Being FtM Transgender

By SumswigoIsseosseo

2.5K 146 105

Just some stuff about being trans that others may be able to relate to, and feel that they are not alone in t... More

1st Experience
Dressing to Make Yourself Feel More Comfortable
New Chapter
I'm Back
Gender Dysphoria
In Case Anyone Says Being Transgender Is Not Valid
Random Update #1
Random Update #2
Do Pronouns Matter?
Depression and Loneliness Part 1
Random Update #3
Jonghyun of SHINee
Valentine's Day

Random Updates

116 4 3
By SumswigoIsseosseo

Hey, guys. I wanted to ask you all what you think about me posting random updates about my life. Like, how my transition is going (more like isn't going), and things like that. Let me know in the comments.

Thanks, and have a great day or night.

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