Don't leave me. Ever...

By SexyPokemonTrainer

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Blake being the sexy party boy he is soon introduced to Brooke, a girl who his friends mocked everyday. Once... More

Don't leave me. Ever...
Chapter One: The beginning...
Chapter Two: I want her to trust me...
Chapter Three: Do I hate her so much that I will lose my friend?
Chapter Four: I will suffer to keep him happy...
Chapter Five: We all have secrets.
Chapter Six: Everyone has reasons for what they do.
Chapter Seven: Leaving without saying goodbye.
Chapter Eight: The pain I live with everyday...
Chapter nine: A kiss of a blossoming romance.
Chapter Ten: What a stupid thing to say...
Chapter Eleven: Cuts and Bruises.
Chapter Twelve: Protecting me.
Chapter Thirteen: Goodbye.
Chapter Fourteen: Love, Lost, Hate, Death what's the difference?
Chapter Fifteen: Is this what I want?
Chapter Sixteen: We all need some happiness.
Chapter Seventeen: Running away...
Chapter Eighteen: Skylar?
Chapter Twenty: Wake Up.
Chapter Twenty-one: The lost friend.
Chapter twenty-two: The Party.
Chapter Twenty-three: For the better or the worst.

Chapter Nineteen: It's the truth.

3.7K 95 7
By SexyPokemonTrainer

Chapter Nineteen: It’s the truth.

[Lauren’s POV]:

“Get off of me!” I heard people screaming at the officers as they got thrown in the overnight cells to sober down.

I looked around the police station to see that I was one of the last people to get questioned, I didn’t even need to know why they needed to question us we weren’t doing anything wrong. I could still hear people yelling from inside the cells begging to get out; it was pretty pointless of them because it wasn’t going to work.                                                                       

“Lauren Hyten, we meet again... Given up your lying yet?” I recognized Chief Crest voice say slyly as he noticed me and directed me into one of the offices.                                                                                                                                                                              

“I didn’t lie about all that stuff,” I sneered.

Chief Crest laughed like he didn’t care what I had to say I was still going to get in trouble for anything. This man hated me for some reason it was like he wasn’t going to believe anything I said no matter what, I was a joke to him.                           

“Don’t worry we get enough slutty whores in here telling us lies, you don’t need to be afraid.” He said rudely before grabbing a file off the desk shaking his head in disappointment.                                                                                                                                

“You’re not allowed to fucking call me a slut,” I said defensively getting angry at him.

I clenched my hands into fist by my sides as he smirked as if he could do anything he liked and I didn’t have a choice or say in the matter. That was one reason I hated about cops, they act like they can do anything they damn want and we just have to sit here and take it.                                                                                                                                                                                        

“Alright, threats against a member of the police force, something else that can go into your file along with your lying about your uncle offences.” Chief Crest said mockingly as he continued to shake his head.                                                                               

“I didn’t lie about that shit you fucking bastard!” I yelled at him unable just to sit quietly anymore.                

“Officer Jones, get her out of here,” Chief Crest yelled as I stood up quickly throwing my hair backwards as I got even more upset.

This young man grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the office and told me sternly to sit down. I looked up at him to see that he looked like he’d just joined to police force because he looked so young, what a stupid man for joining such a pathetic job.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

“Lauren, you got to stop lying.” He said sitting on the chair next to me, he sounded calm but I knew it was just a cover of him being scared of me.                                                                                                                                                                                             

“I didn’t lie, all I know is that my fucking so called uncle raped me and no-one did shit about it, so if you don’t mind I want to fucking leave here already,” I shouted at him as he claimed to know everything about me.                         

“When was this?” He asked sounding a little shocked.

I got off the chair and stood up in front of him intimidating.                                                                                                                        

“Why do you give a shit now?” I asked sternly putting my hands of my waist.                                                                                     

“Cause if I knew about this before I wouldn’t have just shock it off,” He said grabbing one of my hands and was about to kiss it but I pulled it away.                                                                                                                                                         

“What is your problem,” I muttered flinching away from his touch.

He didn’t answer me, he just stood up and walked over to the main lobby desk and started to write down something that I couldn’t quite read from such a distance. I walked behind him trying to look at what he had written but he scrunched it up once he saw me looking over his shoulder.                                                                                                                         

“This is none of your business,” He snapped at me before walking away.

I tried to follow him but instead he just slammed the door on my face as he entered the office where the Chief still was. I let out a huge sigh knowing that this was useless. No one was going to believe me; I doubt that anyone actually cared. I sat back down on one of the chairs and brought my knees to my chest, what did it matter anyway? It was the past right, I was never going to let anything like that happen again. I tried to shake the image of all of it out of my head as all of this was bringing the nightmares back. Skylar had been such a substitute to my pain and now I had nothing to keep all of this past out of my head. Where was he when I needed him most, why was I such a terrible person...                                                     

“I’m sorry...” I whispered to myself hopefully somehow Skylar would hear me.

[Katie’s POV]:

I stood at the side of Skylar’s bed wanting, hoping he’d wake up soon and tell me that he was alright. I couldn’t take my eyes off him knowing that if I did something surely was going to happen.                                                                                            

“Excuse me miss, visiting hours ended half an hour ago,” Someone suddenly said startling me.

I looked up to see an oldish man wearing a white doctor’s coat and holding a folder.                                                                      

“What happened?” I asked looking back at Skylar who seemed to still be perfectly still.                                                                 

“I’m not supposed to tell anyone but the family that information.” The doctor informed me as he wrote something down as he looked at Skylar.                                                                                                                                                                     

“Please, I’m the only one who cares about him, I need to know... Please?” I asked almost begging.                                  

“Well... I’ll make an exception just this once. Earlier today a distraught woman brought him in bleeding to death in a park. She kept saying that he must have tried to commit suicide or something.” He explained as I sat down feeling faint of what he was telling me.                                                                                                                                                                                

“He didn’t try to commit suicide. Skylar wouldn’t do that,” I said quickly trying to reassure myself that he wouldn’t do that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

“One of his wrist and hand was severely cut open which was the reason he lost so much blood. Could there have been any reason that he would’ve done this?” The doctor asked me slowly.

I pulled my legs to my chest unbelieved that someone would think that my Skylar would do something so stupid like that. But then all I could think of was Lauren. She left Skylar so vulnerable, so alone like he was nothing. Could he have done this to himself all because of Lauren? I felt a sob escape my chest as I kept shaking my head trying not to think that he would do that.                                                                                                                                                                                                     

“Is there anyone you would like me to call for you?” The doctor suddenly spoke up noticing how upset I was.                       

“No, can I just stay here with my friend?” I asked him before he nodded politely and walked out of the room.

I felt like hitting something, something that would break so that it would take my mind off Skylar who hadn’t moved an inch since I first came into the room. I thought about calling Brooke, but I’m sure she had enough things to worry about then Skylar being hurt. I reached out my hand and placed it on Skylar’s hand which was covered in bandages. I swore that he flinched but it was probably my imagination wanting me to think that. I kept trying to tell myself that he was going to be alright but the more I thought that the more likely I was going to be wrong. I looked around the dull dimmed light room seeing how miserable hospitals where. I spent a lot of my time a few years ago in hospitals because I felt guilty for what my parents did to that girl they kept in our house, once my parents went to prison and she went to hospital I spent almost every hour by her side. I didn’t even have a clue who she was, but knowing all the torture my parents inflicted on her made me feel responsible. I came everyday to her hospital room from when she was admitted to when she died. I didn’t want to see someone else die in hospital, especially not Skylar...

[Blake’s POV]:

I planted another kiss on Brookes shoulder as she rubbed her eyes sleepily as she woke up. I wrapped my arms around her tighter never wanting to let her go, but I knew I had to.                                                                                                                                

“What’s gotten you all clingy this morning?” Brooke asked me giggling slightly as I blew in her ear sweetly closing my eyes again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

“Mm, I love you Brooke... I was thinking that maybe just the two of us should do something today,” I mumbled sleepily letting her out of my grip unwillingly.                                                                                                                                     

“Like a date?” She said sounding surprised.

I rolled over and opened up my eyes again and looked straight at her seeing that she seemed to be so happy around me, her smile brought a smile to my face as well, and it made everything else in the world not matter when I was around her. Like she was everything and I didn’t need anything else.                                                                                                                              

“Yeah, like an all day date.” I stated carefully sitting up not wanting to move her one bit.

She was so pretty just lying there as if she didn’t have anything to worry about, she was carefree and nothing mattered anymore but me. I leant down and kissed her again before walking over to my dressers pulling out things for me to wear. I grabbed a whole bunch of clothes and turned back to Brooke who seemed to not have moved at all, she was just glancing at me. I tilted my head to one side trying to guess what she was so entranced by. She seemed so peaceful, happy looking at me.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

“You seem to get hotter the more I look at you,” She mumbled motioning for me to come closer.

I walked back over to her as she smirked cheekily at me. I crushed my lips on hers forcing my tongue into her mouth without warning, I loved being in-love with her. Her touch, her taste, her voice, it was all a dream. Sometimes I thought I would wake up and I would be the old me again... It felt like Brooke was changing me, for the good that is.

I felt her hands wrap around my neck pulling me closer to her, I never wanted this feeling to go away. It was heaven.   

“I should get ready...” I mumbled into our kiss.

Brooke pulled away and buried her head into my chest not wanting to let me go, not even for a second.                                              

“You can always join me in the shower,” I said winking at her slightly as she pouted.                                                                        “I’m fine, besides I have nothing else to wear...” She said poking her tongue out at me at my comment.

I pulled her off the bed and dragged her playfully down the hallway to my sister’s old bedroom. I opened the door with a hard push and looked around not really knowing what to expect myself. I hadn’t had the guts to go in here; I mean it wasn’t polite to go snooping into your dead sibling’s old life. I wasn’t any bit curious either; it was none of my business. I looked over to Brooke who seemed to get just as quiet as I was. She must have realised whose room this was. I walked in to the room not really taking notice of anything in particular knowing that I would just make myself sad that way. I opened up the huge walk-in closet and saw something that caught my eye. It was just sitting there nothing else surrounding it. I picked it up and brought it to my lips. It was the necklace that I had bought Alexis for her 16th birthday the same year that she died. It was the only present I had given to a girl; she was the only other female in my life who I cared about so much other then Brooke.  I took the necklace and laced it around Brooke’s neck.                                                         

“What’s this for?” She asked taking the small sapphire covered locket in between her fingers.                                                       

“You’re the only girl who means something to me anymore and I want you to know how much that means to me,” I said honestly before rejecting what I said because it sounding cheesy.                                                                            

“Well thank-you, I love you Blake.” Brooke said simply before pressing her lips back onto mine.                        


RAWR!!! Yeah that's right thats the chapter :C pretty boring I know. Anyway it's been a year since I started Wattpad, WOOO!! *dances* and I thought I should let you guys on a little secret, :o and that is I'm thinking of making a sequel to this depending how many people actually thinks its worth doing V_V tell me below otherwise it might never be done D:<  Few more chapters to go and stuff might get interesting ;D  YEAH so tell me what you think about another book!!! Vote and everything :3 [smile.or.die] ANDY!

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