Brothers ||Markson||

By BlackMoonFeelings13

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In which Mark and Jackson have been brothers for their whole life But something changes More

Coming Soon
Author Note


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By BlackMoonFeelings13

Jaebum's POV

~1 week later~

I don't know what the hell is going on with Mark but I don't like it
He's not talking to us
And when he does (rarely) he's a bitch
Ever since we are back in Korea , he's barely at home . He's always going to that stupid forest and I fear that one day something bad might happen to him . That forest is full my wild animals . I don't know how he's alive at this point .

I'm in the living room , watching TV when I see Jackson sitting next to me with a glass bowl full with popcorn

" Ew , why are you watching the news ? " he asked while grabbing a hand full with popcorn and stuffing it in his mouth

" Because there's nothing else to watch " I said annoyed

" Ugh . You're boring "

" And you act like a child "

" Excuse me ? I'm 24 years old !" he said it on a "angry" tone

He's not angry . He just wants to look tough when he actually has the brain of a 5 year old
I was like that too but something made me change
I had to change
Because I'm the leader of this group and because of...... personal matters
It's not the time to say it
I don't think it will ever be

"You know what ? " I asked before turning the TV off  " I'm not in the mood for TV . I have some questions for you and I'm sure that you know the answers for each of them " I said it with an actual serious tone

Jackson's face became pale
He knows something

" G-Go ahead...."

" What the hell happened to Mark in L.A ?"

" W-What are you talking about ?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance
Cut the crap Jackson
Everyone noticed that something is wrong with Mark and Jackson is the only one who knows

Jackson's POV

I didn't know what to say
Obviously I'm not going to tell him Mark's secret
That will put all of us in danger

I was about to respond , obviously with a lie , but I heard a high pitched scream that hurt my ears
It was becoming   louder and it   paralyzed me for a few seconds

I heard that before.....

It's Mark

In a few seconds I rushed to Mark's room

When I got there , I saw him screaming on the ground
I was the only one who could hear his scream
I don't know how but it doesn't matter now

I noticed that his veins were black and visible everywhere

I locked the door as fast as I could and then I went back to Mark and put his head on my lap
It was weird that his eyes were normal and he had no claws ....... just the veins

" J-Jackson I-I'm s-scared " he said that before screaming so loud that it made me scream in pain too

" JACKSON ! WHAT IS GOING ON ? WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING ? ARE YOU OK ?" I heard Jaebum screaming from the other side of the door

" L-LEAVE ! NOW !"

Minutes later , Mark stopped screaming and he was just looking at me exhausted
Suddenly, I felt a liquid coming out of my ears
It was blood

Mark looked at me scared and he but both of his hands on my ears and then he whispered

" Let me heal you...... "

And he did
I don't know how but there was no blood coming out of my ears anymore and I was able to hear properly

Mark didn't say another word before falling asleep in my lap
I didn't dare to move so I just leaned against the bed

What do you think that happened to Mark ???

And why was Jackson the only one who was hearing Mark's screams ???


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