Harmione and the Prisoner of...

By Avengersbugpotter

41.9K 1.1K 440

Hermione and Harry learn they have grown to have feelings for each other during their third year and the pair... More

The Leaky Caludron
The Dementor
Talons and Tea Leaves
The Boggart in the Wardrobe
The Flight of the Fat Lady
The Mauraders Map
A First Christmas
The Firebolt
The Patronus
Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
Snape's Grudge
The Quidditch final
Cat, Rat, and Dog
The servant of Lord Voldemort
The Dementor's Kiss
Hermione's Secret
Owl Post Again

Grim Defeat

2K 61 2
By Avengersbugpotter

"Sorry Professor Lupin, I-" Harry walked in and saw a sallow-faced man with greasy black hair slacked on both sides.

"Sit down Potter, five points from Gryffindor," Snape said smiling a thin smile

"Where Lupin?" Harry asked snarling slightly

"Mr. Lupin could not be here today," Snape snarled back "Now sit down Potter and turn to page 394,"

"Werewolves?" Hermione said appearing at Harry's side, "sir we've only started learning about red Cappas and hinkypunks, we're not supposed to start on nocturnal animals for weeks,"

"Quiet," Snape said

"When did she get here? Did you see here get here?" Ron said slightly flustered, which Harry shrugged at as Hermione lugged out a large book of her bag

"Now which one of you can tell me the difference between an amiagus and a werewolf?" Snape said walking to the front of the classroom. Hermione shot up her hand nearly bouncing in her seat rocking Harry slightly "No one, nobody, how disappointing," Snape sneered

"Please sir," Hermione began "an animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice, with each full moon it transforms, it no longer remembers himself he could kill his best friend, furthermore the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind,"

"Awoooooo!" Malfoy said sneering with Crabbe

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy," Snape said "that is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger, are you unable to control yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all? Five points from Gryffindor," Snape said

Malfoy blew a piece of paper onto Harry's desk, Harry opened it, it had a picture of an animated Harry get hit by lightning on a broom with rain. Hermione snatched it out of Harry's hand a scribbled a picture onto it, she drew Malfoy turning into a werewolf and animated it so it looked real. Hermione chucked it at Malfoy's face and his face curled slightly as he saw the picture and he shot a horrid look at Hermione, Harry and Hermione laughed slightly.

"Sir but it is Quidditch tomorrow!" Harry said after Snape had explained the homework to the class, Snape had snarled at him, before dismissing the class.

The next day dawned a horrible it was grey, wet and stormy and many people looked like they had travelled through the Black Lake with clothes on. It was Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff they were supposed to play Slytherin but Malfoy had said his arm was still hurting but it was really because of the weather.

"Whooo! GO HARRY!" Harry could hear Hermione cheering from the stands. The lightning was dangerous and one of the posts had already been chipped off and two players on each team were down, Kaite Bell, Alicia, and two Hufflepuff players had been knocked down by the wind or struck by lightning and were on their way to to the hospital wing. The ice stung at Harry glasses as he soared after Hufflepuff seeker Cedric Diggory for the snitch, they went out the grounds as the rose into the air after the snitch. Diggory was going strong and Harry was side by side to him, he reached after the snitch and was about to get it when the snitch sparked lightning which struck Diggory and he fell from the sky. Then Harry saw it. Harry saw a huge ghostly cloud-dog in the sky which seemed to clamp his jaws over Harry, he swerved and he felt the sky get even colder, he glasses seized up and his broom started to ice quickly. He saw them, around ten Dementors were scattered around him. He ducked under a large black cloak as two Dementors were on his tail, Harry's body started to go cold and he felt all life was sucked out of the sky he could hear the screaming voice and the flash of green of light, he tried to ignore it but it went to strong he went round another Dementors before two flashed upon his side. The noise grew louder and the green light almost blinded him. He went up high in the sky and he felt as if a large weight was pulling down on him he wanted to scream but the Dementor's screeches around him were too loud. He fell. He was plummeting on his broom trying to dodge Dementors with no control over his broom, he managed to squeeze through two Dementors when he saw grey scabby skin and a large gaping hole and the world went dark. He fell off his broom and started plummeting through the sky on his broom when he did open his eyes he could see around ten Dementors swooping after him and he saw Hermione eyes welling up with tears and several screams from the crowd, the Dementors were catching up, the green light came again but from all different directions he fell and then fit the ground with a large thud and the world went dark again.

Harry did not wake up later that day, or two days after, rumours were flying that the Boy who Lived had become the Boy who died. On that dark and grey Wednesday Harry woke up and he saw the snitch buzzing in front of him he tried to reach out for it but he could not catch it. He woke up fully to see it was not the snitch but Hermione's tawny brown hair fluttering beside him, he pulled on his glasses and saw a shaky Hermione with tears brushing her eyes.

"Harry," Hermione squeaked

"What, I fell?" Harry said shaking his head

"You fell nearly 100 feet, the Dementors chased you and you started to go pale, Dumbledore cast a spell and they all went away. I've never seen Dumbledore so angry! We saw you and-" Hermione paused as tears dripped down her face, "we thought you were- dead," she threw her hands around Harry and squeezed him tightly and began to leak with tears, "I ran onto the pitch along with Ron, Neville and Ginny. I fainted again when I saw the Dementors and I woke up in the hospital wing and when I heard you hadn't woke up I thought the worst,"

"What about my broom?" Harry asked

Hermione tears leaked faster, "When you fell your broom, it blew into the whomping willow- and you know how rough that tree is," Hermione took out a snaped parched wood and laid it out near Harry.

"It's ok," Harry sighed looking at his broken broom "Hermione don't you need to get ready for Hogsmeade? I mean I don't want you to go, but-"

"Harry I'm not-" Hermione began taking Harry's hand and squeezing it

"Hermione I'm not stopping you from going," Harry said smiling "And I'm not having any arguments,"

Hermione nodded and leant in and kissed Harry on the cheek and went out the hospital room shifting her feet across the floor, she smiled back at Harry and waved away from the hospital wing.

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