there, he smiled before he pulled me into a really big hug and then picked Jodie up. "My little girls! I have missed you so much!" Dad exclaimed and I smiled, I finally feel as if I'm at home again, dad is my home now because mum couldn't care less about either of us. "Did you want to come in?" Dad asked as he kissed Jodie's cheek, he then looked behind us to see Brad and Nat awkwardly standing on the driveway. "Who are they?" Dad asked. "This is Brad and Nat, Brad is my boyfriend and Nat is his sister." I explained and dad giggled. "Ah! My little hay bug is growing up!" Dad exclaimed, hay bug is the nickname he has for me. "Yeah..." I replied as Brad stood behind me and kissed my cheek. "Hi, I'm Brad. It's nice to meet you." Brad said and shook my dads hand, it is weird thinking that my boyfriend is meeting my dad. "Hello, I'm David, Hayley's dad. It's nice to meet you too." Dad explained and I smiled, he also said hello to Nat before we all stood in the doorway awkwardly. "Would you like to come in?" Dad asked. "Ok, but not for long as we need to drive up to Brad's house." I explained and dad nodded as we all walked in and took our shoes off, Jodie made herself comfortable in her new room as she will be here for most of the week.

"Would you like a drink?" Dad asked. "Cup of tea?" I asked and Brad agreed along with Nat, dad walked off into the kitchen and Brad followed which I was a bit confused about but I let him go. Me and Nat watched Jodie play with her teddy once she came down the stairs. "You and Brad are so cute." Nat randomly commented and I smiled. "Thank you, but we have only been going out for a few hours..." I explained. "Oh really? I thought you had been together for a while?" Nat asked. "Nope, Brad asked me yesterday afternoon." I answered and she nodded. "Well you are still both cute." Nat replied, a few minutes later Brad and dad walked in with the cups of tea, Brad passed me mine and sat down next to me on the sofa. "You ok?" I asked and he nodded. "I just wanted to have a chat with your dad to make sure he is ok with me being with you, I never met him before so I couldn't ask for his permission or anything. I feel like it's only right if I ask." Brad explained and I placed my tea down before hugging him. "You are so adorable." I replied and he kissed the top of my head. "So I'm guessing he is fine with it?" I asked. "Yeah, he said as long as I look after you, which I will." Brad said and took a sip of his tea.

"So, how's university?" Dad asked and we all looked at him. "Good thanks." I replied. "I'm guessing that's where you met Brad?" He asked and I nodded. "He is in the same class as me." I replied. "Oh right, which class is that?" He asked. "Music." Brad answered. "Oh cool, so I'm guessing you can play the guitar like Hayley?" Dad asked. "Yeah, I sing a bit too." Brad explained. "Oh nice, are you in a band or anything?" Dad asked. "Sort of, we have started off on YouTube and we are going to look out for any management that would be willing to take us on." Brad explained, we should actually check the views on the YouTube video when we see the boys tomorrow. "Is Hayley in your band?" Dad questioned. "No, but she can be if she wants to be. At the moment it's just me and three other boys who are also Hayley's friends." Brad explained. "What are their names?" Dad asked. "So many questions!" I butted in and Nat giggled as she was thinking the same thing. "I'm sorry, I just haven't seen you for a while and I would like to get to know Brad now he's your boyfriend." Dad explained and I went all shy, whenever someone refers to him as my boyfriend I get all embarrassed, I'm just not used to it yet I guess. "Connor, James and Tristan." Brad continued to answer the questions, he ended up showing dad a photo of the boys and he answered a few more questions while we all drunk our tea.

"We had better get going, we need to get to Brad's house as tomorrow we are going to Thorpe Park for the day." I explained and Jodie ran over to me as she heard me say that we are leaving. "Oh that sounds nice." Dad said as he stood up and collected all of the cups before taking them into the kitchen. "Don't leave yet!" Jodie exclaimed, I picked her up and sat her on my lap before smiling. "I will be back soon, it's only a week." I replied and Jodie sighed. "You will have loads of fun here with dad, I think he is going to take you out to a few places and you can eat nice food and play loads of games. It will be fine." I explained. "Will you call every night to say goodnight?" She asked in a cute little voice. "Of course I will." I replied and she hugged me as I kissed the top of her head, she then jumped down before me, Brad and Nat all got our shoes on. "Thanks for having us dad and thank you for looking after Jodie, we will have to meet up over Christmas or something." I replied once I had finished putting my shoes on and then hugged him. "That's ok, I enjoy seeing you and Jodie. You are growing up so fast! I would love to spend Christmas with you." Dad said as he looked at Brad and smiled, Brad held my hand in a protective manner. "I will look after her." Brad said and dad nodded. "Good, she deserves someone who will treat her right." Dad commented and Brad nodded before he shook my dads hand, Nat also said goodbye before Jodie hugged me once more and we walked out the door. "I will be back soon!" I explained to Jodie as I opened the car door and blew a kiss, she blew a kiss back and Brad held my hand once I was in the car. "She will be fine." Brad said as I nodded and Nat pulled off of the driveway. "Next stop, my place." Brad addressed as I waved while Nat drove away.

"Let's go back to my place." Brad mumbled as he squeezed my hand in a comforting way, I nodded and smiled before looking out of the window for the next half an hour before we arrived at Brad's house.

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