Ten top tips to becoming a be...

By JTaimeToi

219 7 4

It does what it says on the title. Hope it helps :) More

Ten top tips to becoming a better writer

219 7 4
By JTaimeToi

Hi guys @MalikaDreams and @JTaimeToi here

We’re just two friends who are trying to help out our fellow Wattpad writers, so please don’t be offended by anything we say. It’s supposed to be fun and educational so no offence is intended. Anyways, let’s start...


A lot a people ask about critiquing their story and since I can’t physically read all y’alls stories I’m going to post this with the help of my friend MalikaDreams. In this you’ll find ten top tips which will help you to become a better writer- hopefully :p

This is basically going to be a mini rant sort of thing- so don’t expect anything to fomal :p But it should help y’all to become better writers. I (MalikaDreams) will mainly be giving the ideas in this and JTaimeToi is going to post it :)

So we’re Nicole and Maximus and we’re two very avid readers. However, we’ve noticed that some people on Wattpad have either forgotten how to read, write and sometimes both :p. You want your story to be liked by the readers? Then you have to be prepared to work for it, simple as. Writing isn’t something that happens overnight, even acclaimed authors such as Sarah Desson, Jacqueline Wilson, J K Rowling and Roald Dahl didn’t become great writers overnight. Yes, they probably have natural talent but it doesn’t mean that they instantly became great writers.

Anyways, that aside, here are a few tips that should help you to become better writers...

#1 Read

What has reading got to do with becoming a better writer? You might ask. Everything! Besides why won’t you read? Reading is fun, almost as fun as shopping :p The more you read, the more you’ll find out about different writing styles and the more you’ll be able to improve your own writing. Seeing how other authors write will also give you an eye for what you can and can’t do whilst writing. Basically it will enhance your writing style immensely.

My view (JTaimeToi)

There are too many authors on Wattpad who are writing just because they’ve seen a few authors with loads of reads and they want to emulate that. That’s fine but if you’re writing drivel then there’s a problem. More often than not the said authors write and then they spam people or the SYS club telling people to read their stories. Now, I’m not saying every author is like this, but because such a large number of people use Wattpad, there are loads of people who do this. Their stories in effect lack essence and style. Reading will help to improve this as it will firstly help them improve their grasp of the English language which will in turn help them to write better

# 2 Be Original!

OK, how many best friend love stories, student-teacher love stories, dystopians involving the plight of women or takes on Megan Meade’s Guide to the McGowan boys have you read? (Sorry, I don’t read other genres so I’m not sure of any horror, paranormal etc clichés). Exactly to damn many! I’ve also seen way to many 1D or Justin Beiber fan fics. LEAVE THEM ALONE! [Though if someone wrote a decent JLS one I ‘MIGHT’ read it ;)]

It’s good to gain ideas from other stories, hence why it’s important to read BUT not at the expense of badly copying the story! More often than not authors try to copy something good that they read but they destroy it with bad grammar, spelling and writing skills which even my six year old brother exceeds.

Come on be honest, when you read you liken it to something similar you’ve read before? I know I do...this is why it’s bad to be clichéd. People will not appreciate your writing in its own right even if it’s good... Recently I read a story which was original but it was so over the place that I couldn’t enjoy it, likewise I’ve read really good original stories.

All in all I’m trying to say use your imagination; you can’t go wrong with it :)

MalikaDreams said all there is to say on this ~JTaimeToi

#3 Spelling, Grammar and a basic grasp of the English language

Right this is something that really annoys me. I’ve read way too many stories where people misuse ‘Your’ and ‘You’re’ and even worse ‘Their’ and ‘They’re’. Let me help you


‘YOUR ISH’ and ‘YOU’RE ISH’- (I didn’t want to swear so yeah...it’s important)

If you’re someone who already knows the difference, here have a cookie :)

OK and another thing when you write make sure your writing skills surpass that of my six year old brother...

My view (JTaimeToi)

Yeah seriously guys learn the difference between ‘YOUR’ and ‘YOU’RE’. Oh and another thing capitalise your I’s, that’s all. Actually no it’s not. Some of you don’t know when to use apostrophes, you use them to separate two words (e.g. they’re, can’t, you’re) or for possessive nouns!

I’m done!

#4 Advertising

This is something that really annoys me. Wattpad has a SYS club so please, please use it. DON’T spam message people telling them to read your story. It’s annoying. Yes, we all want to be read but that doesn’t mean spamming people! I suggest that you use SYS or check the person’s board. Most people indicate whether they read everyone’s work or not so please check. Certainly don’t post on their book asking them to read your work, that’s damn rude. With advertising just be sensible and remember if your book is worth reading, people will read it :)

Another problem I have with advertising is this supposed ‘R4R, C4C and V4V’ business some people seem to enjoy. Firstly in my opinion most R4R are V4V in disguise since Wattpad doesn’t allow read for read. BUT, most importantly is the fact that most people who create these discussions don’t follow through with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrgh the idea is that both parties are supposed to participate. If you don’t want to read other peoples work look for the free reads, though some people disguise R4R under the pretence of being free reads. NO! Be truthful please :). Another thing, when creating these discussions please indicate what you’d like to read. Otherwise some people will be greatly disappointed when you don’t read their work.

My view (JTaimeToi)

Well, I don’t have a lot of fans so I don’t have the problem of people spam advertising me. I do agree with MalikaDreams though about the other stuff, double check! Another thing don’t be excessive with your advertising, your story will get more reads if you enjoy it and you actually write, some people just don’t like reading unfinished stories.

#5 comments and votes

OK this is both of our opinions :)

Would you rather people just randomly voted on your story without really reading it or posted comments such as ‘love this’ on your first chapter where it’s clear they haven’t bothered to read it? The sad thing is there are a lot of people who do this. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with asking people to vote and comment we feel it’s wrong to vote unless you really like the story and if you’re commenting that you like a story, say what you liked about it so the author knows that you’ve read it :). Authors, please try and acknowledge all comments and votes so that your readers are more inclined to keep reading your story and commenting and voting.


#6 Write about what you know!

OK, there have been too many a time where I’ve started reading what looks like an interesting book but then I find out that the author has no idea what they’re talking about. An example is teen pregnancy, if you’ve never been pregnant but you want to write about it research it! We have libraries full of books, you know people- ask! And most importantly there is this wonderful thing called.... wait for it


Seriously guys make use of what you have around you. If you don’t know about something, you’ve got to research it otherwise it makes your book seem shoddy. Or better yet, just write about what you do know!

My view (JTaimeToi)

MalikaDreams is right; when writing please make sure you know what you’re talking about. Another thing I’ve noticed is that some writers don’t make it clear that they know what they’re writing about, they might not, but we’ll give the benefit of the doubt. When writing make sure it’s clear that you know what you’re talking about. If it’s two people in love or who like each other try and put in some of the feelings/emotions you felt when you liked someone. It goes a long way to having a well written book if you get your facts correct.

#7 Openings

Now I’m not entirely sure of the best way to open stories but you’ve got to make sure they’re interesting. If I read an opening in which I include the prologue and I don’t like it, it’s unlikely that I’ll continue, unless it’s a read for read thing.

If you look at these openings-

“Dad did not look best pleased when he had to come and pick me up from school. In fact I could tell that he was really angry with me because the vein in his neck was distinctly purple and it was pulsating at an extremely fast rate”

“Monique Coleman. 16 years old. Jamaican and Mexican heritage. Kate Strauss. Best Friends. They have both lived on the Eastbourne estate since they were young.  They became best friends the day Kates mum Britta helped Monique’s mum Amari to stand up to Monique’s dad Domingo who was a chronic alcoholic. Domingo seemed nice at first but when he got involved in the wrong crowd to pay for his gambling addiction things took a turn for the worst and one day Amari couldn’t take it anymore. After they kicked him out Monique hoped that her life would improve. Would it?”

They both encourage the reader to want to read on because they catch the reader’s eye. They give a small indication as to what will happen in the story but they don’t reveal so much that the reader is bored because they know everything there is to know

Seconded by me- JTaimeToi :)

#8 Titles, covers, banners and trailers

Titles and covers are important because sadly, as much as the saying says ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ many people do. Covers, banners, trailers are really important as they are quite often a determining factor in whether people read your book. Make sure that they are eye catching and capture the essence of your book. If you don’t have a book cover you don’t have to worry do you ;p- if you want one you can pm me @MalikaDreams and I’ll get back to you.

OK, titles. Now I’ve seen some great titles OK. You know ‘Secret’, ‘The Miller Girls’ (I wonder who’s books they are :p)

On a more serious note these are some great titles


-“The Nerd Girl”

-“Game on Sweetheart”

However, you also get these kinds of titles

-“I love you (boyxboy) or is it (boyxgirl)”- No lie I really saw that title :/

-“My best friend wants to impregnate me”- Oh I wonder what that could be about (note the sarcasm) - to be honest I did like the prequel “My boss wants to impregnate me” but the title does it no favours.

- “Friends with benefits with the English bad boy”

Why reveal everything about the book in the title? Your title is supposed to give an indication of what the book is about but it’s not meant to tell the reader the whole damn story. I find that short snappy titles work best. But there are instances where longer titles are good such as “surrounded by love, decided by fate” @simplysoul.

That’s me done :)

My view (JTaimeToi)

Titles and descriptions are really important. You want to tell the reader enough to make them want to read your book, but you don’t want to tell them the whole story. Short titles are generally best as they encourage the reader to want to find out what your story is about.

#9 Popularity

Arrrgh popularity, the bane of all Wattpad writers; we all want to be popular darling so just stick it. Don’t get me wrong, I want people to read and enjoy my books and some people do. But, I understand that my writing might just not be for everyone and I appreciate the people who do read my book. *S/O GUYS, I LOVE YOU* Seriously. As an author it’s important to appreciate your fans. Another thing, if you’re not willing to read other peoples work, why should someone read yours? Just saying... Popularity is a measure of how much people like your work but personally I feel it’s highly objective. In my opinion you have two types of popularity on Wattpad, those who are good writers and those who are just popular authors. I once started reading a really popular book but then I realised that the story was too jumpy, there was bad grammar and it didn’t hold my interest- I quickly deleted that book.

What I’m trying to say is, whilst we all like popularity it’s not essential. My motto is if it deserves to be popular it will be :), sometimes it just takes patience.

Meh, I agree with MalikaDreams just write, popularity comes if it’s deserved :p ~JTaimeToi

#10 Write damn it!

OK, Wattpad is a writing site so please write :). Actually, don’t write unless you can, but, if you’re only a reader then you relinquish your right to criticise other peoples work. If you’re willing to criticise someone’s work then you must be willing to have it done to your own work. It’s a two way thing. I think writers work really hard and it’s unfair if someone who’s not writing just destroys their work.

On this writing business I’m talking to writers as well. Some writers start a story and then never finish it! This is really annoying, particularly if it’s a really good book *cough- @racingheart -cough* Seriously, I understand we all have really busy lives and some of us have more time to write than others but please, please don’t start writing unless you plan on finishing the story.

My view (JTaimeToi)

Again, I agree with MalikaDreams, if you’re on here then write damn you! OK. Before you go bookie on me I am planning some stories to write, they’ll most likely be short stories though. Anyways, back to the point write because you love it as well. You’ll find that the best stories are the ones the writer enjoyed writing. Readers, please give writers some credit also, writing is difficult.



That is all guys. Ten tips to help you become a good writer :). I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope it helps you :), if you have any further questions just ask. I might come up with more things but for now I’m going to mark it as complete because it is technically complete...

Thanks for reading

~MalikaDreams and JTaimeToi~ 

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