By CandythePotatodatz

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May the shipping wars commence ey? °°° This is my version of this generation. A New Generation. More

Chapter 1 - A Victory
Chapter 2 - A New Start
Chapter 3 - Preparations and a BOOM
Chapter 4 Part 1 - Im wide awake
Chapter 4 Part 2 - My Sleeping Prince
Chapter 5 - A Slice Of InoHima
Chapter 6 - The letters - InoHima #2
Chapter 8 - Say Yes
Chapter 9 - coming out
Chapter 10 - Acceptance
Chapter 11 -Preparations Commence!
Chapter 12 - Watashi wa, Anata o Ashitaimasu
Chapter 13 - Lets Play a Game!!!
Chapter 14 - Wedding #1
Hello Again..
Chapter 15 - Wedding #2
Chapter 16 - Wedding #3
~Another Annoying Note~
Chapter 17 - Yet Again Another Story!
Chapter 18 - Date Numero 1
Wow Okay
Chapter 19 - Well We Are Married
Chapter 20 - Home!!!
Chapter 21 - Another Chapter
Chapter 22 - I Don't Believe You
Chapter 23 - I'm soo sorry
Chapter 24 - A New Generation Of Enemies
Chapter 25 - Well Then...
I Am Soo Hyped
So Guys.
Chapter 26 - The Past-Future
I Was Tagged
Chapter 27 - What Did I Miss?
Chapter 28 - Unforgettable
Chapter 29 - That Man
Chapter 30 - Not Today
Chapter 31 - In and Out
Another Note
I'm Back

Chapter 7 - Calm

1.4K 24 2
By CandythePotatodatz

Inojin POV

I wake up to slight beeps,

I opened my eyed to see white fuzz,

Is this heaven?

Then my vision got more clearer,

My hearing went clear aswell,

I tried to move my hand but,

I felt like I was in restraints,

"Damn it all im like a psycho now" I mumbled,

I was soo weak so I didnt really care if I could move or not,

Damn it all,

Im alive,

I felt like crap when I realized that,

"To-chan... Ka-san..."

I said starting to tear,

As I remembered how I tried to die,

"So youre up",

I heard a voice say,

"W-who are you?"

I asked,

The figure kept getting closer and closer,

I'd recognize that yellow hair anywhere,


I asked plainly,

"Inojin... you got us worried, you got your mom worried, you goy your dad worried, you got everyone worried!",

He screamed at me tearing,

"B-boruto-kun I d-deserved it...",

I said stuttering,


He snickered ruffling his hair,


He screamed even more tears streaming down his face,

"Boruto-kun you dont have to cry for me, I'm just a waste of your tears" I said trying to not tear up as well,

Then I felt a migrane come,

"Damn it all" I said as I blacked out into oblivion...



I woke up to yet another depressing day...

Sai has helped me keep strong,

But there hasnt been a day since where not one of us would just break down,

I just layed back at the bed,

My face tear-stained,

'If only I was there for him',

I mentally told myself,

Then I heard a *boom* come from downstairs,

"What in Kami?",

I muttered as I went downstairs,

I saw Sai,

Covered in ink,

And a container spilling more,

"S-sai-kun what h-happened to you?",

I asked tearing,

"Sorry I dropped my ink stash all over me..",

He trailed off,

"Well lets clean up then",

I said giving him a weak smile...

Temari POV

Sakura said to meet up at the Dango shop and so I didnt hesitate to leave,

She said something about Ino being still depressed and it wasnt healthy,

I went to the shop to see Sakura waving at me,

Smiling sadly,

Damn I miss Ino's nosiness,

"Sakura-chan so what's the plan?",

I asked out of plain curiosity,

Even though I wasn't,

I knew this girl,

And I also knew Ino,

And she knew her too...

Ino needs a little raincheck now,

She needs to get her mind on other things too,

I know what she's thinking,

I stared at her wide-eyed pleading,

But there's no saying no to Sakura,

And so...


"Ino!" Sakura said knocking on the door,

"Sakura if she doesn't want to get out let her be-",

I got cut off by her glare,

And if looks could kill,

I'm already dead,

Into opened the door,

A bit droopy,

Somewhat like Shikamaru...

"Oh hey girls what do you guys want?",

She asked smiling sadly,

"Well its been a 'while' and I and Temari-chan over here miss you and so...",

She trailed,

She then nudged my shoulder,

Guess I have to say it now,

What a drag,

"Please come with us with a girls night out!" We synchronized,

"It would be incomplete without you!",

She continued,

'Hinata where are you? Whats taking you so long?',

I thought,


She replied smiling widely,

Now this was the Ino we knew,

She motioned for us to get in till....

"G-gomenazai! I'm s-sorry I'm late",

she said panting/bowing,

"Its OK come on in with us" Ino said,

This will be a heck of a day...

Sarada POV

Himawari went to me he other day and explained,

That was one heck of s rejection!

Inojin I hope you're okay now!


I was just walking towards my favorite Sakura tree,

I like it there because of the scenery,

There was a waterfall,

It was beautiful,

I just sat under my tree at awe,

I remembered I had my sketchbook around here...

"Found it!",

I exclaimed happily as I raised it up,

I then started to draw the scenery,

Okay it was good,

not Inojin good,

But good.

As I was going to put the materials away I felt a pair of arms surround me (and when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me #Lesmiserables),

I knew directly who it was,


I said gently,

He then let me go and went in front of me,

"Hi Sarada",

He said sweetly,

He then leaned in and kissed me,

"What was that for?",

I giggled as I blushed,

"Punishment because you were so cute",

He said cutely,

He then sat next to me and leaned on the tree,

"This is one heck of a spot Sarada",

He exclaimed taking in the view,

Then I swear I saw a blush creep in his cheeks,

"Mom and I used to go here alot before",

I explained breathing in the air,

Then he said,

"Sarada look at your side",

I did so and felt arms around my neck then on the back,

I felt something like a chain,

A necklace!

I looked and it was a locket,

(This was an edit Gomen!)

It was beautiful,

It was shaped like a heart,

"Boruto its beautiful!",

I gasped taking in its beauty,

"Not as pretty as you",

He said blushing,

"Open it" he said looking at me with his blue crystal eyes,

I opened it and saw engravings..

Boruto x Sarada

I love you forever...

I teared as I read the words and hugged him,

With the aftermath on him on the ground and me on top of him,

We blushed crimson,

We just laughed it off,

Then I locked lips with him,

I don't know why but whenever we kiss I feel like Im melting,

Like I would mould into his lips.

When we stopped I heard a few tussles from the bushes,

Probably the wind,

Then we stayed there for about another couple minutes and walked home hand-in-hand...


Sakura POV

The first thing we decided to do was spy people,

Shannaro I miss the old days!

I saw Boruto enter then exit the jewelry shop,

Him wonder what he's up to,

I told the girls and decided that we would spy on him today,

We followed him to the spot where Sarada and I used to go,

I saw him hug Sarada from behind,

Shannaroo this is soo cute!

"Boruto" I heard Hinata mumble,

I then heard Ino snicker,

She was back,

Temari just smirked,

We were currently 'hiding' in a bush a couple of inches by them,

He then went in front of Sarada when he was discovered,

He leaned in and kissed her,

I'm soooo glad Sasuke-kun want here cuz he would kill the fun,

In other words he was a kill joy,


We just looked intently,

Then I saw Boruto put a necklace on her,

That explains him going to the shop,

Then I saw sarada teary-eyed as she opened it,

Then she tackled Boruto to the ground,

And they kissed,

I saw Hinata and she blushed furiously,

I tapped her shoulder and smiled at her,

She then shyly smiled back,

Ino was dazed,

Like her gaze was like she was serious in this,

Couldn't blame her!

Then Temari just snickered at the two,

Then I remembered,

When he and Shikamaru fell,




After smooching the two decided to go home,

We 'girls' then left to party,

This night is going to be great!!


We decided to go to the barbeque place,

We just talked and laughed about the old times,

It was great,

Then afterward we all decided to go home...

When I arrived home I went upstairs and checked on Sarada,

She was clutching her locket,

'My baby's all grown up'

I mentally told myself and closed the door gently,

Then I got ready for bed,

And fell asleep...


Sooooo long chappie to make it up to you guys yaay!!!

It has about 1407 Words,

OK so yah and I hope you like this book,

And if you can please comment and leave a mark that you had been here,

And if I can catch you I give shoutouts so...

You get the giff,


Arigato for the wait and I hope ya enjoy bieeee!!!


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