Withering Black Rose ((YoonMi...

By Angelic_Hyunie

21.9K 1.3K 112

"What...are you?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Try me." --- Yoongi is a freshly turned vampire t... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL

Chapter XXXVI

334 26 1
By Angelic_Hyunie

The next morning, Yoongi woke up with a soft groan. He stretched out his arms, arching his back arch off the bed a little bit. He was so tired and a little sore. Damn, how many rounds did he and Jimin have? Was it three or four? Oh well. All he knew that he was sore, and he was damn sure Jimin was probably too. Turning his head, Yoongi smiled gently when he saw Jimin sleeping peacefully beside him. He though the boy looked so adorable as he slept. Leaning over, the vampire gently placed a kiss on his lover's forehead. That caused Jimin to stir a little before fluttering his eyes open. Yoongi lightly brushed his fingers against Jimin's cheek with a loving gaze. "Good morning, Jiminie."

"Good morning, Yoongi hyung." Jimin leaned up to nuzzle their noses together cutely before pecking his boyfriend's lips. "How did you sleep?"

Yoongi reached behind him to rub his lower back. "I slept good. Besides the fact I am rather sore. Thanks to a certain someone."

Jimin laughed softly, slowly sitting up and stretching out his stiff limbs. "I'm sorry about that. Besides, you made me sore in return. So, we are even." The orange haired boy playfully slapped Yoongi's arm which earned him a soft chuckle.

"I'm sorry as well. But, you know you loved it." The vampire wrapped his arms around Jimin and hugged him close. He felt a warm sensation spread throughout his chest when he heard Jimin giggle so cutely. God, he loved this boy so much.

"Yes, I most definitely did. Just like you loved it when I turned you into a moaning mess." Jimin laughed softly when he saw Yoongi's pale cheeks turned bright pink. Another laugh escaped when he was playfully slapped by his vampire lover.

"For such a innocent looking human, you are quite the pervert." Yoongi playfully flicked Jimin's forehead, a tiny pout forming on his lips.

Jimin laughed, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's slender waist tightly. He then pulled the vampire on top of him while laying back on the bed. "I may be a pervert, but you know you love it."

A faint blush appeared on Yoongi's face. He rest his delicate hands on Jimin's shoulders, peering down at him with the tiny pout appearing once again. "Yeah, I know. I do love it a lot."

Jimin grinned widely and leaned up to begin placing soft kisses all over Yoongi's face. He felt his heart flutter in his chest when he heard Yoongi beginning to whine from the kisses.


Outside of the house, Jaejoong stood with his arms folded across his chest. His eyes were silver as he glared at the house. One would think the blonde had a problem with the house itself with the way he was glaring at it. The elder vampire was watching the loving couple through the window. "Isn't that sweet? They are definitely in love." Soon a wicked smirk formed on his lips. "It's a pity they won't be together for long. I will make sure of that." Looking over his shoulder, Jaejoong smiled at his lover. "Yunho, once Yoongi leaves, you know what to do."

Yunho looked at his lover and simply nodded his head. The ex-human was ready to do anything his lover asked of him. Even if it meant kidnapping the human lover of a fellow vampire.

Jaejoong was pleased when his lover nodded his head in understanding. The blonde turned his attention back towards the house. "I shall head back to the mansion with the rest of the council. Once the time comes, meet me where we've discussed with the boy." Turning around, Jaejoong kissed his lover on the lips. "Don't let me down, Yunho."

"I won't, my love." Yunho watched his lover smile before vanishing. The brunet then shifted his gaze towards the house, and waited until the time was right.


Jin sighed as he stared out the window, his arms folded across his chest. The pink haired vampire was very worried about what was to come tomorrow. Yoongi would have to make a decision by tomorrow. Jin knew that the younger vampire has not come up with a final decision yet, and that is why worried him greatly. Sighing once again, Jin stepped away from the window and walked over to the couch. When he sat down, he turned his head to see Namjoon stepping into the living room. "Where is Hoseok?"

Namjoon took a seat beside his lover on the couch and ran his fingers through his hair. "He is in his bedroom. He said something about taking a nap." The silver haired vampire looked at Jin with a worried expression. "How are you holding up?"

Jin sighed softly and leaned his head against Namjoon's shoulder. "I'm okay, I guess. I'm just worried about Yoongi and Jimin. They only have one more day to come to a decision."

Namjoon sighed softly once he heard Jin's words. He understood his lover was worried about all of this. To be honest, he was just as worried. He didn't want anything bad to happen to Yoongi or Jimin. Namjoon wished the young couple could live together happily. Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. Especially with the council deeming as forbidden. "I hope they will come up with a decision as well. I know Yoongi doesn't want to turn Jimin into a vampire and change his life permanently. And there is no way those two would ever leave one another. They are far too much in love."

"That's true. Whatever they decide, I am going to support them no matter what." Jin meant those words. He was going to be there for Yoongi and Jimin no matter what. Whether their decision is for the good or the worse.

"So am I. We will support them no matter what."


Night soon came far to quickly for Yoongi's liking. The mint haired vampire pulled his hood over his head as he looked out the window from the living room. He was about to head home after spending the entire day with Jimin. While spending time with his human lover, he had came to a decision. He wasn't going to choose between the two options he was given. Instead, he was going to try persuading the council to allow him and Jimin to remain together as normal. A vampire and human couple. He knew that it was going to take quite a lot of convincing, but he had faith he would be able to do it. Yoongi was planning on discussing this with Namjoon and Jin once he returned home. Opening the front door, Yoongi turned to face Jimin. "I'm heading out now. I'm going to talk my decision over with Namjoon and Jin hyung. I will need their help with trying to convince the council to allow us to be together."

Jimin was worried about all of this. Yoongi had told him earlier of his decision. He was supportive of the decision his lover had came up with, but couldn't stop his worry. He had never seen the council, but knew they might not be so easily persuade to allow Yoongi's decision. However, the human boy believed in his lover and will be praying that it works. "I believe in you. I know you will be able to convince them somehow. I just know you will." Jimin was trying to remain positive about this.

"Thank you, baby. That means a lot. I am going to fight for us until the very end. No matter what." Yoongi reached out to take Jimin's small hands into his own. He then leaned over to place a kiss onto his forehead. "I should go now. I'll see you later, my beloved Jiminie." Yoongi leaned in again, this time placing a kiss on Jimin's lips.

Jimin returned the kiss, feeling his heart fluttering in his chest. When Yoongi had pulled back from the kiss, Jimin suddenly found himself wishing his vampire boyfriend would stay wth him. However, he knew it was selfish to keep Yoongi here with him all the time. Especially when he had important manners to attend to. "I'll see you later, hyung. Please be safe on your way home."

"I will. Don't you worry about that." Giving Jimin one more kiss, Yoongi gave him warm smile before walking away from the front door. The vampire gave the human boy a small wave before walking away.

Jimin waved a little and watched his boyfriend leave. Once Yoongi was out of sight, Jimin suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. "I should get back inside." He muttered to himself. Looking around for a second, the orange haired boy soon stepped back inside the house and closed the front door, locking it almost immediately. Sighing softly, Jimin stepped into his living room and sat down. He didn't know what to do now that Yoongi had left. He could call over Taehyung and Jungkook, but something told him not too. The boy just decided to watch some TV until it was time for him to head to bed.

While watching TV, Jimin found himself dozing off on the couch.


Yunho kept his eyes on the house, watching when Yoongi left the house. Now was his chance to capture Jimin and meet up with Jaejoong. The vampire waited until Yoongi was out of sight before making his way over to the house. He sneaked up towards the window where the living room could be seen. He saw Jimin watching TV, and decided to wait a little while for the boy to fall asleep. It would make Yunho's job a lot easier with the boy asleep. Lucky for him, it didn't take Jimin long to fall asleep. Yunho vanished and appeared inside of the living room. He looked down at the sleeping boy for a second before picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder. Now that he had Jimin, Yunho vanished from the living room and appeared in the abandoned house where Jaejoong was waiting for him. "Forgive me for taking so long, my beloved."

Jaejoong turned to look at his lover and smiled softly. "No need to apologize, my love. I knew you would return with the boy." The blonde haired vampire stepped over to his lover and Jimin. "Take him upstairs. Once morning comes, we shall continue with our plan."

Yunho simply nodded his head and carried the sleeping boy upstairs to one of the bedrooms. He felt a little worried about this, but knew better than to question his lover. He simply will remain quiet and follow every one of his orders. No matter how horrible they may be.

Jaejoong was pleased things were going the way they planned. He knew acting outside of the council's orders were wrong, but he did not care at this point. Stepping over to the window, Jaejoong looked towards the sky and waited for morning to come.

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