My First Love

By Imperfectme101

19.8K 687 24

This story is about Jessica a single mom of a handsome happy healthy baby boy Jessica is all alone she has a... More



848 35 0
By Imperfectme101


I got her. she will never leave me again

I went into the room to see her trying to get up her son trying to help as well

Me: what are you doing why are you trying to leave me

Her: you are crazy just let me go

She crying and so is her son

I untied her and she start hitting me I crab her

Her son: let my mommy go

He was hitting me as well he kick me until I Let her go she grab her son and tried to make a run for the door but I blocked it

We will be a family weather she like it or not

I told her if she don't act right I will take her son away from her

And she hugged her son tight and said

Her: I will never love you I will always hate you

I got mad and slap her Then I pull her son away from her she try hold on tight but couldn't I walk out with her son kicking and screaming and crying for his mom I close and lock the door

Her: please give me my son back

She was crying hard that will teach her for saying what she said to me she won't get her son back until she love me for real

3 hours past and her son cry his self to sleep and when I went to go give her food I hope the door to see her on the floor with blood coming from her head

I was so scared that I will lose her I pick her up and put her and the car then I grab our son and put him in the car as well I took her to the hospital

It been hours and no one told me anything and I'm thinking the worst when our son woke up he started screaming for her and he wouldn't stop

The doctor finally come and told me that she was in a coma and would woke up when she ready man I hope she make it I'm not ready to be a single father

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