By -harryshallway

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You will drown in the sweet sorrow of the passion. More

The Prologue
The Epilogue.
New Book


2.8K 96 10
By -harryshallway

Four days never felt this long, I have been on my own all these days. Avoiding every breathing and living person around me, trying to find and reach my own peace.

My mother left me a couple days ago, a trip with a friend of hers she said. So she was no distraction anymore after she left me alone with my thoughts.

She was afraid I would not make it alone for an amount of fourteen days, I just reassured her I will do fine. With a hesitating smile she left the house and her presence kept lingering through the house.

I am delighted to say she was finally giving herself some rest, some fun and joy in her life is exactly what she needs and so I won't hold her back.

I am just holding back myself, being swallowed by the fear and nerves racing through my body. Shaking hands and rapid breaths are keeping me up at night and alive at day.

I stared at the screen of my computer and read the words my professor wrote me, giving me an explanation on what I should do for an upcoming project.

Focusing on the page, filled with words written by me I tried to do as much without getting distracted. But it was not even one page later, when somebody knocked on our wooden front door.

I stood up from the chair, it screeched on the floor, and slowly walked down the stairs. Apparently I was too slow, because the person on the other side of the wall, got impatient and started knocking again.

I opened the door to be met by my best friend, her smile reaching me and I did the same. The color of her eyes shining as bright as ever and the enthusiasm she always surrounds herself in, blinds me.

"It was about time, you answered the door!" Was the first she said, while letting herself in. I followed her and she knew her way perfectly.

"So, what were you doing before I interrupted you?"
She poured herself something to drink and I just watched her.

"Just doing a project," I cleared my throat, "for school. Kinda boring."

She sat next to me on the couch and I saw that she was desperate to know what was going on.

"I haven't seen you in a couple of days, June. What's wrong? I am worried about you."

I picked up my glass, sat up straight and answered her question,
"Nothing's wrong, don't worry. My mother left the country so I am here alone now, doing some stuff for school." I paused and drank something, "What about you and Mason?"

She frowned her eyebrows before they relaxed again and she sat up straighter when she heard my question.

"Everything is going amazing! He is such a great person and he makes me laugh all the time," she started smiling, "He even took me out on a proper date yesterday, so romantic!"


The train was making its way while swaying from side to side. I found myself stumbling and desperately trying to stay put. All seats were taken so I was scared to end up on someones lap.

I failed rather embarrasing.

The train made a huge turn to the left and my body instantly flew towards that direction. I was too late, my mind was focusing on something else. A second later I was knocked on a chair, with somebody sitting on it.

The first thing my eyes saw were old black converse. I swallowed and tried to get up. A blush creeping on my face and making look even more stupid.

Finally standing, I met a handsome face. His eyes staring at me and his lips in a mocking smile.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention,"
I excused myself, my voice a bit shaky along with my hands I felt.

"No problem, at least you didn't hit the floor, right?" His shining white teeth were seen and a sparkle in his eyes lit up.

I laughed a bit,
"Yeah, thank god," I held my schoolbag to my chest, "that would have been rather unpleasant."

"Yeah, it would. I'm glad I had the opportunity to save your day," He stood up from the chair and pointed his hand towards it, "go on, take a seat. This will be my next stop."

Thanking him, I sat down and looked up at him. He was handsome; broad shoulders, dark brown hair hanging on them and a lovely smile.

"Your welcome, is it okay if I ask your number? Only if you want to ofcourse. I know it is a bit fast," His face turned a bit red, "but so we can meet again. Maybe to save your day again?"

"That would be great,"
I opened my bag and took my phone out of it. A couple seconds later, he saved his number in my phone, I heard a sound. It was his phone.
He looked at it, showed me the message coming from my phone.

"Now, I have your number."

I felt the train slowing down, meaning it was at his next stop.

"I never got your name,"
he asked me, he hung his backpack over his shoulder, expecting an answer.

"June, I am June."


My feet carried me towards the next lesson, I was tired and my mind was not in the mood for another one.

I opened the door and sat down at the back. Nobody sat next to me, I minded my own business and eventually, I also survived this one. A sigh escaped me when I left the room behind and I longed for some fresh air.

I suddenly saw I recieved a message from someone. It read the name 'Elijah'.

'Hi June, finally had time to send you a message. Still thinking about your hero?'

I laughed a bit.
I quickly typed something back, not really sure what I was supossed to send back.

'Hi. So your name is Elijah? And yes, could not stop thinking about that brave, very brave I must say, person who saved my life!'

I laughed a bit and hoped he could also laugh, getting the joke.

I opened the doors of school and made my way out. The sun kissed my skin and was shinig bright. Clouds evident and the cozy atmosphere was like home to me.

I heard my phone in my back, announcing I had a message again. He was fast.

'Well, I guess you own him something then?'


We arranged to meet eachother at the park, one day later.
I was making my way, by foot and was kind of excited to see him.
We talked a bit over the day, sending messages and I adored his humour.

The park was crowded and children were playing and screaming around.
I did not see him so I just waited patiently.

It was then, when I turned my head towards my right, I saw him making his way to me.

He wore black trousers, his black converse and a nice leather jacket with a red shirt underneath it. I caught myself staring a bit and tried to look away.

I must say, he wore it amazing.
His broad shoulders looked kind of intimidating in the jacket and made him look incredibly handsome.
My hero, I thought to myself and giggled a bit.

He must have heard it,
"What are you giggling about, young lady?" He sat down next to me and I studied his face.

He had beautiful cheekbones, adored with freckles on them. Long lashes which covered his grey eyes a bit. His face was one of a kind and I immediately adored the sight of it.

The moment I
thought about his eyes, I thought of him. I instantly started looking around, scanning the area.
I saw nothing.

This was the first time I thought about him since I met Elijah. Because of our texting, I kind of forgot about him. Elijah made me laugh and forget my worries, but they were gone for a moment, not forever.

Elijah must have sensed something was bothering me, because he asked what was wrong. The soothing voice he spoke with was calming.

"Nothing," I quickly answered and changed the subject, "So tell me something about yourself."

He took off his jacket and put it down next to him. I looked at his upper body, being on full view. God, he was muscular. His red shirt was tight around his frame and his arms were so big.

He caught me staring and I turned red. He did not mention it, he just smiled a bit, his eyes sparkling and telling me a story.

"No, first I want to know everything about you. You favorite color, food, everything. So June, tell me."


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