Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Ki...

By BlackPegasus_Lilla

17.5K 355 29

I have always loved my life, but for some reason wanted more. There was one thing I seemed to lack, was spend... More

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Unexpected Land Part 3
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Unexpected Land Part 7
🌺Unexpected Land Part 8 Final🌷
Cold Hard Stone Part 1
Cold Hard Stone Part 2
Cold Hard Stone Part 3
Cold Hard Stone Part 4
Cold Hard Stone Part 5
Cold Hard Stone Part 6
Cold Hard Stone Part 7
Author Note

Unexpected Land Part 6

309 7 1
By BlackPegasus_Lilla

When I walked out that door. I knew that something was going to happen. However, I had no idea...that what was going to happen would really be this....interesting.

*Tap...tap...tap..* I began to walk down the halls. In the distance I could hear many different voices. Laughing, whispered,and even soft music playing.

"....t-this..is...gonna be weird....." I could my heart begin to pound harder that closer I got to the sound. No matter how much I tried to stop my body from shaking, and my hands being worse. It only ate my nerves more knowing I was gonna face everyone now.

My new boots helped greatly in walking, along with the ointment that I put on it. It was almost completely healed. I felt much lighter on my feet, giving me a slight spring to my steps.


"!!" My eyes widen in shock, hearing the sound of footsteps near me. Alarmed I turned on my hell glaring at the one behind. My eyes sharp.

"Forgive me." To my surprise another elf spoke from behind me. He held up one hand in surrender. "My lady, are you by chance lost?" He spoke in a soft kind voice, trying to not scare me. He did not move, as my eyes still glared at him dangerously. It took me a moment to realize what was going on. I swallowed trying to calm myself. This elf looked like another one of those guards. Waist long brunette hair, and...'E-emerald eyes...?'

I felt a sting of pain hit my head suddenly. Biting my tongue I tried to keep myself steady, and calm. I didn't want to seem weak. I knew this elf, by face anyway. He was the one I saw during my fall, the fall off the waterfall. How I could forget him was beyond me. However, he seemed to not remember who I was. It must of been my new look. I didn't seem to tattered, and torn now. I tried to use as much of essential oils to hide the stress marks under my eyes.

"Miss..??" His calm voice called out to me. Still he did not move from his place. I shake my head. "Ah, I wouldn't call myself lost. I just haven't been this way before."

A slight smile came to his face." I see, you must be with the other guests of Elrond. Would you like me to help you find your way?"

"It would help, but.. if you are on duty I don't want to be a bother."

He shook his locks."No, of course not. Where is it you are trying to go to?" He tilted his head. I looked note of a mini tiara on his head as well. On it was a little emerald gem embedded in it.

"My friends told me there will be a meal soon. I would like to go there."

"That will be this way. Follow me please." He held a arm out to the left pointing in the direction.

'This man..., elf...is taller than me....' I thought. I didn't want to stare, but I wanted to see who he was. The one that tried to save me that day, but failed. It some what hurt...., knowing that he had to see that.

"What is your name?" He asked with his eyes facing forward.

"It's ______."

"That's a nice name. It suites you very much. Why is it you are with a group, with dwarves?" He asked carefully not wanting to hurt me.

"I met them midway of my travels. Stopping in the shire, I met a friend of mine there, I stayed there for the night." I breathed.

"Traveling..., all by yourself? You must be brave."

I looked up at the side of his face. "...I had no choice. It was either live or die."

At this the elf flinched, his emerald eyes gazed at me. His hands was folded behind his back, not sure how to reply. " I met a human once...., if you could call it that. But before I knew it, she had vanished. Never seen her once."

I tilted my head at his words. Did he mean me? "I..I'm sorry..." I took another step, trying to keep up with his longer legs. Just I was going to speak, he slowed down. "She fell, from the bridge. I only caught part of it since I was on duty." He gripped his fist. Still not looking at me.

"It was terrible, not being able to help. Even if I was a second sooner I could've kept her from falling." He seemed to sad, it stung hearing this. ' I-it was me....IT WAS ME!' I yelled at myself.

That day someone also cared, I was so new to the world. 'I can't believe it...., he actually feels bad about it? he had no control over it. It was my stupid mistake.'

We were getting really close to the dining area. It would only be past the wall at this point.

"All I wish to know, is if...she made it out alright. I would not wish to anyone in any race, to fall from that height."

I stopped. Trying to breath. He took notice of this, stopping also only to look back at me. I was two steps away from them now. I could hear Kili' voice, mixed with Fili's whisper.

"Something the matter? Are you feeling unwell?" The elf looked at me concerned. I gripped my jacket knowing I couldn't hide it anymore.

"She is alright." The elf looked towards me fully in shock now. "I was the one." I stated with fire in my eyes.

He drew back in shock, as I stepped out into the open with a slight smile. "Thank you...." I whispered. He wanted to reach out to me, stop me from leaving. Still his hand just held the air, with his wide emerald eyes watching me as I went to meet my friends.

Till Suddenly I felt my heart sink right on spot. 'OH no!! There all there!!!' Now I had to face them looking at me, and where to sit.

'G-great..., just great..'

My eyes landed on Bilbo eating his fill, with Fili sitting next to him at one table. While Kili was at the far other table. To me I found it strange why that was. The brothers usually stayed together, or maybe this was Gandalf's way of keeping them out of trouble.

Feeling eyes lands on me, I just walked. Elf, and dwarf both looking at me, along with a wizard soon enough. The flute was being played by a she-elf, while another played the harp. A male elf walked slowly around playing his instrument also. He was dressed in green, and had long brown hair, with to fishtails braided strands in the front of his ears, with a small tiara also on his head.

Gandalf sat with Elrond at a table, with Lindir standing by a statue quietly. Thorin was also at the table. 'W-where am I gonna sit???' Everything looked soo full, and the food, looked so good suddenly. It was soo long since I ate, I needed to keep up a better way of eating for the sake of me on this quest, and health.

Bright blue eyes snapped up at me. Gandalf was basically flagging me down by his gaze, as I quietly walked over to the table. Elrond greeting me with a nod. "Hello..." I said so the other's didn't realize. I wasn't fond of getting stared at. "Oh____, glad to see you alright." Greeted the wizard.

Thorin was watching me closely with those sharp eyes of his. I wondered if he hated me now, or if he was mad at something else?

"There is plenty of food, p-please pick a spot where you would like to sit. I can have another seat get brought to where you pick. Offer the lord elf."

"......w-well...." I slowly looked around, by now all eyes were on me. "!!!" 'Really!? could you not stare.' I snapped inside my head. Seeing the company looking at me gawking in mid bite, and watching Dwalin fling a leaf from a salad.

Bilbo was the only one who only averted his eyes, to not make me feel as uncomfortable. He held a kind smile on his face. While the dwarves had the look of a child on their faces. It was most weird standing there in the open.

"Uh..____?" Gandalf questions.

"The one...over there. Across...from...Kili......." I said the words extra quiet. I think in this case, I felt more safe there than any. Then again that table had a bunch of trouble makers, so I really had no choice, or sit at the table with the Elrond.

"Oh, are you sure...? you don't have to...sit on the floor." Gandalf spoke in a hushed voice, feeling sad that I was to take my place on the ground.

"Yes." I said quickly, my eyes widen a bit. "Right, * coughed Elrond* Lindir...." With a quick bow the elf dressed in deep blue went to grab a extra pillow.

I didn't care at this point were I sat, only thing that bothered me was how I was dressed. By the looked on their faces, they all knew something happened in this past few hours. Still not even Thorin dared to ask, as his splitting headache was still there, his blue eyes did hold questions though. I watched his take another drink from his cup adjusting in his seat. While Elrond was now looking over the swords Gandalf handed him.

"My lady."

My eyes snapped up finding Lindir holding a pillow now setting it down to where I will sit. Way down at the other table the dwarves except for Fili snickered to themselves finding me sit across from Kili whose eyes were bugging out of his head. Wide, and bright with expression.

"Something to drink?" Asked the elf.

"T-tea...please.." I whispered feeling eyes on me. Then it hit me the events from the last meal at Bilbo's. 'Oh....p-please...don't be like...that...' I would feel soo ashamed of myself to only have to look at the elves face of horror. From the corner of my eye I could see the elf male dressed in green. He was the closest to Kili's side at the moment. The music playing was a nice change, as my head still hurt from last events.

I wanted to reach back to my hair at the back and feel the hair tie I was given by Kili in the hills in the cave. Only to have my eyes flash wide for a moment realizing there was nothing there. '...I..i'm sorry...Kili.' I told myself. He worked so hard on tying it up, and now I have misplaced it.

Ignoring the glares, and stares my eyes landed on the food. I didn't know what eat first. 'Wow! this is all so nice!!!' I felt myself turn into a pure child at the sight of cakes, fruit, salad.

"Just trying, just a mouth full."

'Mh?' I looked up with a small cake in my mouth.

" I don't like green food....." Poor Ori stated.


"Where's the meat?

Dwalin look soo not amused at this, as he flipped a bowl of salad with a hint of disgust on his face at the green glowing salad. His precious meat didn't exist on our table.

I watched seeing a small slice on onion roll out onto the table. "!!!!!" Like a hawk my eyes narrowed at the salad, with a starving look on my face. Reaching over I grabbed the salad Seeing Oin stab a onion, looking at it with question. 'Foooooddd..!' That was all that ran inside my head. I had to eat it now, or I might not get another chance.

"Have they got any chips?" Little Ori spoke his eyes searching the table.

'C-chips!! where!?' My eyes shot at the table, as I was chewing my salad. Listening to the flute playing as I ate. Fili, and Bilbo watching me from the corner of the room. A light sigh came to them, seeing me actually get to eat food for once, and not like the last time. Being the less childish at the moment, they graciously ate their food without a second thought. While everyone around my table looked at their food like it was gonna murder them.

'Pfft...kids.' I shake my head lightly. Rolling my eyes I munched on more salad.

"You're tea..my lady." A whisper spoke to me. As I see a teacup, and kettle get set down in front of my eyes. Along with some honey on the side.

I could only nod my head slightly as my mouth was full in thanks. Lindir smiled lightly seeing how I was enjoying the food, and back away.

I reached over dropping two spoonfuls of honey in my tea. While Oin, and Bofur eyes follow the spoon that held the honey. 'What's their problem? I just want it sweet.' I thought.

'God these dwarves are childish...' I grumbled while taking a sip, I didn't pay attention to much I was still took occupied on the food.

I had my teacup up to my lips sipping it until. My eyes caught Bofur looking at Kili next to him with one eye. 'W-what..??' Kili was starting in my direction, his jaw was almost hanging wide open. 'What was he up to??' Just the look on his face, so calm but innocent sent my heart pounding because I felt like I had missed something important.

*Sip..* I still held the cup to my face. Slightly turning my head only to see Dwalin next to me blank staring back at Kili.

'What on earth.. is he looking at...???' Following Kili's stare I found my eyes land on a she-elf not too far away playing the harp I saw earlier. Something in me sank that moment. *gulp..* I almost dropped the teacup from my hands, which made me send a death grip on the handle now. ' W-wahh..??' I looked back at the brother across from me.

Only to catch a wink get blasting in the same direction. With a wide smile of Kili coming right at my face. 'W-WHAT!?' My eyes widen in shock. 'Was he looking at me or...??' *Tick tick tick* turned my head slightly seeing Dwalin still...blank staring..Kili's face. He totally caught that, and saw it. There was no mistake by the look on his face. Looking back to meet my eye's with Kili's as he still stared in the direction with the same look. It took me a moment to realize that the look on his face something new to me. *T-thump thump..thump* Feeling my heart start to pound faster, as the heart melting smile still was there. But I knew it wasn't meant for me. Kili being so blind with the look on his face didn't realize that something in me snapped.

Till suddenly his expression dropped seeing the the glare stopped, and mine just started. I narrowed my eye a bit. Trying to show I didn't care. Kili shook his head, touching the side of his cup.

"Can't say I fancy elf-maids myself, too thin. They're all high cheekbones, and creamy skin. * He glanced at Bofur, totally ignoring me* Not enough facial hair for me. Although........"

My eyes followed Kili's head turning at his words.

A grin of confidence came to his face. 'That one there is not bad.'

*Crack!* The moment he said that, my eyes dropped to the table. Feeling a sting in my head for a moment.

Till Dwalin had the guts to speak. "That's not a elf-maid."

For some reason I had the feeling to look up, just to see who he was talking about. I felt myself stop breathing for a few seconds. My face went pale.

'OOOoooooo.......' Seeing the tall male elf turns in head in our direction, dressed in the same green I saw earlier. 'C-crap...I think he heard.' I felt soo bad for him, there was no way he didn't here us. He was right next to our table. I swallowed reaching for my cup before the elf's eyes could fully meet my shocked look.

Gripping the cup I sipped the tea once again. Ignoring my food in front of me. As the lost puppy look on Kili's face came to be.

I sat there on the pillow with shock. Most of my face was hidden with the cup, but the way he looked at us was priceless.

Our table roared out laughing. "Hahaha!!!!" 

His almond colored eyes landing one mine, looking for help. All I could do was stare in shock, and feeling a slight ping inside me hit. It couldn't laugh like them freely at this. I was too stunned. Till the lost puppy help call on Kili's face faded, as he looked down in shame. Trying to swallow the pain of them laughing at him.

'..I..I'm sorry...' The hurt look on his face made me feel so bad. I tried to say something, but the laughing around me was stopping me. All I could do was watch.

"Funny......" Was all he could trail out in this moment, looking back at his plate.

Dori not long after that shoved a cloth into his trumpet, trying to block out the sound of the flute. I snapped my head to him slightly. "..." Not feeling that was nice to do. My eyes dropped to the other table where Fili, and Bilbo sat. Catching a small smiled cased in my direction by the two blonde's that sat beside each other. "......" I couldn't smile, back which made them tilt their heads to me. Turning away I poured myself more tea. While I listened to Gandalf, and Elrond speaking about the swords.

Not far from behind me the elf lord, and wizard spoke.

"This is Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin." Elrond handed Thorin back his sword.

"May it serve you well."

With a boy of Thorin's head he gripped his blade, and brought it back to his lap.

He seems to fascinated by the weapons asking where they came from. Till a glint of light caught my eye. "There is Glamdring. The Foe-hammer, sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin wars of the First... "

"We also have...this...."

"?!" To the words being said I looked to my right seeing the bow held out to Elrond by Lindir.

"A bow, who is the one who carried this beautiful weapon?" Even Gandalf tilted his head at this, seeing my bow suddenly how up in Lord Elrond's guard's hand.

This made me flinch. It was as if the words were being said straight at me.

"Well..., that is hers...., she is just a bit too shy...to say so herself. Found also with the swords in the troll hoard." Elrond's eyes fall onto my turned for a moment, seeing how I had my back turned to them. "Still it makes me wonder how it came to you, last time I remember one of the dwarves had it. "Also....." Lindir spoke, looking at his lord. Holding a new quiver of arrows to him. "It was empty of arrows, only one sat in there. So I had them replaced."

Gandalf grinned at this. He knew it would make me happy to know I had arrows once again, something to lift my spirits.

"As for who, it was given to me by one of the blonde dwarves done there. Asking to have it looked at for a friend."

Gandalf shifted in his seat. Whispering."So...it was Fili then... that does make sense. Being a weapon specialist himself."

Even Thorin looked surprised at this. His eyes wandered to his nephew in the far back of the outdoor dining room. 'Doing...such things...without my consent.' He thought to himself. Thorin wasn't angry, not one bit. He owed me for saving Kili back there. Just felt guilty for putting me such a dangerous position.

{Back to me at the table}

"Lovely bow, miss______."

A calm voice suddenly spoke inside my mind. Making me jump up a bit slamming my knee into the table with a thud.


'MH!!' I gasped in my mind. As I did that seeing the little sandwich leap out of Kili's hand across from me, and land on the table.

giving a tilted head surprised look. Seeing how his food just fell from his grip.

This made Dwalin's eyes glance at me with a smirk of laughter, then seeing Kili still pondering the event.

"May it serve you well."


I called back, still not use to this power of his.

'Yes, something the matter? is the food not to your liking?'

He asked while I kept my fist gripping my clothes by my knee, feeling a slight bruise form from slamming the knee against the table. I tried my best to sound normal.

'No, it's not that. Thanks...for...everything. I heard...on what Lindir did with the quiver.'

'No problem at all. I am glad you feel better. If there is anything don't hesitate to ask.'

With that he left with his words. I was back in my usual mind

"And what were you doing on the Great East road?" I felt the air go cold at my table.

Making me breathe in suddenly. As I eyed a cake on the platter in front of Kili's form.

"Excuse me."

With a suddenly look question form Gandalf. Thorin stood up, and just walked away passing right by my table. Now standing by a pillar facing the center far back of the room.

'Huh...??' What did I just miss??

"Change the toon will you, I feel like I'm at a funeral."

'EH?' I blinked again still wanting to get the cake, but wasn't sure if I should seeing how certain people were moving too much around the table, and I still was hungry.

"Did somebody die????" Oin questioned.

Now this really made me confused.

"Alright lads there's only one thing for it."

Suddenly out of the blue Bofur sitting on the right of Kili, stood up! and climbed onto a stone flat top figure.

"W-what's going on...????" I ask in a whisper, but no one seemed to have heard me not even Kili who was literally looking in my direction. I felt panic suddenly hit me.

'OH No, god don't tell me..!' I looked at Bofur in horror written on my face.

He suddenly began holding out one hand to all as he stood tall.

"There is an inn, a merry old inn."

Suddenly the sound of tapping, and pounding of boots came to me. Even the she-elf stopped playing with a worried look on her face.

My I could feel my blood go cold slowly.

All the dwarves suddenly began to sing around me. Making me want to sink back unseen.

"Beneath an old grey hill,

And there they brew a beer so brownThat the Man in the Moon himself came downOne night to drink his fill."

I began to reach out to grab the cake. Only to see something zip by the side of my face, and go flying behind me.

"!!!" My eyes widen. 'Oh.No.' My face began to go pale slowly, and painfully.

Food slowly started go flying, and by the look on the elf's faces they looked just as scared as me.

Knives, and forks were suddenly begin banged against the table.

Till my eyes caught Kili throwing a bread across the table. Making my eyes narrow at him, as I felt something began to boil in me once again.

"The ostler has a tipsy cat

that plays a five-stringed fiddle;And up and down he runs his bow,Now squeaking high, now purring low,Now sawing in the middle."

Suddenly more food went flying. Turning my head just in time to see another cake go flying past Gandalf just missing Elrond as well.

The poor wizard had no control over this, he could only chew, and swallow nervously. I was caught right in the middle of the worst part.

I whipped my head over to see even Thorin tapping his feet, with a smile on his face, and drinking.

'W-what the hell!? Thorin you too.' I gawked at the raven haired dwarf. Having something just me me once again.

Loud laughing, and shouting came flooding in once again but only became louder.

"So the cat on his fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle,

a jig that would wake the dead:He squeaked and sawed and quickened the tune,While the landlord shook the Man in the Moon:'It's after three!' he said. "

"Yahaa!!!!!!!" "HAHAA!"

Suddenly food went flying from all directions. Even Fili from fa back was throwing food.

I felt so ashamed, and bad for the elves's hard work suddenly go up in smoke. My face began to go even paler. Then It happened...

It happened so fast, as something that looked liked a apple. Came flying right towards me. Slamming into the other side of my neck. Making me wince, as I was ready to grab the last cake to eat. Trying to dodge the flying food. I was just about to grab it when, a familiar hand inches away from mine slammed down over it. I looked up in horror, seeing the cream on it squashed, by non other than Kili. Went up to my shock in the sky. Soaring right across the table.

Just missing Lindir by a few inches, slamming right into the statute he stood next to of a bird. Only to see his head turn in disgust seeing how it just missed his pretty face. I shot a nasty glare at Kili, my eyes burning with shame, and anger. Seeing how it was wasted, and not being able to eat. My face pale as ever. I felt a tear began to make it's way to the edge of my eyes.

The place was trashed. Food was still flying, but my blood boiled inside of me. I couldn't take it anymore. Kili's happy grin faded right off in seconds. Seeing my death glare at it. Till his eyes widen seeing me, suddenly stand up.

*Thud..* I stood up, trying to not run away but hide my face. My knee burned from slamming it into the table earlier. Every elf, saw me waltz out of the room. It did not feel good to them at all. See a women like me just about to burst into tears, and anger. Even Thorin felt a cold chill hit him, from my death glare. As if he was looking into a dragon's eyes.

I left the room, but not until Fili, and Bilbo caught hold of my pale ungodly looking face. As a tear trickled down the side of my face leaving it to vanish on it's own. Thoughts of Kili's innocent smile came to my mind from earlier, but I knew it wasn't for me. It made me feel even worse. Fili suddenly looked across the table to his brother. Only to see Kili looking back at him with the same look of sympathy on his face.

"Oh...dear...." Whispered Gandalf. This made something in Elrond look to his friend next to him. Whispering order's to him so others wouldn't hear.

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