Sick - chessshipping

By PokespeAi

3.2K 47 20

Touko, a very sick individual who's been hospitalised nearly her entire life. Her condition is unknown but th... More

He's kind
I dont get it

Getting better

940 16 13
By PokespeAi

Touko's POV

It's been 6 months since I've been assigned a new doctor, within his care, I've been getting better at a much faster rate than the institution had predicted.

That doctor... Touya was his name;

He was different compared to the others before him.
He was kind, willing to talk to me, check up on me more often...
understand me...

We would talk away through the nights and it somehow made me feel better and mentally stabled. It didn't feel like he was forced to speak to me rather than he genuinely enjoyed having conversations and jokes with me.

For the first time in my life, it all went from black and white - to beautiful, rich, vibrant colours.

I eventually stopped hearing the voices, my health started to replenish little by little, blood started to properly circulate through my body again, i wasn't so pale and weak anymore. Heck I could probably kick a football over a mountain.

I felt somewhat normal and it was all because of him in the span of a few month while it took others years, not able to achieve what he could.
I felt myself changing.


A knock came through the door of my enclosed room, it opened with Touya holding a tray of medicine.

Touya:"Its time for you to take your medication, Touko..." he said with a smile, putting the tray on the table next to me, preparing the dosages, the usual.

I've always hated taking my medication and that's maybe why I never got better...
I would often right out refused or throw a tantrum when being forced.

But it was Touya who finally got me to take them, it took him a long 3 hour talk with me until I finally agreed to take medicines regularly.

He was so happy when he got through to me, I remembered his big smile so vividly that day.

Dr. Touya was very persistent in a way but in the end, he did it for my well being.

Touya:"Alright, here you go."

He handed me a tiny cup with two pills in, I swallowed them and Touya gave me a cup of water after, I repeated this cycle with the rest of the medicine I had to take until I was finally done. It didn't feel as exhausting as before.

Touko:"Thank you..." was all I said afterwards as I went to lay back on my bed and stare out the window next to me.

I didn't feel like watching TV or anything, just only to look at the window and admire the view of the sky, trees and flowers. The area was nicely kept, no litter or anything.

Touya removed the empty cups and tray away, then sat down next to me on my bed.

Touya:"You'v been staring through the window a lot lately, when was the last time you went outside?" He noticed.

Touko:"Its been years, I forgot how it was like..."

From the corner of my eyes, I could tell he was surprised.

Touya:"I see, you can't get better just being cooped up in here. Vitamin D is good for you."

Touko:"Actually... to tell you the truth... I've never experienced the outside world in a long, long time, I really want to though."

Even just for a split second, Touya saw a twinkle in Touko's eyes. She did wanted this.

It was now that Touya decided to:

Touya:"Touko, if you could excuse me. I'll be right back."

Touko:"Okay..." I didn't question why.

He got up and left the room. I glanced back at the window, how the sun looked so beautiful.

Touya's POV

I went to the front desk, they didn't seem too busy right now which was a relief.

Touya:"Pardon me, I wanted to asked if  the patient from 'B' Dorm could be let outside, around the perimeter of course."

The person behind the desk seemed puzzled as they looked up from their monitor screen.

Person:"Are you referring to patient Touko? I don't think it's safe for her-"

I cut them off.
Touya:"Trust me when I say this, she has been getting much better and for her to go outside would further that. If you have read my previous reports, you must agree?"

Person:"hmm, I guess you're right. She is allowed to walk outside under supervision however."

Touya:"Of course, thank you."

I walked back quickly to her room, already telling she is going to be excited.

I knocked before I came back into the room again.

Touya:"Miss Touya get up, we are going outside for a walk." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

She looked at me wide eyed, mouth hung open with what I had just said.

Touko:"Wait? I'm allowed to go out there?" Her handed pointed out the window.

Touya nodded, "Yes, please follow me if you may."

With that, she took no hesitation and slowly got up. We went out the room and made our way through the hospital.

We passed through the big door that said 'exit' and Touko took her first steps outside, the experience was so breathtaking...


We walked, she linked her arms around mine, she never did walk a long distance at a period of time, so Touko needed all the support she could get. She was recovering still.

We sat on a bench around a large grassy field where children were playing, who were also visiting their sick family members.

Touko felt the wind running through her hair, the sun raise was refreshing. Everything was complete.

Touya:"Must be nice?"

Touko:"Very." The young girl couldn't help but stretch her entire body, enjoying the breeze.

Normal POV

One thing that Touko noticed that she didn't before was a lot of people were staring down at a particular device.

She nudged Touya and asked.

Touko:"Hey, What are those things they have in their hands? They can't take their eyes away from it."

Touya looked up and recognised what she was on about.

Touya:"Oh, those are phones."

Touko:"Phones? But they look different to the ones stuck on the walls in the hospital."

Touya:"Hehe, those you see around you are mobile devices. See for yourself."

Touya took out his own phone from his pocket.

Touko held it in her hand, confused. You couldn't blame her, she's been trapped in a mental institution and hospital for the rest of her life, not having much of a social life because of it.

Touya:"Press that button."

She obliged and pressed the home button, the phone turned on, much to her surprise, it was very bright.

Touya got his thumb and the button scanned his fingerprint, allowing Touko to access the phone.

Touya:"See? There's a lot of apps you can use on a phone, it's very helpful and convenient."

Touko:"I see..." she proceeded to randomly tap on an app, leading her to what she thought was a camera.

Touya:"oh, with that you can take pictures."

Touko:"Picture huh?"

She then thought of something. She passed the phone to Touya.

Touko:"Take a picture of me."

He didn't see that coming, it was almost too out of the blue.

Touya:"Y-you want me to do what?" He said nervously, processing what he has heard was right.

Touko:"Take my picture."

Touya didn't know how react. Should he be professional and decline, it would be weird to have a photo of your own patient, so he thought or-

Touya:"Umm, okay."

Getting up, taking a step back and positioned the camera and himself, he felt as if something wasn't right.

Touya:"Hmmm..." but then it hit him.

Next to the bench was a bush of colourful flowers. He picked one. 🌺

Touya:"Perfect." He motioned to Touko, gently planting it on her hair.

Touya:"Now everyone is set." Strangely, he felt more like a photographer than doctor.

"Okay, smile for the camera!"

With the most gorgeous smile she could muster, she sat there as the wind blew.


There was a small silence.

Touko:"Oh, are you done?"

Touya stood there I awe, staring at the picture... it stunned him with how beauty portrayed itself, a blush on his face and on that day -

He felt the same pain in his chest from the day they met.


But in the mist of all of it someone was watching as it unfold. Dr. Black

Dr.Black:"That son of mine..." a seemingly disappointed expression was present on her face.


If this continues, Touya might lose his job😅😅 Just kidding(or am I?) ART BY Pktno ON TWITTER.

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