
By KutieCake9567

121 7 2

Jade thought she was average, she had friends, no real bullies and lived just with her mom and dad. It was go... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

19 2 0
By KutieCake9567

In shock I drop my mug "Wha... what is he doing here and how do you even know him?" The whole night was going downhill and then Luke, the boy who flirted with me all day, was standing at my front door. He was holding something in his hand and by the blue glow that illuminated his hand it was like a weapon my parents used not moments ago.

As Luke walks in a man appears right behind him. He is also wearing all black; he looks very much like Luke but with grey hair and a harder jaw line. He gives my dad a stern nod.

With out acknowledging me he turns to the man. "Luke and David please come in; we have some things to discuss."

"What happened?" David asks looking around the room. It wasn't as messy as before but it did look like a stampede of horses ran through our living room. I look to Luke but he was standing beside David. He looked very out of place at my front door almost looking like a guard who would watch over a celebrity. He had changed out of his sweater and jeans for a black leather jacket and black trouser pants.

I hear my mom take a deep breath "It's a long story why don't you take a seat. Jade" She says getting my attention. "Why don't you take Luke and make some more tea? We can talk over everything then." With that she ushers David to take a seat.

Walking to the kitchen seemed longer then normal, maybe it was the though of Luke in my house or maybe seeing what I thought was a cat turn in to some hideous monster.

Once in the kitchen I whirl around to face Luke. He was leaning on the door frame that separated the kitchen to the dinning room. With eyes blazing I pin him. "Why are you here, and who is that man in my living room?" I was on the verge of hysteria.

He takes a breath and unhitches from the door frame. "First I am here because I was called by your father and second the man in your living room is my father." He wasn't looking me in the eyes, which from the one day I have spent with him was not normal.

"That's it? No big explanation? Nothing?" I say staring daggers at him. The look on his face said so much more then what I expected. He looked, what worried? No he looked sorry as if the event of the night were his fault. I dull my stare to what I truly felt, scared. I told my self I wasn't scared but that wasn't true, I'm terrified; that thing I saw... it's changed my look on the boogie man all together. Luke sighs and I look back to him.

"Like I said I am here on business. You will figure out everything as soon as we get back in to the living room." He points his thumb in the direction of the living room ten feet away. His face became stoned, though his eyes faltered.

One question still haunted my brain and while we share this little moment I thought I should ask. "Just one more question, what was the whole thing in the car about?"

To my surprise he eased in to a smirk "That was nothing, it was more like a thanks for letting me in to your life willingly." A hissing sound came from the background and the kettle was done. I go and pour the water in the two mugs laid out for Luke and David. My mind couldn't get off the one word willingly. What have I gotten in to? Some sort of cult? I turn around and place the mugs on the island separating Luke and I. I open my mouth but before I could say anything more he walked out the room with the mug of tea in hand.

I follow Luke in to the living room and sit down on the couch beside my mom who was just getting over her hysteria. Luke went to sit in an arm chair that had claw marks torn in every direction. I look expectantly at my dad wanting to know exactly what was going on here. He was standing with David at his side. He had placed the mug on the now wobbly coffee table with a very stern look on his face. I started at David and with ever second he looked more and more like Luke.

"So you already know what that thing was, now to go on to why it was following you. Since you were little you have been very special. You and your sister were the only pair of fifth generation full bred."

I hold up my hands to stop my dad. "Ok, I need you to start at the very beginning. Before I was born and maybe even before Jane was born. I need everything you've got."

My dad takes a deep breath. "Everything, ok so you already heard our last name is not Edwards its Forthwind. We had to change it because we do not come from this... place. We are from a place called Lignum Vitae, which is Latin for Tree of Life. We moved away two years after we had you. You and Jane were very special to our family. So first you must know both your mother and I are of some of the highest standing people there. Also our families have been close for many centuries. So when we were matched our families were over joyed. For centuries our families have waited for our blood lines to intertwine. It was said when we got married that something would happen to show the true nature of our beings. Once My parents and your mother parents have not had more than one child; this of course was not something they get to choose. Where we come from no one has had more then one child in over three centuries. You are a fifth generation pure bred Forthwind's so to many this was a threat. We had to flee the country so people would not try and kill you and your sister. Your sister, Jane, was about three at the time and you were only one so it was a good time to move so you wouldn't remember the place you came from. When we were getting ready to flee someone came in to our home and killed your sister." I then hear my mother sob and I take her in to my arms. I don't know what to say or do. I don't even know if this is true. He continues. "We were so broken we almost left you alone in our room. You almost got killed as well but we caught the man. We questioned him and he said he was sent by some one name Anastasia. That was all I got out of him before my anger got the best of me. I killed him right on the spot." He takes a shaky breath. "When we got here we already had the house bought. We told all the neighbors that we had moved here because it was so beautiful and amazing to raise a family but it was because it's so far off the map no one would ever find you. Your mother is quite the expert on anti-tracking potions but Anastasia is much stronger. We don't know what she is but we know she is not human." He stops. He looks like he wants to say more but there is something stopping him. I look to my mom and she is staring daggers at my dad. I have a feeling he said too much but I need to know the whole story because if I don't I might go crazy.

"So that's it? What about Luke and the glowing weapons, and the fact that you guys were using them!" I say I don't know why I am taking this so well. I think it's because the rational side of my brain has decided this is all a bad dream.

"Yes I was getting to that. Luke is here because he is your personal body guard. We were hoping you guys had more time to get to know each other but I guess one day will have to do. Also those weapons are enchanted by magic that only our two families can use, also the guardian of our families." He says. I look to Luke who is smiling. I would have loved to punch that smirk right off of his face.

"I know I should really be freaking out right now but all I want to know is there really magic floating around on this earth?" I wave my hands above my head emphasizing the thought. I have always thought the use of magic would be cool. I have read all of the harry potter books and when I turned eleven I waited all day at the door to see if I would get a letter, no luck. I have read so many books about magic and magical creatures. I have always thought it would be cool but now that I know there is real magic I am kind of scared.

My dad looks me dead in the eyes. "Yes there is magic and in the wrong hands it can be used for evil." He was being serious. I know my dad for being the joking type but the look he gave me only spoke truth.

"So what now no school? Do I have stay in solitary confinement till I am eighty? I need to know." All I want to do is make sure I have looked through every possible scenario and all I could think about it Luke. Luke is standing right in front of me saying he is my body guard/guardian. Does this mean he never really liked me? Was it all just an act? I shake my head internally trying to not think about Luke.

"You are going to school for the rest of the month. When your birthday comes we need to be prepared for what is going to happen. When one of our family members turns eighteen there true nature shows. Your mother can't help protect you anymore and we need to make sure your safe. This is why we sent for Luke, he is going to make sure through this week you are not going near any other monsters. He will be staying at our house for this time being. He will also be transferring in to all of your classes as well. Is that understood?" My dad has never spoken with such finality in the seventeen years I have known him. He is standing tall, looking very much like he could rule a country.

"What? Staying at our house? But...but he is a guy and I am a girl. We" I wave my hands between us. "That's not ok in any sense. What if he... I don't know is a creep." I say. This was not going ok. I just found out he is to guard me and now he is moving in. What is Don and Emma going to say?

"Well I am glad you have such faith in me." Luke's says with a sarcastic tone.

"Well I don't even know you!" I say. Now I am getting angry.

My dad walks to my side. "Honey, we need him here. Our spells haven't been working. We are lucky he didn't kill you so from now on Luke will be living in this house." My dad turns to Luke. "Tell your father what I said and be back quickly." My dad waves Luke off and he leaves.

I look to my mom. "Are you ok with this?" I really just want to wake up. This must be a dream.

"I have known his family for a very long time. When I was growing up his uncle watched over me when I was your age. This is his job and it will give you a chance to learn about our family." My mom is walking to the kitchen now. She has not looked me in the eyes since the incident.

"I am going to my room to sort through my thoughts." I go to my room down the hall. I was nice living in a one story house. I don't have to walk very far to clear my head.

I close the door to my room. I slide down it and start to cry. It was all to much and I need to let go. I didn't know who I was any more. My last name is phony and I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not human either. Why would all of this happen to a mere human? I need to get to the bottom of this without my parents knowing. I also need to figure out why Luke is being the way he is. Shouldn't he be more professional than that? Ugh. This is all too much. I got up and put on my pajamas and get in to bed. Maybe I can disappear for just one night although I doubt I will have a normal dream.

I am in the woods again and I am annoyed. I look to the trees and see the owl. I see it and I study it. It's a barn owl. I have seen it before I know I have. It has a snow white face with a brown red heart shape ring around its face. We are staring at each other and I know we have a connection. It hears the snap to the left and we both know who it is. I look to him and its no longer a man it's a woman. Her hair is blonde with the most perfect curls, her skin is bronze and she is wearing a bright blue gown that waves with the wind. It's cold and this is getting on my nerves. I go up to the woman and I must be in ghost form again. I look right at her face and she has the bluest eyes. I am enchanted by her. She stops and looks around. I have a feeling she is looking for the tree. There is an evil presence in the air. Then I see in her hands a red glowing knife. She keeps looking around turning in circles. An ugly expression crosses her face. With anger she cuts her right hand with the glowing blade. Blood spills over her hands and it pools in the snow. I can hear her mumble something but it's in a different language. I can feel me slipping from the dream. I look to the owl and it gives a little nod I have a feeling that this owl is going to give me more information them my own parents.

I am back in my bed now. Why does this always happen to me? I asked myself. Should I tell my parents? Should I only tell Luke? I need someone to trust but I don't know if I should trust him. I'm being lied to so I can't even think about this anymore. I trusted him before but he was working with my parents and I don't know if I even trust them.

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