Devoured Destiny (Completed...

Bởi ChaeWinacott

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"And you certainly feel like a human girl..." Jones trails off while he torments me by caressing the side of... Xem Thêm

Part 01 - Down The Gopher Hole. (EDITED)
PART 02. -A Different Breed - Vampires.
Thought Three. - A Deathly Encounter.
Thought Four. - Oh, Jones.
Thought Six. - Flashback.
Thought Seven. - A Bargain.
Thought Eight. - A Few Hours In Jones' Shoes.
Thought Nine. - Dispute.
Thought Ten. - A Lullaby of sorts.
Thought Eleven. - Neven's Perspective.
Thought Twelve. - Home sweet Home....Not.
Thought Thirteen.- Interrogation Time.
Thought Fourteen. - A State of Shock.
Thought Fifteen. - Bitter confusion with a tad of lust.
Thought Sixteen. - Bloody Tears.
Thought Seventeen. - Regret. (Jones' P.O.V.)
Thought Eighteen. - Knitting sweaters. (Neven's P.O.V)
Thought Nineteen. - Humanity in a Nutshell. (Ariels Perspective)
Thought Twenty. - Inferno.
Thought Twenty-One. - The Privilege Of A Kiss.
Thought Twenty-Two. - Monroe.
Thought Twenty-Three. - Payback time.
Thought Twenty-four. - Nevenlon's Perspective.
Thought Twenty-Five. - A Rubber Ducky Moment.
Thought Twenty-Six. - Mornin' Sunshine!
Thought Twenty-Seven. - Naked adventures. (PART1)
Thought Twenty-Eight. - Naked Adventures. (PART2)
Thought Twenty-Nine. - A New Beginning.
Thought Thirty. - End of Part One.
Author's Note. (UPDATED)
Thought Thirty One. (Begining of Part Two) - 'Little One.'
Thought Thirty-Two. - Persephany.
Thought Thirty-Three. - Backing up. (P.1)
Thought Thirty-Four. - Backing Up. (P.2)
Thought Thirty-Five.- Breath-taking.
Thought Thirty-Six. - Abort Plan.
Thought Thirty - Seven. - What isn't mine.
Thought Thirty - Eight. - Time flies & sh!t hits the fan.
Thought Thirty-Nine. - Panic.
Thought Forty. - No such thing as simple.
Epilogue - Never-ending Quest.
A/N (announcement)

Thought Five. - Alluring Gypsies.

4.1K 61 9
Bởi ChaeWinacott

Here is a little bit of chapter five for you to munch on! **A wee bit of a LOVE scene, so hope you , LOVE. Hope you enjoy, feedback and votes ALWAYS appreciated :) More coming on this chapter VERY soon :)


Long dark hair, almost black, all finely braided, and flows past her chest, almost down to her waist. Dark skin, with a glow to it. She is average in height, probably 5"6, and wears a large colourful scarf around her neck, that is also wrapped around her chest. Her midsection is bare, revealing a glimmering belly button piercing. She wears only a wrap of colourful cloth as a skirt. And her eyes are a desirable shade of topaz. 

I take all of her in, in a matter of seconds. She seems to be standing incredibly still. I look over my shoulder at Neven, and feel a reassuring hand around my waist. That's surely his way of confirming his presence with me. 

The woman surprises me, and makes me jump a little as she speaks. "Oh, heavens! What have we got here?...." She throws her arms up in the air and yells. "-Visitors!" 

She's way more enthusiastic then I would have guessed her to be, but I suppose that's better then dull. 

Neven outstretches his arm, for her to shake. She totally disregards the motion, and grabs his arm pulling him into a massive hug. Enthusiastic, and overly-friendly. How heart warming. I feel a smile creeping onto my face as I watch Neven being crushed in the loving embrace. 

Better him then me. 

She releases Neven and steps closer to me, and smiles. Not knowing what else to do, I smile back at her uncomfortably. She then outstretches her finger and quickly pokes my on the tip of my nose. What the hell? I look at her in astonishment. 

"Oh my! You are just button cute! Button cute I say!" Button cute? How...reassuring. I tilt my head a little to the side in bewilderment as she quickly turns on her heel and starts gliding further inside of the tent. 

"Well...common now! Follow me." She says this while walking and throwing a finger over her shoulder, gesturing us forwards. She doesn't look back to see if we are following. I look at Neven, and he just shrugs and smiles, taking my waist in his arm and walking forward. 

"Hurry up my little blossoms! The future does not wait for anyone!" The future? What the hell is she smoking? 

I could most certainly use some. 

The tent is massive. I mean, from the outside it looks like a circus tent, and those are quite big. But this...this is just gigantic. It doesn't seem realistic, really. Realistic? What is real anymore. HA. I make myself laugh sometimes. We continue to walk through the spacious tent, passing many doorways masked in colourful shades of green, blue, yellow and orange. Scarves and cloths portraying these colours hanging from the ceiling of the tent, that reach the ground. There is a smell wafting in, I sniff a little, discretely, and find the scent amazing. The smell of lust runs into my nose. The intoxicating scent makes my senses go wild. It's a mixture of vanilla, sweet apple cinnamon, and citrus. Just the right amounts to make my nostrils flare out for more. But this smell... this's just so...

I suddenly feel Neven squeeze me closer to his side, digging his fingers into my waist demandingly. I look at his face, and see his mouth set in a fine line, his eyes raging. Raging with want and desire.

He must smell it too. 

The gypsy woman continues to walk ahead of us, without looking back. I try and keep my eyes on her, but I feel us falling behind. The smell is too alluring, screw her. 

I stop mid step and grab Neven and turn him around so that he is completely facing me. I go to grab his neck, but he beats me to it and is suddenly kissing me fiercely. My mind is in a haze. All I can think about is Neven, the lust, the desire. The need. I needed him; right now. 

I grab his neck as intended, lost in the kiss and tangle of our tongues, and run my fingers up his neck. Grabbing onto the little bit of hair hanging, I push his head towards me with more strength. He blindly pushes me against one of the colourful doors with a bang. I can't even register pain right now.  I completely let myself go, melting into the frenzy of our bodies forming as one. Feeling dizzy and at a loss for air, I detach my face from his and quickly find myself pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it to the ground. 

"Ariel....I want you." Neven whispers this into my ear as he takes his turn taking my, well his, long white shirt off of me. His deep voice is full of want and painful need. We both quickly undress and with only our under garments on, find ourselves entangled again, lost in this mystical euphoria. 

Everything just feels so right, so incredible. It's like we were made for each other. Our bodies synching up, and reacting to each touch. Every little kiss he places on my skin sends luxurious trembles throughout my entire being. I can't stand the build up any longer. I just can't. The lust filled scent is still lingering in the air, and it's like I can feel it course through my veins. I grab Neven even more possessively, and leave a trail of hard kisses along his chest, continuing upwards to his neck, where I stop to nibble on his ear, and whisper. "I need you. Now." 

Then I look up, and meet eyes with a beautiful woman. 

The gypsy woman. 

She flashes me with her bright white teeth while giving me a huge knowing smile. 

Then she winks. 


Suddenly I don't feel the same. I'm not dizzy, or restless. I can no longer feel the haze that had been clouding my mind. I quickly sniff the air, to find no more traces of the intoxicating scent. I am frozen in my place, with my eyes locked on the gypsy, and my right leg wrapped around Neven. Almost completely naked. 

What the hell. 

 I gather my thoughts and untangle myself. Neven seems to have just come out of his own daze, and starts to recompose himself as well. I feel my cheeks start to burn up in embarrassment and anger. This was so unlike me. I look behind Neven at the gypsy woman suspiciously. She has to have something to do with this.

“What did you do to us?” Stomping towards her I point my finger at her accusingly, demanding answers. “I know you did something!”

The gypsy makes an appalled expression and flings her arms up in the air. “I did not a thing! You two have done this to yourselves.” She slowly looks me up and down and arches her eyebrow.

That’s when I remember that I am standing before her, practically naked.


I protectively cover my upper half with my arms and grab onto one of the dangling cloths that are hanging from the ceiling, wrapping it around my body like a dress. Then I pull down hard on the remaining cloth, setting it free from the ceiling, and it comes flowing down; gently landing near my feet.

I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and startled I turn around to see Neven looking at me. “You’re beautiful Ariel.” Such sincerity oozes from his mouth and travels to my ears.

“Uh, thanks Neven. Unfortunately I think we have more pressing matters at hand though… like this stranger. No offense but I would have never just jumped you like that, something or someone made us act that way.” I turn around to look at the woman. “I had smelt something, something incredible, and it made me… no, us… act the way we did.”

“Oh darling! You don’t know what you are talking about! You must be flustered from everything that is happening. Are you two thirsty?” Talking with such enthusiasm and charisma. It’s almost like I want to give into her every word. Her voice is like sweet honey, so infatuating.

Sweet Jesus, what is wrong with me!

‘It’s not you. It’s this place…I think it’s enchanted.’

Neven’s voice rings through my head, ah smart move.

‘What do you mean enchanted?’

‘This lady is a Gypsy, and as beautiful and seductive as they may be, they are incredibly deceiving and wicked. They can see glimpses of your future if they touch you. Usually if they like what they see from someone, they will enchant everything so that you will want to stay. They can make you never want to step foot out of this tent. Ariel…don’t accept any drinks or food from her. Stay with me.’

‘So that smell…it did make us all… well, you know…’

I can feel my face heating up again. Great.

‘As much as I enjoyed it… Yes. Another trick. I’m sorry I didn’t see this coming the moment I saw that tent.’

Shaking my head, I lift my head and glance back at the woman. She’s just standing in her place twirling her hair in her fingers, like nothing matters, not a care in the world.

How nice.

“Darlings! Why so quiet? Not thirsty? Ok then, let’s continue this way, I have so much to show you!” She walks back in the direction that she had been going in before the whole fiasco between Neven and I, going further into the tent.

Looking at Neven for a plan, he just takes my hand in his and motions for me to start walking. He brushes his lips to my ear and whispers so gently that I can just barely make out what he is saying.

“Just act inconspicuous. Don’t allow the gypsies to know that we have caught on to what they are trying to do. We just need stay together and get the hell out of here without harm.” He retreats from my ear and continues to hold onto my hand while we are still following the woman.

Holy, this tent is never ending. We pass hallways with numerous amounts of doors and draperies. We finally slow down when we reach a completely open area of the tent. The area is dimly lit. I look around to see where the source of light is coming from. To my amazement, there are enormous, exotic flowers budding from the ground, fully bloomed. Inside of these flowers, is the source of light. It’s like seeing a bloomed flower, with countless little light bugs all hovering just inside of it, slightly illuminating the area. I look around taking in my surroundings. Neven never lets my hand go, which comforts me right now. I mean, we are in a gigantic tent, surrounded by gypsies that want to keep us here for God knows what reason.

Wait. Surrounded?

There must be thirty gypsies in here.

Many of them are dangling from the colorful cloths hanging from the ceiling, in all sorts of positions. The gypsy that we have been following turns and raises her arms, as if to reveal everything before our eyes.

“Welcome, my little blossoms, to my humble a boat! A place all can call home, and all your deepest desires can be fulfilled. My name is Zabella.” She reaches for my available hand, and I flinch. Neven said that from one touch she could see glimpses of my future, and possibly decide to keep me. But then again, she had already touched me when she poked my nose. Did she do that just to see my future?

Sneaky gypsy; subtle.

For some reason I find myself allowing Zabella to grab my hand, taking me away from Neven’s hold. Looking over my shoulder to see Neven with an aggravated expression. He doesn’t want me to go with Zabella. Hell, I don’t want to go with her, but what choice do I have? We are supposed to be playing inconspicuous and helpless here. So that’s exactly what I’m doing. Zabella takes me to a darker corner of the tent and in a hushed voice says, “Darling, you are one of a kind. I have seen chapters of your future, and know the danger that lurks and awaits you. I also know of the great things that you will achieve, and what happiness you seek.”

She is holding both of my hands in hers, looking at me sincerely. She is one crazed loony. “And what makes me one of a kind Zabella? And what happiness do I seek? What danger are you speaking of? Please, do tell.”

“Only in time can I reveal such delicious secrets to you, Ariel. But you must stay with me, here.” She tightens her grip on my hands to the point where I think my bones may pop out.

“Ouchh! Zabella! You’re hurting me!’ I look over my shoulder and see Neven surrounded by the other gypsies. They are all fussing over him, like he’s a piece of meat. They remind me of hungry vultures, playing with their prey. He doesn’t notice me though; he doesn’t seem to notice much of anything. I painfully retrieve my hands out of her tight grasp, which I was beginning to think was impossible, and run towards Neven.

Reaching the herd of gypsies encircling Neven, I shove and push to get through to him. “Neven! Neven! Common! We have to get out of here!” I’m yanking on his arms, but he isn’t budging. His eyes are different. What the-

They are glazed over, like he is in some sort of trance. I try to talk to him through thought. I peek over his shoulder and see Zabella calmly walking towards us. I’ve got to hurry.

‘Neven… we have to get out of here. They are trying to trap us here. SNAP OUT OF IT!’


I can feel my arm hairs up on end, and my eyes starting to fill with fresh tears.

Shit, what am I going to do? Do I run? Take my chances without Neven, look for help…come up with a plan to save him after I escape? I’m incredibly outnumbered here. I need help.

‘Neven, please... Please.’

Nothing. Not even a blink from his now plain, pale eyes.

Zabella is almost here, the other gypsies are starting to close back in on us.

I’ve got no choice, I have to leave him.

‘I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I will do whatever it takes to get you out of here, once I figure out how. Hang in there, Captain.’

I let go of his arms, wiping the fallen tears off of my cheeks, and dash. Forcing my legs to move faster then I have ever attempted. I get past the herd of gypsies, and I can feel Zabella’s eyes burning holes through my backside as she realizes that I am attempting escape. No, not attempting. I WILL escape.

Running through the tents halls, and passing the doors that I recognize from earlier, I hear rushing footsteps, as someone is hot on my heels. It’s probably Zabella. I keep pushing myself to go faster, I can almost see the drapes that we used to enter this treacherous place. Almost there…almost there…

Faster Ariel, faster!

She’s getting closer. I can almost feel her arm outstretched, and hand grabbing at the air, so very close to my head.

“OW! You little-“ Zabella was close, and she is pulling my hair. Tugging me backards.

“I am NOT staying here with you! LET ME GO!” I feel the tears burning like tiny droplets of lava on my skin.

“YOU WILL STAY!” Zabella tugs harder at my hair, sending me closer to her. I turn to face her, and at that moment I sincerely wish that I hadn’t. “I WILL MAKE YOU!” At that, she shrieks like a banshee and her face suddenly begins to fall in on itself. I can feel my expression go from panicked to horrified.

Still gripping onto my hair, her face contorts into something gruesome. Her once beautiful eyes, now sunken into her face only revealing bloodshot veins and pitch black irises.  She reeks of rotten flesh, and a tinge of something else. What is that?

Then it hits me, it’s vanilla and citrus.

Not so alluring when mixed with the stench of rotting flesh.

My stomach gives a few hurls, which alerts me to how very wrong and disgusting she is. Black and blue veins protrude from her face, their everywhere. Her teeth a rustic yellow and grungy brown.  She gives me a greedy, mischievous smile.

I need to run, before she tries to eat me, or something.

Suddenly it feels as if electricity is running through my veins, sending abrasive tingles scurrying just under my skin. My energy regained, my mind set.

I’m running.

Oh shit! I actually am running! Super fast too! What the-

I can’t even bring myself to look back. No way. So damn close to that freaking door!  With one massive stride I find myself flying through the drapery and taking in a big gulp of fresh night air.

But I’m still running.

I can’t bring myself to stop, my legs just keep going at lightening speed. Could this be one of my powers coming to bay? It has to be. There’s no way that I could run like this otherwise. I continue to run, not even noticing where I am heading.

Right into the dark forest.

I kind of let myself giggle. The forest. Why should I fear the dark forest, after facing the mutated evil gypsy, Zabella? HA. I should be able to laugh in the face of whatever creature lurks in this forest.

Yet, I find myself on the rough forest ground, confused and disoriented, no longer speeding through in all of my glory. What just happened?

I look up, only to see Jones with his arm outstretched.

Looking more handsome and dangerous then I had imagined in my dream, if possible.

“Ah, my gem. Are we going to keep meeting this way? Launching yourself into my chest? …I do appreciate the fact that you can’t keep your hands off of me, but let’s be honest, what are you running from, speedy?” He laughs to himself and grabs my arm and pulls me onto my feet.

“Jones.” I nod my head in greeting. I’m going to try a different approach this time. I’m going to play it cool, and be civilized towards him. Be the bigger man, or…woman. Maybe he can help me. He’s strong, fast, clever…charming, handsome, practically dripping sexy… Shit. Head back in the game, think straight girl. He’s also a pure vampire. I can use this to my advantage to get Neven back.

“You are actually just the person I wanted to see!” I plant a fake smile on my face, hoping to appear innocent and charming.

“Oh, I’m sure. Question… how did you get so fast all of a sudden?” He tilts his head to the right in curiosity.

“I’ve always been quick on my feet.”

“Quick, but not Gonzales quick. You are a human, it’s impossible.” He then puts his hands on his hips taking a few steps closer to me. I try to mask my anxiety and hold my head high. I can do this. “…Unless, you are not a human. Which would make this conversation even more intriguing, gem.”

“Jones. I need your help. Neven is trapped by gypsies. He’s helpless, enchanted by their trickeries. I just escaped, please help!” That’s it. Lost my cool, but at least I managed to change the topic from my humanity. 

"Who is Neven?" 

"Neven. The guy that saved me from YOU last time!"

"Ohhh, so why would I agree to rescue him from the hag?"

"Because you are a kind, warm hearted vampire Jones." 

"Don't ever associate the words kind and warm hearted when speaking about me, gem. You can't flatter me with what I take as insults." He inches even closer to me, leaving little to no space inbetween us. I am suddenly reminded of my hot and heavy dream starring Jones.

Fuck, what am I going to do?

He takes a piece of my hair and twirls it around his finger menacingly. "There is something that you could promise me, in return for my help..."

"Uhh..Oh.. what? Don't play games with me. What do you want?" 


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