Is It Wrong? (Larina)

By larinaxbaby

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Larina Fanfiction that takes place in high school More

A/N 2


1K 19 6
By larinaxbaby

Today is my first day of high school and I am scared.
I'm in a new city and I don't know anybody: we moved here to London from New York this summer due to my fathers job.
Walking in the city streets my anxiety grews bigger, I'm a very shy and reserved person and I definitly am not a social person, my mother told me that everything is gonna be alright that I will make lots of friends and that everyone will like me, but thats what all mothers say no?
I am a freak to the eyes of all the guys of my age: they like to party on friday night and I like to stay in my room reading or writing songs, I like old music and movies expecially from the sixties and they think this is creepy, I am a weirdo, but I don't care now the best I can hope for is to be ignored and that this day ends very soon.
I finally arrive at school: tgere are plenty of students outside laughing and hugging and talking about their holidays and how much they missed eachother. And I just stand here in front of the gates waiting for the bell to ring. Once I entered I notice how big the hallways are compared to my old school ones, I somehow manage to reach the secretery and get my schedule and my locker code, the hallways are full and I have to make my way to my locker by pushing and sliding between the older guys, I feel so little. My locker is on the other side of the school and thank God this Hallway is almost empty there are just some guys talking and a girl standing in front onmf the locker near mine, I am praying that she ignores me because I get very nervous when people approch me, so I walk towards my locker looking down at my feet, then the girl next to me closes her locker and I can finally see her face, she is beautiful like sixties beautiful: black waves falling loosely on her shoulders and big brown eyes of the same color of her little freckels, she is a little shorter than me and she is wearing a pink short skirt and a grey sweater (yes we are in September but London is always cold) and a pair of black boots.
I was paralyzed and I couldn't manage to say anything but thank God she noticed my difficulty and said something ti broke the embarassing silence:"Hi, are you new?I've never seen you around" ? I would have swore she was like the queen of this school, "Y-yes,I am new I moved here this summer. My name is Lizzy." She smiled in the cutest way a human could smile and says "Oh, ok let me see your schedule" I hand it to her and after some moments she says "Okay so we have first, third and seventh together, and we better hurry up" so I had three classes with this angel? Maybe this day is not going to be this bad. "Ok let me take my books,wait you didn't tell me your name" se chuckled and little dimps appeared on her cheeks, " Sorry, I am Marina nice to meet you Lizzy" she keeps smiling at me and I shake her hand, and then I notice that I was smiling too, I don't know how much time has passed since I genuinly smiled to someone. Then she took my arm and we made our way to biology. The hour went by really fast: the teacher said something about this school year and then he introduced himself but I spent most of the time between my thoughts and looking at Marina that was sitting next to me, she was looking out of the window and doing little drawings of what she saw, she draws very well. At the end of the lesson we say goodbye she goes upstairs to her english class and I go downstairs to my geography class, but before I could turn the corner I feel a hand grabbing my arm "See you at luch" a beautiful voice wispers in my ear and I can't help myself but blush and smile. Geography is boring I always hated it and the teacher was terrible, and old man who could have died right there at any moment I think he is older than this school. Finally the bell rings and I make my way to the cafeteria and see Marina waving at me from a corner of the room, I reach for her and we sit, while we are eating she is telling me more about herself "I'm from Galles but we moved here two years ago so that my sister and I could start high School here, but my father is from Greece and now he lives there, I go to visit him sometimes like during summer or for christmas, and what about you?" Me? She was intersed in me? "Ehm we lived in New York but due to my fathers job we moved here this summer, I have a sister wich is younger than me and she is my only friend, and a little brother wich is in elementary school he is seven, and thats it I'm not an intersing person." I try to laugh but with bad results, " Oh stop it you are an intersting person and your sister is not your only friend" i must have looked confused 'cause she laughed and said:" I am your friend too now" it was the most beautiful thing that somebody ever said to me, I almost cried but bit my lip and smiled "do you wanna come to my house after school? So we can talk with more calm." She gave me the best smile I had ever seen and added:" That would be awesome." And the bell rang so we made our way to our third class: History.
"Do you like History?" "I like history but I think that it repeats itself too much it gets boring" this last sentence left me thinking for the rest of the day. It's true, history keeps repeating itself because humans keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

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