Never Again.

De CoffeeAndABook6

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At fourteen my life was flipped upside down. And not for good. I was held captive for many years. I didn't k... Mais

Never Again.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Fourteen

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De CoffeeAndABook6

{Kane's POV}

I had just walked in the diner and sat down when a girl came walking into the room. She looked lively and confident with gorgeous hair in a loose braid down her back. She had on a salmon top that brought colour into her cheeks and jeans that fit in just a way that I wanted to grab hold of her hips. She looked familiar too, but I thought I was seeing things.


She looked stunning. She looked at the clock over the counter and made herself a hot chocolate before sitting down the counter past an older couple, right by the wall. She looked different today, in a good way.

She looked beautiful.

{Dani's POV}

I felt lighter as I went downstairs. Which seemed backwards because I had eaten so much this morning. I was so full I didn't think I could stand up. But it wasn't that bad. My sisters used to tease me for eating a bunch of small snacks all day long. 'If they saw me now, they'd tease me more, only eating one small snack a day.'

I grabbed a hot chocolate and sat down. I felt eyes on me but didn't look up, the hair on my arms stood up and I got an uneasy feeling as I sat by the wall. 'It's probably Lily, or Kat,' I thought. I had five minutes, so I just sipped my drink and floated back into flashbacks of my life before Hell.

When I took a sip of my drink and realized it was empty I got up and cleaned it, putting it back into the cupboard. I still had an uneasy feeling, but it was getting smaller as I began working.

"We'll see you later Dani, let me know if you don't want to close, because I will. Kat won't be around though."

"No, it's okay. I don't have a problem closing, have a good day."

I went back to grabbing two breakfasts when Lily turned back around, "You look good today, Dani, really good. Keep smiling."

"I will. Thanks." And she walked out. I felt good too, even making small talk with the customers and humming a little to myself. 'What's gotten into me?'

I made a couple more pots of coffee and brought them around to all the tables, and made more when I ran out, before going back to the people at the counter.

"Coffee Mr. And Mrs. Wimble?"

"Sure, and can we get pie too?"

"Absolutely I'll bring it right over." I smiled and brought them two pieces before moving to the next couple at the counter.


"Yes, Mrs. Wimble?"

"It's good to see you smiling. You look good today."

"Thanks." I poured coffee for the next couple thinking, 'maybe this was a bad idea, too many people are noticing me.'

The couple thanked me as I smiled and moved on to the next person. I was distracted as I was looking up at the other tables to see who had asked for a cheque, saying I'd be right over.


"Sure, thanks."

"No problem", I looked at the customer as I filled up his cup.

"Thanks, Dani."

"No problem, Kane." His eyes lit up as he smiled at me and picked up his coffee. I turned and made up a cheque for the other table. 'What a gorgeous smile.'

I couldn't stay focused as I picked up where Lily and Kat had left off from earlier. It took forty-five minutes before I had all the tables cleaned up, wiped down and ready. The diner was thinning out from breakfast and few remained. I swept and mopped, then did the dishes. I needed to stay busy because my mind kept wandering to the man at the counter. I just wanted to hear him say my name. I loved it, I couldn't help it.

I walked around the counter and made fresh coffee bringing it around for the remaining customers. I emptied off one pot and two more tables emptied. I cleaned and wiped up their tables, and offered more coffee to the lonely man at the bar, who I caught staring at me. The uneasy feeling had finally left when I realized it must have been him watching me.


"Sure, thanks." 'Oh, no 'Dani', ' I thought.


"That'd be great, thanks."

I went to get him a piece of cherry when I changed my mind.

I set his plate down and he chuckled when he noticed the three half pieces in front of him.

"I couldn't decide which two, so I brought all three."

"Thanks, Dani. This is perfect."

"Glad you like it." He was looking into my eyes and I looked away, sometimes I felt as if he could see my whole life in them, but I just smiled and turned.

"You seem happy today." He said with a happy/confused face.

"I am." 'Is it that obvious?'

"Good. You deserve to be." And I turned and took the order of the couple coming in for lunch.

At two in the afternoon, there were about five people in the diner, and at lunch there hadn't been many more. It was slow today, like most Mondays.

So I had a lot of time to think, 'What does he do for a living? Maybe I'll never know. What if he tells me and I never see him again? Why does it matter? He's just a friendly stranger.' I reminded myself.

It picked up at dinner, with quite a few tables full, it kept me on my toes. I didn't even realize it was seven o'clock when it came around. I had a mountain of dishes to do and more heading that way with two tables to clean off.

All of a sudden a crash sounded and I jumped. 'Not Charlie, not now.' But it wasn't, a kid had dropped a ketchup bottle, which shattered into smaller pieces as it hit the floor. All the eyes flew to the table as I brought the broom, dustpan and mop over. I was shaking pretty badly by the time I had cleaned it up a few minutes later. I brought the cleaning supplies to the back room and stood against the wall right outside it telling myself, 'Calm down, you're safe now. Lily wouldn't let anything happen to you.' Repeatedly. It was quite some time later when I had stopped shaking and began breathing normal again.

Grabbing a new ketchup bottle from the fridge I walked back around the counter.

"Here, this one is sturdier, I think." I winked at the boy who had dropped it. I think he was about three years old and he giggled apologizing to me.

"It's fine. Eat up," and I turned and walked away. Five minutes later they left the diner and I offered coffee to Kane again.

"Coffee, Kane?"

He immediately looked up and smiled, "Sure, thanks."

I poured it and asked, "Was the pie good?"

"Yes, thank you, Dani. I see why you can't choose a favourite."

"Yeah. They're all delicious."

"They are." He smiled and watched me as I walked around the counter. I picked up the plates from empty tables and wiped them down. I felt free today, as my hair hung down my back in a braid. And I didn't feel as weak today. 'Baby steps, Dani. Maybe one day it'll be down.'

"Dani! Was everything okay today?" Lily asked as she walked in, arms full of shopping bags.

"Of course. One ketchup bottle broke, so I put it in a small cardboard box in the garbage so you don't cut yourself. I see shopping was successful."

"Yes, it was! You'll love what I got! I haven't decorated the house in a few years, but I think it's time I start that again. Christmas is important, and I think you and Kat need it."

"She'll love it I'm sure. Thanks, Lily."

"No problem, holler if you need any help at all."


There was only an hour to go and only one man in the diner with me. I refilled his coffee and headed over to start the dishes. I felt someone close and tensed, holding my breath.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you, just figured you might want help. That's a lot of dishes."

Letting out a shaky breath, and breathing a couple times I replied, "No, I shouldn't freak out." Then louder I said, "You don't have to. It's not too many." It was about forty plates, even more cups, and all kinds of silverware.

"Liar." He winked and picked up a cloth, starting to dry the cleaned dishes. He put them all in piles and when I finished I started putting them away again. It seemed like a routine almost.

He took longer to dry than I did to put them away, so I hopped up on the counter waiting for the dry pile to fill up. When I looked at him again, he wasn't drying. He was just holding the cloth and plate in his hands staring at me.

"What?" I asked nervous, 'Maybe I should've stuck to the black. What if I look bad?'

"You seem happy today."

"I am," 'We already had this discussion earlier.'

"That colour looks good on you. It brings out the colour in your cheeks." He said, and I blushed. I tried to turn away but I think he noticed anyways.

"Thanks." It was barely audible but inside I was happy he noticed. I just wasn't used to this attention. Before Charlie, everyone thought my sister looked good, and I agreed. Then Charlie gave me a lot of unwanted attention, and now I just didn't want anymore. Wanted to be left alone. But it was... nice, coming from Kane.

And he went back to drying. I hopped off the counter a minute later and started putting the pile away. When I got to the cups he handed them to me, two by two.

"Thanks for the help."

"No problem. I enjoy it, in a weird way."


Then I was silent for a while, while I put the cloth back and drained the sink.

"Cleaner?" He looked at me confused before realization settled in, when he realized I was guessing what he did for a living.


And I walked around the counter looking out the window.

"It starting to snow again." 'You're truck is going to get stuck.'

"Yup. I love the snow. It's pure and beautiful." 'Unlike me.' I thought.

"Yeah." I said it really quietly and walked away before he could say anything. I don't know why, but that comment bothered me a lot. 'That's a lie, you know why it bothers you.' One half of my brain said before my other replied with, 'Its not your fault you're not pure. And genetics made you look this way.'

"Are you okay?"

I jumped, forgetting he was there. Not realizing he had followed me.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"I've got to stop creeping up on you. I'm sorry."

"No. No, I should stop thinking and pay attention."

"About?" 'Again with the open ended question!'


"Thinking about what?" I had no idea how to reply. 'My kidnapper' was probably not a good idea, and 'my rapist' was probably worse.

"Christmas." So I lied, changing the topic. I still don't like personal questions, never really have, but they got worse after I escaped.

"What are you doing for Christmas?"

"I don't know. Lily said I can stay here, but don't really know other than that. I haven't thought about it much."

"Oh. Why wouldn't you stay here?" 'Finally a whole question,' but then realized what he had said, 'but not one I wanted to answer.'

"No reason."

I grabbed a cloth and went to wipe down the tables. He grabbed a cloth too, and two squirt bottles.


"No problem." And we went to work.

When we finished, me before him, having done quite a few more than him. He was just finishing up the last one when I spoke. "I should be paying you with all the work you do for me." I joked.

He chuckled lightly before replying, "Nah. It's calming, remember."


Having nothing to do, and no one in the store I sat at the counter after putting the cloths and bottles away. He sat beside me, closer than I would have liked. I didn't even realize I had shifted over a bit on the stool until he looked down, almost sad.

I felt bad. It wasn't his fault I was messed up.

"What are you doing for Christmas?"

He looked up startled, then his face looked like he was really thinking.

"Haven't thought about it much. Not much work this time of the year."

"I would assume so."

"Why?" 'Another open question.'

"Because you have time to kill here." It came out a bit rude, but I didn't mean it to, so I have him apologetic smile.

"I enjoy it here. Its homey."

"It is."

"And there's good company."

I blushed as my reply came out a bit softer than I intended,"There is." We sat in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes.

"There's usually more to do Monday nights."

"Oh. Well I'm glad there isn't."

Strangely, I agreed with him. Usually I hated slow nights, but this one was nice. I didn't really want it to end.

"Same here."

"Hey, Dani? Do you want to help me bring the tree in, I got it earlier and forgot about it, but its getting dark-" she paused for a second. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, we were just talking. Oh sorry, Lily this is Kane, Kane Lily." I had jumped off my chair and felt my face go red.

"Hello Kane."

"Hello, nice to meet you." He replied with a shy smile before reaching out his hand for her to shake.

"Same here."

"You wanted help with something?" I interrupted as it got silent again.

"What? Oh! Yes, I bought a tree and meant to bring it in earlier but forgot. I didn't want to leave it out over night, and it's getting dark already." She was kind of rambling, and I realized she had been staring at Kane.

"Okay, is it on your car?"

"Yeah." We grabbed our coats and walked to her car. I felt the hair on my arms stand up and I looked around panicked.

"Dani? What's wrong?"

"What? Oh, nothing." I turned to see who was following us. Kane. I let out a breath, relieved.

"Okay," but she didn't sound like she believed me. "Go untie the ropes on the other side and I'll get these." Being distracted, Lily finished untying her ropes first and when I pulled on the last one the tree started falling. It was huge! I tried to push it back up but slipped on some ice, landing with a thump as the air rushed out of me.

"Dani!?" The tree was falling and just before it fell on me, it was pushed beside me and I rolled over.

"Are you okay?" They both asked at the same time.

"Yeah." I replied shakily. Frozen, but unharmed.

"I shouldn't have untied them all, I'm sorry Dani." Lily said.

"No, I pulled on a knot I couldn't get undone, and the tree moved with it."

Kane put his hand out and I hesitated before grabbing on and being pulled up. He had one hand on each of my arms and was staring at me as I looked up.

"Are you sure you're okay?" His face was all concern, and his voice was laced with worry.

"Yeah, just cold."

"Oh! Yeah, let's get you inside." I slipped on ice as he steadied me and we headed into the store. Lily held the door open and started making hot chocolate.

"Go have a shower Hun, I'll watch the diner. Then you can have some hot cocoa."

"Okay, thanks." My hip was killing me and I realized I must have landed on it. I was expecting Kane to stay downstairs but he walked me up.

"Thanks. I'll be right back."

I walked to my bedroom, grabbed some clean clothes and showered. It took a while before I warmed up. My jaw stop chattering and my hair wasn't cold any more. I got out, got dressed and put a towel around my hair. I had on grey sweatpants and a black fitted tee. 'So much for colour.' I dried my wet hair, as I walked out of the bathroom. I forgot Kane was even there.

"Sorry I took so long." My face blushed again. Why it kept doing that recently I had no idea, it never used to.

"Don't worry about it. Warm?"

"Yes." My hip hurt more as we headed downstairs. After the first one, I gasped. I hid the pain, it wasn't hard. This was tiny compared to what I used to have.

"Are you okay?" He stopped and looked at me, again his face was full of concern.

"Yeah. I'm fine."


"Yeah." But it wasn't. The further we went downstairs the worse it hurt.

"Your moving slow."

"What if I always go this slow?"

"Maybe, but I doubt it."

"Why?" He didn't know me, especially not how fast or slow I travelled up and down the stairs.

"You usually walk like its a mission you're completing. Strong, with sure strides."

"Oh." My face blushed again, and I continued down the stairs.

When we reached the counter Lily had three cups of cocoa sitting there and it smelt amazing. There was even whip cream and chocolate syrup.

"Thanks, Lily."

"No problem. Feel better?"

"Yes. Thanks."

We heard the door chime and I realized Kane left. My face fell, but I looked down, hoping to hide it. I sipped my drink again as the door chimed the second time. I looked over to see who would come in at this time and gasped.

Kane was walking in carrying the tree as if it were as light it was a feather. He shook it off and Lily grabbed a towel, wiping up the snow. I got up and froze. 'Wow, that hip hurts!'

"You okay Dani?"

"What? Oh, yeah fine." 'Forget the pain' old habits came back as I talked myself out of the pain, quickly moving to the door to help. Kane leaned the tree against the doorframe, closed the door and took off his shoes.

"Upstairs?" He asked Lily.

"Yeah, but you don't have to, I'll get it."

"It's not a problem. In the living room, where that stand thing was?" He sounded very unsure of himself and I smiled, realizing he was shy talking to Lily.

"Yeah, actually. That would be great."

"Okay." And he walked off, bringing the tree upstairs.

"He lifts it like it weighs nothing! It took Kat, Stacy and I to put it on the car."

"Wow." I was shocked, it was heavy and very full. It was taller than Kane, probably a good seven and a half feet tall.

"He's a good boy." I was shocked, she said it as if she was giving me approval. 'If only he was interested and I needed the approval.' My brain started arguing again, 'After his comment earlier, I'm definitely not pure enough. Not pure like snow.'

"Yeah, he is." It came out sadder than I thought, and we followed him upstairs. I wiped down each step as we went, each wet from the snow melting off the tree.

He was just placing it in the stand as we made our way to the living room. That was when I realized my hair was still down and threw it up, into a loose bun, blushing like crazy. My face kept getting hotter, as my face got redder.

"It looked nice down, Dani."

"It was in my face." But really I just didn't like it, because every time I tucked a hair behind my ear, it reminded me of Charlie doing it before he'd caress my cheek and punched me in the gut, or kicked me in the shin as I jerked away from his touch.

"Dani, why don't you grab that box off the table in the kitchen?" She asked with an understanding face. I had told her that Charlie had made me wear it down, but not the other details, so she knew why it was always up. Kat did too, but they both tried to get me to wear it down. It was almost like a joke now, but I still couldn't bring myself to actually do it. 'Maybe one day'.

"Here." I handed her the box and turned around. "I'm going to go back down to the diner."

"Okay." I started walking to the stairs, just making it out of the room when I heard, "Kane, hello?"

"Sorry, yes?"

"Can you put the star on top? I'll do the rest, but I can't reach."

Then a mumbled, "what?" before a more confident "Star! Oh, yeah I can do that." He sounded really distracted. I didn't hear any more as I started walking down the stairs.

'Shit! That hurts!' I tried to tell myself not to feel the pain, but a tear started rolling down my cheek before I finally got through to myself to block the pain out. It took me a while to reach the bottom and I slowly walked to the counter and sat down. 'Since when did pain make me cry? I haven't cried because of pain in years.' I wiped the tear away and sipped my cocoa. Even sitting on the stool hurt and another tear escaped. 'Stop!' I told myself, 'never again. He won't break you. You don't cry.'

"What hurts?"

Startled, I looked up. 'Does he enjoy scaring me?'


"Liar." I looked up to see him staring at his socks.

"Why'd you take your shoes off?"

"I didn't want to get snow and dirt all up the stairs."

"The tree did anyways, but thanks, I guess."

He walked to the door and slipped his shoes back on.

"So?" 'Why does he leave his questions so open?' It annoys me because there are so many possibilities. 'What does he want to know?'


"So, what hurts?" 'Oh, back to that.'



"My hip is just a little sore, that's all." 'And my ankle, and wrist.' I hadn't even noticed them until I moved them.

"Just a little?"



I scowled at him.


"You've called me a liar three times already."

"So tell me the truth."

"About?" Knowing full well what he wanted to know, I just didn't want to complain, that had been beaten out of me.

"The pain you're in."

"It's fine. I've had worse." 'Much, much, much worse.'

"Doesn't mean you should ignore it." 'But I'm going to.' He finally sat down, changing the topic. "Are you related to Lily?"

"No. Why?"

"You don't look like her."

"No, she's just helping me... to get back on my feet."

"Oh. Well, that's good. Is it working?"

"Yeah. They're great. They've helped in more ways than one."


"Oh. Yeah, her and her niece, Kat."

"Oh. The other waitress?"


"I thought they were related, but I assumed it was a mother-daughter thing."

"I did too, until Kat told me. They have the same face."

"Yeah." I glanced at the clock and realized I had to close the store still. It should have been close a while ago. 'Don't think about the pain,' I reminded myself as I slid off the stool and walked to the back room. I shut all the lights off, except the one over Kane at the counter. Looking over I was shocked. The light made him look mysterious and sexy. 'Where did that come from?' It played over his face creating a shadow and making his cheek bones more pronounced. 'Sexy as hell,' I thought before scolding myself.

"What else do you have to do?"

"Nothing, we already wiped down the tables, I counted the till money, we did dishes and the lights are off. I just have to lock the door."

"That's good. Well?"

"Well what?" 'There it was again, part of a question.'

"Well? Have you thought about it?"

"I have a couple ideas."

"And what are they?" I couldn't help but think how I loved how easy the conversation flowed between us. It seemed natural.


"Because I don't mind helping you?"



"Should've known, you're pretty slow at it." I joked.

"Oh really?"


"I didn't know it was a race. I would've sped up."

"Me too."

"So that was you going slow?"



I changed the subject. "Maybe this is a trick and you're unemployed."

"Nope. I work. Mainly Monday to Thursday in the winter/spring, but just about everyday in the summer."

"Oh. Busy guy."

He just shrugged his shoulders. "More work then."

"I'm stumped."

"I'm going to have to come back then."

"I guess so." He smiled and I looked down at my feet grinning.

"Need help Dani?" I heard Lily call.

"Nope, just locking the door." I yelled back.


"So you're kicking me out," he asked with a fake frown on his face.

'Gosh, he's adorable.' "Yup." And I leaned over the till to grab the keys.

We walked to the door and he left, turning around saying, "Bye Dani."

"Bye Kane."

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