Black Butler Oneshots

By AleeRoxRebillon

49.9K 557 201

MY FIRST ONESHOT!! :D I'm excited!! Characters I'll do: Ciel Phantomhive Sebastian Michaelis Finnian Bardroy ... More

Black Butler Oneshots
Ciel Oneshot: Childhood Friends
Sebastian Oneshot (Preview)
Sebastian Oneshot: A Demon's Emotions *edited x3*
Bardroy Oneshot: Just a Walk in the Park (Preview)

Finny Oneshot: The Lost Love

5.5K 92 20
By AleeRoxRebillon

Name: Ramona Ludwik

Goal: To find Finny

Past: Best friends with Finny. No longer friends when father had an affair with her mother w/ Finny's mother.


Hair: Light Brown

Eyes:  Deep Hazel

ENJOY!! :)


She woke up to find herself in the darkness, nothing but black surrounding her. As her eyes started to adjust, she realized she was still in her pink room. There, the outline of her familiar dresser and her closet was seen. She sighed happily, then began to think, no longer tired.

"When will I get to see him again? It's been 10 years already...." Ramona tightened her grip on her covers, her small hands turning white. Deep in thought, she didn't realize her eyes were shaking at an intense rate.

   (Please click the vid link. I thought since it's going to be about when she's smaller, this song fits perfectly! :D I know if won't last the entire flashback, but it's still friggin adorable XD)

Flashback Ramona's POV:

"FINNY!" I'M HERE!!!" I shot off like a lightning bolt as I got out of the carriage and traveled to Finny's home. Standing by the front door, I could see Finny's head, on top shaggy blond hair. His eyes sparkled a dark blueish-green. To be honest, it was a mix of two colors I really can't comprehend. All I knew was, they were the most gorgeous eyes that I've ever seen.

"RAMONA!" With that, Finny ran towards me, arms opened wide. I did the same. In that moment, we were in a slow-mo world, with pretty little pastel flowers in a field. It became reality when we embraced each other with a passionate- well, how passionate can you be when you're 6-7 years old? Anyways, the hug lasted for a few moments. We pulled away, smiling at each other. Our eyes twinkled in the afternoon sun.

"I'm so glad you're here. Let's play together!" Finny cried out.

"Okay!" I took his hand and began running to the backyard. Turning around, I waved at my parents who were conversing with Finny's parents. Mother blew me a kiss and I gave her an eye smile.


As we began to stop in Finny's backyard, I automatically climbed the tree house. I struggled up the large block steps, and flipped the wooden plate over. It took some strength to climb up the steps. I got to my feet, listening to Finny right behind me. After our climb, we went to play jacks: a classic. Right after that, we did our little tradition. We were best friends, and best friends always have secret insiders. Our insider is that every time I would visit, we'd make a new promise with each other and accomplishing a past promise. Our last promise, was to play jacks together and we did. As I opened my mouth to speak of a new promise, Finny stared at me seriously. His amazing teal eyes, looked into my hazel ones.

I tilted my head and had a face full of confusion." What's wrong, Finny?"

Finny continued to stare and stare. Moments pass and he sighed deeply. I watched as his head hung down low. I came closer, trying to look under to see if he was alright. Finny's head shot back up, making me jump back in the process.

"I'm fine," Finny stated, a genuine smile on his face," I just came up with a new promise." Still in shock, I looked at him if he had 3 heads. Reality started to hit me and I simply smiled.

"Sure, what cha' got?" I watched as Finny turned to the side, a hint of pinkness creeping on his cheeks. Then back at me.

"Ummm..." He looked deeply into my eyes, as if trying to find an answer. Out of nowhere, he came out and grabbed my hands into his. "When we get older, I want you to be my wife." I blinked rapidly. Soon enough I found myself making a face, an unattractive look, but I was shocked!

"WHAAHH?" A small anime drop appeared on my forehead. "You're kidding, right, Finny-kun?" I gave a nervous chuckle, hoping he would understand my feelings... He didn't. Finny continued to stare, then gave a deep sigh.

"What I mean is, that we should always be together forever. When we get older, I want you to be with me forever. Can you pwease do that for me?" He gave me a sad look, his eyes becoming blurry. I giggled.

"Of course!" I exclaimed as I hugged him tight. "You're my best friend, the only one who stayed by my side." Slowly I let go of my grasp, holding his shoulders tightly. Finny wiped his tears away then smiled. Man, I loved that smile. What I didn't expect him to do was close the space in between us. I didn't have the time to brace myself! Finny closed his eyes, and his lips touched mine. Even if it was the softest kiss, I could still feel his emotions connect to my lips. He pulled away, a smirk on his face.

"I love you, Ramona, now and forever...." My eyes widened, then slowly relaxed.

I love you too, Finnian.....


Few Months Later:

"You Bastard!! I hate you! I hate you!" My eyes shot opened from my nap. I slowly got up from the covers and went my way downstairs. Every step I took, the screams became louder and louder. It was then when a flying pot came towards me. By the last minute, I ducked, and flinched as the pot hit against the wooden wall, smashing into little pieces. I awoke from my trance and carefully I continued down the stairs.

What I saw made me cringe. My mother, her hair tousled, mascara running down her eyes with a mixture of tears. I turned to my father who was standing near the stairwell, a familiar looking lady in the living room entrance with her exposed pink lingerie. The strap was below her shoulder, exposing more of her left breast.

"Honey, I swear I can explain!" My father protested. Mother simply shook her head, getting ready to throw a knife.

"Save it, you pig! I should have known every time we'd visit them, you'd send passes at Christina..." I gasped. Finny's mother was in my house, without her makeup. What I didn't understand was why she was here, and why my parents were bickering. A tear poured from my eye, running in the middle of my mother and father.

"MOMMY! What's wrong?" I stepped in front of her, but strong hands picked me up roughly. I turned to see my father in staring straight at my mother, putting me behind his back. I stared at Finny's mom with a confused expression. She simply hid in fear, looking guilty. I turned to my dad. " Daddy, what are you-"

"GO TO HELL!" My mother screamed out." How dare you pick up my little girl like that, can't you see she was trying to comfort me?"

"Nana, I'm tired of your ways! At first it hurt to find myself cheating on you, but now I'm glad."

"What?" My mother and I both whispered. Daddy simply nodded and grabbed Chistina and kissed her forcefully. I squirmed in my father's grasp, but he still held me. Talk about uncomfortable. After he let go of her, I saw pure hatred in my mother's eyes.

"You're mental condition's too much for me to handle; so clingy, always yelling, it's tiring..." He was cut off as mother charged forward, trying to stab my father with the sharp knife. Doge after dodge, I'd picture that knife hitting me.

"Stop! Stop, please!" I begged. My loud cries could be heard as she continued making lunges at my father. Suddenly the back door shot opened, the police coming in. My mother didn't notice until one officer grabbed her arm, another holding the opposite arm . She looked to the side, then at the phone. Christina called the police while they were arguing.

"GO TO HELL, VINCENT! TO HELL WITH YOU!" My mother continued to scream terrible words I would never say as a young girl. The police escorted Finny's mom, handing her her clothes. It was soon the two of us. Awkward silence filled the air.

"Daddy? I don't want to know what happened." My father nodded his head and hugged me tight.

"Pack your bags. We're moving." I was shocked and clung to him even more.

"NO! But I won't get to see Finny again! We promised to always be together forever!" Once again, tears began to form. He sighed.

"You'll see him again, don't worry. It's all in the dear future, honey," he let me go. I went upstairs to pack my bags.



I tried my hardest to hold back the tears, but it was no use. I let my head go in between in legs, tears pouring like a waterfall. That memory hurt so much, and it hurt even more knowing that I have no idea where Finny could be. Tear after tear, I decided I had enough. Wiping my tears away, I removed my covers and went downstairs. If you're wondering, father bought a small apartment, very cozy. Mother went to one of those crazy places, Daddy never taught me the word. He ended his relationship with Finny's mother 2 weeks after that.

As I looked up, I noticed father sitting in the living room, flipping through the channels. I looked at the clock wondering what time it was: 6:40. Damn, it's dark out for it to be morning. I thought. Oh yeah, it's raining! I giggled to myself, accidentally causing attention. Dad looked away from the T.V. and smiled. He motioned me to come sit with him. I plopped down beside him, my head resting comfortably on his shoulder.

Dad gave out a deep sigh. I turned to him. "Ramona, I think it's about time you go to see Finnian."

My eyes widened. What did this man just say?! "Huh? Are you being serious, dad?!" My father just laughed, his head in the air. He calmed down, and replied,

"Yep. Right now, he's in England. I have a ticket for you today." I smiled like a fool, holding my dad tightly.

"Thanks dad!" I gave him a big kiss on his cheeks then sprinted upstairs.

I packed my bags, and headed out. Who knew that my dad had a plane ticket to England? Watch out Finnian, I'm coming for you!


"Thank you!" I tipped the man who gave me a lift in his carriage. Taking a carrot out from my pocket, (hey, I like carrots!) I gave it to his horse. It's funny since I've never seen a horse before. With that, I was off. London was so different than in the States. Ladies in fancy dresses and men with posh looking suits roamed the streets. It's amazing! I looked at the paper I was given from father. Basically it read the address Finny was staying at. How he found that out is still is mystery to me.

Following the map attached to it, I stopped at a black gate. "Spooky..." I said aloud. My eyes trailed up to the large estate in its place. It was HUGE! From my view, even I could see it magnificent garden and the large fountain. I felt my jaw drop, hoping not to catch any bugs. The servants must be amazing!

"Finny's staying here?!" I said aloud. Shaking my head to get out reality, I turned my attention to the rectangle looking machine on the wall. I hesitated over the button then pushed it.

"Ermm... hello?" I said. Moments passed when a sexy voice responded.

"Yes, may I hep you?" I gulped, hearing the flow of this man's voice. Talk about sexy.... No! I thought. My eyes only linger for Finny. I cleared my throat, and responded.

"Yes. My name is Ramona Ludwik and I was sent to this address by my father, Vincent Ludwik. May I come in?" In no time at all, the gate began to open by itself. Casually I walked to the wooden front door. As I was about to knock, the door opened by itself. Glancing up, I noticed the man who's voice sounded so smoothly. He had pale skin like milk, with shiny black hair like raven feathers. He had a smirk that reminded me of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"It' nice to finally meet you, Ramona. My master calls me Sebastian. You're father and I have spoken the past weeks, where he had been searching for Finnian for you." He gave me another smirk and raised his perfect eyebrow. "Are you the one who wishes to see him?"

I blushed 10 shades of red. "I... uh, yes sir. Is he.. the master of this house?" I shifted my weight on my feet, looking down. My attention went straight to Sebastian when he began laughing like a madman. He laughed and laughed, holding his chest. A vein popped in my head, and he began wiping a tear away, attempting to take deep breaths.

"Forgive me, ah..., Finny is not the master of the house. Ciel Phantomhive is. He is merely the gardener and his servant." My eyes widened when I heard Ciel Phantomhive. He was the Queen's Dog, a petty title for what he does. Hm, maybe that's why, he investigates like a police dog would. Anyways, Sebastian led me to Ciel's study for whatever reason. He knocked on the door twice, then went inside, following behind him.

"Master, we have a guest. She is the lady that I've told you about."

"Hn. Let me see her." I was shocked at his master's voice. I peeked from Sebsatian's side and saw a teenage boy around 14, his black patch distracting. I went up to him and made a respectful bow. As I came back up, he had a smile on his face. "It's good to see someone has manners." He then extended his arm." My name is Ciel Phantomhive. It is a pleasure to meet you."

I gladly took the hand and shook it. If I was 14 again, I think I would have definitely dated Ciel, just saying. "Likewise. My name is Ramona Ludwik. I hope you guys will take good care of me. My father did request  I should stay here for a few weeks or so." Ciel nodded and snapped his fingers.

Sebastian knelt. "Yes, Master?"

"Take Ramona to her bedroom. If she has a request, make sure you fulfill it! I know you won't disappointment me, Sebastian." Sebastian nodded and got up. He led me into the hall, then continued our way.

The suspense I couldn't take anymore. It drove me mad, so I had to be patient with myself. It's strange that all this time, I never seen Finny around yet. I continued playing with my thumbs. This caused the attention of Sebastian as he glanced my way. He then did his usual smirk.

 "I see you are being impatient." My attention shot towards him, full power. He simply laughed again. "We can visit them now if you want to." I nodded. We walked towards a kitchen with the smell of fire and a trail of soil. Every step we both took, there was bickering. Sebastian let out a deep sigh, holding his nose bridge making me chuckle. With a swift movement, he opened the door, causing the 3 figures to stop what they're doing and stare. My eyes traveled to each one of them, but my full attention was to the young blond boy in the middle. Finny, I've found you at last.

He changed dramatically! His eyes still were still feminine looking, but they were still amazing. He no longer let his shaggy hair fall on his face. Instead, he had several red clips pinning his hair back, creating adorable Finny! He had a light built, less than the man on his right. It was so good to see him again. I knew that tears would be coming, and they did.

It was like my body moved on its own. One step at a time I ran into Finny holding him tight. He was shocked of my actions, because before I had my arms around his neck, his eyes widened. He took a few steps back, causing me to stumble. Fortunately he caught me.

"Finny! I finally found you." I cried in his shoulder. "I can't believe you're here! Years gone by without seeing you caused me terrible memories..." I let go of his neck, and held his face in my trembling hands. We gazed at each other, then I finally moved in, closing my eyes. Realizing we were older, I figured that this kiss could be more passionate, not like the first one 10 years ago. It felt wonderful; the feeling of his plush lips onto mine. Unfortunately, my eyes shot wide open when I felt a strong force in my chest.

"NO!" I watched as my arms were in front of me, everybody backing away, or were they? A loud oomph escaped my lips as I felt a hard wall pinning into my back. Pain shot from my spine, feeling the bones move a little bit. Sliding down the wall, I noticed Finny's arms also in front of him, his eyes tightly shut. All heads turned to him as he began to realize what happened. Sebastian cleared his throat causing Finny to open his eyes. He blinked a couple of times, then stared at me is disbelief.

Hot tears were coming faster than expected down my eyes. I don't know if it was the pain from the wall or the fact that my best friend had push me away. Finny took steps closer to me, and I tried to back away against the wall. I knew the wall ended, yet I continued to show fear. Why am I so afraid? Maybe that was his reflexes, but it couldn't be. It was... too harsh, or too different from the Finny I used to know. Looking up, I watched as Finny held his hand in front of me. There was a smile, but I didn't know if it was real.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry... I was just caught off-guard." He looked away, but I took his hand. As I stood up, I just looked at the floor. There was a light pressure on my hand, then it began to feel tighter. My gaze traveled to Finny as he became more serious. He pierced me with his glare, sending shivers down my bruised spine. The man in front of me dragged me to the middle of the kitchen, then pointed his finger towards the door.

"Everybody, please leave. I need to talk with Ramona alone if you don't mind..." Everybody simply nodded then exited out. Once the sound of footsteps faded, Finny sighed then looked into my puffy eyes.

"Ramona, how in the world did you find me?" I blinked a couple of times then slowly but surely replied.

"I... well- my dad some how found Ciel's address, and he said you're living here...." It was Finny's turn to blink in confusion. He sighed again.

"You don't need to be here. Since ya' found me, you can go right?" Finny gave another fake smile and started to walk out the door. Before he could leave, I grabbed his wrist, causing him to turn around in curiosity. Personally I was going to regret what I was about to do. Gritting my teeth to hide the pain, I slapped finny across the face as hard as I could.

I felt the wind pass both of us as Finnian's head turned to the side, a red mark appearing in contrast with his tealish eyes. He looked at me in bewilderment; why he would, I'd understand. The look on his face turned from shock into anger. I heard a low growl then felt pain as he slammed me into the wall next to the door. I held my arm, a bruise appearing. Two long hands appeared in front of me, causing me to flinch. I knew I was trapped so there was no point in escaping.

Finny's eyes were shaking rapidly, but his face was stern. "Tell me why you did that.... and where you've been all these years." He dropped his head so he was looking at the floor. I couldn't help but feel guilty of my actions like I knew, and how there was so much to tell him. With a careful hand, I picked up his chin, bringing his face to meet my eyes.

I took and deep breath and told him everything. The cheating, the tears, the emotions, and the plane ticket.


Finny took a deep breath, a small smile creeping up on his handsome face. He slapped his hands on my cheeks causing me to giggle. He then brought his face closer to mine so our lips touched. It felt so to finally kiss him with real passion and truth! His lips move against mine, brushing each other softly. Funny how it's like we've done this before; no problems, no mistakes. Just a perfect kiss. Finny broke apart from my lips, causing me to pout. He pressed his forehead to mine and stared deeply into my eyes. They were filled with happiness, apology, and.... lust? Out of the blue, he grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door, passing the people staring at us.

"Come on!" Finny ushered me. He was acting like a 8 year old. I turned back, seeing the confused face of the scruffy man, the blood-covered nose of the girl, and the devious smirk of Sebastian. Moments later arrived in a medium-sized room with two beds.

It must be his bedroom.. I thought. Finny panted heavily, then turned around facing me with a small smirk on his face. Reality started to hit me and I knew what was about to happen.

{WARNING! Here comes the scene i was anticipating to write! XP}

A playful smirk appeared on both our faces. This night was going to be fun.

I slowly walked towards Finny, swaying my hips seductively. It's funny watching how his eyes widened, and a gulp sound was made. I slithered my arms around his neck while he slithered his around my waist. Wasting no time at all, I slammed my lips on to his once again, no longer holding back. If I had to rate the kiss, it would be a fantastic 20/10!

He walked me to the wall, feeling the cool wall on my back. Our kisses become more and more passionate with every graze. Finny took my shirt, pulling it over my head, while I worked on his uniform. In no time, both our shirts were off, and now working on pants. Since I was wearing leggings, it was easy for Finny to take them off. I blushed, breaking away from the kiss. Finny laughed and helped me out with his troublesome belt.

Slowly I slid down the wall, pulling his pants down. As I came back up, I brushed his body in the process, watching as Finny gave out a deep moan. Smirking to myself, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Once again, Finny's strength appeared as he hiked me up higher. Our lips met once again moving in motion. I watched as Finny broke away, trailing to my jawline, then to my neck. The suspense of him my weak spot was nerve-wrecking. In an instant, he found my weak spot, brushing his lips in circles around it. It was like my body moved on its own once again as I moaned out Finny's name, causing him to smirk against my skin. Clenching some of his blond hair, he the move to my bra area.

Slowly brought down both straps, more and more of my breasts were exposed.

"Whoops," Finny teased," I guess it slipped." He had a triumphant smirk and I simply shook my head. He the kissed the newly exposed skin and cupped both of my breasts. The feeling was wonderful. I never expected Finny could do such magic on me!  Again he broke away, leading me to his bed. Slowly I climbed onto his lap. He fumbled with the clasp of my bra, but was unsuccessful. I laughed, deciding to give him a helping hand.  Funny how a few minutes ago, Finny was an adorable guy. Now, he is sexiest guy I've ever met. Every move he made, it was enough for me to fall to my knees.

I felt things were starting to heat up. While rubbing Finny's hard chest, I felt myself being lifted from under me. Glancing down, I realized Finny's awakened friend. We both looked at each other. Finny turned away blushing while I simply smiled. Back and forth I began to ride his lap. 'Let's see what his reaction to this would be' I thought to myself. Finny looked at me in disbelief then began to sigh. With every movement, Finny bit his lower lip, trying not to moan out loud. Geez, Why fight it? Instead of fighting it anymore, Finny pinned me to the bed, him on top. I let out a deep sigh, then caught him off-guard. It felt like the perfect time to be the one to take control. We flipped positions and I was on top. Finny's eyes shook rapidly while I had a triumphant smirk on my face. I lowered my hips to his bulge and began to go back and forth once again. This caught him off-guard, so the loud moan came out.

"Wait.." he said simply. I stopped my actions, then got off of him. My mood slowly began to drop when I noticed what he was doing. He dropped his boxers, revealing his manhood. The shy me took over once again. Quickly I turned away, awkwardly looking at anything not Finny. A loud laugh emerged from Finny as I heard quick footsteps approach me. Before reacting, I felt myself on the plush bed. My arms were pinned above my head and my sprawled hair itched my scalp. Finny looked at me with intense eyes- it scared me. He looked down at my almost naked body then began to trail his finger from my chest to my waist. I felt my underwear slowly coming off as Finny pulled them down.

Quickly he got on top of me and positioned himself. My lips began to tremble and I gulped. He gave me a look that read 'Are you ready?' I nodded slightly and clenched his hair as he proceeded. Moments passed and he gradually built confidence. Tears streamed down my face and I continued to praise him with sounds.

"You found me, huh?" Finny kissed the top of my head, playing with strands of my hair. In reply, I nodded. I looked up at him, realizing his red clips were falling off. One by one, I removed them so his bangs were exposed. He looked the same as the little boy I was best friends with. The only difference? He had matured into a wonderful man. He was also all mine and my lover.


GAHH!! I finally finished it! So sorry for the excuses, a lot of things happened. The last time I updated one the one shots was the beginning on May, and I wanted to change that :)

Not sure who I should do next, but it will be awesome! XD Thanks for reading guys! don't forget to vote, comment and/or list it in your library or any of your reading lists.    :3

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