Monster (Punk Zayn AU)

By coolkidzayn

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♠BOOK ONE IN THE SUPERNATURAL BEINGS SERIES♤ WARNING: This fanfic contains explicit content for mature adult... More

Monster (Punk Zayn AU)

♤ Chapter One ♠

342 28 8
By coolkidzayn

"The secret side of me I never let you see I keep it caged, but I can't control it, so stay away from me. The beast is ugly I feel the rage and I just can't hold it."

— Monster by Skillet


The telle blared loudly, but nobody was watching it. A true mystery.

Blood covered every inch of the living room and there lay two loving parents and a little girl—Kevin and Martha and Greyson Samuels—dead with multiple stab wounds covering them. A faint babies cry was heard in the masters' bedroom.

There sat little baby Whitney Samuels hidden in the far corner of the walk-in closet, disguised by the shadows.

She cries out again for her diaper is full and she is terribly hungry. Whitney cries loud enough catching the attention of a neighbor who was walking her dog.

"What's that?" Ryan, their neighbor asks herself before walking up to the door and knocking on it, but it opens by itself. She steps in the house being eerily quiet except for the sound of Whitney's crying. She fully steps in looking around and she chokes back her tears and gasps seeing the people who were like her second family—minus one—lying dead on the floor.

"Oh my god." Ryan cries out in horror. She hears Whitney's cries and followed it to the master bedroom. The cries become louder from the closet and she hurries to the closet, throwing it open and grabbing Whitney.

Walking out of that dreaded house, Ryan took out her cellphone—holding a giggling Whitney who was oblivious to everything—and called the authorities.

◇     ◆     ◇

On the other side of town, lay a baby in a trashcan, screaming his little heart out for some attention.

A male with curly hair, holding his sons hand close to him, he slowly walks into the alley, hearing the babies cries of attention.

"Daddy," The little boy calls. "Is that a baby?"

"I don't know, son, I don't know," he carefully lifts up the lid to the trashcan, seeing the garbage-lain boy, giggling seeing he would have someone to take care of him.

"He's adorable, Daddy. We can't just let him go to some horrid orphanage. Can we keep him Daddy? Please! I've always wanted a little brother!" Harry, the little boy begged his father, Des.

"Fine, but Anne won't be happy." Des smiled at the younger version of himself, soon to have the ladies throwing themselves at him. He took a good look at the brown-eyed baby in front of him. He'll be a looker too.


Author's Notes:

Hi readers! So, this was the first chapter. So, should I keep it in third person or nah? but, please vote and comment otherwise the updates will be less frequent.

Just wanted to tell you.


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