Taking Heaven (Yandere Adrien)

By LanaLace

20.1K 391 275

Ladybug never wanted to know the true identity of Chat but once she finds out, she will avoid Adrien at all c... More


Attracted II

4.5K 101 38
By LanaLace

"Marinette." Two voices called, one louder than the other.

The girl in question turned away from her desk as she just finished grabbing her bag and box of sweets to look at her classmate. It was one of her friends, Nathaniel. He had changed quite a bit since the last time she had seen him. He had gotten taller, clearly this lad had a bit of a growth spurt, though he was still a bit thin. That's not all that changed though, his attire was completely different. The redhead sported white, long sleeved button up shirt that was opened just enough at the top to see his collar bones and black choker around his neck. He wore equally black jeans and very kick ass boots that weren't her taste but she found that they finished his look off. But the most interesting change she had noticed was his hair. It looked to have gotten a bit of length to it. The orange strands stopped right at his shoulders, the back top half of it pulled loosely into a tie. It showed a bit more of his face and revealed how handsome and mature his features had become.

"Nathaniel..?" The bluenette looked a bit shocked at just who she was staring at. He returned her shocked expression with a smile, of course.

"You sound unsure. Do I look that different?" His question was met with silence. She was just staring at him, mouth gaped open. It was a rather cute expression and he couldn't help but chuckle. That seemed to snap her out of her daze and she blushed with embarrassment and shot her mouth quickly. Marinette couldn't believe it, this guy is supposed to be sweet, shy little Nathaniel? That was hard to take in.

"You uh even sound different." Which was the truth, his voice seems to have taken on a few octaves. It was deeper and she had to admit to herself, it was rather pleasant to her ears.

"A good different, I hope?"

"Definitely!" She smiled sweetly, approving of his change and giving him two thumbs up. They both looked at each other and smiled before the artist zeroed in on the lovely decorated green and cream colored box in her tiny hands.

"Are those for the class again?" He pointed to the box in question, excitement clear on his face. "You make awesome macarons every year for us on the first day of school. Mind if I steal a few for myself? Doesn't look like there's enough for everyone anyways." He said half joking and half serious.

"I'm sorry, Nathaniel... but these are not for the class this year. I just didn't have enough time to them in my locker this morning." She blushed a bit and hid the box behind her back. His expression dampened a bit, he knew who they were for. It could only be for one person and that knowledge bugged him greatly, though he didn't let it show. As far as Nathaniel was concerned, the model didn't deserve any of her affection. Glancing over to the boy behind his love interest, green eye meeting green eyes and sharing a short glare before returning his focus back to the Marinette.

"Thats too bad. I guess it can't be helped." He shrugged and smiled down at her. "So I know it's the first day of school and all, but I was hoping we could take sometime to actually catch up and hang out." He said cooly.

"Um..sure." She was caught of guard, did he just ask her out? 'I may be reading too much into it.' He had never said so much to her in one setting besides the time he was akumatized, of course. She knew he liked her but was sure the crush had long since faded away.

Nathaniel lifted an eyebrow in question to her hesitation but smile instead when he thought of how cute she had seemed. Pulling a pen and pad out of his back pocket, he quickly wrote his number down before tearing it from the little book, folding it in half and handing it to her.

"Text me, ok? We'll make plans. See ya later, Marinette." he said, shooting her a smile before running out to his next class.


Adrien watched the whole encounter from side, listening carefully and stealing glimpses. Once he was completely ignored by the girl that he so badly wanted to talk to, he had to make himself busy so that he wouldn't look like a total creep as watched some other guy successfully make his move on the little bunny. The model very slowly packed his belongings away, trying to hold in the shock and budding jealousy he was feeling when her found out that not only was his new found competition Nathaniel but that jerk just asked her out and she said yes. 'What the heck? She didn't so much as stutter once around him. But I say one word to her and she can barely form a sentence. She looked into that smug ginger's face the entire time she spoke to him. Why does he get to have her beautiful blue eyes on him..? What made her so frightened of me?' Admittedly, he was a bit angry. He wanted answers but he couldn't just walk up to her and demanded them. That would have been counterproductive and just stupid. How could she entertain the guy if she knows he like her. Unless she think's his 'crush' was fleeting and if that's the case, she has no sense of danger.

'Naive little bunny.'

Adrien remembered the guy when he was the Evillustrator. He was obsessed with the girl but bunnies don't seem to take hints as well as cats. He knew better though, just by looking at those dull green eyes that they carried a predatory look. It looked like he was had staked claim to her in his head and that was quite serious and annoying. Completely irritated, Adrien threw his bag over his shoulder and turned to leave, vaguely noting that the classroom had emptied save for him and Marinette. He was being childish.'Why am I getting all bent out of shape for a girl. Come on Agreste. Get it together. Maybe I just need get in a few more hours a sleep. I'm probably just cranky or something.' His little pep talk of denial did little to calm his mind. Try as he might to clear his thoughts, it returned back to her. Adrien was a perfectly polite boy. He apologized when he was wrong and even when he wasn't, he greet everyone with a smile but that little bunny was just so skittish around him. Like he was a wolf that threatened to eat her if she came too close.'Psh! Whatever…' He frowned and decided not to think too much on the subject right now and he began walking to the exit.


The blonde miraculous wielder stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of her sweet voice. He turned slowly to stare at the little beauty, intent on hearing every word she would say. It look like he may have unnerved her a bit because she looked everywhere but at him. He didn't think she would continue at this rate so decided to help her out.

"Yes, Marinette?" he responded. The little buganette took a deep breath and exhaled before nodding once to herself. She looked quite determined now. She ran down the small set of stairs to meet him at the door, midnight blue hair fluttering behind her. Standing only two feet away, Marinette shot her hands out from behind her back and presented him with the green box of sweets. Adrien was shocked, he look at the beautifully decorated box then up to the shy bunny holding them. She wasn't looking at him but instead at the box in her hand and then she spoke.

"T-this is for me. I-I-I mean from me... to you! Its said that you really liked these last year so I uh..I made these for you." She rushed through the entire little speech so quickly that he just barely understood her. He continue to stare at her in shock. He couldn't believe he was getting a present, especially not from her. It was sweet. What made the whole ordeal sweeter was knowing that he was the only one who got a gift and that freak red head left empty handed. He must have been silent for too long with his musing because her hands trembled a bit before lowered to her sides as she started to fumble for words again.

"I-it's ok if you don't want it. That was silly of me to just assume that you would want it just because of last year. Everyone tastes changes and Nathaniel did say he wanted some so I could just give it to him so they don't go to waste...I'll...um go now, sorry for bothering yo-" She was quickly cut off.

"No! Wait!" He grabbed her hand with the cookies in them and stilled her from leaving. Marinette was surprised and it was written clearly on her face.

"I want them. I'm sorry, I just never get presents from anyone so I was shocked, that's all. I'm really happy that you made these just for me." He truly did want this gift and he sure as hell didn't want her to give his present away to another guy. He opened the box, still holding her, using her hand underneath to steady it. There were small pale green cookies, finely crushed pistachio nuts sprinkled across the top of it and monogrammed with his initial on it. The AA looked handwritten in thin, sophisticated calligraphy that spiraled just at the ends. That was the face on everyone. The cookies looked designer and he would know, he's a model after all and have been a quite a few events. The food was always as beautiful as can be. "They look incredible. Are you sure its ok to take them?" He asked, not entire sure it was ok to accept all the work she had put into these cookies.

The bluenette smiled at how childlike he looked right now. He was adorable with his eyes wide, staring into the box like a kid who was not silently begging for a piece. He had baby doll eyes right now and the adoration was quite clear in them. Not trusting her voice to speak, she just closed her eyes, nodded up and down quickly then let him close and take the box from her. Without a thought, Adrien grabbed her, making her eyes fly open as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you Marinette."

Poor Marinette's heart was thundering in her chest. He could feel the vibration strongly as if it were coming from his own body. She trembled a bit but despite that, she didn't pull away which was great. 'Brave little bunny.' He chuckled to himself. He never hugged people since his mom's passing, not Chloe, and certainly not his father. But here he was, holding onto this frighten but brave girl. She was cute and a voice in the the back of his mind whispered 'She is mine.' Confused and kind of disturbed as to where that thought came from, Adrien chose to ignore it in favor of holding on to the girl in his arms a bit longer.

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