Romance And Reason

By Narutos-Buddie

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After Trunks returns, Pan's life is turned upside down. Now she's having to deal with hormonal Saiyans, a pos... More

Romance And Reason (TrunksxPan Fanfic)
The Return
So That's a Bond!
Two Weeks Later, No Progress
Kami's Lookout
One day more
Into The Room Of Space And Time
Two of Twelve, What the Hell?
Turn Around, Turn Around
P and T
Shut Up In There
Step Up or Step Off
A Moment of Peace
When the Truth Comes Out to Light
Everyone Has Their Reasons

Who And What?!

598 17 3
By Narutos-Buddie

Chapter 13: Who and What?!

Flying towards the place where the force would land were the six who had gone into the time chamber to train. Goku and Vegeta had taken off ahead of everyone else and the others were quickly trying to keep up with the leaders of the pack. The younger Saiyan's knew that the older Saiyan's had much more experience when it came to these situations so it was best to allow them to lead. They were flying straight ahead for a while when suddenly Vegeta took a plunge downward followed by Goku before landing on a cliff.

The others in the group touched down on the ground and Pan found herself nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot. Her father who was already tense snapped a command at her to be still, and Trunks wrapped his hand around hers in order to give her silent support. Their bond had gone strangely silent since they had taken off and it made Pan more uncomfortable than she cared to admit.

There was no talking as they watched what looked like a spaceship enter the atmosphere and rocket towards the ground. The ship looked like a mixture of a Saiyan Space Pod and an actual ship. The round shape came barreling towards the ground and before anyone could make out any details it crashed into the canyon ground spraying rock and dirt high into the air.

Pan gripped Trunks's hand tighter and turned to look at him for reassurance. Trunks in turn smiled back and for a moment he opened the bond long enough for her to hear 'I love you Pan'. The two stepped closer to the rest of the group releasing their hold on each other and turning their attention to the task at hand. The group took off into the air once more flying down to the site of the crash. They touched down a safe distance away where they could monitor any activity as something exited the ship. Goku and Vegeta were tensed but neither was actively looking ready to fight.

The sound of the ship's door opening caused everyone to take a deep breath and hold absolutely still. The door opened wider and a tanned hand reached out and gripped the side of the ship. It was followed by a leg covered in muscles and scars, when at last the man inside appeared it revealed a man who looked to be between Goten and Gohan's age. The man was taller than Vegeta but shorted than Goku. He had long black hair that touched his shoulder blades. Eyes as dark as coal took in the scenery around him and quickly zeroed in on the group watching him intently.

Without saying a word the figure began to walk towards them slowly. As he drew closer they noticed he had a tail wrapped around his waist and he was fastening an updated scouter to the side of his cheek. He came to a stop in front of Vegeta and Goku who didn't move but instead let the man inspect them.

"Power level of five? I see you are a Saiyan but no respectable Saiyan would have a power level that low," the man said bitingly a strange accent coloring every word.

"Scouters are pretty worthless here," Goku commented and Vegeta turned to glare at Goku.

"This scouter has the newest technology, so let's see just how worthless it is," the man responded and then turned his scouter to focus on the person he perceived as the weakest of the group Pan. "It says that the girl have a power level of three seems pretty accurate to me."

"Try it again," Trunks commented and asked Pan to power up just a little through their bond.

The man narrowed his eyes but turned his scouter back to Pan once more, "Power level one thousand, interesting," the man didn't seem shocked, but also didn't appear to be happy about his new discovery.

"So I assume I have arrived on the planet Earth. The Namekians told me about this planet. He said there were others like me on this planet and that they held infinite power that could be of use to me," the man said and Goku tensed a bit before relaxing.

"What's your name?" Goku asked reaching up and placing a hand behind his head.

"Drakna, I'm a second generation Saiyan colonist. After our home world Vegeta was destroyed a small group of survivors started a colony and we govern ourselves. I was born several years after the planet was originally destroyed," the man explained looking at each person as he spoke but lingering on Pan far longer than the others.

"Dad," Trunks called out to his father. Vegeta had remained strangely silent and had his arms tensely crossed his chest.

"Boy, are you by any chance related to a Saiyan by the name of Tora?" Vegeta asked after a minute causing the new visitor Drakna's eyes to widen as he turned his attention away from Pan and to the slightly shorter man.

"Tora was my uncle. I never met him since he was killed long before I was born, but he was my mother's brother. How do you know that name?" Drakna asked looking wearily towards the older man.

"Vegeta?" Goku asked noticing that there must have been something that he was missing.

"He looks too much like that man not to be related. Tora was one of your father's friends, Kakarot," Vegeta replied. Drakna drew silent and started to pay more attention to the older Saiyans.

"Kakarot? Vegeta? Why is your name the name of our prince?" the man asked after a pause.

Vegeta didn't say anything but instead turned to look at the other man who looked him over finally realizing that he was indeed the only child of King Vegeta the last reigning ruler of Planet Vegeta. The man looking ashamed at not figuring it out earlier dropped to his knee and brought his hand in a fist to his chest as he kneeled out of respect to Vegeta. Vegeta nodded in returned and signal for the man to rise turning to look at his son with a smirk. Pan laughed out loud when Trunks sent her a message saying, 'great there's going to be no living with him now.'

"What brings you to our planet, Drakna?" Gohan asked noticing that the stranger had once again turned his attention towards Pan.

"I am trying to find the saviors of Namek. I am being followed to this planet by a creature that has tried to enslave the universe. This creature has been trying to attack and overtake our colony for the past few years, but we have held strong until recently. Inside the colony our warriors have become restless and want to take the battle away from the colony, but that has caused a break in our defense. This creature has attacked us in the past several years ago, but after a lengthy dormancy the attack has renewed. This being is very powerful and has abilities I do not understand. They have an army of followers who do his bidding. I come to this planet in search of aide to help end the tyranny before your world becomes ensnared," Drakna spoke, sounding as if everything was dire.

"Who is this man?" Pan asked unable to keep her curiosity at bay.

"The name is treated like a curse on my planet and I fear that speaking it might bring his even faster," Drakna said smiling gently at Pan causing Trunks to shift uncomfortably closer to her.

"So our Namek friends told you to come to Earth and search us out. Too bad Piccolo's not here. I think he would love to know how his friends are doing," Goku started rambling.

"Kakarot," Vegeta interjected with a glare at his fellow Saiyan, "I think there might be more important matters to discuss. Why do you think this creature is following you here?" Vegeta asked turning his attention back to Drakna.

"I know that I'm being followed. I am considered the strongest warrior on my colony and I know that this being is stronger," Drakna replied and then looked around at the gather group questioningly, "Forgive me but what are your names?"

"Well Vegeta and I have already introduced ourselves although you heard my Saiyan name but on Earth I go by Goku. The purple haired man is Vegeta's son, Trunks. The two other men are my sons Goten and Gohan and the girl is my granddaughter Pan," Goku explained pointing to each of the people as he announced them.

"The Saiyan girl is of marriageable age on this planet correct?" Drakna asked looking at Goku and then turning his attention to Trunks who growled menacingly at the newcomer.

"She is spoken for," Vegeta replied and Drakna shrugged in response.

"I'm afraid we really need the name of this enemy that is supposed to be following you to Earth whether it's cursed or not," Goten commented looking at his best friend and realizing a subject change was needed.

"The creature's name is Nido," Drakna replied and Vegeta's eyes flickered as he recognized the name.

Goku noticed Vegeta's change of posture and commented about it, "Do you know something about the name Vegeta?"

"The only Nido I heard about started off as an underling to my father and eventually to Frieza before branching off on its own. The two began working together when they noticed a conflict of interest, Frieza planned to put Nido to death but Nido left before that could happen. Nido rallied several planets under power and would search and attack specific targets mostly against Frieza and some Saiyans. After several years the trail died and nothing was heard from Nido and Frieza lost interest in finding Nido, but if Nido is still around after all this time he would be about our age, but then again I never met him," Vegeta explained watching as each person committed the information to memory.

The group continued their conversation trying to uncover as much as possible about the mysterious being known as Nido. Trunks glued himself to Pan's side and continued to glare at Drakna while trying to keep up with the seemingly never ending flow of information. From what Drakna and Vegeta seemed to know Nido was powerful and although the word Super Saiyan was never mentioned it did not mean that this creature was not superior in fighting styles.

"You could come back with us to Kami's Lookout and we can continue this conversation after dinner. I'm starving," Goku asked slinging an arm around the newcomers shoulder.

"Does this invitation extend to just him or can I be invited as well?" a new voice interrupted and the group turned to see who had managed to sneak up on them.

A woman around Trunks age stood leaning against Drakna's ship. She was dressed in a revealing outfit, but didn't seem too concerned about. There was hardly a part of her body that wasn't on display. The woman was obviously Saiyan although Pan didn't think that she was a pure Saiyan. Her long tail was wrapped between her legs creating a fur bikini and she wore sheer fabric that became opaque only in necessary places. The woman had short black hair that touched her shoulders and a grin on her mouth that seemed sad.

"Who are you?" Pan asked wanting to reach up and cover Trunks's eyes from being about see the woman.

"My name is Brickan, although you might have heard about me from this loudmouth. My nickname is Nido. My mother's 'family business' fell into my lap after she passed away and I must say that I think I'm doing a pretty good job of it if he's that worried about me," the woman replied and Pan got the distinct impression that there was much more to the story than was being shared and that maybe Drakna hadn't be forthcoming with all the information.

"How did you get here so quickly?" Drakna asked looking worriedly at the woman.

"Just used one of my 'special abilities'," the woman replied refusing to say anything more.

"Why are you here on our planet?" Vegeta asked crossing his arms and glaring at the woman.

"Didn't Drakna tell you? My mother left Frieza's ship after a certain Saiyan refused her advances. After that incident she set out to destroy everyone associated with Frieza and that Saiyan. Once she met my father she stopped and focused on being a mother to me. After my mother's death I set out to take 'revenge' and finish my mother's work," Brickan, the woman replied and Pan got the distinct impression that the woman did not agree with Drakna's portrayal of her character.

The woman didn't say anything else but turned her attention to Drakna. Her eyes seemed to glow and suddenly her power level climbed and she burst into what seemed like a Super Saiyan form. Her body produced fur that covered the necessary parts, while her clothes seemed to melt away by the sheer power she was emitting. Her eyes turned blue green with more of a catlike shape suggesting that her heritage was more alien than Saiyan. When she stopped her power level rising she kept her focus on Drakna aware that everyone else was watching her.

"Father was a gifted man and knew that strength was a necessity. He trained me every day and made sure that I was a dedicated pupil," Brickan commented fully expecting the crowd in front of her to fall to their knees and beg for mercy as so many others she had faced had done.

"Good thing then that my family pretty much believes in the same philosophy although our motto is to be prepared to protect," Pan snapped and powered up as well surprising everyone present except for Trunks at how powerful she had truly become.

"A Super Saiyan other than me, how wonderful," the woman commented.

"She's not the only one," Gohan replied and powered up as well and the rest of the family followed except for Goku and Vegeta. Soon the woman was surrounded by a crowd of blonde hair and teal eyes.

"Well, well, Drakna it seems you might have finally latched onto a crowd that might actually be worth my time," Brickan complimented with a laugh before charging forward towards him to attack.

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