Braving the Past

By LouMiserables

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In the year 1945, Tom Riddle was prepared to begin his reign as the Dark Lord. In 1977, he had accomplished t... More

Chapter 1: The Time-Turner
Chapter 2: Tom Riddle
Chapter 3: The New Girl
Chapter 4: A Gryffindor Welcome
Chapter 5: Knights of Walpurgis
Chapter 6: The Duel
Chapter 7: A Wonderful Turn of Events
Chapter 8: Snowball Fight
Chapter 9: The Full Moon
Chapter 10: The First Transformation
Chapter 11: Her Annoying Slytherin Roommate
Chapter 12: What Are...Feelings?
Chapter 13: This is the Feud That Never Ends
Chapter 14: Just Pretend
Chapter 15: Fenrir Greyback
Chapter 16: It's All About Trust
Chapter 17: Trust Once Lost
Chapter 18: Keeping Hermione...Company
Chapter 19: Jealousy
Chapter 20: Not Alright
Chapter 21: When Walls Come Back Up
Chapter 22: Gryffindors Always Get in the Way
Chapter 23: The Playful Otter
Chapter 24: In the Palm of His Hand
Chapter 25: All According to Plan
Chapter 26: Gone
Chapter 27: A New Time
Chapter 28: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
Chapter 29: To Tell, or Not to Tell
Chapter 30: Memories
Chapter 32: Spilling the Beans
Chapter 33: Matchmaker
Chapter 34: Unexpected Outcomes
Chapter 35: Lost and Found
Chapter 36: Homenum Revelio
Chapter 37: The Search For Tom Riddle
Chapter 38: The Great Escapist
Chapter 39: Fight and Flight
Chapter 40: Quite an Adjustment
Chapter 41: One More Night
Chapter 42: Make Them See
Chapter 43: There and Back Again
Chapter 44: One Lost, Another Gained
Chapter 45: The Company You Keep
Chapter 46: The Boy Who Lived...Again
Chapter 47: In Which Tom Wonders How Many Prisons He Must Escape
Chapter 48: Another Way
Chapter 49: The Captive and the Healer
Chapter 50: The Weasley Girl

Chapter 31: Secrets Unveiled

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By LouMiserables

That morning, Hermione felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She knew confiding in Sirius had been the right choice. After carrying around so much baggage all those months, she realized just how heavy it had weighed.

Things hadn't been awkward in the slightest when Hermione and Sirius had woken up that morning. Sirius ended up sprawled across the couch with his head in Hermione's lap, who had been confined to the corner. Her neck ached slightly, but she didn't care.

Things were finally starting to look up.

Now all she had to do was get the others on board, and they would finally be able to search for Tom.

The stupid, slimy git.

"Who's a slimy git?" Lily questioned amusedly as they sat at breakfast.

Hermione's cheeks warmed in embarrassment. "Did I say that out loud?"

Several heads around the table bobbed up and down in affirmation, and Hermione groaned, her fork clattering down onto her plate.

"Don't listen to me, I had a long night," she said tiredly.

"Does this have anything to do with the fact that Padfoot has proved it's possible to sleep with your eyes open?" Remus asked from a few seats down. He was currently watching Sirius, whose eyes were glazed over as he stared down at his untouched plate.

"We were up pretty about old times when he'd just met the whole Potter family," Hermione replied.

James raised a quizzical eyebrow while everyone else just took her explanation in stride as they turned back to their breakfast. Hermione mouthed, "Later," to him from across the table. He seemed to like that better, and finally turned away.

Once again, she had Potions as her first class that second day of school. She knew Professor Slughorn was still teaching at this time, since he'd spoken dearly about his favored student, Lily many times before. Hermione just wasn't sure if he would recognize her the way Professor Dumbledore had, and began to play with her bag nervously as she and her friends made their way to the dungeons.

Sirius quickly fell into step beside her, and waited a moment before speaking.

"Do I really die?" he asked. "Before you fight the Big Guy, I mean."

Hermione looked at him curiously. "Is that was you were thinking about during breakfast? We all thought you were sleeping with your eyes open."

Sirius scoffed. "Of course I wasn't; I don't get that tired. I've been pulling all-nighters at least once a month every month for do know about Moony's, er, condition, right?"

Hermione nodded. This is your chance! she screamed at herself. Tell him now. Tell him!

"I thought so," he went on. "I mean, you did know him after all. But you're avoiding the question. Maybe if you tell me what happens, I can change it and be there to help you all when you really need it."

Hermione looked down. She'd been trying to avoid changing the future as much as possible, and now she'd missed her chance to tell Sirius about her being a werewolf as well.

Before she could think up a reply, however, James had come between them and slung an arm around each of their shoulders. Sirius had changed his expression into an easy-going one so fast, Hermione barely had time to process it.

"Spending more time together, eh?" James said. "You'd best be careful or people might think you're...up to something," he finished mysteriously.

How many times had Snape said that exact same thing to her, Harry and Ron? She snickered at the thought of James' face if she were to tell him he sounded just like Snape.

"Oi, Snivellus! Forget your shampoo again?" Sirius called when they'd entered the Potions classroom. The young Snape already sat behind a cauldron with another Slytherin friend.

Lily stalked by them, shoving Sirius's shoulder in the process. James saw this and whacked Sirius on the other arm. He went and sat by Lily while Sirius rolled his eyes and rubbed his arm.

"He knows it's true," Sirius muttered. "That Slytherin has got to learn some proper etiquette."

Snape had completely ignored them, his eyes following Lily like a hawk. Hermione watched him with narrowed eyes as he watched James take a seat next to her. Why was he so interested in what she did?

It was probably just the fact that both Lily and James were Heads and could take points from him if he spoke back at their friend.

"That doesn't mean you've got to be rude about pointing it out," Hermione said as she took a seat in front of James and Lily. Sirius sat next to her, brooding.

"I swear, he's been going all goody-two-shoes on me now that he thinks he's got a chance with Evans."

The stool Sirius sat on was suddenly kicked forward, and Hermione looked back to see James' foot hiding back underneath his table.

Sirius rounded on his best friend. "You just wait. Tonight's a full moon, and dogs can beat little toe-rags any day."

James raised an eyebrow. "Is that before or after said stag's antlers come into the mix?"

Sirius squinted his eyes. "Touche, Prongs." He turned back around in his seat, seemingly completely over his brooding. Lily eyed the two boys suspiciously.

Hermione gulped. "Tonight's the full moon?" she asked lowly. How had it come up so fast?

"Sure is." He took in her worried face and jumped to reassure her. "But don't worry, we've got a real safe place for Moony. There's no way he's hurting anyone on our watch."

If only that was what she was worried about.

"Good morning, my fellow potioneers," a slightly larger Professor Slughorn greeted cheerfully as he waltzed into the classroom.

Hermione ducked her head slightly as he walked by her table. He was going to notice her sooner or later – she was a new student after all – but she wanted to prolong that moment as much as possible. She just hoped he wouldn't remember her the way Professor Dumbledore had.

As Professor Slughorn went into his usual introduction, Hermione tuned out and thought about the full moon. She figured it coming up so quickly was due to the time change. She may have just been through a transformation in 1945, but in 1977, they were due.

Hermione glanced over at Remus, who was quietly conversing with Peter. Did he realize that in just a few hours, he'd be hiding in the shrieking shack with three animagi as company?

Of course he did. If he was anything like Hermione, he counted down the days the minute the full moon disappeared.

"Miss Potter?"

Hermione jolted out of her reverie and looked up at the Professor with wide eyes.

"It is Potter, isn't it?" Professor Slughorn asked.

"Yes, sir," she replied.

He nodded almost uneasily. "Yes, good, well then...welcome to Hogwarts." He smiled crookedly. "If you should ever find yourself in need of help catching up, there are plenty of Professors and students here who would love to help you. I, myself, am quite busy most of the time, but I'm won't be lacking in aid, yes?"

Hermione furrowed her brows. "Er, thanks."

The lesson then continued as normal. Hermione still didn't like the books Professor Slughorn used because half the time they were wrong, but as she looked back at Lily's potion, she realized just why she was considered a star student. Professor Slughorn was never lacking in compliments to both her and Snape, whose potion looked identical to Lily's perfect concoction.

"How about a little armadillo bile to spice things up, eh?" Sirius said mischievously as he unveiled a small bottle he must have taken when grabbing the needed ingredients.

Hermione snatched his wrist as it hung over their cauldron. "Are you daft? Armadillo bile is used in a Wit-Strengthening Potion. Do you have any idea the affect it could have on a Confusing Concoction?"

"Well, there's only one way to find out." Sirius grinned.

"You'll have better luck if you actually pair with one of your partners in crime next time," she said as she yanked the bottle from his hand and set it on her side of the table where he couldn't reach it. "Honestly." She shook her head at him.

Sirius just shrugged. "Guess I know who I'll be sitting with next class." He looked back at James who looked at the potion Lily had put together as if surprised he had aided in creating something so perfect.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Guess I know who to sit far away from next class."

After class had ended, Professor Slughorn called out just as Hermione caught two flashes of blonde head out the door.

"Miss – erm – Potter? A word, if you might?"

Hermione watched Molly hesitate at the door as everyone else filed out, but she eventually followed after her friends with an apologetic look.

"Yes, sir?" Hermione said, walking up to his desk.

Professor Slughorn fidgeted with his mustache for a moment.

"Was there something you needed? I do have another class."

"Right! Yes, well, I couldn't help but notice how excelled you are in potion making," the old wizard said.

"Thank you, sir." Here it comes, she thought to herself.

"Yes'm. And – ah – you quite strongly resemble a previous student of mine," he continued with a smile. "In both looks and skills...and your name is Hermione, is it?"

Hermione stiffened, but fought to keep a calm look on her face. "Yes, that's correct. Hermione Potter."

"Yes, yes. You see, this young witch was very talented, indeed. But, unfortunately, she disappeared without a trace not far from the end of her final year. She was never heard from again. Very curious indeed."

"Yes, very curious. May I go –?"

"She arrived in close to the same manner as you, you know," Professor Slughorn went on as if she hadn't spoken. He seemed to be in his own memories now. "Just here for her final year...having arrived without a word prior to announce her."

He looked across the table at Hermione, who was stone still.

"Very curious..." He shook his head and jumped slightly in his seat. "My dear, you should feel honored to resemble such an exemplary witch. Her legacy seems to live on in you, and without disappointment! I expect to see you in the Slug Club this year – it's a little gathering I came up with myself for all those students who show true potential. Yes, they can get quite exciting! You'll do me the honor of joining in, won't you?"

Hermione nodded with wide eyes. So he was just throwing all those coincidences to the side? Just like that?

"Of course, I would be delighted, Professor," she said due to a lack of any better words.

Professor Slughorn beamed, all earlier hesitation forgotten.

"Stupendous! Allow me to write you a note for your next class, Miss Granger and – "

"It's Potter, sir."

"What? Oh, yes, yes, you're quite right." He scribbled sloppy letters on a small piece of parchment and handed it to her.

Hermione looked down.

"Sir, you've gotten my last name wrong," she said, holding the paper out to him.

"Oh, did I? Silly me, my head isn't where it used to be, I'm afraid," he laughed off breezily. He flicked his wand over the writing, and the words corrected themselves.

Hermione gave her thanks, then hurried from that classroom as fast as she could. This clearly wasn't going to be as easy as she had hoped.

《 ▪ 》

For the rest of the day, Hermione had an underlying sense of urgency about her. Remus was the same way; he was jumpy and snapped at people more often than he would if he were in his right mind.

What was she going to do about tonight? She was stupid enough to keep this from Sirius, and in doing so she had doomed herself. She could always go back to the Room of Requirement, but Hermione knew deep down she wanted friends like James, Sirius and even Peter to be there with her instead of going through the pain alone.

Hermione didn't follow Molly and her friends to her House, but stayed back in the library. She couldn't study at a time like this. Instead she just looked out the window as the sky grew darker and scarier.

"It's Hermione, correct?" a deep, smooth voice drawled, forcing Hermione out of her scattered mind.

She looked up to see a head of white blond hair – one of which she had seen after Potions earlier that day.

"Malfoy," Hermione said, startled at how young and innocent he looked. How similar he was to his father, Abraxas Malfoy.

"I see my reputation precedes me." Lucius smiled. "The word is you knew my father."

Hermione choked on her own spit as the bold words blew from his mouth.

"What?" she sputtered.

"Slytherins don't easily forget a face – or potential – like yours. Tell me." Lucius took a seat across the table from Hermione. She couldn't help but see how genuinely curious he was. So unlike his future self. "What happened to you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"My father spoke about the mysterious girl who showed up halfway through the year covered in blood and grime. But that wasn't what really interested him. No, it was the fact that the Dark Lord himself took an unusual interest in her," Lucius spoke, as if telling a story.

Hermione clenched her jaw, her hands fisted underneath the table.

"My father was one of the only ones who knew that you were in danger. The Dark Lord forbid him to say anything to the others, but he knew something was wrong. My mother says he went wild trying to find out what had happened to you after you disappeared. Is that why you left? Because you weren't safe?"

Lucius's eyes held such a deep curiosity, and Hermione couldn't detect a hint of malice or hidden agendas. It confused her to no end.

"I – I – " She had no idea what to say. What if he told someone? But he already seemed to have known for quite a while.

"Lucius?" A soft, calming voice broke their gaze, and Lucius snapped his eyes away as if he had been in a trance.

He stood abruptly from his chair and looked back down at Hermione one last time with a sneer on his face. Unlike the countless others she would receive from him, this one seemed forced. He wasn't yet the corrupted Death Eater he would later become, but simply a searching young boy who didn't have all the pieces to the puzzle.

Lucius walked away without a word to join a girl with long blonde hair – Narcissa Black. She didn't give Hermione a glance, and walked out from the library with her arm in Lucius's.

What a surprising conversation.

Hermione popped her neck, her knuckles, arched her back. She looked back out the window. The moon was shining brightly, not a single cloud to block it from her sight. She rubbed her skin which felt like it was slowly burning from the inside out. She had to get to the Shrieking Shack.

Hermione hurried from the library. The corridors were dark, most torches doused, allowing the moonlight to trickle in through the windows. Dark shadows creeped up on Hermione, and she tried not to run down the hallway to escape them.

Once out of the castle, however, she broke into a sprint, dropping her bag without a care on the grass. She ran as fast as she could to the Shack, her lungs aching and bones scraping.

Please, she chanted, please let me catch them.

The Whomping Willow was far from her reach, but she saw shadows creeping about it. One slumped, two waiting, the other shrinking into a rat to press the knot on the trunk. Its branches stilled as if petrified, and the shadows crept away.

Hermione's breathing grew more ragged as she realized she had lost her chance. They were already in the tunnels.

But she had gotten past the Whomping Willow before. Though she'd had Harry with her that time, and the urgency to save Ron, she could do it again.

Hermione took two steps forward, then collapsed.

"No." She struggled to get up, but her bones were already shifting. She didn't have a Calming Draught with her this time. She didn't have anything. Just pain.

She covered her mouth to keep the screams from waking anyone and putting them in danger. Tears leaked down her face as Hermione felt fur grow beneath her fingers.

Merlin help me.

It was as if her eyesight had turned red. She tuned out the swaying of the grass in the breeze, the falling leaves, the smooth water.


Hundreds of them.

Hermione turned towards the castle of Hogwarts. She crept forward, silent as the wind that brought the scent of bodies to her nostrils. Drool fell past her sharp canine teeth, and Hermione moved faster. Closer to that delicious scent that drove her mad.

She needed it.

She was so close.

Just a few more feet.

A deep, resounding howl.

Hermione's ears pricked up, and she froze in her tracks, just a mere arms width from the castle doors.

The howl sounded again, deep and menacing.

It meant competition. There was another werewolf here, and it could steal all those precious bodies from her. Another werewolf who could take this land from right under her feet.

Hermione's nose scrunched, her teeth gleamed, a growl sounded.

In a second, she had bounded across the grounds towards the howl. She would make this werewolf know who the leader here was, or he would surely die.

The slashing branches of the Whomping Willow did nothing to deter Hermione. She slashed her claws right back, swiping them out of her way with ease, then smashed her way into the tunnel.

Howling sounded again, echoing off the walls. Hermione raked her claws on the stone wickedly as she passed – they were sharper than ever.

In less than a minute, she had reached a wooden structure that creaked as she moved. Hermione slowed, padding carefully along the panels. Her steps were silent, but so were the others.

She smelled animals – they didn't matter. Only the strong-scented werewolf. She could easily pick him out from a bustling crowd. Easily tear him apart if he didn't follow her command. The door creaked open in front of her, and a deep growl sounded from the far corner of the room.

It wasn't coming only from the werewolf, but from the black wolfish dog in front of it. His bushy tail swung back and forth protectively, and his head ducked down into a fighting stance.

Hermione snarled back, her sight going red once again. She stepped forward, claws poised to rake the dog aside, but a large stag had bounded in front of her and pushed the dog aside.

...must work it out on their own...

...could get hurt...

...let them...

Voices buzzed in and out of Hermione's mind, but soon enough movement caught her eye as the werewolf moved forward. He snapped his jaws at her and dragged his claws on the ground, leaving long marks on the wood.

Hermione roared and leapt forward. She was stopped short by the swipe of a paw, feeling white hot pain on her stomach, but was not deterred. If anything, it only made her angrier. She answered by barreling into him. Teeth gnawed at flesh, claws struck, chests bashed.

Hermione shoved the other into busted furniture, and followed, sinking her teeth into his neck. A whining howl escaped the werewolf's mouth, and he clawed her back, snapping his mouth in an attempt to escape her grasp.

A miniscule whimper came from the corner, but it was ignored.

The werewolf released himself and parried by slashing her chest. Hermione yelped, crashing to the ground. But not for long. The werewolf rushed toward her, but she had already locked her jaw on his ankle. He fell to the ground with another pained yip and kicked at her face with his other back paw.

She could feel the thick tension in the air, circulating around the three other animals cowering away from the scene. The scent of blood was stronger.

Hermione stood, dragging the other werewolf by his ankle with her. He clawed desperately at the floor to keep him grounded. Hermione was having none of it. She clenched her jaws tighter, tasting the metallic blood flood her mouth, and swung her body around, releasing the werewolf. He flew across the room and smacked against the wall, creating a massive broken dent.

Before he could even move, she had bounded across the room and placed her paw on his chest. He attempted to lift his head defiantly, but she slashed her other claws deep along his elongated face. Blood seeped through the cuts immediately, and the wolf bowed his head with a yelp. All struggling ceased.

Hermione loomed closer, then roared in his face, blood and spittle mixing with the sound. The werewolf turned onto his stomach and kept his head down in submission. She had beat him, and he accepted her as his Alpha.

She released him completely, then rounded on the animals and howled into the room. The walls and windows shook as her howl reverberated through every nook and cranny.

Upon feeling the anxiousness coming from the stag, dog and rat, Hermione stepped back and allowed them to tend to the werewolf. She had done her part, and they all knew their place now.

What she didn't realize, of course, was that all thoughts of the innocent students sleeping in the castle not far away were forgotten as she kept in the presence of these...humans?

Hermione looked on as the black dog shifted to become a young man. He grabbed a pair of pants stuck under the dusty bed and pulled them on, then rushed back to the other werewolf. What was curious was that she felt no desire to harm him. Or the stag who was currently following his friend's lead.

Why didn't she want to hurt them? She should be tearing them apart.

Hermione felt a whine escape her lips as all energy in her body drained, leaving her sprawled on the floor. She felt a chill crawl up her spine, her skin feeling cold and tender. She curled her legs up into her chest as she lay on the dirty, uneven floor.

All noise in the Shrieking Shack had ceased, and Hermione looked up with worried eyes. All four marauders, now back to their own selves, stared down at her in shock and incredulity.


Hermione grimaced. "I s'pose we have some things to talk about..."

《 ▪ 》


Kay, first off I'm just gonna apologize for how annoyingly long it took me to post this chapter. I've had some serious writer's block - some of it due to family matters, and some due to what I'm about to tell you, which is the actual important part...

As none of you know, I will be going to China in just a few days through a program called ILP. Heard of it? Worked with them before? Message me, cause I would LOVE to hear about it!

Anywho, I will be there for four months, both teaching kids and exploring the country. Because of this, I might be too busy to post every week. We will have lots of free time, but who knows if I'll be spending it writing or adventuring? So yeah. Don't get super mad at me if I fall off the face of the earth for a week or two and don't have anything to post for you guys. I will definitely still try to get new chapters out for you, but know that it won't be my first priority because...CHINA!!

Thank you so much to those who have continued to support this story! I love all your awesome, hilarious, and uplifting comments! Please continue to vote/comment/share/fan even if I bug you with my lack of on-time updates :D

I love you all!!!!

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